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Show -- Absolutely Independent Country People Read vwwr The advertisements in the Country Papers, and aa The BLADE ftas the Largest Circulation of any ; Paper in Centra! And Southern Utah, v." It offer the beat possiblp medium for Advertisements Qu ail questions whether Political, Social or Religious, the Blaqk. Truta Without Fear or Favcr," Terms; 2. GO per vasr, in advance, months, ?LO0. s ou MGtto:-4,T- hs NEPHI CITY, UTAH, SATURDAY MORNJNG, AUGUST VOLUME III. 185. 24, l NUMBER U. HONORED THEIR INSTRUCTOR. A POUTIfJAI, AEETIN1 at ExcelSulphur for Sheep-dippinMerc. Co. ?s. sior Miss Ijiottie Kountree, clerk at Hyde The Republicans Moid a Successful PrLittle'e sheap dip at the Excelsior nosing exercises oi tne fiygfen? an and Whitraore?s, has been ill for some Merc. Co.'s. Several Committees. imaryThe Physiological Reform Class, Remember that John S. Painter is weeks, and her conditiqn ia not impro- of to call the the Pursuant Republicans On Tuesday at 2:30 the pupils tha be only Green Grocer in Nephi. vingt evenon a held Saturday Nephi primary been studying in Mrs. Annie Sor-have from for H. dip to H. Pitchforth went eheep Mr. and Mrs. Buy your Sulphur ReState to the to elect six delegates Class met in the Nephi Taher-naclenson's ing 0. Andrews c Co. Prices the lowest. Lehi this week, where Mrs. Pitchforth on be to held Convention AugThe atherins? was a farewell in publican Good pasture. Reasonable terms. met her sister who had just arrived ust 28th in Salt Lake City. honor to Mrs. Annie Sorenson, theii 9 12 Apply to II. II. Pitchforth. from England. Wm. Bailey, Chairman of the Precinct teacher, who departed for the "North pri invitations had Merc. Robert Colonel Burton Mrs. T. and Wednesday's train. the Excelsior I)or. :t forget Campaign Oommittee,presided with E.R. been sent out to people of the neigh-- , Co. is the only place where you can get were arrivals yesterday from Salt Lake. Booth as secretary. The following namboring towns to be piesent on Tuesday i Utah Suyar. Colonel Burton is one of the old and re- ed ladies and gentlemen were placed in in the afternoon and at the" !i l! f Kesist.-rX&-i&(Wear r nomination as delegates, and all those closing o zeroises of evening spected citizens of Utah. Send or go to Mrs. M. A. Gadd's, the Woman's' were the suc- H marked with an asterix choice peaches, pears and plums and Reform Mrs, Chas. Andrews went up Ito the cessful Physiologic3l nominees: Mrs. Jno. S. Cowan, Society,' )f all kinds. Pax-maCapital on Wednesday to select a future Mrs. C. S. Tingey, Mrs. Katie L. Mrs. Annie Sorenson called the peo-- . lt Mrs. Adelbert Cazier, Mrs. Mercy The Democrats held a meeting on home, Mr. Andrews contemplates Adelbert pie to order, and the audience arose', Lake his head quarters for buy- Wright, Mrs. Jno. S. Cooper. Monday and transacted some important ACazier, J. Hvde, Henry Adams, E. and sang: "Do what is right let the. ..'ornmittee business. ing wool, R. Booth, T. C, AVinn and T. L. Foote. consequence follow." E. D. Wickics, I'Jephi's U. P. agent A. Cazier and H, Adams were appointed President Wm. Farm an offered' the In addition to a full line of groceries on th nominations opening prayer. and successor to tellers, over is his balloting office the turning .ve hayj a daily supply of fresh fruits in the selection of names marked "There is music all around when .' to a temporary leave of ab- resulted :reparatary S. with a , The other six were elected al- there's and vegetables. John Painter. love at home," was then rensence which will be used in a visit with ternates. The Junb Stake Academy will open on mis wife to Kansas friends. dered the audience. by to of six Nominations attend delegates An address of welcome and depar-- . to be held in the Convention Judicial Monday nest in Academy Hall. Beaver ,ets the Fifth Judicial District Beaver on Sept. 10th were then made ture was delivered by Mrs. Lucy Fax- Johh T. MjXI.kr, Principal. on Saturday, Sep- with the following names on the blackman who, after a glowing tribute to Democrat,jjCunvention of SouthernUtah know tember Don't the people Mrs. Mrs. board: Katie Mrs. feorensou, referred to the good . will Paxman, the a get n Nephi YOU f lfh. Eighth Mercy CA5Lt iff FHf C 000 POINTS Qf THIS FEttCE hey can save money and time by sending Senatorial District DemocraticGonveution Wriaht, Geo. B'oote, Jno. S. woric she had accomplished, and tbe LC TMC COOO POINTS JUST AO t'l-OF Cooner, E. H. Sparks, Gideon Wilson, interest that had been manifested in their mail orders to MoNal.lv & Lunt? to be held on Monday, September 23rd. J. F. Wright. Henry Adams, J. S. her J B LlVi CO eosrori teachings. Druggists, Nephi. Geo, Udall, and Peter Sorenson. Cowan, more made storm Tuesday night's s Mrs., Car of Sulphur just received by C. nomof Jyate Paxman then, in an .. moved a. the those that J. Hyde coolof A few noise than mud. I drops inees having received the next highest address, set forth tbe labor that has"' & Co. Get their prices before ing moisture was all the recompense number of votes become alternates. The been performed, and outlined the For Sale Only by for the wild display of lightening and motion prevailed. principles and object of Mrs. Sorenson'e were names in Don't tear up the Blade; when you he The following placed of Nature's grand artill nomination as delegates to the Senatorial lectures to the ladies' class or Nephi. , booming have read it pass it to your neighbor principles of physiology, hygiene ' ry, convention to be held in Nepbi on Sept. f he have v tf beeu taught. In their entirety ho, perchance, does not take it. etc, E. H. Sparks, Lorenzo Webb, D. The man that said George Hardy, the 21st: those M. H. comprise the science of principles ExJohn Sheep-me- n J. should know that the Love, Miller, Ellison, root and for had left are C. and Nephi D. in shoemaker, H. Mrs. S. entire harmony with life, Pitchforth, Salisbury, celsior Merc. Co. can supply them with sood. was talking turousrh his hat. Mr Tingey, C. S. Tingey, I. E. Irons, Robt. the gospel, and the gospel with then." at bottom ilard3r was on a visit to Milford and is Ord, and J. A. Booth. Before the baliulphur far Mrs. Sorenson then announced that moved that Mrs. H. F. McCune would deliver a ' Cazier A. ngures. proceeded loting now back at his old stand and, as he those of the twelve names that short lectuie on foregoing influence. James B'gler and family boarded the says, is in Nephi to stay. convento are not elected the Senatorial Mrs. ' McCune handled her 'Milford Express' last Wednesday and subject in an become delegates to the County of tion, W. Jas. and Paxman, manner admirable guperintendant clearly demonconvention to be held in Eureka on Sept, went down to Milford where they will he saddled Excelsior Mercantile strated the Co., 25th. We have the Finest and Larerest Stock of Foot ware great responsibility that remain lor several months. a horse early in the week and is now J. A. Hyde moved that the meeting be rests upon parents in the in.p:ess their ever shown in Jfephi, and although leather goods have advanced from 25 to 100 per cent, we are still Bishop N. P. Ra3mussen and a number rusticating'on the Indian reservation in adjourned to Monday evening. Carried. conduct will haye upon their offspring.. i of Old once save and at read an essay oq other Levan people were visitors to Strawberry valley, that land of fine Prices, Buy at money at selling The adjourned meeting convened on theMrs. Sarah Brown of . ou The Bishop's nama seenery, of glorious days and nights, Monday evening and after the minutes children, and whichtraining Nephi Tuesday most embodied modern and entrie is now on our subscription list. had been read and approved, nominaof game and mountain trout. to of tions attend the delegates County lightened principles of It is rumored that the Freed Furniture Tho other day David Salisbury, who convention to be held in Eureka on Sept. ment. were announced as being in order, Company of Sail Like, have under conIs An essay on the preperatioh for , tending sheep for Ingram Bros, 25th on the and the of a wholesideration the establishment was then read by Miss Kate , following were placedGen. in the Sanpete mountains, met a large blackboard:!1. marriage C. Winn, and Sorenson sale and retail tmsiuess in Nephi. There black bear. Bruin shewd no intention proved clearly that the Wm. Bailey, J. R. Edgheill. had been well studied. is a tine opening here for an enterprise of subject t M. .Chas. D. W. H., and Salisbury openened fire Wilson, Miller, retreating, a can "How and helpful Isaac H. Wm. happy Foster and of that kind,. Pattegrew, with his revolver with the result that Grace. As two of the tellers were absent, maternity be' obtained, "tvvas the title yrSk "ywv10! wpii nB3 O. A. Bates came up from Holden last a very fine bear skin bas been forwaid-ethe chair appointed J. S. Cooper and of an essay read by Mrs Eunice Chap-pell- . T. C. Winn. to his home in Nephi. Sunday and returned on Tuesday. Mr On motion of J. A. Hyde, the rules Sates will teach in the Nepbi Central Mary May then recited a poem . N. B. Hadley, the gentleman whom were and the following named byMiss Miss Matlie McCann of Logan. The School daring the coming term. During The Blade ha3 heretofore mentioned were suspended eieeted b3r acclamation as alternate; recited what woman has been, is poem his short stay The Blade was favored as an arrival from Hillsdale, Mass., has J R. Edgheill, D. M. Miller, and Wm. be. can and with a pleasant call. A CAR LOAD OF COOK STOVES authorized us to say that he has con- Foster, Miss Jennie Bailey, read an essay on On motion a committee of five was ap The Blade is indebted to E. W. Wil- cluded to locate in Nephi and will prac pointed by the chair to seclect five names 'Domestic Economy' AND RANGES. and which was son of Harris and Wilson, Salt Lake, for tice his profession, that of the law, Mr. asaoampaign committee: E. R. Booth, eminently practical. a pleasant visit last Tuesday, and we Hadley Miss Alice Grover read an essay on man cf unquestion- T. C. "Winn, Wm. Bailey, Chas. Wilson INSPECT OUR STOGK. S. Cooper. The following named and J. T tiust that, whenever inNephf, the gentle- able ability and with a 'bright future. r Hygiene. ladies were added to thecommittee:-Mr- s, R. an read Mrs. Annie essay Bryan man will remember that our latch string E. L. Goldsbrough Mrs. F. C.Teasdel and on NEPFII. J. M. Romney, traveling man for 7,. C. Mrs. "social Cazier. A. purity." is always on the outside. M. 1. , came in from the North on Wed Mrs. Nancy FVancom read an origiua' J. A. Pierce of Eureka, estimates the nesday, and after interviewing the addressed to Mrs. Sorenson. poem, Uncle Tom's Cabin number of women that will register in merchants went on to Sanpete on ThursMiss Alice Grover At this juncture . in the his district fat about 250. Less than five day. Mr. Romney has promised The from came Course by Mail Bi Tom's and Uncle vestry bearing abeau- Pavilion, Loyd's at Kodack of shots was the which Blade samples Cabin It is a play that will tilul quilt presented with per cent of the ladies are refusing to reg- the were with TUB and which salt Nebo on behalf ol an Miss pi Grover address works, by never grow old so long as thpre are ister. The male registration will be made a of months since by him and couple Surgeon. been at- - . of who have the I'hysician girls hearts that feel for human wrongs. APITAL Nephi largely increased in Eureka and Mam- e nd Mr. Howard, slso of Z. C. M. I. ITY Don'i fail to sue the errand street parade tending Mrs. treason's class in physi- - . moth. Alf. Orine, who in company with Hencat culture. The recepient of the . torday. Admission 25 and 35 cents. no will man The for flatter address asked to be excused from re- - . Blade the as East far went a3 ry Painter, recently COMMERCIAL sake of a subscription, nor will it pat Chicago with 12 car loads of sheep, has plying, and was visibly affected by the OFFICE Train Talk. uulooked-l'o- r token of regard. any man on the back and hypocritically returned to Nephi. It was Alfa first At the Goldsbrough Hotel, To Advertise Our College the carried grocMiss also tendered . Little freight Wednesday's to him make believe he is qualified outing over the boundary lino of Utah, try HOURS: We Will jjlve a thorough course of ina on to over of the i B. of lines behalf T. few Eureka Foote stock tuuehing for some position for the purposo of and he returns with greatly enlarged ery and single entry 2 to 4 p, m. vas , ot a struction in double busiana members class: the smaller his will establish Foote where Mr. and Commercial Arithsecuring first chance at news items, or views of distance and peoples. When- ness. followed by a number of other little. . metic by mail, Free of Charpe, to a with a hope of securing ads. Not much. ever The Blade gets in a pinch for belp, limitied number of nersons, Tbis course 4 Utah. Misses in a song .;nd orgrn accompaniNephI, 8 will ie completed in forty lesns. No who is a good typo as well as sheepOn Tuesday John Dewsnup, one of ment. Alf, Drs. Klleroeclc 0 Ilynds will man, cheerfully responds to a call, as he Deseret's merchants, and Mr. and Mrs. President Paxman made a few re- - . charjge for Diplomas. Address Capital City'BBBssss extract teeth positlrely without has on this number. Mack Webb of Oak City, were south- marks commeudatory of Mrs. Soren S. of Kansas Dr. J. Commercial College, City, Hynds formerly son's labor here in Nephi. bound passengers. t pain, r there will be no charges Mo. and later of Springvilc, and Dr. P. O. Drawer B. A - TOPEIA. KAS. h l announced Mrs. Sorenson that north-bounon had special Tuesday's made, no Gas, Ether or ChloroEllerbeck formerly with Dunford & would be rendered, and , Odd Fellows, program about board ibso-luteof Nephi Lake sixty dentists Salt ly Ellerbeck, surgeOn clas drill culture the form simply a local agent short by physical City, will be In Nephi from Sept. 2d to 7th about 75 more boarded the cars at Pay-so- in the Central school house at 8 p. m, harmless but effective. and before the train reached Salt and will be prepared to do all latest work "In tin' t The audience arose and The Missouri IPacific R'y, Don C. Brian on Thursday, came up known to modern dentistry. Bridge and Lake it was loaded to the platforms with sweet by and bye," when asang banediction Will promptly fill, all orders for from Leamington, a distance of 25 miles Crown work or teeth without plates a the I. O. O. F. excursionists. The mil- was pronounced. Gold, aluminum and rubber itia excursion crain was also loaded. As per announcement the physical If"1ou are going: to by the Dog valley road, on his bicycle in specialtysilver-golFine platenla-ticlass met in the Central school gold, plates2i hours. Arriving here Mr. Brian sold '8 train carried Apostle F. M. culture and Insoluble Tuesday went and oxyphosphate fillings through the regular drill his wheel and boarded the S. P. V. R'y Kansas City, of Tooele, and Edgar Clark of which was intermingled with songs and. ; at reasonable inserted prices. Lyman artistically for Loa, Wayne County, where he has a All work St. Louis guaranteed to be satisfactory Parowan to Southern Utah, Mr. Ly- recitations as follows: Song by thi . He has lost faith in the Leaming- In every respect. ranch. and man's visit to Iron County has, very Misses Bertha May and Josephine. Chicago , ton smelter industry. a who The Bryan; Recitation, "Poverty Fat," by boy following concerning likely, no significance when considered Mi's New York, , i May Grover; Soug by Wm. and P. N. Baum, an attorney, arrived was born and reared in Nephi, taken from in connection with the report that the a Bailev Kate and Miss recitation by from Beaver last Thursday and will the Tavlorsville corrospondence to tbe A Bicycle Highway. On any other gentleman's name has been mentioned Mrs. F. VV. Chappell, be of to will interest Via locate Mr. Baum see in he ticket reads Murray American, says Nephi. point East as a probable candidate for governor. that:your A company has been formed in MilwaThe folding partition bad been believes the Republicans will nominate many of our readers: "Solon Brown, a is learned it Hawkins an Conductor son met of of thrown who From with Homer tbe for the Brown, open and the north room fined ukee purpose constructing Tft Missouri Pacific B'y. elevated Denny of Beaver for Juuge of serious accident of a fractured skull, from that the recent storm in tbe region of with a large Presley and appreciative audience road between that city the Fifth, and that John W. Christian, bicycle a horse, and who has F from thrown being in ever was wildest known the mile9. and Chicago, a distance of eighty risco, also of Beaver, will be the choice of the been speeehless and nearly unconscious and Superb Eigan Coaches, Quick,Time elevata Sixteen pounds of Utah sugar for wooden construct to is that show to over two locality. In addition to the damage FavThe for weeks, begins sign3 line thePeople's plan Democrats for the same position. of recovery ; he speaks a few words now to the track, tbe water poured down one dollar. J. S. Painter orite Rciut a. ed road sixteen feet wide on nearly a D. Jones, one of Provo's attorneys, and recognizes his friend3. Dr. Ferrebee from the eastern mountains on this side J. in terminous have the and straight line, .confidence in his final re- of in on expresses arrived on Nephi full to Monday's train, each city as near the business center as Milford, and filled the canal Additional LocalsLeave Ogden r fi:35 p'. in. ' covery." to were washed business relative minthe sale banks m. The of 7:00 ; . the i p. Leavje Pueblo A American the possible,-sayCyclist. down from Four mile away and the bottoms flooded. Hail 5:45 p. m. Ja. R. Blackin was S. T. Pearson, auditor S. P. Y. R'y Kansas City . property of Benjamin D. Thomas, canyon m. week and furnished stones, many of them as larg e as hen's was in the toll between the two cities of ten cents ing early Arrive St. Ixmis .... 6:1. town yesterday. deceased. The sale came m. , us with a few items relative to the out9:30. m. Arrive Chicago. fell to a depth of six inches befor ils use will be charged, and the pro- Wm. A. Xoose of Prdvo off at 5. p. auceggs, for coal look home rabGeo. Luiht is erecting a handsome coming during the being the Smith's and Milford. Jack moters estimate that it would be patronat the mine tween work smashed - winter. windows C. W. A. and Development were for northwestern part ,of in residence other tioneer. killed, bits rjarBryan, by at least 20,000 wheelmen. ties, bought several thousand .shares for is progressing favorably with an en- in the residences of the farmers. Orch- town! Gracethe ;t Upon he nearest tieket agent or address' ized weekly are doing the work Bros, road have been prepared couraging increase of thickness of the ards were stripped of fruit and foliage, Plans for-thfl, B, KOOSER. &. Pasa. Agt. for Claims 225'each. f25. The claims vein. Mr. Black says there Is a six inch and the lucern beaten down and but litCommercial Freight returned last Wednes- , and the work will begin as soon as the are situated in the Tintic district. Ilehry Painter of clay underlying the coal, and tle of it can be cut. A gang of section stratum I S. II. STINSON, , to a from has been trip Chicago. He reports which, will afford them an excellent men were forced to take refuge under day right of way into the two citiesTraveling Pass. Agt. tc is a but pleased very pleasant trip Drs. ' Ellerbeck & Hy nds come gouge for undermining the coal. Over- their hand-ca- r to keep from perishing. Salt Lake Cityi'Utali obtained. Bicycle riders will have the t he hands home and return grasp again is a coal the bed of which shale L free level lying a Or(H.C.trOW-VSENI- . of perfectly road, north-boun- d e advantage train of his friends. recomended from le ading works easily and wherever necessary to On Wedenesday'sn of ieiieral Pass, and Ticket Agent. fiio. end from all vehicles and other obstacles, highly " more room can be cut out at trifl- were Leamington, mate St.. Louis, of aur sporting one of Thomas their citizens communMr. Painter, will to road the of addition Getty, T. in cleaves this, coal Minneapolis. respective The J. Getty and, ing expense. readily citizens, accompanied by Earl Mao: 4 both walls, and in connection with it Will be remembered by our readers, afford a special track lor' long distance ities and it is a good opportunity fromfoot in some months Miss Liiilie Black, Miss Ada ., since, and be soft can the grum, walls agent,' Was cheaphanging races. and Notisa of Administrator's Sale. on Rattler the of their road negotiating a bond for the people of Nephi to get their ly mined. The wash-o- ut Taylor apd Miss Pell. Kendall .hay5 4 of mining "claims in for referred to Meban did Blade The group last Pat the past few days been pleasuring by week, In the Arms of Death. of; teal and Personal Property- work - done without going to Salt but little damage, and was soon repaired. the Detroit districts For some reason iu thecanyoo.but earij im.o, The road" is completed to about halt the there was a hitch in the business and week and report, a returned time. enjoyable. very x advice.Examinations and Of Tieriv-vIVl-Lam and f Xotief ill DUrSOaffCe finally distance to the mine.' The upper" half, ' thp matter drazered along W. Jenson,wife of A t.it Mrs.' Antpinette Trder of, the Probate Court of Juab County .t This week Wm. and Orson Johnson, however, will take more than as much drooped into a conditionuaaof 4inocuousv 'tah Territory, made and entered on the 10th W. Jenson, ou Sunday, stepped into a given free. unu man, rom t wu force avir.vjeii-with and the another desuetuae.' and Work, again Stevens present a in her afeide George from the Av 1895 In the matter' of ar of August D. pairr will require about six weeks to complete. Leamington for the purpose of. resurrectThe stockholders oi the Nephi post bole, but under-'gaiestate of 'in-t- il Holden came up with four .U&mr. apd 4 Norton, Deceased, the Bell no injury special an abundance of poles,, house-log- s ing the deal and has succeeded and the took There experienced is knee, ato atit'e n and Merc, adniiniatrator of Baid estate, will Mfg.! Inst' held' their back with them several thousand, of several hours, Mrs etc. in the upper , portion of the work of development of the Pat Mehan 17. S. Gold coin subjeet a lapse Jrljate ealje for o in Neth annual vestrv lumber and a large lot of.shin . bi of the soon ;begin and feet meeting "oafirmation by sail Probate Court en Mon-'la- y in a. delicate condition, and it least, willMr. canyon,' and those that expect to haul group, at as nor on! his to be used for Holden r5Sjdepce ,,. Tabernacle the was the 9th day-o- September A: E. 1895 at resl-ncphi4 neither gles Getty turn Out continued, Moaday evening. from Four milecoal-mecanyon should, finally discovered that her injury nur of H 4'clock a. ra. of: said day" at the the n We repeat, Kephi, can become a great sufferito complete the associates have lost confidenpe in The financial report; p! Stint. T. H. Q. and assist ihe. of aaid .admtriiHtrator- - in the- Cltytof was of an alarming natures After '.. Mr.Overson accompan distributing point. "It is notjust ncr mniy to wait camp or.group. last was subtii tted and accented . work. thole she Parkes 'ephi juai County.'. Utah Territory, the fol- ng-intensely away, passed .to order in Lake to Salt Mr. Gettv now are iprf men until that low ing. dlHtiribed real and personal property U- - Capdlapd, struggling ' n w funeral Services were The Board of directors reported a divi- along a rnii r from An ta n.a the former. so .reports . liegistrorof V. ' wit iv.TWe south for' lack of means to complete the of lot 4 block '5. plat 'C" Monday.-tvwThe the or relief toe the result second ward Nephi registration, ia,,, "f the Neplii nurvey of Tovs nsite lots in iNephi hM in society dend of ten per cent. Which was also ac- - road and 'then rush in and reap the bene- if. nnrlars' fnnrl, will have charge t ity Juab County, Utah Territory .Also one .. jin auumuu to the dividend fits because' there is no Utah; law- that work. follows: ; Males. 436; females ,375. Xhere at 4 p. ni. President cepted. half acre of the waterM of Salt Creek; one bay hali. on .Tuesday a is reserve thereon fund 09 names on. last , year--lisand healthy are In ...that. was present; the mattor'of the their rights spoke hand.' The orwe about 10 year.- old, one cow and. calf 13. Wm. Faxmafrotects found at.,,thir .residences. named the were following persons road. oereuveu not,. It? we Read You Dlf - two ' to ndharnewn .jV comfort of work lauuuy words of one 't were elected to serve' as officers for the Prs'old, have moved away, and others ... Pigi . frionos. and The Capital City Commercial 'College Some " year: N Wi. Sohofield,'- - Presi ensuing Hid for ihe Bald Adhome. Many of tbe latter of were the from Read the m pmperty Denmark born" purchase was Mrs. M. A. Grover, Mrs Jenson will.be received by the- Kail adtnluistratotc- - at offering dent; a this in card paper has doubtless. Will Show tin dnrlnir t rm Taai Read the ad. headed "Free Course h'y Mail Did R. J,, Ord; 3. G.'fJrd and Francis ''iJreKidertce. Zkxoh Whitakkp 41 years ago last vAprU". Five children of persons. a .number' week of Admin istrato r of tiie etat xtt Diuisi lias registration, It tionfreeto Sella as Directors. A vote of thanfcsfva" ttith tlie Capital City Commercial College-are left mothers by " 11 si" fyorifeaifttr fbr-tt: Is ff oSlcersr fl, jnf tkttelC Apply epdered LOCAL g INKLINGS. i e. ! s L Ne-fo- n, mak-ngSa- , - ( " An-Jrr-w- uy-m- g. 9-- 11 ., '( sheep-dippin- g pre-nat- al . , MBKCN TLB CO . child-govern- -' Leaders in Low Prices. Mc-Cun- e. . 34 AT; COOPER, PYP d GO'S. & - , mm t 'soung - j To-Nigh- i Dr. G S.Ho smer, FWUB to-nigh- t- . c : i Book-keepin- g RS.iVLA.tiADD, 1 d NEPHI, n, i j - Fresh Fruits n d - Vegetables. . . over-flowin- s An-iv- g. e : e - - i - L , I ' w old-tim- -- , Chris-Overs- I o . f . . I , Co-op- er d JDk-usil- la ch Jen-sonw- as . ; - , e. . - - . - - , - . 5 . ) t - : ' . - . . , t . - : - i3?' - Vice-Presiden- ed. t; . . " tho-acl.-mitl"ii- the-retiri-n- -- - t -- i, t. . -- t V, , ' : |