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Show A SLATE JFltO'31 BOYHOOD. (From the Red Wing, Minn., Republican.) now . tl tm if twenty-fou- r Latin-India- n years old,' ard Swanson. of White Rock, uootfhue County, Minn., to a Republican representative, "and as you can see I Am not very large of stature. When I Ven vea-rold I became afflicted a sickness which baffled the skill And. knowledge of the I was not taken suddenly illphysician. but on the contrary i can hardly state the exact time when It began. The first symptoms were paJns in my back and restless nights. The disease did not trouble me much at first, but it seemed to have settled in my body to stay and my bitter experience during the last thirteen years I proved that to be the case. was of and course a child never dreamed of the sufferings in store for me. I complained to my parents and they concluded that in time I would outgrow my trouble, but when they heard me groaning during my sleep they became thoroughly alarmed. Medical advice was sought but to no avail, I grew rapidly worse and was soon unable to move about and became confined continually to finally cay bed. The best doctors that could be had were consulted, but did nothing for me, I tried various kinds of extensively advertised patent medicines with but the same result. "For twelve long years I wa-- thus a UfCerer In constant agony without remy body in spite, abscesses formed onworld Indeed the and succession rapid looked very dark to me. About thi3 time when all hoi? was gone and noth-to ing seemed left but to resign myselfwas my most bitter fate my attention called to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People. Like a drowning man grasping at a straw, in sheer desperation I concluded to make one more at(I dare tempt not to regain my health not to hope so much) but If possible to Im, a girl whose supple, rounded form pos sessed perfect grace, and as she came forward W climbed to the top of Goat Polet ed on herHalwston started as he gaz beauty. Hill, senor," said Chonita, ana 'My daugter, l, Juan. The Sweet Kitty, my sweetheart, dark eyes her raised girl And we watched the moon make stars to meet his, and her clear, on the waves skin became suddenly tinged with her And the dim white ships go by; blood. "She can shoot,v consouthern While a throne we made on a rough tinued Juan, as he handed her the rifle; " stone wall, "si senor, even better were we, and Queen And a King A flock of chattering parrots passing arm about Kitty with my sat I And dverhead caught his eye. Glancing at ' me. arm about her with she And them, then at Rawlston, he cried: "One shot, senor, permit her?" in the mad was moonlight, water Rawlston nodded; then watched the The And the sand like gold where it girl as she raised the gun, saying: "'See! the one in the lead" a report, shone, And our hearts kept time to the music and the bird fell, a mangled mass of flesh and feathers. As we sat in that splendor alone. She handed the rifle to Rawlston, And Kitty's dear eyes twinkled her Hps parted, and her bosom slightbrightly, While I sat with my arm about Kitty ly heaving with the momentary excitement. Again their eyes met; then And she with her arm about me. she turned and hurried back to the roHTT YEARS AKTKK. s s olive-brow-n v , Last night we drove in our carriage, To the wall at the top of the Mil, And though we're forty years older, We're children aud sweethearts still. And we talked again of that moonlight That danced so mad on the sea, When I sat with arm about Kitty And she with her arm about me. jacal. His. gaze followed her, and half unconsciously he was dreamily comparing her with another, a blue-eyed woman of the north, who suddenly he noticed that she was bare footed. He seated himself on a bench near the doorway, vaguely watching his men as they unpacked and removed the saddles from the steaming mules, and gazing even beyond, out over the mountains to where rested a dense bank of clouds, from which darted occasional flashes of lightning followed by low bellowing peals of thunder that rolled with great hollow echoes across the heavens. The rain fell on the thatched roof above him with a muffled pattering sound, and he rested there, lost in reverie, dreaming of her who awTaited him in a distant city, his promised wife. After a while Chonita came to the door and told him that his supper was ready. Dreamily he heard her voice and raised his head. She stood with her dark hair falling in a disordered mass over her shoulders, one bare arm half raised and resting on the doorsill her body paitly turned, showing the beautiful lines of her figure as she hesitated, as though fascinated by his look, and gazed into his eyes as a little child might, and yet not, for there was to her a strange attraction about this Americano, this man of the Saxon race who was so unlike the men of her own, that caused her heart to flutter wildly. He looked at her for a long while, and then arose. She drew aside to allow him to pass into the house, and, as he did so, a gust of wind blew her hair across his face. During the' months that followed, Rawlston became a frequent visitor at the little rancho, stopping over night while traveling between the mines and Guadlupe y Calvo. He was always sure of a welcome, for he had won the lasting friendship of Juan by loaning him his rifle and allowing him all the cartridges he could shoot away, and that of the senora, Juan's wife, by presenting to her at the .very first the most- gaudy dress-patterthat he could find in all Guadalupe. The girls. Chonita's sisters, looked forward anxiously to the days of his arrival, for he never forgot 1o bring them dulces. But with Chonita it was different; for while she longed for his coming; it was not for what he might bring her, but for him alone; for at last, and for the first time in her life, love had come to her. One afternoon, as th3 glory of the sunset spread slowly across the valley, Rawrlston rode up to the rancho, where finding no one at home, he left his mule and climbed the trail that led to a little spring in a gulch back of the house. Chonita was there filling an olla, but she did not hear him as he approached, not until he stood at her side; then she started, and as she arose, she slipped on the wet clay, and would hare fallen had he not caught her in his arms. He felt her tremble as he held her, and drew her closer to him, asking: "Are you hurt, Chonita?" ''No, senor," she replied. He saw her lips quiver, and, as she raised her face to his, he read from the depths of her eyes her secret, and he bent and kissed her, murmuring "Sweetheart!" Then he released her and stood leaning asrainst a tree, watching her as she descended the d, fair-haire- The throne on the wall was still standing. But we sat in the carriage last night For a wall is too high for old people Whose foreheads have linings of white, And Kitty's waist measure is forty, While mine is full fifty and three, So I can't get my arm about Kitty, Nor can she get both her about me. Life. ease my pain. "I bought a box of the pills and they seemed to do me cood. I felt encourtheir use. After aged and continued I was six boxes up and able to taking walk around the house. I have not felt iS so well for thirteen years as during the I have taken past year. Only one yearand I am able Dr. Williams' Pink Pills now to do chores and attend to light He Loved Clionlta. Dnt He Did Not duties. Hide V wuy . "Do I hesitate to let you publish what I have said? No. Why should I? It is Far out in the wilds of the Mexican the truth and I am only too glad to let It ether sufferers know my experience. Is Sierras, about one day's travel west of cup of misery may help those whose was Guadalupey Calvo, the trail leading to In the past." as mine as full y Morales leaves the ridge along which Dr. Williams' Pink Pills contain, in a it climbs and plunges down into the condensed form, all the elements necesof the Canon de Muerto, there depths to the sary to give new life and richnessnerves. in out and amid the pines winding shattered restore and blood and the it bowlders restore until reaches and the ford the build blaod, up They of a stream, the Rio Chieo, which glow of health to pa) and sallow cheeks. Pink Pills are sold in boxes (never in rushes through the gorge and on in its loose bulk) at 50 cen'-- a box or six boxes wild flight for the sea. Down this for J2.50, and may be had of all drugtrail, late in the afternoon of a day gists, or direct by mail from Dr. Wilsome few years ago, rode a young liams' Medicine Company, Schenectady. Rawlstou. the new manJack maxi, X. N. ager of the Alta Mining Company, then on his way to take charge of BIRTHPLACE OF POTATO. L to-da- s AMliloarl Town Claims the Honor of First Producing It. county promises to be famous In history as the birthplace of Some of the local the Irish potato. botanists of Independence have discovered this fact, and have traced the lineage of the vegetable, which is now known to every table in the world aa the "Irish potato," back to its birthplace, Little Santa Fe, in the southern part of this county, says Kansas City Jackson Star. The botanists gire the name of the plant from which the potato grew aa "dloscorea batata," and feel confident In their assertion that the history of the potato can be traced back to the town of Little Santa Fe. Dr. Baln botanist and geollard, a had in his ogist, possession yesterday a to be a speciwhich he claimed plant men of the "dloscorea batata."- found at Little Santa Fe. By tracing the plant back some 300 years the doctor aya that undoubtedly the dloscorea batata was the progenitor of the Irjsh potato. It appears that the aborigines, of this section knew tho ajrt or propagation of plants by cultivation from their wild state, and by such knowledge produced the tuber now so generally in use and found on every table. "It la a matter of history," said the doctor, "that the potato was first used aa an edible by the Indians near what Is now known as Little Santa Fe, Jackson county. Mo. From there it became an article of barter. The edible was so palatable that its use spread rapidly and became common among the Indians In Virginia. The potato fell Into the hands of Sir Walter Raleigh in Virwell-know- - so-call- ginia, who recognized a good ed, thing "chen he saw It. Sir Walter took it on cne of his trips to Europe, and by reason of the soil and climate of Ireland it at once became a staple article of food, hence the name Irish potato." BIG VESSELS FOR THE LAKES. They Will, Ere Long, Do the Great Bulk of the Carrying Trade. Plans already formed settle the ques-;t!o- n whether lake steamships 400 feet jlong or upward, with a capacity of car-- ; rying 6,000 tons of freight at a load, "will be common after the opening Qf the channels twenty feet deep through all the shallows between Duluth and Chicago, and the port3 of Lake Erie. no longer a doubt that such ;There-lYessels will rapidly rdultiply ;mon3ter 'within tho next few years, and they are 3 certain toj do a great part of the carry - Iztgy trade, of the lakes, perhaps mo3t lot it, before the end of the century. rThe .steamships already contracted for land those; which are certain to be built before next spring will undoubtedly so far surpass all vessels now in U33 4n ability to make money at low rates for freight that other vessel owners will be forced to follow the pioneers In this latest step forward in the construction of ' .splendid lake carriers. of tonnage such Even an ;as Is veryilikely to be the result, will not prevent the work of replacing small craft with steamers of the largest size from going on steadily. In one sense It will hasten the change, says Cleveland Leader. Only the biggest yessels can: make money In such seasons of general for cargoes, and in order to continue the business the owners of old boats must let them go and put in commission steamships so,ual to any on'" the, grea$ lakca. .' over-supp- ly over-competiti- on their mines near Morales. He wTas slicker, wrapped close in an for the rain was falling as it falls only in the mountains of Mexico. Reaching the ford, he drew his mule in under the shelter of an overhanging bluff and impatiently awaited the coming of his men, whose shouts and curses could be heard in the canon-sid- e above as they urged to greater speed some half a dozen slowly picking their way down the slippery trail. As they drew near, one of the men, Pancho, who acted as guide, hurried to Rawlston's side and, pointing to the stream, now a rushing torrent, cried, "Valgame Dios, the Little River Is very great this day! There is much water senor, and deep. We no can when it cross; not until will be well. Si, senor, en la manana 'sta 'ueno." man! We can't "Yes, but camp here; there is not enough lerel ground to raise a tent on. Get us out of this," exclaimed Rawlston. "Senor," replied the man, as he drew his wet serape closer about him, "a little rancho lies down the river a short way, where lives Juan Montano. Will the senor go there?" "Will the senor go there!" shouted Rawlston. "Yes, confound you, hom-brthe senor will. Move on." With a cry of Vamo nos!" and swearing great mouth-fillin- g Mexican caths at his assistants as well as at the mules, Pancho started the train down the canon on its way to a little valley of just a few hundred acres, nestled there where the gorge widened out as either wall spread away in great broken ridges, sweeping grandly off to the south. It was hardly a rancho, this place of Juan Montano's, only a few small patches of growing maize and frijoles, amid which, in a grove of pines, rest- ed a house of logs w 1th a wide por- tico roughly thatched with bundles of while a jacal a roofed of palisade poles, chinked and cover-e- d with adobe mud adjoined the house at one side, serving as a kitch- oil-ski- n pack-anima- - ls w, to-nig- ht, e, "Ad-e-lan-t- corn-stalk- e! trail. ap- - proached from across the valley.a dog gave the alarm, and an elderly man, Juan himself muffled in a serepe and slowly puffing at a cigarrito, came out into the portico, while at the low door- way of the jacal, amid the whiffs of smoke from the fire within, appeared a brown-face- d woman and behind her three girls, shyly peeping forth at the stranger as he drew up and asked for accommodations for the night "Si, senor," replied Juaan to his re- quest; "dismount and come in from-thrain. My house is at your service; senor entrar," and he took the Winchester that Rawlston handed him, giving it a lingering glance as he placed It carefully against the wall. "And supper, senor," he continued; "will you have supper? Si? 'Sta "ueno," and. reaching up, he seized one of a number of chickens parched beneath the roof, wrung Its neck, tossed it to the woman, saying: "For the senor; and coffee and milk pronto! And give to the mozos' of tortillas and frijoles a plenty." Turning and with "Permit me, sen- or," to Rawlston, who was engaged In removing, his wet slicker, Juan drew the Winchester from Its scabbard and critically examined it, exclaiming as he did so. "Muy bonito carbino, senor. Once I possessed one;not like senor a carbine but caramba! anthis, Indian stole it may the devil take his soul and I am too poor to buy another. I miss it much, senor, for It furnished me meat. Why, only yesterday morning two deer stood just over " He there eating the corn, but for then an, caller: instant,paused .Chonita. mla, come here." of A girl clad In simple.-garmentlie f Jacal rein material. passed rpucU j j e en-tra- ; . -- . He had not been totally unconscious at first it seemed to him but the admiration of a mere child; but now he undrestood, and it wrought a strange influence over him. He knew that his love was strong and true for the woman who alone bound him to the life he had left behind, yet he felt how easy it would be, were it not for her, to drift into the customs and modes and morals of the people of that fair Mexican land, for there was a certain charm in their easy-goin- g languorous life, with its and its rest fulness, that had beauty to him from the very first. appealed In some strange way that he could not understand and yet which seemed perfectly natural to him. he longed to remain there, away from the world, as it were, until the end; and he pictured her, his affianced wife, there with him, and he laughed. His reverie was not broken, the woman alone changed, and he wondered what life would be with Chonita just for a time. And Chonita! she reached the house and hurried to her room, where she dropped before a little shrine. "Oh, Dios!" she said, "I am so glad! What have I done that I should be so happy! Thank you God." Slowly night came on. Supper was over, and the room was dimly lighted by a sputtering tallow dip and the faintly flickering blaze of the open fire in the jacal adjoining. Rawlston leaned back in his chair, slowly smoking and watching Chonita ,as she moved about putting away the supper things, and he became duly conscious of a desire to take her in his arms again, to hold her and feel her trem- j j the-kitche- . Juan had been cleat hi rlfl which Rawlston lnd 'l wM him to , m p u re Blood ' Hood's Sarsaparilla . Hood's QQlBl fop your V :7 S I 0 mr-enr- y. I 3 i IV 0 ill n, . ! " nriL - j - kl - After awhile she brought him a cup of coffee and took from his saddlebag a flask of cognac that he always . ! mmm ble. carried there,, and; placed, it on the table at his side. He touched her came a look hand, anfl into her ey? SL'SfiS as though ZlSto speak, ft but ?!! her father entering the room, she turned away and sank In a huddled heap on the floor, a r 1 mm j r, use for a week past, and seating him f him, slowly passed to where his mule at the table, giving the gun a few awaited and slowly: mounted, bhe ran finishing touches with a greasy rag, after him, stretched out her arms, a he exclaimed, "Ahsenor, it is a grand cry was on her lips. Some one caught her by the arm gun. Madre de Dios, but the shots I made! I would give my soul for such and said: "No use running after him, girl. He is gone for good. You will a one!" "Not being the devil, Juan, I cannot have to find another lover." Through her tears she saw at her take your soul, but what else will you side tall, lank Texan, who had ar.' two riveda early gve me?" said Rawlston. that morning from the "Senor, I have nothing but my a mine with message for Rawlston. Upon your charming, gifted youth, litburros and a cow I might spare a The world with Joy is looking; "Gone for good!" she echoed. "No! tle maize and frijoles, too, perhaps." ' of your dainty arts, in sooth, But to me!" back is He comjng is dalntest The cooking. Rawlston langhed then poured some "Like hell he is! The new boss says Su. cognac Into his coffee, drank it, and, he is going north to marry another said: back the wall, against leaning girl. You won't see him again," and A French Idea. "Juan, I'll" give you the rifle if you will the Texan turned toward the corral to In the French market and at the give me his mule. get "What?" cried Juan. "Gone!" she cried. "Lied to me and family grocery stores Qfto New Orleans make veg"Chonita." to marry no! God in heaven, housekeepers desiring gone Juan sprang to his feet and Rawls- she shall not have him, he is mine!" etable soup can, with cents, obtaia ton reached for his revolver, but he and, with her eyes flashing with rage, what is known as a "soup setr" consishad no need. The father turned to the she caught up her father's rffle, which ting of a section of cabbage, a fe with girl and led her to Rawlston, placing rested against the house the gun eprays of parsley, one larce potato,' hurand been she had her hand in his, saying: "It is well, which bought carrot and onlo. senor; si, 'sta 'ueno; You are rich and ried after him. Vf VVtnt o lluy It was only a little way; then she will be good to her. Yes, it is well," and City County, the rifle to her BONDS and WARRANTS. School and the mother, coming from the paused and threw "Jack-TacCorrespondent mio!" solicited k MORRIS & WHITEHEAD kitchen, nodded her head, smiled and shoulder, calling,all .Denver, Colorado liuliaing, the tenderness of Branch:Cooper and then, with echoed, "Yes, it i3 well." And Chonita,, tier of Com Bldg., Portland, Or Chamber soul, "Sweetheart!" she was very happy, for she was but who called on tho k. He turned in his saddle. It was ana editor a child of nature. more Inside matter. little for he tender a a was There report; inflash, The home to which Rawlston took an to side for side from swayed her, his quarters at the mine, seemed, stant, lunged forward, and fell to the 1 furcomfortable their with meagre yet dead. George Warren Stealey. ground nishing, a perfect palace to Chonita, and the clothing that came from GuaA SOLDIER'S L.OST FINGERS. Manifests itself la hives, pimples, boil. dalupe for her use amazed the girl. was and other eruptions which disfigure the She could not understand that she to wear slippers and stockings every Tlie Discovery He Made on Revisit face and cause pain and annoyance. By ing: the Field of Chlckamaasb. purifying the blood Hood's Sarsaparilla day, neither why she was to dress her hair. At first it grew irksome to her Of all the wonderful war stories that completely cures these trouoies and clears to remain dressed as he would have have been set afloat since the terrible the skin. Hood's Barsapanlla overcomes that tired, drowsy feeling so general at her, and at times, coming home, he of of the this John 60s, Sammons, days saw the her would find her as he first this season and gives strength and vigor. one loose garment, her hair in disor- county, has started one of the most re der and barefooted. When he would markable. Sammons is a responsible remonstrated she would laugh and Is the only true blood purifier prominently throw her arms about her neck and man, a good farmer, who stands high kiss him, but after awhile she grew among his neighbors, and whose re in the public eye today. $1 ; six for $5. accustomed to her new mode of dress. sponsibility has never been brought constlpa. i i Pills cure habitual n ice to ceuis. The days passed into months, but Into question. He was a brave sol to not the did Rawlston they bring ease of life he had hoped for when dier of thd Confederate army, and was he brought Chonita to his home; and one of those who participated in that he wondered why the ideal was al- bloody tragedy on the banks of Chick-amaug- a ways more beautiful than the real. Creek on the 18th of SeptemAfter all, it had only been an experiment, and it had failed; yet even had ber, 1863. During the hottest of the it not, he realized that eventually he engagement Sammons found himself would have returned to the old life n an exposed position, with shot and for the sake of her who awaited him shell playing high revel around him, there. Then he thought of what and he sought such shelter as was af- Any size you 80 to 66 would come to Chonita, the child who forded by a large oak tree which was want, loved him so, after he was gone; for in direct line of fire. While handling Inches high. 1 to S inleave her he must, and his soul cried his piece a bullet struck his gunstock Tires ches wide hubs to fit any out within him against, not so much and cut off the two first joints of the axle. was what he had done, as what he forefinger of his right hand as clean as Cost Save a reaa knife would have done it. The dis- times Inmany do. to about to hare set One evening he sat before the fire in membered finger dropped among the son of low wheels his quarters, engaged in looking over leaves, and as he was more particular to lit your wajron f o r h aull ng the weekly mail, while Chonita rested about saving the balance of his body errain, fodder, man- V A I Y at his feet, cuddled in a little heap than about rescuing as little a thing ure, hogs, Ac. No in the warmth, and with her head pil- as a missing finger, he made the best resetting of tires Catl'prr. MAddress lowed against his knee. The loose of his way out of the fight, far Empire leaves of a letter that he had been his bleeding hand as best he stanching O. Box 83, Quincy P. could. The war was fought to a finish and reading slipped from his hand, scatover from them and the floor, came back home and went Sammons tering arose a faint perfume that caused a to work, charging up his maimed hand pang of jealousy to enter the girl's to the losses of the Confederacy. Some heart, for she knew it was from a time ago he decided to revisit the batA SPECIALTY ondTrT woman from whom almost every mail tlefield, which he had not seen in thirty-KLOOJJ POISON permanently tiary two brought him a letter a woman whose so he betook cured in 15 to 36 days. You can be treated at. and years, nearly, behome for eame price under Bame jjuaran-tylikeness rested on the mantel shelf himself to and started to If you prefer tocomehere wewillcon-trac- t fore her, and who he had said was but stroll over Chickamauga to pay railroad f areand betel bills.and battlefield. The tree the a friend, and yet who, her instinct told where he stood wThen wounded occuno charge, if we fail to cure. If you have taken bi ill have aches and iodide potash., and her, stood between her and the full- pied such a conspicuous position that pains, MucousPatcheg in mouth. Sore Throat, ness of love that should be hers. Her he found little difficulty in Colored Spots, Ulcers on Copper it, Pimples, Hair or Eyebrows falllnr the of body, any part eyes filled with tears as she slowly with all the scars and knots locating on Its rugIs this Secondary BLOOD POISON it out, most ohati gathered the fallen leaves, but she ged trunk caused by th flying missiles we guarantee to cure. We solicit theworld for a cases and criallenee the all, she possessed of death. Having found the tree he nate thought that, after This disease has alwarg cure. cannot we case come to was for he had and her him, eminent physthe skill of the most put himself in the same position in baffled behind our uncondwith icians. capital 8500,000 was which he when woundstanding itional guaranty. Absolute proofs sent sealed on "Chonita, dear, I must leave you. I ed, and then it occurred COH to to him look application. Address COOK REMEDY am going to my home." ILL. i 807 Masonic CHICAGO, Temple, for bones the of his missing finger. She started and sprang to her feet. tills out aavertistuixni. send Cut and Scratching around among the leaves, Her heart beat wildly, and into her much to his astonishment, he found B EVIS' great dark eyes came a strange, wild the bones where 98 LYfc the finger had fallen, J look. "You are going to to her!" she and FOTTTIEED AND TZUJTIZl they correspond exactly with fin( (PATENTED) cried, throwing her arm violently to- ger he had lost The strongest and purett Lye ward the photograph. "You are going made. Unlike other Lye, It being They had lain there undisturbed ever to the woman who wrote you this a fine powder and packed In a can since that dread was and it with day, tne coniemj with removable no?" and she tore the letter across a are always readylid,for use. W1U and threw it from her. "No! but you andstrange feeling that' he took them, make the best perfumed Hard Poap II in 20 minutes without boiling, lilt shall not go!" she continued. "She has to hisafter establishing their identity waste pipes, the best for oleansinsr i perfect satisfaction, wrapped no right to you. You are mine mine I" washing clo'sets, disinfecting sinks, them took and them up with etc. away bottles, paints, trees, Majestically she stood gazing at him for an instant; then the little figure him as a strange souvenir of his war PENNA. SALT M'F'G CO. experiences. Mr. Sammons has forgot its queenly bearing and drooped tive Gen. Agents.. Phil a.. Pa. possession, now and will wearily fell at his feet, sobbing out them in his THE COMPANY PAYS THE FREICHT preserve them as an evidence of the tenderly: "Ah, say it is not so! you fact common-sens- e new steel horse whim. Will On he found on that them the battle- hoisttheir are all I have to love all I have!" Is just ae sale 25 tons of rock 300 feet each shift. can be packed anywher It He touched one little hand that rest- field after the lapse of so many years. and reliable aa an engine. sso cog wui a jacK can go. ed on his knee. "Poor little thing!" he Rome, Ga., Cor. of the Atlanta Conper otnt U clutches to break. 90 aud will bend steel and iron stitution. wrought said. "Poor little thing!" tf0 in use before breaking. Overwithout one some running o years She lay at his feet, her whole body dollar's expense. We makejiow quivering. hoists at prices, f lio, m, io im Suspended Railways. He could not bear to see her suffer Among the novelties in rapid transit so. He pitied her, and he thought: ......, are attracting attention are which Why not lie to her; why not let her believe that he would return to her? those where the cars are suspended Yes, why not? It would make it easy from a frame work on which small for her now, and in time she would trucks run on on up. 8end for an Illustrated circular to THE properly arranged and learn to forget. He lifted her gently tracks. WHIM CO . . 1222 OurtlB St.. Ltenver. Oo o. The idea is perhaps best conup and folded her in his arms. "Chocome to he "I will back veyed by likening them to an ordinary nita," saia, you, dear. I must go, but it is only sliding door running on wheels after DR. GUNN'S for a little while, a few months. You the fashion of ordinary barn doors, ex IMPROVED can wait for me with your father at cept that the wheels are set under a the rancho only for a few months, little box frame or truck. There are LIVER PLLS sweetheart." four to truck, and a truck for She drew herself from his arms and end of a car. The cars are run either by elecA MILD PHYSIC. sat on his knee, her dark eyes watch- tricity or gas motors. They are easy ing the fire very softly. Suddenly she to ride in, they make very little noise, ONE PILL. FOR A DOSE. A movement of the bowels each dav is necessary Jit turned and gazed at him for a long and go around curves, with the greattst health. These what the system Ucks to supply cure Headache, brighten tb it regular.piilsThey of ease. Trial lines have already been make and while, then said slowly: clear the Complexion better than cosmetjea Eyes, "You are not going to her, and you set up in Europe, and those who have They neither jrripe nor sicken. To convince you. wtwill return to me?" investigated them are loud in their will mail sample free, or a full box for 26c. Soln everyHe said: praise. Fifty persons can be caried In "I am not going to her, and I will a car, and there are numerous stations. return to you." The line is to be operated on the block She looked him in the eyes, and system, and by an automatic process seemed to doubt. After awhile she each car shuts off its own current at arose, and taking the photograph from a certain point, and as the cars in one the shelf, she brought it to him, say- direction all run on a given line; there-seem- s ing, "Tear it and throw it in the fire-n- o?" very little chance of a collision. On one line, a portion of which is alHe hesitated an instant, then arose. ready built for trial, the cars are susThe hot blood came to his face; then, pended sixteen feet above the surface because he pitied her, he made the of the ground. There are stops at suitable intervals where passengers sacrifice and she believed. A few, days later he left the mine, may alight. This leaves the street enoTr orand, sending his servants on with the tirely free from the annoyances of AGEHTS MAKE $10 A DAY Just out, and sell like wildfire. Send for circular pack-trai- n toward Guadalupe y Calvo, trolleys and tracks. There is neither elties. he took Chonita to her father's home. smoke nor dust, nor noise sufficient to and terms. Pixie Novelty Co , Ltd.. New Orleans, LaWith Juan he made his peace with be in the least annoying. A project alPARKER'S more pesos, than the old man had ever so includes a third line, designed to HAIR BALSAM to Cleansea and beautifies the hair. hoped possess, but he told him, as meet, emergencies. In case .an acciPromote a luxuriant growth. he had Chonita, that he would return. dent happens to a car or motor or Never Fails to Eestore Color. Gray to ita Youthful The following morning, when all anything gets out of gear, the third or Hair J Cure nealp diseases & hair tailing. was ready for his departure, and, at inspection car is brought into requsi-tiogn,auu jruyipi. the last moment, he went to where takes passengers from the disChonita sat weeping in the doorway abled car and either conveys, them to and took her hands and drew her up their destination or tranfers them to PATENTSJR ADE MARKS to him. "Pobrecito he said, "poor another car. An aditional Examination and Advice as to Patentability of" Inadvantage vention. little thing, you are only a child. of this form of transit is that Send for "Inventors' Guide, or How to Get a there Is Patent. PATRICK Would to God we had never met! Poor no delay or necessity for stopping O'FARRELL, Washington, D. 0. for little heart!" on the passing vehicles, as' She turned New York Ledger. ordinary tramway. I2fk anT tariel Dp" (.11 HIS MHth't A4llr33 Sf" FAILSf fl Best Cough BjTup, Tastes Good. Use "! ?ently. He wound his arms It Hit Him Hard. aDout ner and held her close to him. in wme. sold oy aropsrisia. He let her cry for a while, and then Casey Phat made Mulligan fall off he drew her face close to his. He de ladder? "Did his fut shlin.? kissed It and put It back in Its restReilly It did not. Oi told him a joke "W. N..IJ. lenrer. VoL XXL Ho. 615-ing place, pressing his lips to her hair. an hour ago, an' sure he just now ..When writing to advertisers, please T After awhile he put ber gently from tumbled. Philadelphia . Record. Ui&t you taw th advertisement In this pP Self LMm of her love, though s, en. As Rawlston, leading the way, n, To (IfV-j.ci. j. a She paints little;-gloriouthings ' Which nature ne'er produces; ' She's also musical and sings When asked, nor makes excuses. A.nd yet not pictured canvas shows The coloring delicious, 'neath her skill so .Which TInrm the dinner dishes. practiced err.. No melody is half so sweet As that whose notes come .streaming ! Out of the kettle, small and neat, Where .cheery coals are gleaming. VasXst : Ms'Lc. 1 3 f |