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Show picnic, but I set to work and soon got it changed so that it would do very well. Slattery seems never to have asked any one to ride a tandem. But when I had written it, it seemed so OOTtJJfHtt A STORYtfl t OUR WIT AND HUMOR. LITTLE Highest of all in Leavening Power. )X? LAUGH MAKERS FROM OUR EXCHANGES. dreadfully stiff that I had to put a little beginning and end of my own, which seemed to brighten it up a good deal." "I thought there was something fucy Sandwiched in with Some of Our Own Make The Game as Played at about the beginning and end." "Did you? Fancy your noticing the A Fashion Note Flotsam difference In style. How quick you are! md Jetsam. I am very slow at things like that. I Pump-klnvlll- e ft W0MAM $Y A. CONN OYZJ& see in me? Oh, I do pray that you may not repent it!" The gentle heart was ruffled amid its joy by the thought of its own unworthiness. "Repent it! I feel that I am a saved man. You do not know how degrading this city life is, how debasing, and yet 0TERNAWNAL PRESS ASSOC WOft (CHAPTER VL Continued). repeated, far as I know," Clara the to wrier moved away as the widow or the net, round were grouped olavers house sauntering slowly towardsherthe head was She rose to follow her, but and she in a whirl with new thoughts, best for be sat down again. Which would She thought It Ida Harold ur Charles? a mothas solicitude over with as much Harold child. er who plans for her only oe in in"j had seemed to her to mail the noblest and the best youngwas to she ever If ,vhom she had known. as man a such be would it man a love that. But she must not think of herself. both She had reason to believe that would Which these men loved her sister. the be the best for her? But perhaps could She decided. matter was already not forget the scrap of conversation which she had heard the night before, recor the secret which her sister had fused to confide to her. If Ida would not tell her, there was but one person and who could. She raised her eyes, beDenver was Harold standing there -- As how absorbing. Money forever clinks in your ear. You can think of nothing else. From the bottom of my heart I hate it, and yet how can I draw back without bringing grief to my dear old father? There was but one way in which I could defy the taint, and that was by having a home influence so pure and so high that it may brace me up against all that draws me down. I have felt that influence already. I know that when I am talking to you I am a better man. It is you who must go with me through life, or I must walk forever alrme." "Oh, Harold, I am so happy!" they wandered amid the Still darkening ought to have been a woodman, or gamekeeper, or something. I was made on those lines. But I have found something now." "What is that, then?" "Ranching. I have a chum in Texas, and he says it is a rare life. I am to buy a share in his business. It is all in the open air shooting, and riding, and sport. Would it would it inconvenience you much, Ida, to come out there with me?" Ida nearly fell off her perch in her amazement: The only words of which she could think were "My goodness me!" so she said them. "If it would not upset your plans, or change your arrangements in any way." He had slowed down and let go of the steering handle, so that the great machine crawled aimlessly about from one side of the road to the other. "I know very well that I am not clever or anything of that sort, but still I would do all I can to make you very happy. Don't you think that in time you might come to like me a little bit?" Ida gave a cry of fright. "I won't like you if you run me against a brick wall," she said, as the machine rasped against the curb. "Do attend to the steering." "Yes, I will. But tell me, Ida, whether you will come with me." "Oh, I don't know. It's too absurd! How can we talk about such things when I cannot see you? You speak to the nape of my neck, and then I have to twist my head round to answer." "I know. That was why I put 'You in front' upon my letter. I thought that it would make it easier. But if you would prefer it I will stop the machine, and then you can sit around and talk about it." "Good gracious!" cried Ida. "Fancy our sitting face to face on a motionless tricycle in the middle of the road, and all the people looking out of their windows at us!" "It would look rather funny, wouldn't it? Well, then, suppose that we both get off and push the tandem along in front of us?" shadows, while one by one the stars peeped out in the blue-blac- k sky above them. At last a chill night wind blew from the east, and brought them back up to the realities of life. "You must go in. You will be cold." "My father will wonder where I am. Shall I say anything to him?" "If you like, my Or I will in the morning. I mustdarling. tell my mother tonight. I know how delighted she will be." "I do hope so." "Let me take you up the path. It is so dark. Your lamp isgarden not lit yet. fore her. then, dearest." tf "Till tomorrow, Harold." "You were lost in your thoughts, said he, smiling. "I hope that they were "My own darling!" He stooped, and ones." their lips met for the first time. Then, pleasant as she pushed open the folding windows "Oh, I was planning," said she, rising. "It seems rather a waste of time as a she heard his quick, Arm step as it rule, for things have a way of working passed down the graveled path. A themselves out just as you least exlamp was lit as she entered the room, and there was Ida, pect." about like a mischievous little dancing "What were you planning, then?" fairy in front of her. "The future." "Oh, no, this is better than that." "And have you anything to tell me?" "Whose ?" "Or I could carry the thing." she asked, with a solemn face. Then, "Oh, my own and, Ida's." Ida burst out laughing. "That would "And was I included in your joint fusuddenly throwing her arms round her be more absurd still." sister's neck, "Oh, you dear, dear old tures ?" "Then we will go quietly, and I will Clara! I am so pleased. I am so pleased." look out for steering. I won't talk about "I hope all our friends were included." "Don't go in," said he, as she began it at all if you would rather not. But I to move slowly towards the house. "I CHAPTER VII. really do love you very much, and you wanted to have a word. Let us stroll up would make me happy if you came to VENIT TADXEM FELICITA8. and down the lawn. Perhaps you are Texas with me, and I think that perT WAS just three haps after a time I could make you cold. If you are I could bring you out a shawl." days after the Doc- happy, too." tor and the Admiral "Oh, no, I am not cold." "But your aunt?"- had congratulated "I was speaking to your sister Ida I "Oh, she would like it very much. each other upon the can understand that your father might last night." She noticed that there was closer tie which not like to lose you. I'm sure I wouldn't a slight quiver in his voice, and, glanciwas to unite their either, if I were he. But, after all, Amerface, she ng up at his dark, clear-cu- t two She felt Baw that he was very grave. families, and ica is not very far off nowadays, and to turn had their friend- is not so very wild. We would take a he was that it settled, and that into come to ask her for her sister's hand. something ship piano, and and a copy of even dearer and grand "She is a charming girl," said he, aftBrowning. And Denver and his wife 1 ' more intimate, that woujd come over to see us. We should er a pause. Miss Ida "Walker re"Indeed she is," cried Clara warmly. be quite a family party. It would be ceived a letter which caused her some jolly." ''And no one who has not lived with her and known her intimately can tell surprise and considerable amusement. Ida sat listening to the stumbling It was dated from next door, and was words and awkward phrases which were how charming and good she is. She is handed in by the like a sunbeam in the house." page after whispered from the back of her, but 's "No one who was not good could be breakfast. there was something in Charles bo absolutely happy as she seems to be. "Dear Miss Ida," began this curious clumsiness of speech which rieaven s last gut, x minK, is a. mmu. document, and then relapsed suddenly was more moving than the words of the so pure and a spirit so high that it is into the third person. "Mr. Charles most eloquent of pleaders. He paused, unable even to see what is impure and "Westmacott hopes that he may have he stammered, he caught his breath beevil in the world around us. For as the pleasure of a ride with Miss Ida tween the words, and he blurted out we be can see as we Walker can long upon his tandem tricycle. Mr. in little blunt phrases all the hopes of it, how will bring it round his heart. If love had not come to her Westmacott Charles truly happy?" "She has a deeper side, also. She does in half an hour. You in front. Yours yet, there was at least pity and symnot turn it to the world, and it Is not very truly, Charles Westmacott." The pathy, which are nearly akin to it. d natural that she should, for she is very whole was written in a large, Wonder there was also that one so and schoolboyish hand, very weak and frail as she should shake this young. But she thinks, and has aspiratthin on the up strokes and thick on the strong man so, should have the whole ions of her own." "You cannot admire her more than down, as though care and pains had course of his life waiting for her deciI do. Indeed, Miss Walker, I only ask gone to the fashioning of it. sion. Her left hand was on the cushion meanwas as the to be brought into nearer relationship the her side. He leaned forward and took at form, Strange so was 'with her, and to feel that there is a clear Ida hastened it enough; ing gently in his own. She did not try to to her room, and had hardly slipped on draw it back from him. Jiermanent bond between us." It had come at last. For a moment her light grey cycling dress when she "May I have it," said he, "for life?" her heart was numbed within her, and saw the tandem with its large occupant "Oh, do attend to your steering," said then a flood of sisterly love carried all at the door. He handed her up to her she, smiling round at him; "and don't hefore it: Down with the dark thought saddle with a more solemn and thoughtsay any more about this today. Please which would still try to raise its unful face than was usual with him, and don't!" hallowed head! She turned to Harold a few moments later they were flying "When shall I know, then?" with sparkling eyes and words of pleas-tir- e along the beautiful, smooth suburban "Oh, tonight, tomorrow, I don't know. roads in the direction of Forest Hill. I must ask Clara. Talk about some upon her lips. "I should wish to be near and dear to The great limbs of the athlete made the thing else." both of you," said he, as hie took her heavy machine spring and quiver with And they did talk about something hand. "I should wish Ida to be my sisevery stroke; while the mignon grey else; but her left hand was still enter, and you my wife." figure with the laughing face, and the closed in his, and he knew, without askShe said nothing. She only stood golden curls blowing from under the ing again, that all was well. straw hat, simply looking at him with parted lips and little (TO BE CONTINUED.) to her perch, and let the freat, dark, questioning eyes. The lawn held firmly round whirl had vanished away, the sloping gardbeneath treadles Mile mile FOR AN UNSPOKEN SPEECH. after feet. ens, the brick villas, the darkening sky her beatwind the With half a pale moon beginning to show flew, they over the chimney tops. All was gone, ing in her face, theontrees, dancing past The Irish Patriot Jailed for Words He either side, until and she was only conscious of a dark, in two long ranks Didn't Say. earnest, pleading face, and of a voice, they had passed round Croydon and A member of the Land league was far away, disconnected from herself, were approaching Norwood once more sent from Dublin to a certain district to the voice of a man telling a woman how from the further side. get up a meeting and make a speech, he loved her. He was unhappy, "said the "Aren't you tired?" she asked, glanc- says the New York Journal. voice, his life was a void; he had come ing over her shoulder and turning toOn reaching the town where the meetto the parting of the ways, here lay hapwards him a little pink ear, a fluffy ing was to be held the speech-makpiness and honor, and jail that was high golden curl, and one blue eye twinkling met a friend, and, both being genial and noble; there lay the soul-killifrom the very corner, of its lid. fellows, they retired to a house "Not a bit. I am Just getting my and had something. Thenpublic Tound, the lonely life,! the base pursuit they began of money, the sordid,' selfish aims. He swing." e over talking reminiscences, needed but the hand of the woman that "Isn't it wonderful to be strong? You and the first thing the Tie loved Into the him better always remind me of a steam engine."' knew was that the attendant had come jto lead steam engine?" Path. And how he loved her his life in to light the lamp. "Why abecause it is so powerful, and would show. "Well, He loved her for her "Great goodness!" he said, "I was I didn't Well, and unreasoning. sent down from Dublin to get up a ner reliable, ior nroiues3, womanliness, her strength. He had need of her. Would mean that last, you know, but but here and now it is too late." meeting she come to him? And then of a. sud"Oh, well, it doesn't matter," said the you know What I mean. What is the den as she listened it came home to her matter with you?" other.. that the man was Harold Denver, and "Yes, but it does matter," said the "Why?" that she was the woman, and that all "Because y6ti have something on your organizer. "I have to report to my suJod'swork was very beautifulthe mind. You have not laughed once." perior that the meeting was held." gteen sward beneath her feet, the rustlHe broke into a gruesome laugh. "I "Ob, that's all right," said his friend. ing leaves, the long jorange slashes in am quite jolly," said he. "Here, you write out a sp4eech and I the western sky. She jspoke; she scarce "Oh, no,; you are jnof. And why did you will send it to the local papers, which knew what the broken letter?". will print it Just as if the meeting was were, write me such a dteadfully stiffwas sure held. Then the people in Dublin won't fcut she saw lie "I cried, "Therev now," the light of Joy shine out on his face, and stiff."was know the difference." her hand was still in it as write it?" This was quickly done and the speech "Then why JJa they wandered fimid the twilight. composition." wasn't cjwn my that was never delivered appeared next "It .oojujuu inure nuw, uui uxny vy aunt's?" Your then? 'Whose day in the papers.' ;jered and felt each other's presence. name wasi of a the was fresh around them, familiar no. person The fun of the thing comes in over It "Oh, ' ,; the fact that the leaguer Was arrested yet new, tinged with the beauty of of Slattery." and was sentenced to four! months in "Goodness! Who is he?" trZ newjfound happiness. V ' ,Did you not knowj it before,") knew it would come out, I felt Jail for a speech that he never delivhe "I asked. . j, that it would. You've heard of Slattery, ered, at a meeting that was never held. 3rdid not dare. think it." the author?" ' Are They All Tender? ' a mask nf ice I must wear! .nat "Never."', How could a man feci as I have done By command of the emperor of Rus"He is wonderful at expressing him.lthout Ehowlnsr it? Your sister, at self. He wrote a book called "The Secret sia three enormous volumes, bound in Easy.' black seal, with purple silk linings, and Solved; or, Letter-writin- g of all Made letsorts of "Ida!". models another in red seal with white linings, 'ny:J It gives yoU 'It was tast all with massive clasps in gold and silto She began praise ters." njght. actuSo you have been filled with cuttings from out laughing. J ou I said what I felt, and then in an ver, burst Ida ' stant iti was all out." American press referring to entire the copied one." death of the late czar. and illness to a sut at could you what could you ally the a "It was to Invite young lady red-head- ed West-macott- loose-jointe- pink-band- ed from Pumpkinville. : j ; i i w Experience Teaches. Tailor (measuring customer) Are you married or single? Customer I have been married a few months. "Then you will want a secret pocket in the lining of your vest." "What for?" "That shows how short a time you have been married. You will need a place to put a little change where your wife can't find it. You see I'm a married man myself." ,. Not Good. "She looks good enough to eat." She overheard his words and they troubled her. Although he was a mere cannibal and she a captive in his hands, her conscience accused her. "I will tell him all," she said. Taking him aside, then, she informed him that she was a woman with a past, whereat he started violently, and perceived how deceptive are appearances. Detroit Tribune. Business. Affable Stranger Ah, sir, I see you're stopping at this hotel. Do you play poker, sir? Deacon Wayback (gruffly) That's my business, sir. Affable Stranger And mine, too, pard. Put it here. You've got the best "makeup" for a profesh that I ever saw. Ex. One of Those Kind Remarks. i si4 i m i ii girl, her eyes lighting with happiness. "He is very easy to please." "How do you know?" "He's so well satisfied with himself." Washington Star. Way Up. Fond Wife I want you to get Ethel and myself some of those twenty-fou- r button gloves. Loving Husband I cannot do it, dear. They are very expensive. Fond Wife I know it, darling. They come high, but we must have them. ln : W. n in nrun 11. ia on a . r rvi Williams, Antioch, Ills., April 11. 1894. What has done more for the elevation ol woman than the balloon? Mothers appreciate the good work of Parker's Ginger Tonic, with its reviving qualities a boon to the and nervous, A mutton-heade- d sheepskin with him. doctor always has hli to realize "When you com that your corns are pone, and no more pain, hoT grateful you feel. All the work of Hindercorns. 15c A crowning danger in the wild Indian country is scalping. All Fits stopped f reeby Dr. Kline's Great FITSRestorer. No Fits after the tirst day's use. Nerve Marvelous cures. TreatiseanU 2 trial bottle free to Fit cases. Send to Dr. Kline,9Sl Arch St., Pkila., Pa. I'm down on your cheek, as the beard said to the youth. GREAT BOOK FREE. When Dr. R. V. Pierce, of Buffalo, N. Y., the first edition of his work, The publishedCommon Sense Medical Adviser, People's he announced that after 680,000 copies had been sold at the regular price, $1.50 per copy, the profit on which would repay him for the great amount of labor and money producing it, he .would disexpended innext half million free. As this tribute the number of copies has already been sold, he is now distributing, absolutely free, 500,000 most com conies of this ing and plete, mterest-uabl- e COUPON med- common No.lll ever ical work published the recipient only being required to mail to him. at the above address, this little (21) cents in one-cecoupon with twenty-on- e stamps to pay for postage and packing only, and the book will be sent by mail. It is a veritable medical library, complete in one volume. It contains over 1000 pages and more than 300 illustrations. The Free Edition is precisely the same as those sold at $1.50 except only that the books are bound in strong manilla paper covers instead of cloth. Send now before all are given away. They are going off rapidly. val-sen- se c. nt City at the Bottom f the Sea. The city authorities at Rovigno, on the peninsula of Istria, in the Adriatic sea, have discovered, a little south of the peninsula, the ruins of a large town at the bottom of the sea. It had been observed for years that fishermen' nets were sometimes enbe masses of tangled in what appeared to were brought masonry of which fragments up from the sea bed. Then a diver declared that he had seen walls and streets below the water, and so the authorities of Kovignoa decided to investigate. They sent down diver, who, at the depth of eighty feet, found himself surrounded at the bottom of the "sea by ruined walls. Continuing his explorations, he traced the CO., line of walls, and was able to distinguish DENVKR ICS? Blake. TENT & AWNING Write us. how the streets were laid out. He did not see any doors or windows, for they were FemaleWeakness of any kind 30 Viavi Cures hidden by masses of seaweed and incrustaLondoner lsk,lt3u Arapanoe sl.Denver a for distance tions. He traced the masonry his to 100 of stop, for feet, and there he had Leather and Shoe Findings. Manufacturers a to go farthBoot and Shoe Upper-- . Illustrated Catalogue Free. diving cord did not permit him he a The Dunn & Bla ss Leather Co. 1748 Lawrence St. doubt that er. He had proved beyond had found the ruins of a once inhabited town, which through some catastrophe had been covered by the sea. It is probable that EYE. EAR. NOSE AND THROAT. Dr. C. W.ENOS, Mack Biock, 16th and Calitornla. these are the ruins of the lost town or mentioned island of name, by the that upon Pliny the elder. New York Sun. AMERICAN HOUSE ?AD5' ' Denver's Old Reliable Hotel. Laugh and Grow Fat ! AND WAGON SUPPLIES. 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Denver Directory. d, woe-begon- THE C1-.A- "There is one point in your future husband's character that you are to be congratulated on," said Miss Cayenne. "What is that?" asked the engaged i hi r--- asthma medicine. overcome if the tobacco user wants to quit and gain manhood, nerve power, and enjoy vigorously the good things of life. Take Guaranteed to cure or money refunded by Druggists everywhere Book free. Address the Sterling Remedy Co. .New York City or Chicago. No-To-Ba- remedy, Kiff Teething. A man sentenced to be hanged asked tor a suspension of public opinion in its stead. long-continu- Y ROBINSON Denver, Omaha, Kansas City and Chicago. Consign your eloc kto them. You can rely on the highest market Markets furnished by wire or Let ub hear from you. letter free. price. Bethanv College, at Lindsborg, Kansas, will begin its fifteenth year September 11. a wonderful growth, and Bethany has had stands as one of the strongest denominational colleges in the West, with twentv-thre- e professors and 444 students. recognized by Yale, Its co'lleare diploma is universities. Strong Chicago and European in Latin, Greek, French and departmentsGood normal departments. The German. in business college has the finest class-roodepartments the state. The music and art lead all the other colleges. In music, inBeththe no competition any is said to have are trained in Europe. West. Her artists pleasBethany has a beautiful campus, fine,popularant surroundings, and deserves her which gave her an increase of students ity even last year. This year a large gymnasium and auditorium is being erected. Singular that a man with no money to trouble him should have money troubles. To Cleanse the System to-da- y WHITELEY BINDER For Sale for S70. This Binder was only used to cut 20 acres, and is just as good as new, and in perfect m order. Toiwptar, li:gton, Mas',, August 36-3- 15th and Wazee Sts., DENVER, COLO. E. E. BURLINGAIVIE'S ASSAY OFFICE Chemical laboratory. And Established 1865. JEWELERS AND PHOTOGRAPHERS, send your sweeps and waste containing gold and silver for treatment. Prompt return and highest cash price paid for gold and silver bullion. Address 1736 and 1738 Lawrence Street. 4enver. Colorado. EVERY GIRL WANTS A FELLOW to look nice and clean We use nothing but pure soap and water; gives a tiner finish, more pliable, holds to shape better and Stays Clean Much Lonoer when we wash them. What! the fellow? Ob"! No! His shirts, cuffs and collars. together: send us $5.00 YoungofFellows,atclub worth laundry one time and we pay express if within 1,009 miles, ana charges both ways, Denver prices. Agents wanted charge you only in all outside towns. Write for price lists and particulars. Queen City Lsundry, 1243-5- 0 Curtis St. 0. The Union Pacific has been selected as the official route of the Grand Commandery. Official train will leave Denver at 10 p. m., Colorado Tickets on sale from first-clasAugust 22. s 22 at one lowest August 17 toround fare for the trip, good to September! 15. with privilege of extension until ucio-be- r 6. See nearest ticket agent, or call on Seventeenth Adv. fi-- street, Denver, for additional information. The report of the failure of the peach crop is often a false alarm. MDSE. CO. THE L. A. WATKINS Effectually yet gently, when costive or Another Monopoly. bilious, or when the blood is impure or "Promise me," she said, as she rested sluggish, to permanently cure habitual her head lovingly upon his highly polto awaken the kidneys and ished shirt front, "that you will never constipation, liver to a healthy activity, without irlove anyon.e but me." ritating or weakening them, to dispel "Darling, I promise," the happy lover headaches, colds or fevers use Syrup of responded. "You shall have a regular Figs. Standard Oil cinch upon my affections." No one lausrhs harder at a poker joke than Ex. the man who wants the bystanders to believe that he understands it. ; Twenlyf ixih Tr.enaial Conclave, Knights Fashion Note. land-leagu- er j tht Be sure and use old and well-trie- d VVlXSLOw'a Soothihq StVp for Children one-thir- old-tim- -- n gently ng I Twenty-Seve- Actors are sometimes failures, but when a pugilist appears before the public, in an exhibition, he always makes a hit. If the Baby is Cutting Teeth. Million Dollars. year, An engineering plan of enormous proporBut we are glad and one that will cost $27,000,000 to tions, livthat we are complete, is the metropolitan water supply we system and ing, which the Massachusetts legislature ? authorized at the last session. It proposesBos-to persefurnish an adequate supply of water for vere; Chelsea, Everett, Maiden, Medford, And. though we're ton, Newton and Somerville, and to the six to Boston. The beat right down small townsinlying nearest this district includes about the line, we bear population d the entire poulation of the state, up 'neath our and it is growing with disproportionate then, the problem of ills, rapidity. Manifestly, the district with good water is For we know we'll turn up victors when furnishing not a simple or inexpensive one to solve. we meet the Pumpkinvilles. The nearest source where a sufficient quantity of pure water can be found is the There's something kind of sociable in south branch of the Nashua river, aand this will yield 472,000,000 gallons daily, supply playing there, I think; for the wants of the district for adequate beThe runners don't mind stopping some time to come. By the terms of the measure which the Legislature has passed, tween bases for a drink. the cities of Woburn and Quincy, with a and in The umpire always joins right of towns around them, are to be cluster never puts on frills allowed to enter the district, if they shall to do so, and it is believed that the With those who do the treating when decide water system which has been planned will we play the Pumpkinvilles. be able to supply their wants, in addition to the cities and towns included in the original We do not bow in homage to the weardistrict. A metropolitan water board has been created by the Legislature to have ers of a name; charge of this great public enterprise, and to We are not dazzled by some chance is empowered to issue bonds to the it beat a club of fame. amount of the estimated cost of the works, a term of forty years. We're satisfied to hold the simple trib- A payable in gold after fund, which is to be increased by sinking ute to our skill, investments from the water rentals, Which reads, "This club can always regular is provided for on a plan that will secure the payment of the bonds at maturity. Albeat the Pumpklnville." excites together the enterprise is one that methods by its magnitude and the Go on in your career, you fretting glory interest by which its objet is to be secured. chasers, go: Your bubble fame will surely burst as Don't Drag Tour Feet. fickle breezes blow, men do because the nerve centers, Many While we can drift forever on in com- weakened use of tobacuo, by the fort and good will, become so affected that they are weak, tired, Secure in endless triumph o'er the nine lifeless, listless, etc. All this can easily be er , Cost More Than o Mm F COURSE we get BOSTON'S BIG WATER SCHEME. a the worst of it few times in the Works to Latest U. S. Gov't Report J A SURE CURE FOR PILES by moisture like perspiration canst Itching Piles known intense itching when warm. This torm and Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles yield at once to PILE REMEDY, DR. which acts directly on parts affected, absorbs tnmort lays itching, effecting a permanent enre. Price UusnuUo, 1'uila.da., Druggists or meiL lr. , al- &0c ltu EDUCATIONAL. ! W. H. GRIFFIN, Jackson, Michigan, writes: ACADEMY OFTflE SAGRE.D HEART "Suffered with Catarrh for fifteen years. Hall's course of instruction in this Academy, conducted Catarrh Cure cured me." Sold by Druggists ,75c. byThe embrace the the Religious of the Sacred Heart, whole rang-- of subjects neces aty to constitute a solidI not are per-The pictures in a rogues' gallery and refined education. Propriety of deportment, all steal engravings. sonal neatness and the principles of morality are obExtensive jrrounds af, The latest invention for summer wear is the present electric bonnet fan, both beautiful and cooling. Truth. that your ner has absconded with $25,000 money. Mr. Coupon drug-gris- t for it. Price 15 money cents. The height of tyranny because it murmurs. An Aggravated Case. Mr. Friendly I hear "Hanson's Magic Com Salve.' refunded. Ask Warranted to cure or ea.-iii-(f your to arrest a brook part- of your HAVE YOU HEARD IT attention. jects of uni ford the pupiU every facility lor useful bodily exero! eot of constant tolicitude, cise; their health U an and in sickness thev are alien led with maternal car. 3d. For further parFall term opens Tuesday, Sept. JK Til StPKKIOK, ticulars, address Mo. Academy itacred Heart, St. Joseph, ? What? That Bethany for College You. College Is the KAXSAS, LOCATED AT Not only that, but the P. P. and two U. the liner each of the SanU Fa and Rock Island. Mo. R K.Va few miles from ungrateful scoundrel didn't take my LISTEN! OnCollegj here and iaEB Yale and other leading universities without examination recogaized by diploma w t i finest ciass roum wife with him after he had been flirt- rope. Oet the Best! Normal Course recognized by tate Board. Splendid Business College V""1-LargasA real Art Department in charge f an Europ an artist of note. Must ba seen t ing with her right under my very nose in the State Two tfipe Organs, other o gvns. 15 Pianos fiac orchestra inIJUr Hear! west. tha in Music Seliool t ina stroi for the past six months. large Ora orio Chorus Hirmony, fine Violin departmauc. sp.lndid department for Cornet and "other utiapel seats i.iwj. Auaitonum ,uuj tjommoaious swam neacea ouhhihk; .Louies nan plirnata. cipat. Beautiful shaded grounds new Gynviasium, Military company, moderate charges. t5"0U'fWa fno " An Unsatisfactory Answer. Good as the nn saloons, gainbl ng dens or theat in the East and half cheaper Sead , pre8 bt Rev, CARL A. S And you tormat a. Prospective Father-in-Lapromise to make my daughter happy? Enamored Youth I will care for her like a beautiful flower. I hope Prospective Father-in-Lato is she mean live on that you don't water and air. c . s 7 K w , othe-ii- !-- w w Friendly Encouragement. Scene A concert for the people. Distinguished Amateur (about to make his first appearance ins public) Oh, I do feel so nervous! Friend Oh, there's no . Sympathetic occasion to be nervous, my dear fellovr. They applaud anything. Ex. 4-- r 3 Cabled Field and Host Fence T3B Gabled Poultry, Garden and Rabbit Fenc 0 iteet Web Picket Lawn Fence, etc. tvunli flrsfdass: PRICES LOW. Catalogue FKEli.y De Kalb Fence Cc 121 High St. DeKaJb. li'. |