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Show Thomas of the Amherst team, on the encharge of professionalism. Thomas coltered Amherst from Wittenberg lege, Ohio, a few months ago, and Is Amherst's mainstay. Recently he shut Yale out without a hit. Whenever Herman Long of Boston and Geo. Augustus Smith of Cincinnati get together they clasp hands and sing "Die Wacht am Rhein" with depth andj feeling sufficient to get them Into the Musik Verein. They are charter members of the Mutual Admiration society, and believe in the cultivation of German; on the diamond. A man with nothing better to do Inquires whether "Buck'! wing did not last play "dead rabbit" on Cleveland summer. There Is no reason to believe that he did. he was doing the best fc could until his leg gave away, and he was forced to get out of the game against his own will. If his leg should be injured in Cincinnati it would end his T. E. S. playingt for this year. " 1THE DANCING MASTER the lilac walls of the roorrf the'whlte dresses of the girls made blots of light. The old dancing wamea down and slowly up the room surveying? the girls. He held his kit and under his left pressed judiciously to his side. tra, With his right hand he alternately stroked and tweaked at his chin, which was always a sign that the teacher was pjrplxed. Each time that he came to one of the two long windows that lit the room he paused and looked out through the naked branches of the plane tree at the river, as if he hoped to get some encouragement from its ceaseless flow. And ch tJsne he turned away from the river View with the same look of disappointment upon his smooth, neat, elderly face. The great clock at the other end 5 of the room the clock that had counted r so many lessons seemed all of a auddeh to tick with unwonted loudness, as If It, like the girls, were impatient for the master to stop his promenade And say or do something. Perhaps the appeal of the clock had Its effect. Perhaps In the stillness the master could catch faintly the sound sj. il those girlish hearts fluttering timidly together. He stopped for an and looked at the long line of expectant faces. Trung ladies, you can go." Then as the girls, relieved from their suspense, moved eagerly forward to the adjoining room, where their belongings lay, the professor reached out his thin, fine white hand and touched one of the girls upon the GAINST master bow-tender- ly j : v in-ata- at shoulder. "Come back," ne said, "I want to speak with you." The girl looked up in his face with a little start. Then she went into the anteroom with the rest. When she returned In her everyday dress, wjth her hat and tippet on and her dancing shoes neatly put away in the reticule jfchat hung on her mittened arm, the master was standing at the window afrajn, drumming nervously on . mentioned some gr&t names. Fh old THE "BED" PITCHER. master sat at his window in the same man declined with his polite bow, and It was very pleaeaflt long but she Insisted to sit there and watch the river and would have withdrawn, and seeing her to her RHINE'S GREAT WORK FOR THE upon his staying the wherries and barges, and to reflect the So upcoach. impatient young CINCINNATI CLUB. presently in its, prosperous, peaceful evening waiting: the! successmen and impatient old men on the events of a .painstaking, had the surprise of seeinar their ful life. The master did not smokeit outside out in all her splendor leaning After an Absence of Two Years from the rome there idol but abominated was a custom he wine near to bis on tbe arm! of a little gentleman in Do was a flask of white Major League lie Returns t of snuff on half-futraces Showed the yelof who black, a and News glass In Box Phenomenal Work hand, the low Juice, from which ever and anon the ruffle of his shirt. World. of Baseball the roaster Through the crowd there the sip. He seldom he took a had the dancer to the stage door, his escorted for daughter on gave lessons now, carried the crowd outside the stage and his and through married, Ram-ea- u ILLIAM P. Rhines, door he conducted her to her coach. As the teaching admirably, knowing she to old her as teacher, declined the phenomenal the still well as he accompany almost liked aside master of out the the window, pitcher of. the Cin-- x leaned But waving adored. he whom clnnati club, of the afteran admirers of as she did so, the throng of her to sit in the dancing-rooold was over National who League and the handsome gentleman noon after dinner, and dream and American Aswaiting to take his place at her side. experiences. sociation, was born "Well," she said with a bright laugh, Just now, however, he was thinking, March" 14, 1869, at were all. see after for Say wrong you "you not of the past, but of the present; will and I are which in forgive sorry news sheet Pa., and that Ridgway, a you he had laid down to ball learned the at opera a dancer of plar you." there was talk a an dancer head. at shook his master town age. But wild, the the early was who setting a big "I do not think I was wrong," he said, Having who had conquered European capital now a was never will make "You a and rugged frame, after European capital, mad with de- very gravely. disposKrton and a string right arm, dancer." playgoers making London oiJ. anU Kked his ease, Then raising his hat politely he turned with which he could throw a ball with light. He W33 considerable speed and accuracy, he and moved slowly down the street. but a vague lb.w,7 came into his mind conceived the Idea of becoming a Weekly Sun. early that he would go to the opera and see Lloyd's his for a treat be would this pearl. It pitcher. It required some time and lots of patience before he had sufficiently son and daughter. PUT SCIENCE TO NEW USE. mastered the art of curves, shoots and A carriage came slowly down the river a a Now Commission not often drop ball, the chief stock in trade of Erudite Selecting road, where carriages did a clever manipulator of the sphere, to with at looked it come. The master Site for Rio Janeiro. branch out as a professional. He soon his lifted and glass languid surprise, Rio de Janeiro, the capital of Brazil, to his lips. But it stopped at his own has a notoriously bad climate. It is a gained quite a local reputation, howdoor, and he set the glass down again fastness t yellow fever and s"ubtle trop- ever, which brought him Into public noin surprise. A gilded footman got down ical ailments, and the death rate is so tice, and before he had hardly more and opened the carriage door and a very alarminRJr high as to seriously affect than passed his 19th birthday, he acbeautiful lady got out. The footman the commercial prosperity of the city. cepted an offer from the BInghamton lilac-roo- m. ll self-satisfl- ed son-in-la- w m pushed back the iron gateway of the little front garden and the splendid lady came in, waved her hand and laughed, and then she ran up the steps and out of his sight, and he could hear the muffled thunder of a knocking at the door. He had scarcely risen to his feet, slowly trying to recall the face that had Just laughed at him, when the door of the dancing-rooopened and a splendid cam in, bringing a blaze of color lady into the quiet room. The master bowed but the lady ran rapidly across the room, and before he was well aware of it she had kissed him on both cheeks. "You do not know me," she said. "I am " and then she gave him the name of the dancer who had become the talk of the town. The master took a pinch of snuff and bowed again, while he murmured some- m club of the Central League for the season of 1888. He began that season with the Binghamton club but finished it with the Jersey Citys, of the same league, or rather remained with the latter until the league disbanded. He took part that year in thirty-thre- e championship contests as a pitcher, and did so well that he was engaged by the ago the Brazilian government tocV in hand the question of removing tJfcir capital and appointed a Some tiro scientific rommission to fix a site, says the Pittsburg Dispatch. The commission have selected a plateau which should b'j a real land of promise to the transmigrants from the coast. 15 The despot is Vtween the parallels of 8 sec16 40 and minutes degrees grees onds south, and the meridians of 49 degrees 30 minutes and 51 degrees west. It is ovc r 4,000 feet above the level of the sea and its temperature resembles that of middle France. There is plenty of water for agriculture and no yellow fever. Tho Journey by railway from the coast is a matter of some eighteen hours. This is believed to be the first occasion on record in which science has been called in to choose the site of a capital. to Children. Blessed r e the hand that prepares for a child, for there Is no saying when, and where it may again bloom forth. Does not almost everyd man body remember some in a the him kindness showed who of The writer childhood? happy days of this rec illects, when a barefooted lad, he stood Jit the wooden fence of a little gardeft in his native village, while PITCHER RHINES. with longtr.s eyes he gazed on the flowers which Were blooming there in the Davenport (la.) club, for the season of 1889. It was with the latter club that brightness of a Sunday morning. Their owner came forth from his little cot- h$ gained considerable renown, and atand spent tracted the attention of many managers tage. He Tras a wood-cutte- r, the whole wek at work in the woods. of minor league teams, but he was destined to a far wider field of action than He had ccme into the garden to gathof that to be had in a minor league. The er flowers to place in the button-hol- e his coat when he went to church. He management of the Cincinnati club had saw the boy and breaking off the heard of his pitching ability, and made carnahim an offer that was more in suiting to of his most beautiful his to ambitious ideas than any which had Neither him. he it gave tions, the giver nor the receiver spoke a previously been made to him, and the word, and with a bounding steps, the consequence was that he accepted and boy ran hoTtir. And now here, at a vast was installed a member of the Red distance from that home, after so many Stocking team that represented Cincinyears, the fueling of gratitude which nati for the season of 1890, whea It reentered the National League after an of that boy exagitated tf e breast of ten years. Rhines did great absence on carnation The its'lf paper. presses has long Jince withered, but now it work in the pitcher's position that year. He ranked first in the percentage of blooms affash. runs earned per game according to the official pitching averages of the NaThe HrgJiest Type of Hunting. tional League for that season. Rhines In my estimation the pursuit of the was credited with a number of prommountain Sheep is the highest type of inent feats during the season pitching "colaffords. To hunting ou"r continent 1890. The most noteworthy of these of ram lect" an od requires gpood lungs, was a with the Clevelands on June good leg's, good Judgment, and good 12, at game Cincinnati, when he allowed shooting. Itf the doing of it you art them only safe hit. On June 17, at ' bound to Flse In the world, to expand Cincinnati one the made only two Chicagos mentally, morally, and physically, and off On him. safe hits 1, at CincinJuly alto come under the spell that nature were the allowed nati, Brooklyn ways la,ys upon the hunter who once two safe hits, while on Sept. 11, at only Cinsets foot ppon her crags and peaks. I cinnati, the were in served Pittsburgs of the moun- a similar manner. regret the disappearance In all the above YOU DON'T REMEMBER ME. tain sheep even more than the passing the visiting teams were shut out of the buffalo and elk, for it Is an animal ?ames a run. A number of clubs made without and stronger and more of finer safe hits of Rhines that year. the pane, j He had put his kit and bow thing about the honor In a tone that three interesting character every way. It is only were the Clevelands on down on he gilded table between the a question. them alert than the mountain Among two winders, the gilded table that al"You don remember me?" she raid much iDiore therefore 30, at the Pittsburgs on Cleveland; April .more difficult to goat, and 10 at Cincinnati; the Bostons on ways seenied to the girl the emblem of again. "Ah, I remember you," and she shoot May so fay the men who have hunt Ineffable mxury and repose. mentioned this time another name--th- e May 26, at Boston, and the Philadel-phia- s W. T. Hornaday. ed both. on July 4, p. m., at Cincinnati. The master heard her come in, but name of a little girl whom he had sent for a moinVnt he did not turn, and the away from ids class because she was so Besides these a number of clubs made PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. girl stoodj watching him, ..her incapable.''" only four, five and six hits to a game exface paler than ever with off him. Rhines remained with the The man s aught In his memory over a C. M. iBfciley, a Maine manufacturer, pectation, land her dark eyes j shining spaco of nearly ten years; then he rethroughout the season of 1891 In the twilight. The: master turned membered, bowed again, and again said to b the wealthiest man in the and part of 1892. His arm gave out and walked abruptly up to her. took snuff. state, has for years employed a band of early iu the latter season, when he was "You will never make a dancer," he The splendid lady would take no de- evangelistf to work in the small towns released. He was with the Louisvilles j said, for a short time during the season of nial; he must needs come that very of the statfcr The giriilooked back at him jwith an evening and see his old pupil dance On the invitation of Sir Donald Cur-rl- 1893. In 1894, after he had fully recovat n the expression on her face as if he had the opera. She had got the noblest box ship owner, Mr. and ered the use of his pitching arm he was He saw the expression in thehouse for him. struck, her.i Mrs. GlacVtone will sail from London engaged by the Grand Rapids club of n and spoke quickly and sharply to hide the Western League. He took part last That evening the old dancing-maste- r for Kiel on June 12 on the steamer his pity, j of sat in. the opera house in the noblest box to the attend championship gamea, year in fifty-eigCastle, opening "It is nojuae for you to come here any In the theater. He sat between his son- - J the North sea canal. and made such a brilliant showing ii never make more," he; said. "You will and his daughter, with his eyes Harrison has a double the pitcher's position that h,e was , j dancer.' fixed upon the stage. The. great theater in one cf his personal friends, General this Season by the Cincinnati I "But I niust," the girl answered,, with ;wes packed, artd when at length the A. H. Bsech of Wheeling, W. Va. His club, and his work thus far in the pitchHtears in her eyes, while her right hand time camr for the ballet and the curtain ers' position has been of a phenomenal figure fld features, even to his eyes alpulled nervously at the fingers of her drawing Vj revealed the adored dancer, and character. of him his make the color . :ieft. the housf raved at her. Only the' mas- most tTt'i counterparthair, j j' of Mr. Harrison. story started- at Cleveland is that offered Bannon "Never, never, never I" he Insisted, ter, In b is sober black and white, eat The 'wo Ashantee envoys in London, President Freedman With his hands folded on the front of the Prince "fit's no ujse deceiving yourself and I $6,000 cash and exchange John and Alfred Osso Amsah, and Fuller and Burkett. inMr. '.look- you I cannot deceive; myself. box and waited! . FreedMcKean for couras are described and intelligent Please dofnot come here any more." no such but he made offer, would man The 'dtnee-began.- . was marvelous. teous It perfectly at home, in "Oh, but, sir!" the girl lifted her The dancer's body was plastic, supple, their if the offer it of the accept European garments and amid the probably to him. clasped hknds toward him. , He shook exquisi'e. She danced a strange dance, luxurious was made trade of a London surroundings his head angrily. in whih she did wonders with a long hotel Manager Davis is of the opinion that knoW know and I say what silken Scarf, what I "I York team got much the worst moving hither arid thither Hey. Hay den Rayburn of Kokomo, the Newschedule 1 cannot have you here any ' some ,1 know. like a the of arrangement on the figure from "Grecian vase,, Ind.. .htas married 1,246 couples during more. Could you ever do the 'Pas de from & and western When wall. points to the long trip, It ended, his ministry. "I think I can justly Zephlr? Never. Can you do the Fou-ett- e and thePompeiian the have been that' house players for more, she did clalSaf he says, "a smaller percentage Jumps Jragd or the 'Ballone? Bah! You will a to to to take the different get to in clickthe Spanish which, of tfivprces than any other clergyman obliged; never kriow the difference between a ing of herdance, cities. she castanets, his expressed, in America." Mr. Rayburn married ''coup arid a "Jette.' Go away, please. hurriedly, triumphantly, all the The Baltimore Sun manHvho made the passion firfW couple in 1849. We have finished. You will never make of the the Orioles says there south, When, it was over the Ttefore age began to bleach his, locks, western trip with a dancer" no foundation to stories houre Is flowers rained absolutely the stage, and JtSUce John M. Harlan was a very tall, There fwas a firmness in his voice a thousand hands upon of disorder circulated anan thundered among the man of the Thomas Jeffer-stf- ft being which showed that his decision All of the are that woman the Baltimore plafise players. brought again final. The girl made no further attempt an type. He was the son of a great on the best of terms and none men before of the them curtain. again and when he took his seat on to content the decree. It was like the , It was over a servant of the lryer, When Irree the of tt he gave up a "practice worth are guilty of misconduct. bench absolute, gods; Judgmentj She turned Managef Selee thinks a heap of young silently,' and went theater came to the box to beg that the Hach more than his; judicial salary. vocable, Dolan. Says Sir Francis: "I master would come to Pitcher Massachu-srttsMwh- o the nucu X.LM dancer's rOOIH of vci OI J tUv Coggswell Congressman quicn. drossing-rooHe bade his children go strained died recently; In Washington, don't say he will set the base ball world the door! closed behind her the home and followed becould the messenger hear ftad remarkable career .In the army afire this year. a He can stand a little sensibilities of the master hind scenes the to and little more speed, ' but tried she the which dancer's room. during the civil war. Before his twenty-sec- seasoning the stealthy sobbing, downstairs and A crowd of men were ' waiting outside It. ond 9 stifle :as she slipped year he had risen through the he is as cold as an icicle and has a drop into the gaunt hall. He heard her close He alone was admitted. She was chang-iit-g Trades of captain, lieutenant colonel curve that will puzzle the best of for one moment he was cameher dress behind the screen, but soon and colonel to that of brigadier gen- them." ' the door, and cut a.gain, clasped him by the eral, , .jand call Anson has found another "south paw" tempted! to go to the window on him ?iand, klsstd both "Betcheeks hi3 head. to and take Willie McGlll's place in downing The to of is Lome her baclc But he shook Marquis going for him hlrnthanked Bbe to Then coming. said he Phillies. Walker Thornton, from the write; the libretto of an opera. He has ter sooner than later," ! of talked all the a dancer." Vernon (la.) college is the man, volubly Mt. make never places hal already quite an j extensive literary self. "She could showed him and of seen, her to the he will Join the team June 22 at trophies and and his down new harpsichord sat reputation, venture is more Then he of wreaths o? snow to wreaths of gold, how triumphs, a over Just in "time, to get into shape a Lully's versatile can Chicago, gavotte writer he and played rare and sb and silver flnr.llybe. awkward jewels, .than the on their next trip an Phillies for the of apparently, indication had plain, he played, until would come out to sup- an intention to "write purely for th he' if him asked Brown of the Dartmouth of his memory. out: lrl and some friends. ind she stage in future. her with warm. team has per Tie and Pitcher TJoyd F. very was summer, protested It KirKf'-Heartednes- s kind-hearte- i BROOKLYN'S BLIND ACTOR. ; According to an tiiveitlgatioa coa. ducted under the auiplces of the ia. ternational Society of, Anthropologist, of London, which hasj just concluded a valuable : Inquiry respecting the ayer. age height of the various! races and nationalities, English and American citl. zens average taller than jany other rep. : t resentatives of the human family. following has been gleaned from the'r 120 page report: HThpi English prot4 slonal classes, who head (the list as the tallest of adult males, attain the Ug average of 5 feet 9a4 (Inches. Next on the list come the males of all classes In the United States,; and, a minute fraction behind them come the Eng. lish of all classes; hencf we may conclude that, taken as ahole, the Brit ; : j tV. nnrt Vir?i- 17" n rr 1 ch 1 STTfFifl V 1 T (r V1i-tc- in America are approximately of tha same neignt, jm .oxuep European coun tries the average for the male adult is but 5 feet 6 inches ijirxne Austrians, he! Spaniards. fan somewhat below the geheral European average. Has a Big Bump of Location and Is at Don't Get Sckred Home on the Stage. wonNo one who viewed the recent If you should hear thfat In some place to Hay-dederful performance of Thomas T. chills and the blirid actor, in "The Banker's To the alr poison whicji produces and thorough antidote and Daughter" at the Criterion theater, there is a safe Stomach Biviz., preventive, to to know, tters. The great Hostettef's specific wish Brooklyn, could fail Is more of this most interesting character a remedy for blliousneiss, constipation, also rheumatic audi kidney trouble, ner. than is portrayed in his stage lif e The other day a Press representative called vousness and debility.! i n, j antl-mtdairt- al dy9-pepsi- a, at his office, 199 Joralemon street, and was received .most courteously. In is hard Mr. it with chatting Hayden to realize that he is without the use of his eyes. A moment after the writer was introduced the telephone bell rang. Mr. Hayden arose and, without the least assistance, answered the call, returned to his seat and continued the conversation as though he had full possession of all his faculties. After he had taken a silver cigar case from his pocket, Invited me to join him, bit off the end of a fragrant Havana and lighted it with keen enjoyment, Mr. Hayden was ready to talk with me about some of the numerous plays in which he has taken part, although deprived of the one faculty which, to the actor, seems most necessary. He assured me that it was sim-- , ply his splendid memory for location that made him so successful. At rehearsal he has his stage setting exactly as it is on the night of the performance, and he can place the exact location of each individual, chair, table, etc., with marvelous precision. Mr. Hayden learns his lines by having them read to him. He is, more strangely, his own manager, both financially and artistically, every detail of the production being under his own supervision- - His eyesight was destroyed by an unhappy accident in the use of liquid "make-up.- " After all hope had been given up of regaining his eyesight all his hopes turned in the direction of his greatest liking the stage. His success since that time in such roles as those of Douglas Win-throChevalier de Vandray, Sidney Norcott, Rudolf Chandos, Bob Sackett, John Strecker, etc., clearly demonstrates his ability as an actor. Mr. Hayden is at present in the real estate business, but he intends eventually to go upon the road with a carefully, selected company and at the head of the organization. He is of about medium height, with dark complexion, looks well In evening dress, and It would, Indeed, be difficult to find anyone in full possession of his eyesight who could be more immaculate in personal appearance. He is an of the Thirteenth regiment, having served five years and having received an honorable discharge. uaa uctu m icuiuimiuu, mere mere been nft HtriTir. nn morlf- - If thrfi has no can be there Victory. gle, Nobody can Imagine that the leopard is a very shrewd animal,! for he is always Bpot ted when he Is up to knlsphief. 11 fan - Via ; ALL OUT QF SORTS Tired, weak and wearyi 1 lif this is your condition, stop and thinkf. you are a sufferer from dyspepsia and gijeat misery awaits you If you do not checkj5 It inow. Hood's is the best medicine you can tak It has peculiar l power to tone and strevfttxien the stomach.; Remember j Sar-sapari-lla j Hood's Sjirbaparilla true blood purifier Is the only in the public eye today.! MOOU S . ex-mem- r511J KlIIS prominently j $1 ; six for $5. harmoniously wH, Hood's Sarsaparilla. 25c ASK YOUR DRUtiGIST FOR The p, EST B Nursing Mot!hers,Infants QUI BE) REN JOHN CARLE & SONS, New York. TrT ! ... T I A SPECIALTYfnr!S?Sf 15L.UOI ur POISON permanently tiary cured in 15 to 35 days. You can be treated athomef or samel price under same eruaranIf you prefer to come here we will con Jty. tract to pay railroad fareand hotel bills.and nochartre. If we fail to etire. If you have taken meriodide potashi, aad still have aches and cury) pains, MucougPatchfeS iii mouth. Sore Throat, on Pimples. Copper Colored Spots, Ulcers H is this BLOOD POISON out, to curel We sollc't the most obstwe guarantee Secondary inate cases and challenge the world for a case we cannot cure This disease has always suiii ox tlie most batliea the eminent physiJS behind our uncondicians. 500,000 capital tional smaranty. Absolute proofs sent sealed oa application. Address COOK. REMEDY CO., 907 Masonic Temple, CHICAGO, ULL. 1 - Ine Tallest of thejllaee. Cut out and send tlMs advertisement. j, THE COMPANY paVS THE FREICHT new steel horse whim. Will On their common-sense- ! hoist 25 tons of rock 300 fbst ach shift. Is just as eaid and reliable as an enKinq. It can be packed anywhere a jacw. cuu ku xu cog wiieeiB ori 4 ,. clutches to break. 90 per cent wrought iron and steel and will bend before! breakinc. Over 850 in nse some! running 6 years without on aouar s expanse, we make horse hoist at? prices, $25, 60, 75 iOO I12B IA -- n-ol- d tm-pli- ed fry.. pale,-plalnis- Cin-cinna- tis j j r f e, we'J-know- Tan-tallo- i ht j in-la- Ex-Pjc-Ctfid- ent - j ent-ag-ed ' " a w : j , - : ' ! - j 1 j ; : j w-a- rei-head- ed s ; j m. j ? I : j ; - :!.-;:''- : . s-h-e i west.-Manage-r , THOMAS HAYDEN. a is He welcome member of the "Veteran association, a member of the Royal Arcanum and of the B. P. O. Elks. Booth holds Mr. Hayden in living recollection as twice its president. He is now one of its honorary members. As an elocutionist of many delightful gifts, and aside from his many likable personal traits, Mr. Hayden is exceedingly popular and a program that includes his name Is assured to be a successful one. OR. GUNN'S ! IMPROVED .jL LIVER PILLS A MILD PHYSIC. t.Am.OTeiont of the bowels each day is necessary l lacks to hat the . tlhi 2?T The cure Headache,system regular. JSJPl brighten the clear and the Jyee, Complexion better than cosmetics. no They neither sicken. To convince you. ws rape SoldeTery-wher81feAf.4t,$.U1ox,or25c. MED. CO.. Philadelnhia. e. Pa BASEBALL PERSONALS. SEE!! SEE! "Tot" Murphy is universally regarded S1.50. a "lucky" player. iJkdiea' Solid This Itoot. I celebrated ibeBotton Comiskey's name is seldom mentioned "Vtei li.id.t'roui sent prepaid anywhere in the in Cincinnati now. !& retail stores leas loan $2.50. If v V night Without much exertion Duffy leads not sktufled return and will refund the m4nyj or send another pair. Wenr the Bostons in batting. you. upera, bquare annt JMRlzcyj Jack Crooks is playing the game of .iwv.wuaisu Willi VI Wllliuu. . . wiipc . p his life for the Senators. . ana nail sizes. Catalogue tree. They are asking Tom Kinslow to niHvipn cTinr rn f Bedford St, "ginger up" in Pittsburg. Boston, Matt Baltimore's pitchers have been rapped hard by all the western clubs. PARKER'S Up to date tn Cincinnatis have led the league In basse! running. Ex. r CXennses beautiiies the bair. Pitcher Roach,, late of Detroit, has a lujcuriant growth. ( Promotes and Never Pails to Eestore Gray been signed by the Quincy club. air to its Youtnful Color. Curee scalp dispaseg & bair falling. As a batting team the Bostons ar not a0c.andyi.00at Dnicrfifg in Class A up to the present time. T Rockford has signed Jack Dohm, a WAHIED-nLADwell known astern league pitcher.' AGENTS And Elton Chamberlain has not bi every town to eh;cr Safety Medicine; used ten years in phyelciansf private practice. Address ft. pitched a game for Cleveland. Ex CO experience, Bo 134, A. HPiNDflCl. Harry Gate w6od has resigned the irxg Kansas. f Topeka, management of the St. Joseph team Sheridan Is the most popular member 1 6m m JOHN W.MOKIIIS, Wsikilll art oil. II. C of the Western League v umpire corps Claims. Prosecutes Meekin complains so early In the yea-so- n IfrlHSy'-lU.S. Pension Bureau. of a little soreness In his pitching IS J Vr8 1 U last War.. fi!iailfinHloiHnrx1n'nia WMVIiMUg i arm. :. During Glasscock's illness Brouthers 1 ,re Catogue. qeo, jCfu ler, H w has been captaining the Louisville team. iii rae I 1 1 .. .1 - Ml I 9-- 4- f. -- ' j j Y -- yt ; 11 y nttv-Klnce- 1 arm nam " ; ...J? and on up. Send for an illustrated circular to THK WHIM CO . . Curtis bt.. Denver. Colo. ; - tr!EF EM l I. I i bji mm wmmmmmrfm Instead of the usual chorus of flower frrtfci6 ALL tLSE i AILS. Svrnnu - Taatna Good. Use girls, gypsies, grenadiers and ladies of In tim4 Sold by drusrtrists. E. the court, Edward Rice's next burlesque production, R, A. Barnef" "Ex"'' 'I' !'iMI celsior. Jr.," will have in speechless "Swiss Swiss men," V. parts maidens, man. J. U. UenTen Voi. XII. No. 6lO-7- . dollnlsts, monks,! Van Dycks and Van When writing! ltd adTertisers, please oaf that you saw tt!alTerti8ement in this paper Dyckesses." i i i h -- j j I! 1 |