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Show AS an honor seldom accorded a woman, CLEVER AS MEN. "A! Sunny Afternoon In Venice," STOPS BANK THEFTS. a st small canvas, which she exhibited at the Society of American Artists ten MACHINE IN SOME WOMEN ARTISTS WHO years ago, attracted wide attention, and WONDERFUL NEW YORK BANK. at once raised her to a place in the art ARE FAMOUS. world- to which her extraordinary talents entitled her. Mrs. Nicholls made Prevents Frauds by the Tellers and Is Which a Results Achieved nave They year's stay in Southern Jffrica, and an Absolute Check Against Errors or her paintings of desert life, are esAre Bare Among Exhibited Works Collusion Between Dishonest .Em Their teemed by her contemporaries to be About Nothing Womanish Mrs. of work. finest her specimens ployes.' pictures Excellent Illustrations. Nicholls is also a mild disciple of the Impressionist order. T LAST A DEVICE Matilda Browne is an. artist who gives (New York Correspondence.) a of a is She career. has been invented brilliant woman, promise HE modern not the meas of animal life, happy portrayer to! make bank freed in great reof ul brute the old unrestf wild, the examples ure from cleyks honest. This creation, but the quietly grazing herd is a more importstraints put upon or dozing sheep In cool meadows of ,her by society, has star-eyestatement than ant d daisies. Miss Browne is still come rapidly to the you think. But front in art as in quite young, and is devoted to her when you stop to or so visited A work. she ago year .everything else. In summer remember that0 through, our own land of Holland, working the of and artists. the other more than $25,000,-00she has styles studying (liberty. Her illustrations for made strides in the juvenile publicawas embezzled o f tions have been very popular, many of development in this country in nRS.J.FRANCIS AVJRPY. those lofty ideals them appearing in those children's can 1894 you books Issued of the by scope within Harper's. lay see what means to banks and which f overly Georginna A. Davis is also an excellent man only, and by hard work has worker in oil and water colors. She h& big money concerns to be inachieved a place in the world of art. ennot had the advantages for studying sured against dishonest paying tellers which nature, by her sympathetic other than thoseoffered by the Art Stu- and receivers. The Union Dime Savdowments, intended should be hers. dents' league of this city, and yet her ings bank of New York City has got a One of the foremost of American ink and wash drawings are machine which does it. An almost and Stepen women artists is Alice Barber: accepted by the illustrated peri- human mechanical device of polished phens, a delineator of nature in all the eagerly and compare favorably with the steel and brass which never varied forms of artistic medium. The odicals, robs, does more of work been experienced artists. career of this young woman has not to have simulbe does bonded, but These are but a few of the clever Mrs. advance. one of persistent taneously and unerringly the work of Stephens as a very little girl showed a women artists among us, women who bond of have their teller and bookkeeper, would apefforts the at and by for vigorous age marked instinct art, taken place by the side of pear to be an impossibility, even in of seven years her talent for drawing was so marked that she was given over man in the same branches of practical these days of wonderful inventions, to masters in the School of Design in art, and turned talent to good account but such a machine has been perfected Philadelphia, where her parents then financially. and is in daily use, says the New York World. The name of this machine is A Model Flat. the "arithmologautotype." London Answers: The proprietor of "Bookkeeping by machinery" is an a large building in Loridon, which contains several flats on the upper floors, appropriate name for its processes. It says that he nver succeeded in renting is regarded as infallible in preventing these apartments readily urutil he em- errors, accidental or intentional, among ployed a very eloquent Irish woman as bank employes. It has been often said his agent. Several times the graceful that no device can make a man honest, "blarney" of this excellent woman has but dishonesty can be made mighty secured a customer, where a less gifted agent would probably have failed. dangerous by proper safeguards. The "arithmologautotype," while not "Kinvayiences, is it?" says she to apfor the could it's rooms; "sure, plicants entirely dispensing with the services and hot wather at all hours of the day of the regular bank teller, resolves the an' noight, agrayable to yer tashte, teller's duties into a an' scullery coppers that wud maKe a of a customer's pass-boo- k simpleto handling the mawasherwoman of the queen of England a chine, turning crank, and handing by prifference." "Are the rooms com- the to book back the customer again. fortably warmed" asks the inquirer. The machine does the rest. With the "Are they warmed?" with a surprised air. "Sure, wid a sloight turn o' yer mechanical teller any intelligent young wrist ye have anny degray o' timpera-tur- e man or woman can do the work as well known to the therimether." "But as the most expert bank employe. the stair case. Is that easy to go up?" of the arithmologautotype The "Now, thin," says the eloquent agent, is like story one of Jules Verne's romantic as if she were reaching the climax of ' ' ! mechanical devices brought to material all the wonderful advantages of the MRS. RHODA HOLMES NICHOLLS. building, "the staircase is that easy shape and use. It is the creation of that when ye're goin' opp ye would President Charles E. Sprague of the resided. Later she entered the Pennwell belave that yer comin' down." Union Dime Savings bank. This new sylvania Academy of Fine Arts, and The intending tenant usually capitu- machine has had a practical trial in before she was sixteen became a prize at this point. lates pupil in the woman's life class. that bank and met all expectations. Later she was offered.' superior opIt was taken out last week to allow COIN'S TEACHER. portunities for study under the trainiroom for permanent connections to be ng of Julien and Carlo Rossi, in Paris, " But The Man Who Has Stirred Up the Great put in, and as soon as these are ready, where she remained two years. probably in ten or twelve days, two without the exceptional natural gift of Financial Discussion. delicate conception that has enabled her arithmologautotypes will be fixtures in (Chicago Correspondence.) to portray those pretty, trifling details William Hope Harvey, author of "The the Union Dime Savings bank, one at of life which grace a homely subject Klementary Principles of Money," the receiving and one at the paying with charm, these advantages of study "Coin's Financial School," and "A Tale teller's window. .would have availed her little. When of Two Nations," eminently successful The arithmologautotype, which the Mrs. Stephens returned to America ahe contributions to current financial was prevailed upon to become an in a reporter examined at the bank, consists is literature, comparatively M structor of an elaborate mechanism in a in in the School of Design, a still she which Philadelphia, polished steel box about three feet position holds. square by two deep. On the left side As an illustrator Alice Barber Steof this steel box is a steel cylinder of phens stands, in point, of eminence, at twelve inches in diameter, inabout the head of the list of women artists in closing a series of wheels, on the tires that line. Her successes in black and or edges of which are the letters of the white have been many, but she has not confined herself to this mode of delineatalphabet and the numerals. ion. In the realm of color she is easily On the bottom of this cylinder are at home, and many of her recent canopenings through which the letters and vases, which showless of the convenfigures on the whole appear when the tional instructor than her other work, machine is worked. Directly under the bear striking manifestations of the not too extreme impressionist school. cylinder is a side on which the passbrush-woman is placed, open, so that hen the book clever" Another illustrator and is Mrs. Jl Francis Murphy, who slide is pushed in the figures and let holds her own In the world of art with ters on the wheels within the cylinder her talented husband. Mrs. Murphy Is will make an impression of vhe exact as happy in oil as In crayon work, arid amount deposited on the page of the ranks high as an illustrator. Her fancy book. is for old ruins, soft moonlight and fanThe front elevation of the large steel tastic shadows. Nothing could be more box has a longitudal opening, which suggestive of sentiment and poetry than one of her moonlight paintings, where shows the edges orj tires of a set of shadows are deep and lights are strong. wheels on each of which are numerals. In our popular periodicals her illus-"blaOn the top of the box is a similar openand white i these illustrations are ing, showing a similar set of wheels. trations appear from time to time, but These openings are just large enough W. H. HARVEY, perhaps her most earnest work has been devoted to book illustration, in young man. He was born Aug. to show one figure en each whel. In front of the square box, and which she has exhibited a rare faculty 16, in Putnam 1851,. Buffalo, lor grasping- the Author's ideas and por- county, West Virginia. His early outward at its base, is a large common was In a convincin the them education but traying acquired simple keyboard containing 120 keys similar or district schools of his neighborhood,' to bnt considerably ing style. larger than those As a colorist, Maud Stumm is es- and at the age of 16 he was a school- of the ordinary typewriting machine. teemed a genius.! Hers Is a highly po- teacher himself. Reading law In an ofwhole ppparatus weighs about The etical temperament, and this quality fice in his native town he passed a is evinced in all that she does. Much creditable examination at the age of 19 500 pounds and stands on a steel frame of Miss Stumm'ss work is done in water years, and was admitted to practice. at about the height of the average bank colors, in which medium she excels Success followed his efforts as a lawyer, counter. The box jis securely locked Caof at noted the one a meets bar became he classic .with and Occasionally with Yale locks, and .there to no getbell county, West Virginia, and in the ting at the works inside by anyone circuit embracing this, Putnam, and except the president or cashier of! the otheri counties in the' Kanawha valley. In 1875 he left his West Virginia home bank, who have the keys. A crank on and settled in Cleveland, Ohio, where he the right hand side of the machine is the means by which it is worked.! successfully practiced his profession 1877 located in he In Chicago The method of operation is as follows: years. and practiced law, having an office in The machine, located at the receiving the Portland block. In 1879 he went to teller's window, is set at blank before Galllpolis, Ohio, where hei became coun- the opening of business each morning. sel for several wholesale firms, and as well a partner In the dry goods firm of The openings in front and on the top JohnjT. Halliday & Co. There he mar- show simply a row of ciphers. A ried Miss Anna Halliday, by whom he appears to. deposit, say $125.50. In 1884 he aban- The pass-boohas had together with the; dedoned the practice of law and emigrated posit slip and the deposit, is handed fromjOhio to Colorado, settling in yDen-ve- r, to the teller. The latter compares the where investments became his spe with the items; then places1 the cial line of business. In 1890 busineso slip pass-boo- k open on the slide under; the called him to Ogden, Utah, and there he took up his residence until May, 1893, cylinder on the left of the machine. He when he returned to Chicago. Since re- quickly presses the proper keys in the which denote the amount of establishing himself in this city, Mr. in been author has engaged Harvey Instantly! the wheels in the of financial litera deposit, ship,? the publication and at the aperture box revolve, big MRS. ALICE BARBER STEPHENS, ture. His success ha& aeen pronounced. In on and the front the top of the) box have commanded widespread: from the Greek ior Latin poets done In Hi works and? have attained to-- won- appear the figures: i $125.50, together attention exquisite, and if one will look carefully derful degree of popularity. So far as with the number of the pass-booA over the work he will find i at the far in! of on of in full turn School the crank comthe Chicago," spoken "The right-han- d corner the name of Maud "Coin's Financial School' is concerned pletes the work That turn ofright the crank Stumm. j or an alle- does three things Rhoda Holmes Nicholls is an" artist it is only ato figure ofa speech simultaneously, convey lesson practically of varied gif ts, and a most prolific gory used a full recIn prints in the pass-boo- k Mr. school, In worker. Her types range from delicate and easily. of theHarvey's of the ord transacigms sar "25th May, clientele that seekB consists wash drawings to strong effects of light fact, B.f $125.50." 1895, It also prints on the with and' works his avidity. reads and shade in pictures of desert life. Unin the machine the amount detape like most artists who generally foster in" the Market. Always of the passand the number ' a specialty her do these millionaire? posited well filled with Jinks studio, Why also and it her work, shows evidences of genius for dress so shabbily? Winks-- So folks will book, registers on a "total" composition in all branches of art. Mrs. take pity on 'em and buy their watered sheet the sum deposited. i Nicholls has worked in Rome and Ven- stocks. "A second customer comes in to deice, and much of the Influence of those is placed posit $50.25. His pass-boo- k rare artistic climes can be traced in Tnir thp courage to be ignorant of at the aperture In the face of the box, her paintings. a Tet many things In order to avoid while at the top one the figures are While In Rome she was made a mem-- b the calamity of being ignorant of every. $175.75. showing the total of two de of the Roman Water Color society, thing." Sidney Smith. . - j j m - nil, kn fry ; self-appreciati- 'i on i .t ck ( I ex-te::.ii- - ng -- " . posits. 'A turn of the crank and the U. S. Gov't Hepprt Highest of all in Leavening Power.-Laterecord of the second transaction is " complete. And so it goes all day, the n o top opening in the box showing the total deposits as they increase. rrw The machine is so situated at the teller's window that the depositor can have a plain view of the figures in the face of the box, and thus see for himself that the amount of his deposit is correctly recorded. At the end of the day the cash in the receiving teller's cage should tally exactly with the The Elevator Jiy amount registered at the aperture in An Opening; for a .Live- Man. oneno of of Denver's officej buildings In the top the box. There can be He arrived in a small Western town is an elevator boy.! life is always changing of figures or turning back of from the East, and after supper he there ! but wheels. The mechanism is such that interviewed the proprietor of the hotel. on the go, wielded world, too He slick for is this far this is impossible. The crank can be "Is there an opening Jtn this place He was meant for a fairer, ;lUne; swears He swears at the manager, at hii turned one way and only a certain dis-- j for a Uve newspaper man?" - , i work, wuz the tother day," replied "Thar tance at a time. If the monkey key And is kicking all the time. He groans and sweats 'neath fhls load, of should be passed by mistake the fact proprietor pleasantly. r- '.I.iifi ,work. Deen miea it "Mas would at once show in the opening in Bewails ids stoney way; but not I no, "Welt reckon; But once a month he quiets down the front side of the box. The teller It's got; a man inegsactly, it." And Complacently draws? his pay. is not allowed to make any entry or "Who is he?" to the East Via the Union mark in the his sole duty "A newspaper chap from the East." Reduced Rates i Pacific System. "A live man?" being to place the money handled by return Boston To and July "I reckon not. Leastways not so live To Baltimore and return him in a receptacle and work the maJUiyi Boston return To and as he wuz." August j chine. LouiSTille. SeDt. To returri' and Kt.. "How do you mean?" or write to information call For additional With a machine at both receiving and wuz this air way:! Geo. Adyv Passenger Agent, D4I1 17th it see, "Wal, yer street. li i paying tellers' window in a bank, the A live man came here and started a; Denver. Colo. top or "total" apertures of both ma- paper. He jumped on the respectable chines from a constant balance sheet, citizuns of the community, and be gosh HALIi'S CATARRH CURE isi ai liquid and iM taken internally. Sold by Druggiits, 73o. from which the officers can tell at any he raised thunder generally. We hour just how the business of the day couldn't stand that, so we jest dropped The trouble with cheerful people la that him in that ere well out yunder. He their is running. cheerfulness is so hard to! snub. we so wuz a ruther little chap, to go light on him. The news-- j II the Baby is Catting: Teeth. WON A WIFE BY BRAVERY. sure and use that old and remedy, Mbm. paper's got an openun yet if yer want Ba Winslow's Soothing Stet for Childra Xeethlns-it." Romantic Adventure in Japan at a San He concluded he didn't want it. The ?tingier a man is about valuable o ; bus-tum- or four-children- . k, i -- ; key-boar- d, . j a j k. - - j - . i 1 ; ! ' I i 1 j o; , ' . c5 s - " " - j -- j i : ? , '' . ' i 1 I1 pass-boo- k, 3-- 7 13-1- 4. 17-2- ; 3. 6-- 8. t cun-clud- j ed well-trie- d i. Francisco Sa:lor. Charles Litner is one of the luckiest sailors that ever sailed out of this port on a sealing schooner. He is going to be married to one of the prettiest girls in Japan. Not only is she very pretty, are very but her parents wealthy, according to the story told by C. Burdell, says the San Francisco Examiner. Burdell came up on the steamer Coptic last week. Speaking of young Litner, he said: "Charlie is the son of Sebastian Litner, a laborer, who lives out on Nineteenth avenue. He is an athletic young fellow and has always had an ambition to see the world. That's why he shipped on the schooner Jane Grey and went roving over the seas in search of seals and adventure. While at Hakodota, Japan, a few months ago Litner happened to be on one of the chief thoroughfares one afternoon when a spirited pony ran away with a Japanese girl, Miss Siena Kato. Litner saved the girl's life' by springing in front of the runaway and striking the pony a stunning blow on the head with a club. The act was regarded as one of rare bravery, and before we left Japan it was announced that Litner was engaged to marry Miss Kato. He was hurt in the accident and was first taken to a hospital, but was afterward removed to the young lady's residence at the, request of her parents. The marriage ceremony was to have taken place two weeks after we sailed. They are probably married by this time." Number Three Got There. were A party of ladies gossiping of their about the sex. One lady related that, on a forsty fall day, she had walked half a mile from home before she discovered that, although in other respects she was to fully equipped, she had forgotten confessed on A second hat. her put that in dressing to go to the theater, to having first taken a bath, she forgot note not did on and her flannels, put the omission until she was exposed to the wintry air, and in the company of a gentleman to whom explanations would have been embarrassing. A '.hird declared that her experience was nore culpable than that of the others, for she had once deliberately stepped into a full bath tub before taking off her clothes. It was agreed that the prize belonged to number three. absent-mindedne- ss things the more apt he is to There Is Pleasure and ij i gJjvsej advice. and no small satisfaction in abating tiroublesome and painful ill s by using Parker'Btf ingefjTonio. r "I see most of your hair i,sl Igone," Bald : ' i Brown to Burton. "Yes,' replied Burton, "it's left for parts unknown I s with Hln. It 1bo Kasv to RmoT percorns that we wonder eo maty will endure iow nicely It them. Get Hmdercorne and see M wn takes them off. There ought to be a law pasgfed that railway; restaurant keepers shall1 date their app j ple pies. ; FITS AHFitsstopped free by Dr.Kline'sGreat Nerve Restorer. No Fits after theinrstuay's use. Marvelous cures. Treatiseaml S2tri&l botllefreeV Fit cases. bendtoLr.K.ljne,93lArcSt.,Pliila.,P. We learn that ministers are Seriously disturbed over the innovation known as the auj tomatic coupler. ; "Hanson's Magic Corn Salve." Warranted to cure or money refunded. Aak your j druggist for it. Price 15 cents. A fish diet Is said to be good for the brain. Probably this is because the fish go so often in schools. Piso's Cure is a wonderful coxigh medicine. Siclen and Blake at the Mrs, W. Pickert,N. Van Oct. 26, '94. Y., Aves., Brooklyn, e dear girl's back hair. The moment a man finds out! he has been "Laura," he said, making a motion as fool of himself lie (has learned if to adjust it, "do you know there is making a valuable. something " out lock a How the Trouble Began. George was gazingf dreamily ! "No," she answered, "but I know there's ging to be a strike." And he got it on the ear. PiERGE'S D Matrimonial. Golden fledical Tndifinanolis Journal: "Do von re member that love letter you wrote to me before we were married, in which you said you would even give up your chances or heaven tor nier' remarKeu Airs !Poclc "Well," said Mr. N. Peck, after he Cares Ninety-eigper cent, of all had got hold of his hat, and had the cases of Consumption, in all its door open, "I guess I told the truth." M; DISCOVERY ht j Earlier Stages. A Few Years Hence. The Trust After today that a Chicago Special. Reported bere had been offered for the large sum of money by famous tobacco babit cure called a syndicate who want to take it off the market. offices revealed the fact Inquiry at the general was not for sale to the trust at that success is marvelous. any price. Almost every Druggist in America sells under guarantee to cure tobacco habit or refund money. No-To-B- "Sems to me I used to hear of a couple of youngsters called the 'heavenly twins.' Do you remember who they were?" " 'M no, I have forgotten their names, but I have a kind of dim impression that they were two little girls in blue." ac No-To-B- No-To-B- No-To-Bac- 's No-To-B- ac The Res nit. tb- - am . Marie "Count Zwinski is going to FLOTSAM. be married to Miss Getthere, the heir Cinnamon tea is recommended as a ess." Hazleton "Nonsense! I'm his most beverage for 'people who dwell in ma- intimate friend, and I'm sure he has larial districts. no such intention." The orange and the lemon are both Marie "No. but she has." said to be fatal to the cholera bacillus. A French medical authority asserts subscriber to editor "I'm mad that death caused by a fall from a great allAngry the way through, an' I want my paheight is absolutely painless. per stopped!" the Ncfverre, the great dancer of "Yes, sir; do you want to pay what eighteenth century, was called the you owe?" Shakspeare of the ballet. He did much I ain't mad enough for that." "No; to elevate its character. The milk of the reindeer and its Boy "Mamma, am I made out of cheee product are said to be most ex- onions, sage, sorrell and cellent for all lung diseases. Mother "Mercy, no! What do you A large pike was found in a rabbit mean?" trap at Osberton, England, recently. "Johnny Jones said he was goThe trap was fully three yards from ingBoyto knock the stuffing out of me." the water, and it is supposed that the pike had jumped at a fish, and the force of the jump had taken it out of the water and into the trap. bread-crumbs- ?" MICROSCOPICS. to cheat. the Ths ancients knew how LOarted dice have been found in ruins of Herculaneum. The bank burglar got but 75 cents and some beneficial exercise out of the bank of Corder, Mo. Near Lac de Jouk, France, the River Orbe is spanned by a natural bridge wliich is over 700 feet in width. Youngstown capitalists have subscribed $60,000 to equip a telephone exchange as a rival for the Bell company. Every steamer going north from Port Townsend is loaded with miners and adventurers for the Yukon gold fields. A big Laramie ranchman states that at the source of the river there is at least forty feet of snow on the moun- tain sides. Governor Hughes of Arizona has appointed twelve newspaper men to act as a board of immigration commission- erf3. MEDICAL DON'TS. -- - u Lu) ( foi-tw- i i Don't allow smelling salts or any preto be used too paration of inammonia as seriof case fainting, persistently, ous injury may be caused if the lining membrane of the respiratory passages. Doxi't attempt to argue with a delirious patient or contradict his assertions, but appear as interested as pos. sible in the conversation. Don't let a delirious person see that you are afraid, or inclined to let him have his own way. Always be firm but erentle. . Don't wake a patient for food or medicine unless ordered to do so by the medical attendant. Don't use any means of removing moles, or superfluous hair until you eon suit your physician. Don't leave knives, scissors, or any dangerous weapon within reach of a delirious patient. Don't leave windows unfastened iv a delirious patient's room. ' Although by many believed ;to be incurable, there is the evidence !ojf ihundreds of in all its living witnesses to the fact .that, earlier stages, consumption! Is a curable disease. Not every case, but a large percentage of cases, and we believe, fully 98 per cent, are cured by Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, even after the disease has progressed so far as to induce repeated bleedings from the lungs, severe lingering cough with copious expectoration (including tubercular matter), gre4t loss of flesh and extreme emaciation andl weakness. ' . i1 J L-f Denver Directory. For Headquarters HARNESS AND SADDLES Bo not be deeied by , f ' 'r uarall-ebl- e fictitious; prices, saal a team harness for $13, 130 steel Jcincha, cowboy-eaddl- e horn, double for 115,1 biit before purchasing, end for xaynew illustrated aud desjcrlptiye catalogue free, and eee what you ara ordering, and if goods are not as: represented, you can return game at my expense. I Use the best oak tanned leather and employ only first class wort men. J. H. iWILSOTT, 1749 to 1751 Larimer St DENVER, COLO t36 . SffSSS TEHT & AWHIrIC cw great auxiijkk duction in prices resad-dlesa- harness. They eost you not h in or exa mination. Best $2(? single buggy harness in Colorado for $1?; 15 single buggy harness for $8.50: a or rubber nipkeli trimmed $30 double concord harness wirn $40 breeching for ?20;sadsteel horn stock dle for $20; $30 steel hdrn ; stock saddle, dcfuble cincha for $15. not be deceived by I4 worthless imitations, but send your order direct; to us and get thb best genuine oak tanned harness for examination before paying for same, catalogue free. Ail goods: stamped, jFr-iMueller. H If H Larimer slfreet, Denver. Colo. 1 Beit ikinown thing to kUl grasshoppers. Any quanjtltyjyom want. Tl, Ai W ATKINS Col. Mdse. Co. 15th and Wazee StB., iBehver, M , - ' M r d 1413-14- KNOWLEDGE Brings comfort and improvement and tends to personal enjoyment when rightly used. The many, who live better than others and enjoy iif e more, with less expenditure, by more promptly adapting the world's best products to the needs of physical being, will attest the value to health of the pure liquid laxative principles embraced in the remedy, Syrup of Figs. J Its excellence, is dueto its presenting in the form most acceptable and pleasant to th8 taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial properties of a perfect laxative; effectually cleansing the system, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers and permanently curing constipation. It has given satisfaction to millions and met with the approval of the medical profession, because it acts on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels without weakening them and it is perfectly free from i" every objectionable substance. - Syrup of Figs is for sale by all druggists in 50c and $1 bottles, but it is manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, whose name is printed on every of Figs, package, also tbe name, Syrup will not and being well informed, you vccept any substitute if offered. COAL TAE E. E. i BURLINGAMS ASSAY ChemicalOFFICE Laboratory. And lEstabiished jStfe i JEWELERS AND PHOTOGRAPHERS send your sweeps and wastie Containing gold and silver for treatment. Prompt returns siland highest cash price pad for gold andLawver bullion. Address 1730 aind 1738 rence Street. Df ver. Colorado; Obtained in 11 countries. Bailey, 653 Eqaitable Bldg Denver FemaleWeaknessi of any kind 30 Viayi Cures Londoner Bk.1630 Arapanoe si.xeurct of MlNIKO, PBINTINQ MACHINIST Bepairs and cutting. etc Nock Pipe& threading 1415-17 18th st. Qarside,; elevators. Freight flATFIITO I O I rfl Cil CREAMEIWSUPPLIES. 11ATW& I for Sharpies Russian I tate 1 1 Agents. sold on separator, hand anflA.power, W ATKINS ana iongiim easy payments 15th and Wazee St8 i.iDenver, Col. JVloteK CO., JJiXXil X A FOR PILES SURE CURE like bjmoiBture perspiration-can- s Itching Piles known warm. This f orm land Blind, Bleed, itching when totense Sr- -. Piles Prntjuoinir yield at once to PILE Remedy, DR. affected, absorbs which acts directly on parts tumorc mU a Jays itching, effecting permaneat pare. Price koau or nuiL Ur liusanJo JDruggists i"al BO-SAN-K- O'S i'ullada., 1 i 'i p: ! |