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Show VETERANS1 COENEE THE BLADE. at Published Every Saturday SOME INTERESTING SKETCHES FOR OLD SOLDIERS. - UTAH. "Thirty Tears Ago," a Poem toy Frank 1m Stanton, the Southern Bard She Wore the Blue An Old War Jour-na-L tttTtRECTORY. to Congress mwDPrTORIAL OFFICERS. Caleb W. West. .'.l.. Governor Secretary. Chief JusutA8Sociate Rlcharda. O. C. S. Merrltt. EENi thirty year senee the flghtin' IGeo. Bartch. - Wm. H. King. S. W. Smith. W. Judd. ...J. Nat. M. Brigham. Justices - i po"?; 255,-- -- . 1. gfffslone'o? though it don't seeni long: as that I follered "Stonewall" Jack- Sence1 T. B. Lewis. Schools son, .with nary a shoe&r hat, Through the valleys o' Virgrinny an' e v'r y w h e r UTAH COMMISB1UK. , Tat loci. irii; COUNTY DIRECTORY, w- I-- Fred else he went Thirty year sence I got back home to the burnt-o- Chappell probate settlement. Hugo Deprezin gelectmen A. L. Jackman J. T. Sullivan But the world, it's been v CoUector Sheriff D. W. Cazler am gray. j rK auu Powr(lr Thomas Winn An' still, somehow, when I look William I feel it slippin' away; '....".".'. .T. C. Hanford Attorney Surveyor. wnnom n.tou The roses come in the spring-tim- e Treasurer Etretlce frost is shore In the fall, JudVe. - ut for I in', around the John Foote But still it seems to a old man's dreams like thar warn't no war at all. MILLARD COUNTY DIRECTORY. ..wosnua ureenwooa . Jadze-probate Andreas Peterson. A change Is come to the country; the ltmen ttme. darfner. fields whar I use to plow t v. k SchoolB cijfr Clientt .o. U. HolbrooK. Alma flroan 7H . Assessor Is paved with stone, an' the steeples is risin' above 'em now; is The woods whar I went roarin with noisy crowas, An' the lakes whar I done my fishin' is gone clean up in the clouds. AT A Hinckley iLfnrlpwordVrVrV.'.Thoa. C. Callister. ...Jno. M. Hanson. .l.anrpr licftsu rironer. gupt tin' Wlllard Rogers. ...wosepn u. smith Sidney Teeolee. D. C. CalLWter trvoT Schools senior. They were married ,;in the 1861. Three days after! their of spring came home and Informed! lie "wedding "her that he had 'enlisted in the army. At first she took the news quite seriously, but soon made up her mind that she would not be separated from her The boat husband on this account. which was to carry the volunteers to their destination was about to pull out of her pier when it was discovered that Cady Brownell, as she was best known, had secreted herself on board. One of the crew informed Col. Burns! de of the fact, and despite her pleadings, she waj put ashore. Her persistent requests to be enrolled in the army were finally acceded to by William Sprague, who was then governor of Rhode Island, and she became a member of the 2nd battalion of the 1st Rhode Island detached militia, which was then being equipped. Her uniform was not unlike that of the men, consisting of a blue flannel blouse and rather full, short skirt. She always wore her belt and sabre, and on the march wore boots. At the expiration of her terih she re turned to Providence, where she received a regular discharge, but later in the 5th Rhode Island regiment. Her company was among those placed under the command of Burnside, and on March 13, 1862, the Union forces debarked on the banks of the Neuse river, preparatory to the memorable battle of Newbern. It was during this battle that Brownell was badly wounded. He nev$r recovered from the wounds received sufficiently to enter active service, and ill the spring of 1863 they were both discharged and went back to their home In Providence. In view of her interesting war history she was proposed acs a member of the Grand Army of the Republic in 1867. She was unanimously elected a member of the Elias Howe, Jr., Post, No. 4, G. A. R., Departmenl of Connecticut, at Bridgeport, and this is believed to be the only case on rec- - an' 'pears it's to be movln' right; Thar's a brighter sun in the an' lots more stars by night; a preparations are being made for redding in Topeka at which the bride Oh, the country, day-tim- e, : times. cratic Barber Shopi U, ' GKEORGE HARDTjV Boot mil! Slioe Mater. ( KANSAS CITY, ( ; i ; i I MoNALLY & LUNT, ST. DRUGGISTS, VIA Mar I J. M. Uteilr Krorq Atlantic the Great Rivers C. OSTLER, and To Ocean. Elegant and thoroughly modern Equipment and Manufacturer and Repairer of BOOTS AND SHOES. Chair Gars Reclining All kinds of shoes made to order. Workmanship second to none. First door south of Tabernacle, In which the seats are free to holders separate lines, comprises twenty-tw- o are of which eight European, the remainder trading between Germany and America, Eastern Asia and Australia. President. Physician and self-destructi- on Room 21 Morlan Block, - Utah, Salt Lake City, OR UTAH again raise the Is suicide a crime 7 GENERAL MERCHANDISE m THE CONFEDERATE MONUMENT OAK WOODS CEMETERY, CHICAGO. ordered six gunboats, 1,000, tons .each. These will be capable of running up ihallow rivers. The gunboats will cost closer, an' larnin' The people's the Golden Rule J220,0OO each. Three torpedo boats Lots o' the women votin' an' the nigcomplete the list. They will cost $175,-Mgers goin' to school. The gunboats and totpedo boats tould be more useful! than the big coast Whenever I git to thlnkin' as I do think o' the war, defenders if we could not have both. constant to figger out the things we was flghtln' for, W. C Stivers, a tobacco raiser of Lanci! kinder think it was Providence its wisest ends aster, Ky., has sued Miss Catherine Wert for $5,000 for breach' of Purifyin' through fire an' xnakin us promise. Hr. StlYers is a widower better friends. and Miss West It a handsome school teacher, 23 years better than we oil The petition avers that the de- I think we're come; trouble ore the done fendant had promised to I wed him on an' stars to the stripes once Got use'; February 27, 1895, but that she had more an' done beat sense In the face declined to become Jhis wife. Mr. drum! Doodle" on the Stivers claims to have been greatly Tre danced to 'Tankee mountain an' the plain. lorried, annoyed, humiliated and dam"Dixie" ped in the sum named. Since the girls An I've heerd 'em cheerin' to Maine! clean Texas fc&T from bfgua to wear men'p clothes they begun to trifle with the sterner sex is changed in a twinklln ad disregard their promises.1 Make ;!Old things it's hard to onravel how, one old whack up, Mr. Stivers. But, North an' S6uth, under flag they're "marchin through Georgy" now; The Church Union, a paper religious 1'iri An' glad. I lived to see it, an spite Published in New York by Miss.Ellza-tet-h o' my years I'm bound to heel, Grannis, and which; had for assocI don't Jest feel,, fromallhead round! iate, editors Charles H. Parkhurst, If like shakin' hands Sishop J. p. Newirian, Miss Frances ls2. r Frank L. Stanton. pilar d, Rev. C. 0. Salter,' Dr. Joseph J. Wilson, and others, was excluded ' She Wore the Blue, from the mails on! the grounds that It There are many women with a past, .ylfcntalned'a lottery advertisement, and but few with such a remarkable one as "ai me paper was in fact conducting that of Mrs. Robert S. Brownell. She a lottery business j The fast number of lives in the first flat at No. 352 St. Nichthe paper contained a full-paadvert- olas avenue, says the New Tork World. isement offering a total iof about $2,900 The full membership of the order of ia prizes to aid inRepublic has subscribers the Grand Army of the securjng her. It is hardly lor the paner. This la h flret InsIrU been conferred upon to have such an ions attack on ne,.pRSarv to.state that the social church grah have been a must one honor Ibestowed uag. r ,.- - i one, having veteran soldier. She is. the war of in enlisted MiniiflrlT iuccu a o Charles A. Dana and Colonel a mere was but , she when the Union each-- trying to convince the WPr father was an officer in the other that he was the better friend of Brit'sh army Col. George Southwell, to Caffarai, a general Simon Camerqn. They both who was commissioned some time asserted Cameron's small coast town in Africa, principles. political 1842. She first in u aa he was dead previous tonfher birth, and iicv,t day In the barracks took three years old her parents M Tom Heed came near loslne his when her with them to Engiana.oome watch the last ti&e he attended a polit--; after their arrival there both died,, and world. cl meeting In New York. He would she was left alone , in she a of neighbor dis3 a dozen good dinners with Through the kindness JWher eve of on the rJcey-Depethan! lose the watch was adopted by a. family They country. this vWch is a memento of his two fn i'attnn years hnme in Providence, R 1. J Jae "Czar of the Hotse of Reprtsen-- ; vv,Q one, day .. tUm.While on: her way to school , j hus-tt- o her now is she met the man who nma a tall, sturdy young lAUM. a-co- O. A-trv- in' . a-do- ln' j !':".;; . j j . -- , Mc-enire;- are ; . tr ; , w tir . " ' " PRODUCE AT THE DESEKET CASH ord where a woman has received full membership in the order. Goods & at bottom prices for Vice-Preside- Armstrong, Cashier FRESH i Fruit anil Met! SOUTHERN Ticket Agent, TRADE Along the U. P. Railway St. Louis, Mo. SOLICITED. Complete Line of Builders' Supplies. Mill Work a Specialty. GRACE STORE BROTHERS' Lumber Yard IniriQ Mill spot cash. A War Journal. JilO. DEWSIIUP, MGR. Miller of this city has a copy ol the Daily Citizen printed at Vlcksburg, Csst Main Street. - - DE3EHET. AJtSTID Miss., Thursday, June 2, 1863, one yeai before the close of the war. It was given to him by his cousin, William D. Miller, R. E. L. COLLIER, C.E. a member of the 102d Ohio volunteers, who was in the hospital at that place at that time. The paper is printed on Engineering in all its Branches. the back of a piece of wall paper. Undei Manufacturers of and Dealers in the head of "On Dit" It says: "That Land and Irrigation Work a SpecialtyDoors, the great Ulysses, the Yankee generalWindows, Mouldings, Mixed and Land Central fcr issimo, surnamed Grant, has expressed Coal, Irrigation Hardware, Paints, Engineer his Intention of dining In Vlcksburg on Co., Clear Luke Land and Irrigation Co., Coffins, Pickets, Caskets,. Land nd Irrigation Co. and Wbtt Sunday next and celebrating the Fourth Fillmore Combination etc. Wire Fence, Co. nnd Lent, Irrigation of July by a grand dinner and so forth. Mountain Special attention given to mail orders and the Southern Trade. When asked if he would invite Gen. Jo By ordering from us you save the freight from Salt Lake City! to this Johnston to Join he said: No, for feat Office: Court House, Fillmore, Utah. point. there would be a row at the table.' must into the befora Ulysses get city he dines in It. The way to cook a rabbit is, first catch the rabbit, etc." In THE DESERET DAIRY CO, one corner of the paper is a note which HAS FOR BALE reads as follows: "July 4, 1863. Two days bring about great changes. Tha FULL CREAM CHEESE. banner of the union floats over Vlcksburg. Gen- - Grant has caught the rabPeperet is noted for the fine qualitj bit. He had dined in Vlcksburg and h brought his dinner with him. The Citi- of its Milk, Butter and Cheese- - Givt zen lives to see It., For the last time it o ur products a trial. appears on wall paper. No more will it N. S. BISHOP, eulogize the luxury of mule meat and fricasseed kitten nor will it urge South SUPT. era warriors to such a diet again. This if Dealers in and Manufacturers of the last wall paper Citizen and is, ex cepting this note, from the types as w, found them. It will be valuable hereS. D. - 1-- i I . s . Grace IBrotler, NEPHI OITT. UTAH. ;i OSTLER & ALLENj, l after as a curiosity."- Florida - Times-Unio- n. ge t General Passenger J H. ERicksoN, Will promptly fill all orders for H. C. TOWNSEND, while of unsound mind. ordered eleven n4w vessels. Two were seagoing Coast line battleships of formidable size. There were 1 PASSENGER P. M. NEPHI - - - ird i 2 to 4 Hours, Each congress leaves a souvenir of itself in the shape of aifew welcome additions to the American navy. The Fifty-th- i FREIGHT AND 1 MRS. M. A. GADD, mm COMMERCIAL Office, at the Goldsbrough Hotel. that had pre- 'r2mpted nously occurred the judges naa somewhat yielded to the inevitable English custom of a 'coroner's jury awarding to the effect, Terdlct over a suicide ; W. W. S. V. DARRAH, Surgeon, 850,000 837,500 BANK I NG: Geo. C. Whitmorb, 0. S. H0SMER, that - GENERAL Call on or address Re The New York Mercury says to officer Goff is tho first order judicial, 111 coTirt an to State filicide nncnpopssf ErU i uiwivvv at- fV'Vison. In the isolated cases of - In All Its Branches. NEPHI. MAIN STREET, CAPITAL SURPLUS i UTAH. NEPHI, of regular train tickets. ' tov f j rp-Uo- The tons, besides tug-boat- s. consists of 8,000 men. The traffic apt j i 240,000 decision is , PRESORIPTIOHS! i capital is about twenty million dollars, md its fleet consists of eighty-tw- o steamers, of an aggregate tonnage of Thia ft RAILWAY. North German Lloyd is the largest steamship company in the world. Its question, Hair Cut. i - "committed A Painless Shave Up-to-da- te The staff j OSTLER & 00KEY,; the English statistician, itF68 up that from 18 an increase of MCnited States shows . V. '. V rfW,wU,OUU,UUU in apparent, w eai Ifuin thirty years or repuDiicau iuic. We have already lost, according to tne several billions of Vpw York World, wealth in two years of democratic rule, and still there are men who cpntinue to talk about the prosperity of demo 4. Bute tiers, Choiee Fresh Meats': Butter, Lard, Sausage Munhall, '. V. HAGUE, erty of tranjeers. Wholesale and Retail I once knew a dog in Ireland-r-- a large retriever says a writer in the London Spectator, who had been taught always to bring his own tin dish in his mouth to be filled at dinner time. Mutton, Veal, Chipped Beef . CXJK.EID For some reason his master wished to and Bologna. make a change and to feed him twice a PORK Your patronage solicited. day instead of once, to which he had BEEF always been accustomed. The dog reVEAL THE LITTLE CHICAGO sented this, and when told to bring his MUTTON dish refused, and it could nowhere be found, on which his master spoke ALSOangrily to him and ordered him to bring the dish at pnee. With drooping R. tail and sheepish expression he went r.lcGune, Proprietor down the length of the garden and began scratching up the soil where he had buried the bowl deep down to v It is the place in which to get avoid bringing it at an hour of which he did not approve. NEPHI CITY, UTAH. In 1873 we came to live in England, , And an after a residence upon the continent, Free delivery to any part of the cityi V . . bringing with us a Swiss terrier of doubtful breed, but of marked sagacity, called Tan. One day, shortly after are going to "new the home from Switzer- If you reaching land, the dog was lost under the following circumstances: We had driven CHICAGO to a station eight miles off, East HardA perfect fit guaranteed. "Repairing i allf ing, to met a'friend. As the friend got its branches. Special attention called to out of the railway carriage the dog his new style. Universal feed sewing mat got in without being noticed, and the chine does all its work inside of the shod. on Two doors north of Union, Main St., NephlJ train proceeded its way. At the next station, Eccles Road, the dog's barking attracted the attention of the OR station master, who opened the carLOUIS, riage door, and the dog jumped out. The station master and the dog were Be sure and ask for a ticket that reads He and .a perfect strangers. porter tried to lock up the dog, but he flew viciously at anyone who attempted to touch him, although he was not above accepting fpod. For the tnext three Carefully compounded. Mail or express orders promptly attenejd to. days his behavior was entirely method Large Stsck at Salt Lake prices. ical; starting from the station in the morning, he came back dejected and SOUTHERN TRADE SOLICITED. tired at night. At last, on the evening of the third day, he reached home, M'NALLY & LUNT, some nine miles away, along roads which he had not before traveled, a U JAH. NEPHI, sorry object, and decidedly the worse for wear; after some food he slept for No tiresome layovers. twenty-fou- r hours straight off. Now, Close connections in union depots, he was a dog worth owning, wasn't he? And positively the quickest route The First National -- iltar. 1 the Prop- - HUTS 'rill wear ' A1. OSTLER & 0CKEY, , ed bloomers. She is an emancipand will wear no evidwoman, ated ences of her recent thralldom to the HE KNEW HIS BUSINESS. A Dog That Refused to Be -- re-enlist- n-- S man "then, and only a; few years her Soldiers and History. Indiana soldiers do not take kindly to school histories which ignore mention of the late war, or, If mentioned at all, it is to glorify rebel generals and THE DESERET HOUSE. HARHESS, SADDLES AND A i Milters mag- for MDflllG IM nify the victories of rebel troops. They think they had some hand in ending mtCty and oounty Newspapers from all pczt Utah. the war, if not in fighting it through, Ore ipaaimen from Detroit and cSao and they do not propose that their chilvhere be dren shall taught that the South alone was able to win victories. The Erery thing RE3PEGTABLE. soldiers are not yet prepared to permit " VJmmtaa Wen of the war to become; only a memory; aa seems to be the determination of the THE PUREST WATER ON DARTS. educators of the Hoosier state. The Oa ti JPremiaea. This Water Is a OVAIX old soldiers are right In this matter, as ANTEED CURB for aS they were right a Quarter of a century ago when they shouldered their mus- Diseases of the Kidnays and Bladder kets and went to the front to defend Taatimonlala on Application. Old Glory. Commercial Gazette. MRS. J. P. GIBBSr Propw Out of every million people who 5V, twenty-seve- n thousand succumb U DESERET, UTAH. ,f apoplexy. j ! HOPPLES, NOSE SACKS, ETC. f We also carry a full line of Horse Furnishing Goods Sheep Men's and Cowboys' Outfits. , . - WE GUARANTEES - Perfect SitiBfa,ctiQr !: ' i r i ' r ."ii |