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Show On all questions whether Politioal , Social or Religious , Ou Qtto;-"T- h0 Country People Read 1$ Absolutely Independent Te advertisementsandInasthe I Js the 1lad.e, Truth. Without Epa.r or Favor," Tfie BLADE- - j Terms j in advance, ya' i.0Q months, f S2.QQ 'r Si per , VOLUME FEPHI CITY, UTAH, SATURDAY HORNING, JULY III. NUMBER 8. 20, 1895. Go to Garfield for the 24tu. Tickets "Little Chicago" to the "Front" The Thieves Were Unsuccessful. good to return 27th. Home-mad- e molasses for 75 cents per Nephi took a big plunge to the front Try a few gallons. last Saturday night and is putting on gallon at the Co-oare making a metropolitan airs with a vengeance. When The Nephi wheel-me- n E. P. Wickins went into theU. P. on tne public Agent track fine very racing ' station ' on Sunday morning, he :,. It'y square. office In confound his Be sure yen get Utah sugar the cheap- fusion; theusually orderly were etc. scattered in papers Excelat est and besW16 lbs. for $1.00 all cash drawer pried and the directions, ' sior.. open, An examination of the safe reof vealed a small hole just to the left of the judge King and his brilliant galaxey m it nob. told the story of an effort to rob appeared legal lights, unexpectedly court. Nephi yesterday,1 and opened the office. Mr. Wickine tried the lock of fire works in the but it would not work. He then secured Largest assortment assistance and tipped the safe over to the town and as cheap as the cheapest, fmnt and pried the door open, and found 2t T, B. Foote. 25 which the cash drawer contained, Now that the limit for return of the the 1 a) cf Salt to right. The burglarsthehad failed, Pioneer Day excursion tickets their of the a lorce purpose, to although the 27th, been has Lake changed explosion had torn the inside steel cas great many will take advantage of them. ing from the door and had pretty well Messrs. Anderson & Mayo gave a very pulverized the fire clay lining. The exeof slelght-of-han- d pleasing entertainment cution of the proved it to have been and music on Thursday evening in the work of job experienced Comthe interest of the Everett Piano Suspicion pointed to three strangers who pany. bad been see u the before loitering n stock around town. The day was Chas. McCarty, the ransacked in city and sheep-mapassed through Nephi a vain for the suspects. As the train from Manti pulled into few days since from Grass valley, Piute Co. to his home in American Fork. Mr. Moroni on Monday morning, it was learned the three met) (were there. Two McCarty was accompanied by hi wife. with triends near of them were up town visiting They had been offering 30nn assort-35 their former home upon the East Fork of ed, job-lo- t of men's shirts at and cents each. The third man Jay in the the Sevier. The other day John Borrowman came in shade of the water tank, apparantiy and answered The Blade and subscribed for The Blade. "Fathman's salutation with a cheery 4good Battalion one of the er" Borrowman is of his sands a The and morning." heroes, hour-gla3- s pioneer. The fact of their being there had been are running low, and earthly to City Marshal Goldsbrough if a from telegraphed he far 'but," being capitalist,like The who, accompanied by a Mr, Wheeler, a said the old gentleman, to be sustained." U. P. detective, went back on the S. P. Blade and it ought train and arretted the men aoout two Another object lesson for the young and V. miles south of Moroni where they were f resting in xbe thade of some cotton-v;-oodN. C. Nielsen, who resides in the and were shaving, bathing and esnorthern part of town, bad a narrow a having general clean-up- . Naturally, his in cape on Sunday evening. While but all their innocence, they protested an was he attacked enraged by corral, same were over the brought they toNephi were neok bull. His cheek and badly on Monday night and lodged in the bruised. The animal's horns had been county jail. still been or off have would sawed it In the meantime it had been learned worse. As it was, he might have been that the shirts had been taken from a box son 12 10 old or killed bad not his year Of merchandise at Fountain Green. The driving the animal off. were to A. J goods consigned John Kinder, Thos. Hill and C. S. and. were left on the platform Aagard during Graham, some of Juab's jollv railroad The trio of 'innocents" night. men. and John Leavitt and others of Sunday them as they counted the ties" of Salt Lake, making a party of eight, the spied S. P. V. track, endeavored to atone the other d y returned from an outing to for their failure to realize on their aborPish lake where they had a glorious tive attempt to empty the U. P. safe. It time. Thev caught 1100 trout from 6 to was a bold, bad and fatal experiment, as 30 inches in length, and brought home the evidence case is in the 143 lbs. Mr- - Graham secured the prize rather slender . tov landiner 370 with a hook and line. It On Wednesday, the men were taken beis thought the foregoing is nearly cor- fore Justice St jut and the case continued - p, . , i ( j i . ssafe-craoke- j) i rs. lowed. Chairman,.... Treasurer, Secretary, well-know- n, THAT toe WEAR RE513TEH5 or thej A ASS;. L EWI 5 C- )BSTf1 j J" B SHOES Tn E. WQRLU 1 ARE THE BEST 1 M FOK SALE ONLY BY q To safe-oracki- 2400.15 1498.68 1500.00 400.00 1397.09 , $16808.13 DISBURSEMENTS. For payment of male teachers..., ... ,$ For. payment of female teachers ... Wor Building-. , For Furnishings , . , , For Repairs. ,, Far Improvements Current expenses of running schools exclusive of teachers salaries .... For Compensation of trustees For Officers appointed by trustees For Interest on Bonds For debts incurred prior to this year. . , . . For New South School Site Balance in the hands of the Treasurer . 2079.00 1862.00 8313.80 136.30 48.15 495.16 01 8.74 235.00 15.00 902.95 1200.00 415.00 87.03 1 $ 16808.13 EXPENSE ACCOUNT, CLASIPIED. Payment of Janitors and cleaning $ houses Deeds, Abstracts & Titles Supplies rect. Kent until today pending the obtaining of wit- Insurance , nesses to from Co-oSan The train fl.20 Pete was heldthe north. men taicen Fuel Chop barley at the Nephi over to Sundry items of Labor, and the 2 per hundred. Printing, Wat answer to Moroni of the er Taxes, interest &c. stealing charge Mareer and his squaw Mary; Bill and the shirts. The men are not bad looking his better half Ada, all of Deseret, were $ and take their arrest ng 323.35 17.00 161.29 90.50 29.20 105.25 p. good-naturedl- y. : ' . cseiOq f" To meet the wishes of many otiiur customers to place TAILOR-MAD- E SUITS within the reach of all, we have adopted the installment plan. For n . ill , SI PerWeuk z Oo'mpany, tin til paid. you can secure any clothing out-loo- MERCHANT you desire. Orders from the Southern Counties Solicited. Send for samples and measuring ,; -- blanks. Satisfaction Guaranteed. fast-tim- cTAILORS. -- A Great Sacrifice is now being made of Summer Clothing and Mens' Russet Shoes at I coal-bearin- Ord Brother's In order to make room for our -- coal-bearin- t 1 Jor-genso- n, . s Pete;; NEPHI HOUSE ! Valley- - . v Hallway TABLE, V : .TIME ift EFFECT NOVEMBER 7, 1894. .i .8:00 a.. m. f).2 Leaves Mantis 8:30 , Leaves Ephraira i... Leaves Chester .. ... .9:00 ft. m. . a-.i- n. . r t I t t : r Leaves. Moroni. j....9;15 a m. Leaves Ft. Green... Y,9:48 a.m Arrives .EPia...... 10:40 a. m Leaves. Nephi...... 11:25 a. in. 'o.l Leaves Fountain Green.. 12:27 p. m. Leaves Moroni.';. ' . ; i ; I .. .12jS5 p.m Leaves Chester... l..l:0G p. ra. Arrives ITphrajm . . . . i:40 p. m. Arrives Manti ...... 2:05 p.m. Trails leave Manti for Sterling Eunk's Lake ,?.4 Morrison at 2:15 p m.j Monday's, . arrive at 'Ay's and Friday's. Wednes-Returnin'- jr , MsjiU at 5:15 p. m. .'JIEJODORE BRUIiACKr CUtt'JU MajOCl- - in' s, July 8th at 10 o clack . ja - . m. The lion. W. H. King, Judge presiding. .The jurors drawn to serve on the July', pannel were called, examined an3 tfwrtrn in the case of Whipple vs. Whipple the-demurre- to the defendant's answer was5 ' overruled." In the cases of the people va, Chas. j r y E,'-Dorse- and the People Vs. Phillip Footed both defendants having! been called three'-timein open court ahd not being pres. ent, and their bonds having been hereto fore forfeited. The United States Attor ney was directed to cdmmence suiit to re cover the amount due on the bonds. In the case of Allen Russell vs. Ga" brail Huntsman, the plaintiff was. per"4 mitted to file sup plemental complaint,-and thereupon the case came cn to be heard. In this suit, plaintiff sought to" recover a certain package of goods, claimed to be iu the possession of the de- fendant. Defendant contended that the goods ware; placed in his charge by one Meecham six years 'ago and that the plaintiff has no interestt herein. Plaintiff had originally purchased the goods from Meecham and given his note for ' payment, later he returned- - the goodsta Mecham and demanded his note, the la t- ter agreeing to return it but never did, The Jury after hearing: the evidence and tbe arguments of the c ounsel, returned a verdict in favor of the plaintiff, D. D. Houtz movtfd the court to ap- point a committee to examine in the ' qualifications of James A. Melville for admission to the bar. Mr. Houtz, Joshu" Greenwood and Samuel A. King were ap pointed a committee and later they re-- ' ported favorably and Mr. Mellville was ' admitted to practioe law in thisTerritory , In the case of the People vs. Andries ' Burtleson, the defendant was found t guilty of a nuisance, befouling: the waters of Annabella Creek io Sevier County, in April 1895. The evidence in this case disclosed the facts that the defendant was1 engaged in the sheep business, and in ' April last h3 wasondriving: his sheep tu the i sammer range Fish lake imourtaln and was compelled to stop in the vicinity ' of Annabella a and he watered his sheep at the stream ou three different occasions, lut did not camp on tbestream. He was arrested for committing a nuisance (in watering his eheep) and was tried at Elsinore, and found guilty. An appeal was taken, and again convic ' ted. This Buit is important in one re- ' cannot water spect, for if a sheep-ownhis sheep at a public stream it means destruction to the sheej industry in the TerAn appeal will be taken.. ritory. At the prssent writing, the case of En och Dodge vs. Wm. Johnson et al is on trial. Plaintiff claims that defendants have trespassed on his land near Holden. Defendants claim to own a spring east of ' Holden and that they have the right to traverse plaintiff 's land to Dut the ditcb in repair. The sui virtually lists tbe water. rights of defendants to thisbeen The Court house has tastefully fitted up and arranged for Court proceed ings. Several attorneys from Prove and Beav- er are in attendance at court. Much interest is manifested by T.heHol- den people in the Dodge suit. The good people oi Fillmore tendered it and the court ofllonais and Judge King visitors, a ball last i.eveuing and a pleas- - ' ant time was enjoyed. Fillmore was visited last evening by a refreshing" shower, Court expects to adjourn on Saturday next. Note -- The foregoing should have appeared last week, Dut arrived too late. s i , v . A IT vi 1 i 1 ' ! few-day- s, - .' er -- ; ' " . j : ! To Die Easy. Go to Hyde and ' Whitraore's and get package of the German Household Dyea which colors silk, wool or cotton with less labor, time or trouble than any other 2 Dye. Sugar, 5.85 per sack. Nephi A Co-o- p. - "Scrap." An unfortunate affair occurred ohTues day in which thvea prominent and respected citizens permitted tbeir tempera to get the better of their judgments. A few blows were exchanged for which two of th? parties paid flues of $5 each and the other $2, although he endeavored, so it is said, to pour oil on the troubled waters. It was a most unfortunate episode and grew out of family troubles thatT without a doubt, have been aggravated by and which should be straightened out by mutual expUuva. tions and fore bean nca. amnl-prese- nt tale-bearer- s, Notice to Republican Ladles-Al- l are urged to be Republican women held in tbe old be to a at meeting present Council Chamber, Wasatch Building. Satuiday evening July 20th, at 8 p. m. IiiiT r. Pardee, Secretary. Emmeline Wells, 1 . Chairman. -- . Fon The Blade.- For the first time --- --- u'd'a&v more than twenty-flvejyarthe District Court convened at Fillmbre, in pursuandof the proclamation of the Hon; Caleb-W' West, Gov. of Utaj . Court jopened . fall stock to shortly arrive ' Tfte Batch of Proceedings Before . W. H. King xkst Week, . 292-1- 5 1018.74 in Nephi during the week marketing young fellows, as The report then concludes fallows: their annual harvest of wool. Old Mareer It has been since learned from Marshal ENUMERATION. is a kind of celebrity, having participated Goldsbrougb, of the tivo that got toughs The enumeration of children in the district in the massacre of Captain Gunnison and 25 days each in the San Pete countv jail over six and under eighteen year of age has the for stealing the shirts at Fountain Green. pointofonDesparty on Oct. 26th, 1853, at a west Sevier river, about six miles just been completed and shows as follows eret. The entire party was disgusted at Chop barley at Excelsior for fl.00 cwt. Children of Mormon parentage 13a the low price of wool, although as they 330 Boys, say, it is "mepooch wyno" as compared 324 Girls,... Mention. Personal . with last season. of Children ge . Miner went up to Salt Lake on "i31 ...... .... T?p1P?parenta '''iSi ,j Boys, 15 Girls, prosperous sheeomen, came over from Monday. the Manti mountains where his flock is C. Andrews is again in Idaho after Total school itfhfldren'in district, . . , .700 summering, and reports them doing well, more wool. 602 can read and .write. 530 attend avOf to feed is these, the the hardly up although Schools. 123 attend private District the a to made Salt visit Dr. Wilcox in Hendrickson While townMr. flying erage. 47 attend no school. schools. Lake week. this called in and subscribed for The BiiADB, we can safely say that at least 25 We and responded to enquiries regardi ng the a very pleasant lawn of the think Kendall John aa attending no school gave number reported k for the wool party to a ntimber of his young friends of have just recently come within the school age. present and future of which he takes a cheerlul both sexes on Wednesday evening. This would leave from 20 to 25 children of industry, view. Mr. Hendrickson feels sure that age whose parents or guardians have D. E. Hemphill, the genial land ex school the law in regard to compulsory atviolated wool has been to the bottom figure and aminer & Vinton Co. , was tendance. Groves for the The Board expect, during the will slowly go up. "Still," said Mr, H. a Nephi visitor during the week. school year, to make a special effort to c coming 10 cents muttons at wool at and 'with e re enforce this clause of the school law. V. E. Candland made a $2 eacn, there is money in the business. Owing to' the lateness of the hour We can't sit around home and make from cord this week in a visit to sprineville, we received a copy of the report, it when in tha and interest Fork Payson $ 1C0 to $200 a month while others do the Spanish & Co. of Andrews sucwe as was to to. used be out of last week's BijA.DE in In order crowded work, Next door to P. 0. Nephi. cessful and make both ends meet , we J. W. Schofield returned to Nephi last which it ought to have appeared. , have to get out and hustle." Tuesday. He had been out to DeepCreek James Black, of the Four-Mil- e canyon with Col. Henry and Mr. JNocnols, who Pioneer Day In Nephi. coal discovery, has presented this office are elsewheie mentioned in this issue. with a' very handsome specimen of a fosFollowing is the program for Pioneer Kerr of the S. P. V. Superintendent sil fern, which, as Mr. Black savs. Wedon was over Manti here from Day, next Wednesday, July 24h: abound in the grey Millson Grit, over- R'y. of his interests the after At sunrise a salute of 24 cans. nesday, looking lying the coal vein. The specimen be company matter of breaking open in the will salute the flag at fore us, although comparatively small. the box of merchandise at Fountain itsNephi Brass Band and tben serenade the unfurling, is a whole volume in its revelation as to Green by the trio referred to in tb is pacity. formation in the which the coal lies, and SERVICES AT 10 A. M. furnishes good grounds for the belief that per. Geo.C. Whitmore has returned from his g further explorations alone the Choir. piece by the Tabernacle zone will result in important finds magnificent ranch at Sunnyside, in Car-oo- n Opening John the Chaplain Pyper. by Prayer Mr. Whitmore is looking Singing, county. of buried fuel. It was at first feared the Tabernacle Choir. coal had been found at a point too far halej and hearty, and sunburnt. The Rpminisences of Pioneer days, feed is fine out there and stock doing g down in the rocks to be cf well. Presi. Charles Sperry. commercial BaLd. fossil But the value. any Music, M. L. Scott of the American Fork Item Recitation, MissLulu Ostler by Mr. Black is that of a genupresented - Miss Mary Morgan. ine coal plant of the fern family, and is enlivened The Blade office on Wednes- Song, known as alethopteris lonchitica, and day by making a pleasant call. Bro. Reading, F. W. Chap pell.. of the to to Scott as is the former Wm. Bailey & Co, geneology up helps dispel writing apprehensions Quartette, the real value of the discovery. Scott and Norton families and is here for Recitation, Miss Kate Grover the purpose of collecting data relative to Music, Band. the NortdnB. PIONEER DAY AT LEVAN. Reminisences of Pioneer day, Mrs. Mary Pitchforth. Geo. Str inch am and Julius Young of . A Blo Time Expected The Following Pro- Halt Lake City were in town this week. Duette, "All thing are beautiful, 7 Grace McCune and G. W. McCune. The former representing Heber j. Grant gram to be Carried Out. Ketura Price & Co. , insurance agents, and the latte Recitation, 1st Salute of fifteen cannons at sunReached That "The & Home Phoenix Insur Song the Song, representing rise under the direction of H. C. L. My Jtieart," urace Metjune. in honor of the First Presidency ance companies. The gentlemen made it Band. Music. for each for and other, interesting cut and Twelve Apostles or the Mormon lively, as 50 a there is their Benediction. cant, per i; patrons Church. . Skcond Procession to form at the from last year. AFTERNOON. " Meeting house at 8:30 a. m., consisting In the afternoon there wil' be a dance Good to Return on the 27th. of the following: Pioneers and hand On account of Pioneer Day, July 24th, for children in the Wool Growers' carts. Mormon Battalion, Indians; Utah, a The Counties of Utah, Silver :and Agri- the Union Pacific will run special trains ing. Also bicycle races for prizes culture, Trades(including farmers, car to Garfieid, Saltalr and Salt Lake at the game cf foot ball. penters, blacksmiths, masons, plasters, rates. In the evening at 9 o'clock, there will shoemakers, merchants,, sheepherders, following , . Special Fare to Gar Fare to be a grand display of fire works. Belief Societies, Sunetc.) Ward officers, field or. Salt Train ' day Schools, Y. M. M. I. i A., Y. L. M. fro at. Lake. Leaves. Saltair.--. I A., Primary, etc, etc. Additional Personals. $2.00 .6:15 a $2.25 The procession will parade the princi- Juab....... Miss Lillie Ellison went over to Eureka on 1.75 2.00 streets of the town, under the direc- Nephi.,...,.. pal 1.75 Sunday. 2.00 .. ... Mona. ,7:D4 1.75 I Miss Measie 2.00 r Good Sample Rooms f or CommerclalTrav- - tion of the marshal Oliver Christiansen. ..7:26 " Vent to Salt Lake SunSaptaquin. Wright 1.75 Third The citizens of Levan will is-- ; Payson...'. ..7:36 elerB. a ten with friends. 10 Jor visit day lay's 1.751.50 Miss Alice, the twenty year id daughter of Hack Meets., all Trains, Frea to. P.atron semble at the iMeeting. house promptly at Benjamin.. ..7:46 iu o'cjock a. m. wnere tne following pro to and ;from the station. Special train returning will? leave Salt Bishop Warner, ia afflicted with thypoid fever. ' will be rendered.. , W. A; C Bryan, returned on Sunday from the grim Lake at 10:30 p. m. Also tickets sold ut dornell 1 Singing University, where he has been . for the Choir. be will sou of , stations th 2 Prayer by the chaplain, last good Ras-Santaquin year : studying law P. H. GOLPSBRQUGH, for.:. his Nevada sheep ,' Trains lA Hyde mussen. C. left 27th. until every July returning the Nevada 3 Singing Sheep . Company are Choir. hour after 10 a. m. between SaltLake and ranch where Proprietor, Hi .. 15,000 4 Rsading,Xj sheep. running Miss Maria Christiansen, Garfield Beach. - ,. of stockjane Shed . 5 Song Lunt, Nepal's hustling Joseph Francom. men started on Monday for his ranch in Cas6 Oration H Ezra Christiansen. Moneyj to.ioan tle Valley where he will, round-u.and . sella, roan V Puffs7 selection , Petersburg Jensen. number of eteers-- . In any amount, from, one hundred; to 8- - Short Speeca - ' -- . Joseph rh nnrtis little srster of 1 sr:,;;v,. Editor BLADE.r-T- he ten thousand . dollars on , long or short Recitation Oliver ChriPtiahsen, Train Talk j - : Miss Viola is coming, to the front just Song timer On Improved iarnxor.cityv proper? 10 Shepherd. Kanosh Geo.- - A Henrv- and Col. On an 11 Short Speech extra of now cereals,. with .Tuesday crop, ... upon Wm. Tun bridge , ty.o5.on water stock. 12 Recitation - Miss Mamie Which harvest! ng iwill commence in v a a Mr i. Nichols, .mining expert of New Jennings. ' TIC, WixfN,- County Reorder. 13 Quartett Miss Francis Francom & Co few days. York!, passed northward from. Oasis to -- . 14 Short Speech Itob-isoC. James F. Wilson. Salt Lake They were returning from Mining is not neglected. -15 Song Francis Geo. trainD. we wilf flhip a, Dibble, J A. an inspection off the Colemanrttenry Bridges, Abput August 1st - John Oilerton. 1 10 Closing remarks,. S. Roberts A. have ' j ust group of copper-mine- s ioAd of sheeD to ChlcaffOt . and continue iv situated in the Mevergy and . Choir. ainging Clifton-district- , from west ran Creek. Cricket the returned 18 Benediction . Those desir - Chaplain. Deep ie, ' shlpments.during the fall; of wheie located Black Dance Rock, for the children Hon.on Tuesday- was 1:30 A W. they, at ; m. Ivins obtain p. lag to ship through .us, thereby, 4 o'clock p. m., consiHtIngf in at Exerciser well Prince. Black south-bounIt 'assays d gold, a from Salt inu- ,t.he hlzhest market, price for their of raaes of all kinds for bid or silver and . copper, "and wa formerly Lake to his homepassenger Mr. young In St. George. Tug of war, climting.. greased poIefv etc Icnown; as the "Good Boy." About five Ivins had been to busion sheep, .caUon or address, etc. About fifteen dollars worth of priz miles south of 3 pay :&f Garrett,- Nphi; . es Petersburg, Jaraes Hat ness connected with stock shipwill be.awarded to the winners in tha ton a fine ledge that, ments.-. located recently above contests. Come and tret somer To Advertisers. at the $15 gold, and roots, grass ; assays thing. Call for a few gallons of our . excellent Dance for.aduit3 atiSL olfiXptfp ' mi some js0ver..anducopper. Four Issues constitute & month's ad-- i molasses-- . Nephi. U. parp. 2, A Subscribes.. vcr tUlnirJ njrj? e JIlaPJU . non-Mormo- 6. 8298.79 1313.42 . Warrants outstanding o. " EXCELSIOR MERCN'TLE CO Leaders in Xiow Prices. H. Thill & Co. H. Thill & Co. ..... . RECEIPT? s, We have the Finest and Iareest Stock of Pootware ever shown in Nephi, ajid although leather goods have advanced from 25 to 100 per cent,we are still selling at Old Prices. Buy at once and save money at . , .., , Balance on hand last report From District Taxes From Territorial School Apportion ment ...,, , From County School Fund From. Trustees' personal note From Sale of old south school site. . ''I well-to-d- t 75.00 100.00 125.00 j The Blade desires to compliment Secretary Tingey and the other trustees on the full and intelligent report which they rendered and of which the following is a partial resume. un-ooncern- b COURT AT FILLMORE, Raport of the Board of Trustees Crowd ed from Last WeeH's Blade. Pursuant to a oall of the trustees of the Second School district, the tax payers met in the central school building On Monday evening last for the purpose of hearing the report of the trustees for the fiscal year just closed. On the platform were C. 8. Tingey, J, R. Black' and Jas. Jenkins, trustees, the last named gentleman acting as chairman. The call was then read, aiter which Secretary Tingey read a detailed report of receipts and disbursements for the past year, and from which we make the following extracts: After a few questions, the report was unanimously adopted, The question of compensation of the trustees then came up, and on motion of J. A. Hyde,; the following sums were al- i v- Country Papers, nas the tarpest Circulation of any Paper in Central and Southern Utah . It offers the best possib e medium for Advertisements, THE SECOND DISTRICT SCHOOL, THE U. P SAFE "CRACKED.'? LOCAL INKLINGS. ' U.S. KERB, ; Qen'J.SiipU . - Legal Notice. , . . ,. , - .,- to-da- y . - , p -- . i . ' . - t t ! ; . - , - a, I . : m ; ! - . , . . - . ; the-Capit- - . . t -- ; - Co-xp.- ... Territory of Utah, J County of Juab. ' In th Probate Court in aad fof Juab County NorDrusilla of In tfee matter of th.e estate I ton, deceased. of sale ot order cause why to show Order noi be made. : should real and personal property thi$ Court, by the petition fiL It Zenoa j ed ontbe lOthfday of July A. D.of 189o. by the, estate of Wbittaker, the administrator is necessary Drusilla Norton, deceased, that itand a Portion property to sell all the personal estate to pay the of the real estate of aid the a6d expenses and I depts ofof decedant j administration. nhnres Court this by ordered) that all therefore It is nersons interested Ipjtbe estate of said decease ' Probate Court on Moru, appear beforeofthp A. D. 1895. atthe"'-hou- r August 19th, day the day of 10 o'clock a. m. pf said day atthe Court' room of said Conrt a. the Court house ia Nephi of Juab.! Territory pf Utah, ta City County show cause why an order should not be gran-te- d to said administrator to sell so much"of the real and personal property as shall be neeesn-- -i ary, and that a copy; of this order bd four successive weeks in The Bladb j published a weekly newspaper printed4-jand published iu Juab If County. j ' Date July 17th, 1895. . -- -- . J-- -- - . - - l 6-- 9 Probata, Judjre ; . t,' J |