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Show Thursday, 4. December 1997 The Daily Utah Oironide - 3 THEQUGMAfS ' J THAT fay 7HEQUB?,WJS BcrU KcSxrtsn ra by Buddy I Ell Hxtaan . fcl "Tbfay eX4CT SAMfc . ' Barnes & Noble Bookstore mlholdabook&ir tobdpsiip- port the Utah Museum of .. -- . ?; Natural History. The event wfl take place at the' downtovra ; Barnes k Noble (612 E. 400 South) between 5 pjn. and 9 . ; " p.m. P T "Sfb n v i - j(- The Solidarity Seminar Scries continues with "Building A Revolutionary, Party;. How to Make a Revolution m the US." at 8'pjxu in room 311 of the Union Building. , Dr. Seal Akgun will lecture at . the Middle East "" Center Discussion Group on "Reactions to Secularism in. Modern. Turkey," at 4:15 p.m. in 2130 ; " : I'.ta LNCO. The department of medicinal chemistry will sponsor a seminar by Dr, Ananthachari Srinivasan, a senior technical fellow at Mallinckrodt Medical in St, Louis, Mo. The presentation will be about "Radioisotope Imaging and Therapy with ftptides,'1 at 4 p.m. in 316 Skaggs HalL - i got rr a www. . V BASHioMBue &eK. com , . ' . 4 II ii 4fil Hay Gifts for.tf&present . it..- WWT Listen to KRCL CbHimunity Radio (90.9 FM) at 12:30 pan, for the Utah Museum of Natural History's program, "Muscum Notes." , - P" futpre vwire... iviMiaai Krotessioiaalf The Consortium for Utah ; Women, in Higher Education . will present Sheila Steiner of the School of Business at a Brown Bag Seminar at noon in the Women's Resource Center, 293 Union. - U Graduate Student Patrick Pinson will present a seminar tided, "Expanded Porphyrins,, Synthesis and Applications," at 11 am in room 2006 of HEB. The chemistry department hold a seminar on will . the Chemistry "Understanding of Electronic Materials: Thin Film Growth and Surface Reactivity" at 4 p.m. with Professor Stacey Bent of New Ybrk University in .2006 HEB. The Junior High and High Cheer and Dance Charnpionships continue at the Huntsman Center at 5 p.m. School Admission is $4. Proceeds bene- the fit . ;rp? U Cheerleading scholarship tund. Dec 5 The bioengineering department wife wDl series with continue its seminar "Human Genomics: Diagnostic and Therapeutic Opportunities" with Dr. Richard Smith at 4 pjn. in 3225 MEB. . ' g. ? Sen. Orrin Hatch, will give a "Washington Update" at 11 a.m. in the Hinckley Institute of Politics, 255 OSH Dec 6 etm 0 rt' fatt ! 'JMf.n iHH' 0 &feoife p . IJ&obbOssqoix I k I " ' The foterrnountam Acoustic" Music Association will present its Holiday Benefit Conceit at 7:30 ; ia the Fine Arts ; Auditorium. of. Fine , The Utah Museum Arts wul hold "A Medieval Celebration: An Afternoon of for , Mirth" and Merry-Makin- g One and All" Aclrrusskmisfree. bom, 14 J |