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Show 6 - DUBIOUS TIMES - AUGUST 15, 1998 COMMUNITY TOWN COUNCIL NOTES-AUG 12th Members Present: Mayor Bruce Keeler, Dave Wagstaff, Robert Ryan, Darr Hatch. and new member John MEETINGS Some goathead control is being done. He has begun getting estimates for the cost of gravel. Damian recommended that the Town consider buying a water roads was a high priority issue. Jack asked that the Town have the cul-de—sac surveyed to see what the proper truck again. Others suggested that it property lines were. Darr said he had made a mistake and would move it Groo (sworn in at beginning of meeting). might be better to rent a water truck for specific projects. He may look at surplus vehicles in SIJC. Some discus- within a week. Home and Premise Business Castle Creek Flood Damage: sion about water trucks, dust control, Amendment: Bruce said that the results of the employee survey he sent John reported that there had been and traffic on CV dirt roads. Dave out recently was as follows. There separate well problems in the valley recently. After checking by Div. of Water Rights, it was found that these were separate mechanical problems and were not due to a general drop in water table. The recent flooding has caused pointed out that gravel will not solve were 91 people who responded the dust problem—it just changes its (registered voters). Question #1 Do you want employees: 41 yes, 36 no. Question #2: a) Leave current ord alone-35 yes. b) Do expensive survey1. c) No employees-47. Bruce reported that employees could be allowed if a specific number were adopted. major changes in the creek bed ~1/2 mile above the fire station. A deep new channel has been cut, which will likely cause Castle Creek to move more to the center of the valley. John said that he had a water expert come color. Damian said that gravel would cost about $10k per mile for 3.6” of road base. (Lower Shafer Lane is about 0.7 mile long.) Road Committee still has not met (for ~6 months??) POA Report: Jack Campbell reminded the TC that the POA Ind substantial amounts of money that were being held for larger road work projects, such as doing major work to improve the upper end of RimShadow. New POA Board member Mike Dege down and look at the situation, but that no conclusions were drawn at this time. He reported that the consensus was that it was nature taking its course. It would be very expensive to correct. John said that there are no plans to repair the damage. The gabian baskets that were supposed to have been placed are now probably inadequate to solve the problem because of the magnitude of the new damage. has been setting up a web-site for the CV Community which will provide access to many of the basic community documents (like the POA Covenants, By-Laws, the Town zoning ordiance and several key ordinances. Dave Porterfreld’s web-site contains a much wider range of current information and news and has been getting a John said that future drainage alterations will have to consider consequences for those living downstream, more than has happened in the past. lot of response. Jack suggested that it was time for the Town to buy its own copy machine. The Town Clerk has her Division of Water Rights Meeting with Town Council: The Division of Water Rights will be office set up in her home and it would be more efficient for her to have her own machine. Progress has been very asked to attend the Sept. 9th Town Council meeting to explain their slow as far as the Town setting up the proposal to change the way the Town water rights are handled and to explain why the Town should relinquish its office trailer Road Encroachment Complaint claim to about 700 acre feet of water against Darr Hatch: Jack Campbell submitted a formal complaint to the Town Council stating that has not been used. that pilings had been placed in the road Community Lot Well: Town easement at the lower end of Pace Lane, partially blocking the cul-de-sac. Town Councilman Darr Hatch admitted that he had done this. Jack stated that preventing new encroachments in the Council will decide where the new well will be located. The Town has budgeted money for the well. The Town will advertise for bids for the well drilling. TC decided to put well in bottom corner of lot (near mailboxes). Planning Commission: Draft of Master Plan revisions has been completed by PC and has been forwarded to the TC. Road Report: Damian Bollerman, interim Road Supervisor, reported that some weeds have been cut to give better visibility on some corners. Robert Ryan said he wanted to have 3 employees allowed for each business. Dave Erley said it was important to have a good definition for employee, especially the difference between full—time and part-time emps. Bruce asked to have it sent back to the PC to have employees included and to write a definition for “employee.” Joan asked the TC to recommend the number they wanted. Dennis Willigan said that if every lot were allowed 3 employees, the residential character of some neighborhoods would be destroyed Joan Sangree pointed out there are no limits on the number of businesses per lot and the cumulative impacts could be very large. Bruce observed that Bailey Lane could have a very large number of employees if each business were allowed three employees. John Groo, who operates Synergy Co. on Bailey Lane said that he already has 12 employees or 6 full-time positions. [Ed. Note: Bailey Lane mayjust need to be zoned commercial] Dave suggested that some of the businesses be required to upgrade the roads so there isn’t so much dust. TC tried to pass the buck back to “Castle Valley View Points.” Castle Valley resident Dave Porterfield has opened a Website called “Castle . Valley View Points.”The web address is: www.gj.net/~talldave Dave welcomes e—mail comments. He hopes to provide a forum for Castle Valley issues plus other information of interest to residents and property owners in the valley. Some CV Times material will be available at this site, and some of Dave’s material may appear in the CV Times. Having information available both in the printed and electronic media will help get information to a broader range of CV residents and property owners. |