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Show CASTLE VALLEY TIMES FIRE DEPARTMENT NOTES Another month has gone by with no fires reported in the valley. I have seen some wisps of smoke that looked as though more than a covered barrel was involved. As I have stated before the penalties for such burning are severe (maximum $50,000 fine) and are DUBIOUS TIMES 1) Properly Post Your Land “Propefly posted means that: NO Trespassing” signs or a minimum of 100 square inches of bright yellow or florscent paint are displayed at all comers, fishing streams crossing property lines, roads, gates and right-of-way entering - AUGUST 15, 1998 - AS THE WORLD TURNS New Moon...Fri...Aug 21st Rises...6: 14 am....Sets..7:59 pm Full Moon...Sun...Sept 6th Rises....8: 12 pm Sets 5:58 am the land. If metal fence posts are used, Planet Lookout: Mergfl puts in a official arrangement with a trash hauler, the entire exterior side must be painted." This is most important for those property owners that border the Town boundaries. Also those properties even the burn barrel would be banned. tht wayward hunters find their way to. conjunction, brilliant Venus and 2) Know the “General Provisions” of Mergg are an extremely close and spectacular pair on the 11th exacted by the Utah Division of Air Quality. If the Town were to strike an When the window for open burning is opened again, a permit for such burning must be obtained from the Sheriff’ 3 dept, and you also are required to have the capacity to extinguish any fire you ignite. We sincerely appreciate the efforts that were put forth in arranging our meeting at the end of July. It gave us all a chance to voice our concerns about our fire protection. One subject was the need for buffer zones around our homes where fire can be controlled. It may be possible to have experts in that area come out and show us how to do that without destroying the aesthetic beauty of our surroundings. It would be in the form of a “demonstration home." good performance as a morning star in the east during the first half of the month. Following their the Hunt. Not all, but many of the and 12th, very low in the bright provisions help protect us if we know predawn twilight. Jug‘ter takes the prize this month, the bright “star” them. Examples: 1) Loaded Firearm Restrictions: A person may not discharge any kind of dangerous weapon or firearm: a) from an automobbile or vehicle; b) from or across any highway; c) without written permission, by the owner or persons in charge of the property. The written permission has to be on the hunter. (1) within 600 feet of a house or dwelling or any structure in which a domestic animal is kept or fed, including a barn, poultry yard, corral, or feeding pen. e) A person may not carry a loaded firearm near the full moon on the 6th, especially bright on the 15th when this largest planet reaches opposition—its best ghostly appearance since 1987. A touch of gold in the autumn night I walked abroad, And saw the ruddy mon lean over a hedge Like a red—faced farmer. —T. E. Hulme Excerpted from Old Farmer’s Almanac —Jennifer Redding We had three new people at our last meeting. It was nice to have enough there to activate two of our trucks and operate two hose lines from our pumper simultaneously. We were also able to prove to ourselves that we could operate those two lines effectively from a remote water source without touching the pumpers supply. There are several others who have drugs. The 1998 Hunting Proclamation the moment, but their work is much is available and can answer most ques— appreciated. expressed their intention ofjoining us, and we assure you that every one is welcome. Four hours of training each tions. The CV Hunting Committee will start posting the Town of Castle Valley Hunting Zone soon. There will month plus an occasional concentrated training course isn’t a whole lot to ask for the opportunity to live in a place be more in next months paper on what this beautiful. That is especially true when you consider that the purpose of the training is to keep the valley that beautiful. —Floyd Stoughton, Fire Chief in or on a vehicle. 3) Prohibited Hunting Methods: a) No spotlighting; b) no use of vehicle to chase, flush, or herd animals; 0) a person may not use the aid of a dog to chase, harm, or harass big game; d) while under the influence of alcohol or projects are approved. Dave and Karen have worked their telephones and gotten other CV residents out to the Grand County meet- ings where the fate of the river is being decided. No prognosis on outcome at The next public meeting on plans for the river corridor is Tuesday, Sept. 15th. If you care about the river, call Karen for details (259—8820). to do in the event of illegal hunting around your home. ——Melody Taylor PROTECTING THE RIVER CORRIDOR Castle Valley residents Karen Nelson and Dave Erley have spent a lot DEER HUNT INFORMATION 3 of their time the past month trying to CV TIMES RENEWAL DATE CHANGES Because of the “3 issue break” that I took last winter, I have not been sending out re-subscription notices. I have forwarded everyone’s renewal date by four months to compensate for the Developments at the “Sorel River Ranch” (184? guest resort) and at the 3 missed issues. You can check this by looking at the upper right comer of your mailing label. I should have added four months to the original dates. Please let me know if I missed yours. With this issue I am again sending old “Whites Ran ” (100?? guest dude ranch) will drastically change the Hunt a safe one for evryone. Here is a appologize for the break, but it did feel appearance of the river corridor from good. check list of the things we can do. both the river and from the road if these Now that the Tonn of Castle Valley has passed a HUNTING ORDINANCE, it is our turn, as property owners, to do our part. We can do a lot to protect ourselves and make this Deer protect the Colorado River Corridor from large scale commercial development. out re-subscription notices. I —Jack Campbell |