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Show T Gtizen. Press. Review . Wed aept. 23. 1987 - Page 17 Carol Lynn Pearson will speak at UVCC The Associated Students of Utah Valley Community College are proud to present noted authoress Carol Lynn Pearson at their first Brown Bag Forum of the 1987-8- 8 school year. Pearson has written poetry, novels, articles and plays, including the popular "My Turn on Earth." She has written musical programs and many education motion pictures, including "Cipher in the Snow," an eight-tim- e international award-winnin- g film. She has been featured in People Magazine, CBS Morning News, Good America, Hour Magazine and the Oprah Winfrey Show. Her recent book, "Goodbye, I Love You" (which sold 40,000 copies) is an autobiography telling of life with her husband who was homosexual and an AIDS victim. Students, faculty and staff as well as the community are welcomed and encouraged to take advantage of this opportunity to hear Carol Lynn Pearson, Friday, Oct. 2, at noon in the Student Center Ballroom at Utah Valley Community College. Sunday Morning A Irstcli your dollar: j DcGsret Inuiotriss fa American Fcrk Sale effective U JJI- Thurs.-Wed- - Sept. 24-3- 0 Rainbow of Colors! Hour: J Pi Mo" ri . iSiiB r. Sat i Puff Prints Johnny Collars Brights & Pastels m Dollar "i llJX c3 .. ill! forth entire J bpM The y best Days VALUABLE Specials -- x 3 u u Reg. 1.99 j Any 1 00 3 bags for NOW t U Spanish or Floral Moss Bemember: All our goods ire cleaned end refurbished by the han' dicapped, the eWerly and tbose in need, i-- COUPONh (next to Adventureland) PI. Grove 7854385 - i. Come in while the gettin' is good! -- Discount Warehouse 387 South Mam Junior or Lcdi Sivcafehirl Qjr Cost IVsrk is Year Cost Buy Expires Sat,, Sept. I J 26, 1987 Wicker Baskets yDscerct Industries E. ia selection in town! THE MARKETPLACE 612 8.99 Reg. State, American Fork - American Fork f w chritenen0 2 NOW Deseret Industries is a federally approved sheltered workshop. Its clients - those who are elderly, handicapped, or in need reclaim donated goods. , , , iifrhtAiua&HUa mm AM W fe Q. Co M I f lV:-- :as fSf r Giant V 785-213- 1 i a - Grove nt Kit n General Electric Soft-Whit- Vaseline PURE PETROLEUM e Light Bulbs Your choice JELLY 60, 75 or 100 watt FACTORY OUTLET Timp Plaza (next to SMITH'S) 218 F0I YOUNG Buy 3 four packs and get $1.00 Vh oz. WIT. mfg's rebate N. West items while supply lasts in American Fork only -- "(VALUABLE coupon itJZ i ! v All State, Am. Fork 1 IELCR0 COUPON UDIES ORGANIZER HAIR BARRETTS, CHILDREN'S PORT-TAI-L HOLDERS SB 9 170$ Photo Reprints ' WITH INDEX DEAD BANDS. CHAIR Limited Quantity First Come aitDADic First Serve pusne GLASS MAGNIFIER I SET Cotton Swabs c PRECISION. SLOTTED V, SmCRORALUT unta 93087 w mm 0RIIER SH SCREW EA. while supply lasts 3 davs onlv. Thnrs Saf nnt oa.ok aaJ -- UDIES MAKE-U- P BRUIN KIT CHILDREN'S COLORING STORY-TIM- BOOKS J CyO GAS CASSEHE TAPES Package of 3 , SWABS --i carS p . - II KITCHEN BOUDLI-IMTC- SWABS iw f ASSORTED 300 COTTON FOOD Jr. St HOUSEWARES a STURDY i pack scissor sn 'BRIDGEMAirsN. Wt7)lT1MSPANMT NX Wlf lllP XWNRPOSITAPE t& B WOISPOSABLI ; . m ANTIFREEZE c;:r NV BUTANE X LIGHTERS ovar $6 in tho entire store! GLAMOUR BRIGHT NAIL ANTIFREEZE MULTI-PI- T P0USN TOOTHBRUSHES CREMES AND FROSTS n h CORTENIENT i pack, pocxn IABT SAFETY TOTS TISSUE PLAY gallon ASST. Prepare now for cold weather sot tho pacol Wo ...'::: U.i tzA ; J Eaat State, ;.7 K.iin, j. S 4 53, 758-363- 3 756-352- 0 1 Pkt 785-264- 1 108 East State. 335 W. Vntlllllllllll Prra C.-e-n S8 wrCenter. LADIES, 7200 S. 768-803- 4 ' 1429 N. 150 790 ft 1600 1, W. W. Main, pkgs. IMP STYLES llp SOFT. COSMETIC PUfFSIOOCT. 375-247- CUTE CERAMIC CHILDREN'S BEARS '' 489-706- 1 CIATBNS 16 U MEN'S ANB 335 REFRIGERATOR, RINGS TM AIS0 R BANT b 687-933- AW. COLORS UBIES ASST. NAII RUSHES Jj IH If .V W1' MEMO magnets fob FASHION ACCENT UDIES URINGS CAR. |