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Show Awards banquet is postponed The Community Awards Banquet Scheduled far tnnitrht at tk. n.i :.i House has been postponed due to Jack of interest. Free Press - Wednesday. SeDt. 23. 1987 - Page 3 Anyone who purchased tickets for dinner should keeP them until 016 another date has been arranged. Ririe by it, too." Continued from front page The piece is one of the many which by R-choreographed employs visuals as part of the dance. Experimental work with light and videofilmslide projections began in 1969 and continues today. "We've always felt we were kind of pioneers in dance," said Ririe, who joined forces with Woodbury in 1964. "At first," said Ririe, "we did many performances in areas where live dance had not been done before. It was very exciting." The company has since performed throughout the world and regularly performs residencies in Utah cities with the support of a erant from the Utah Arts Council. for everyone." "You don't have to be a trained dance person to appreciate and enjoy what we do," said Ririe, noting that R-choreographs for a "lay audience." "It's important for us to bring quality dance to communities with live performances," she said. That means the lighting, costumes, staging and other technical aspects, as well as the dancing, must be first rate. One of the pieces which will be performed for area elementary children is "The Electronic Dance Transofrmer." "Children love it," said Ririe, "but adults are delighted Brent Huff, president of Timpanogos - &u? a-g- ,' b Jft & J Exchange Club, presents "Freedom Shrine" documents to Lehi Junior High Party site, and has cooperated fully with UDOT's requests that would help facilitate the interchange. Guy Cash said that more retail commerce should be promoted in Lehi. "We need to support orderly commercial and deevelopment asked for help in coimmittee asssignments in developing commercial businesses." Alice Broadbent told of Lehi's need for a stop light on Main Street, but Dave Cox negated the need saying it would slow traffic down, not help to speed it up. One citizen mentioned that Lehi's image as a "town in terror" is ridiculous and that image should be changed. Nielsen, with her husband Glen, are owners of The Bridal Shop. She has also been president and secretary of the Lehi Chamber of Commerce, an active PTA worker, and a member of Lehi's Public Involvement Council. She has also been the Chamber's representative to the Utah County Travel Council, and is a member and Utah County Theatre Guild. She has been a state officer in Utah Association of Women, and has helped with anti-dru- g campaigns including the recent Just Say No project. i! long-tim- e Lehi Rasmussen, resident, with his wife, Berneice, have raised a family of eight of children in Lehi. He he a a family heating business, and is an active church worker. e Lehi resident Allred, a has owned a family ranching business. He's also been active in church and served on several civic committees. He's been a spokesman for senior citizens in trying to protect Lehi's share of public power. He recently recovered from a serious injury suffered in a farm accident, and stated, "I've had lots of time to think about my duties as a citizen in my community." The Freedom Shrine, composed of of authentic reproductions historic documents, was presented to the Lehi Junior High School studentbody Sept. 16, by the Timpanogos Exchange Club. Brent Huff, club president, said the reproductions include the complete constitution, the Bill of Rights, the Declaration of Independence, and the Gettysburg Address. The display will be permanently 28 displayed in the school, school ficials said. of- Huff said to date, Exchange Clubs have presented nearly 10,000 such displays to schools and universities, libraries, capitol buildings, places of business, airports and other public places. The presentation at Lehi Junior High School is believed the first to a school in Alpine School District. Huff introduced cosponsors of the Freedom Shrine, Guy and Mary Ellen Cash, Harvo and Yoshi Miyagi, Gerald and Cynthia M. Johnson, Bert and Taunya Wilson, Carl and Dimple Mellor and Robert and Carma Johnson. The Lehi Junior High studentbody is also a cosponsor. Huff said the Exchange Club is a new club in the area. Members are businessmen and women who are interested in community service projects. He said the Freedom Shrine is one of service many community programs sponsored by the Exchange Clubs of America. The club also sponsors a nationwide crime prevention effort, as well as the National Exchange Club Foundation for the Prevention of Child Abuse.Part of the Freedom Shrine were brought out for the students to see during the official presentation. er life-tim- ISSN No. fi u 8750-466- 9 U.S.P.S. No. Published weekly except 309-50- 0 . y for Thanksgiving and Christmas by Newtah, Inc. 32 West Main Lehi, Utah 84043 Telephone Numbers 9 Advertising & Circulation. 3 News Brett R. Bezzant Publisher Marc Haddock Editors Betty Fowler Subscription price $16" per year Second class postage paid at Lehi Post Office i i ;. t Postmaster: Send address changes to P.O. Box 7, American Kork. Utah M003 GET A JUMP ON WINTER ' GET $200 IN FREE POLARIS CLOTHING AND ACCESSORIES! Some lump on this offer while it lasts: Get $200 in FREE Polaris clothing or accessories when you buy a new Polaris snowmobile before October 15, 1987. Take your choice of Polaris jackets, boots, helmets or the latest sled accessories to put more fun in your trail riding! Come in to your Polaris dealer today. Right now every new snowmobile comes with a $200 offer! But you will have to get moving. POLARIS Nothing beatsthemywekbuil 7 Duff Shelley, 260 E. Main, American Fork Brookline Farms, 11445 N. Frontage Rd., Lehi 768-887- say they'll go back up. Some say they're going down. Either way, you'll benefit from First Security's Home Equity Line rate cap offer. Our variable rate loan will follow the rate if it falls. It stays at 2 over prime, prime quite a competitive rate. Currently, that works out to an Annual Percentage Rate of 10.25 (as of June 4, 1987). And should interest rates snap back up, you're protected. Our rate cap is 12.9 Annual Percentage Rate. That's the absolute highest our variable interest rate can go, and it's good through January 1, 1991, after which rates will again vary. Last 756-502- C lWI7 Polaris Industries Inc . Lehi Jr. High receives Freedom Shrine Continued from front page I can. Some things I know for sure are: We can't spend more than our income and we can't spend our way to prosperity. I know there's many things to be done - like new sidewalks - and I pledge, if elected, to spend the time necessary to keep Lehi a wonderful place to live and raise a family." Connie Nielsen, thanked those present for her nomination saying, "It's my desire to be the best citizen I can be and to help solve some of our community's problems." She mentioned the importance of keeping Lehi's public power which is being threatened by UP&L's lawsuit endeavoring to get the federal government to allow private power companies to buy public power. She stressed the importance of maintaining Lehi's water supply. "We need to be aware of the importance of spsending our dollars here at home and try to keep a healthy tax base. "I dedicate my service to you and hope I'll have your support if I'm elected." Progressive Party Chairman, Ned Cutler, with Secretary, Karlyn Fowler, conducted the nomination convention and welcomed Chris Fox, Utah State Representative, who was present at the convention. The approximately 75 people present voted by acclamation to have Cutler and Fowler remain as chairman and secretary of the Progressive Party. They also mentioned issues that should be named as projects on the party platform. Mary Ellen Cash thanked the present councilmen for their support of the Lehi Arts Council and asked the candidates if they would continue to support the Arts Council and it's projects. Continued support of the East Industrial Park for future industrial growth was mentioned and the a study of the Traverse Ridge Project was also included as a possible platform item. that One citizen complained Traverse Ridge might be too controversial an issue to include on a platform agenda, so the group rephrased the motion asking for orderly development of north Utah County in and about Lehi. Carl Mellor asked that the candidates and party leadership work out a party platform, not too controversial, including the most im- portant issues. Guy Cash mentioned the Freewaay interchange which is being proposed. Dee Fowler, present city councilman, explained thata UDOT had allocated $50,000 to study the possibility of building a full interchange. Lehi has helped by building a frontage road near the S- 2- i .. m 3 Or, for those who prefer, we also offer a fixed rate line at 10.9 (APR), good through January 1, 1991. But you must apply before October 17, 1987. TAX DEDUCTIBLE THIS YEAR. AND NEXT. ETC. You might elect to use")tour credit line to pay medical bills. Or to finance a college education. Or purchase a new camper. Or make off home improvements. Or even to another home equity loan that doesn't have a rate cap. In any case, chances are excellent that you'll still be able to deduct all the interest. (For specific details, see your tax advisor.) py AND OUR FEES ARE DOWN TO 0. During this Home Equity Line sale, we've eliminated loan origination fees. Filing fees. Appraisal fees. Title insurance fees. And all other fees normally charged for home equity credit. Except interest, of course. So you can plan on saving another four or five hundred dollars in expenses. Easily. CALL NOW FOR AN APPLICATION. call For your Home Equity Line application, 1 133. Or stop by your nearest First Security Bank office. And stop worrying about 800-538-1 fpfSt. the ups, and downs, nf infcretf rates SCCUritU DtliitX MrmbnFDIC 17, 1987. t |