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Show 6 - SECESSION TIMES — APRIL 15, 1998 COMMUNITY POA BOARD NOTES April 1st MEETING Members present: Jack Campbell, Ken Drogin, Bill Gasaway, Trish Hawkins and Richard Williams. (No Board Meeting in March Due to Lack of Quorum) Treasurer’s Report: Approxi- mately $28,000 balance in bank account plus the money invested in 4 CD’S. Road Report: John Blake has repaired several hydraulic lines on the grader. Some contract work has been done on upper Keogh (evening out the grades and widening the road). John has planned to avel all of lower Shafer Lane (~ 11,000), the upper part of Rimshadow (~$2,300), and the part of Keogh that has just been worked on (~$ 1,400). Ken Drogin resigned from the road committee. Dues Report: Jack reported that few more delinquent dues payments were coming in. Board voted unanimously to turn any dues accounts exceeding $190 (~2 years dues) over to the attorney for collection and that MEETINGS in some cases. It’s a lot of work to do this and costs a minimum of $400 just for the filing. Fencing Shafer Lane at the Fire Station: Current proposal is to put up fencing from the Ranchos to the fire station and have two large gates between the fire station and the Loop Road. This would allow unimpeded access between the fire station and Shafer Lane and the Ranchos. The gate would have to be unlocked if the fire trucks were to exit the fire station to the Loop Road. Floyd said this would be no delay if the gates were at the fire station, because they had to warm up the diesel engine on the fire truck and charge up the air brakes. Ken moved that the POA authorize the Town to use the remaining moneys that the POA budgeted to the Town for pulling goatheads ($1090) to buying accounts. This helps protect the dues paying members from exposure if the delinquent were to go bankrupt, etc. The Board also voted to write letters to members who haven’ t paid this year’s dues and state in the letter that liens will be attached if these lots haven’t paid by the end of June. Ken felt that nothing should be done until dues were more than two years overdue. Ken asked how much the lien process costs. Jack answered that it materials for the fence to close off Shafer Lane. Bill seconded the motion. Motion passed with all but Richard in favor. Accounting of Road Funds given by POA to Town: Bead members had recent information from Town about expenditures to date. No discussion. More financial information will be available from Town soon as the budgeting process will begin in the next month. Payment of Routine Bills: Jack requested that he be allowed to pay routine bills for the organization. This is particularly important if the Board begins to miss meetings as it did last year. Bill made the motion to authorize payment of routine bills. costs several dollars per lot to attach a Seconded by Trish. Jack suggested that block lien for a group of lots and this not include payments to Board members. Floyd pointed out that it would be OK. if the checks were signed by two other Board members. Motion approved unanimously. Spring Clean-up: Jack suggested that the POA may want to consider funding a spring clean-up. liens be placed or updated on these lot about $10 plus POA costs to release liens (POA set a $20 lien release fee to cover both). Bill felt liens should be attached sooner than June 30th most felt that June 30th was fair this year. All board members in favor of sending letter with June 30th lien placement date except Ken. Work Done: Jack reported that he and Bill had gotten the POA taxes in on time. Barbara Hicks did the POA tax preparation. Jack had talked with the POA attorney and she said the POA may want to look into filing for the 501—c— 3 tax exempt status with the IRS. She said that aside from lower taxes, this might give the POA reduced liability This had been done by Grand County in past years and by the Solid waste District two years ago. Jack reported if we wanted to designate a spring dean— up day, that it would cost about $180 per 18 cu. yd. dumpster to have the trash hauled by Bob’s Sanitation. Jack said he thought that the CV trash removals had been very successful in the past. Plan might be to pick a Saturday and arrange to have dumpsters emptied and replaced through the day. Some restrictions would apply such as no kitchen garbage, no refrigerators, etc. Board supported the idea. Jack will see if Solid Waste District or County might help. POA CD’S: The first of the POA’s Certificates of Deposit have matured. Jack asked if the Board might not want to withdraw some of the CD’s in case a lot of road work were undertaken. Trish suggested pulling one of the CD’S and depositing it in the regular POA bank account. The Board was in favor doing this. Gabian Basket Project on Castle Creek: Richard mentioned that the Gabian Baskets (to prevent Castle Creek flooding) still have to be filled. He said that he has been waiting for better weather before organizing a work party. This will be a large project. More backhoe work will be required. Over 100 feet of creek channel need to be protected. TOWN COUNCIL NOTES-APRIL 8th MEETING Town Council Members present: Mayor Bruce Keeler, Dave Wagstaff, Robert Ryan and Darr Hatch. Planning Commission: Chair Joan Sangree reported that PC was continuing work on an animal control ordinance (barking dogs, etc.) and will work on the last section of the Town Master Plan at the next PC meeting. (Later in the meeting Melody Taylor said that a “no hunting” committee had formed. She was requesting that the Town work on an ordinance to give protection to Town residents from hunting near houses particularly in the upper end of the Ranchos. This will be discussed at the April Planning Commission meeting.) Roads: Dave reported that the Road Committee did not meet last month. Road Supervisor John Blake submitted his resignation effective May 30. John felt that by that time he would have all of the spring road work done. Town will post job opening for the position. John has been paid $4000 per year for the supervisory part of the work he did. Dave suggested eliminating the position and have the work done by the road committee. This would take a major change in the |