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Show SECESSION TIMES I believe the Town has arrived at the least obtrusive method of blocking the Shafer Lane access route. It will be located at the fire station which pro— vides for minimum delay in response for our fire trucks. Unit one of the subdivision will be served through the unobstructed Shafer Lane access and Unit two will require opening the gate to access the County road. The generally accepted rule is that To ensure every ones safety, the learning must take place before the event. You might wonder “what kind of person does it take to be a fire f1 ghter?”l would suggest that the person you see looking back at you from your mirror would do just fine. The more people we have, who Know the basics, at a fire, the easier thejob is. No heroes are needed. It’s just like any other job. You know what needs to be dbne, you know how to do it safely, you don’t take chances, and you don’t exert yourself beyond the heat being generated in a structural what you know are your own limits. fire doubles every minute which ex— plains our concerns with barriers, and is the reason for the law which states that “the required width of any fire apparatus access road shall not be obstructed in any manner, including parking of vehicles.” A fire apparatus access road is any road that provides access to more than two structures. A structure includes houses, garages, sheds, fences, etc. We have a desparate need for more volunteers in our department. It is really frustrating when we arrive at a fire and find ten or twenty piople there ready to help, but who have no idea what needs to be done. Once a fire starts in a building, either we have enough people there with the basic skills required or the building burns. (That last one takes more firemen out of action than any other factor.) NOTES APRIL 15, 1998 3 IAS THE WORLD TURNS New Moon...Sun...April 26th Rises...6:56 am....Sets..8:37 pm Full Moon...Mon...May 11th Rises....8:32 pm Sets 6:34 am “Morning Stars” Rendezvous: A half an hour before sunrise on the 25rd, the three brightest night time objects show in the eastern twilight. This year’s most spec— tacular gathering. The slender crescent moon, Venus, and Jupiter form an imposing triangle, with Venus and Jupiter especially close. Because these “morning stars” appear in the springtime this year, they will sit much closer to the horizon than when they appear in the autumn, as will be the case next year. Lyrid Meteor Shower: April let, l 2 am from the south approx. peak rate 10- 15 per hour. We all need to keep in mind that in a small town or rural area, volunteer— ism is the only way things get done. Whether it’s the Fire Department, the Town Council, the Planning Commission, or the POA Board, it’s up to our citizens to decide how successful we will be. A few hours a month isn’t much to give when it is devoted to shaping the kind of town you would Loveliest of trees, the cherry now Is hung with bloom along the bough, And stands about the woodland ride like to live in. One thing you will learn is that whether it is “we” or “they,” your participation is welcome and, in spite of what you may have heard, there are very few ogres in the valley. Try it, you’ll like it. —Floyd Stoughton, Fire Chief Wearing white for Eastertide, —A. E. Housman Excerpted from Old Farmer’s Almanac —Jennifer Redding REASONS FOR DE-ANNEXATION We feel that we do not need to be_g(—>verned by more one organization De-Annexation would put the creekcrossirTg—in the county‘and-stop any possibility of the countygivingit‘back to Town of Castle Valley As tax paying citizens, and the majority of—pmperty owners wanting out of the Town of Castle Valley, we believe it is our right to withdraw. As this right was granted to us by the. constitution ofthe Untied States ofAmerica. Also there are no legai ramifications to the Toyvn ofCastle Valley in granting this freedom to the petitioners. _5_ . We also feel that the priorities oftheTown of Castle Valley have gone in the wrong direction. More energy should have beenput into the roads, and less energy on a not needed TOWN LOT. REPRESENTATIVES - 4— “FIRE DEPARTMENT - Merrill Brady Hank Freeman J- CASTLE VALLEY TIMES |