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Show CASTLE VALLEY TIMES SECESSIONTIMES Castle Valley, Utah April 15, 1998 POA BOARD POSITION OPENING - Volume 7, Number 3 SHAFER LANE CLOSURE UPDATE - POA and Town have now allocated money to buy fencing materials and pay for labor to close Shafer Lane by putting up fencing and gates at the fire station . Colin Fryer, the grazing able to return to his position. Hope- permittee, is going to help with labor fully, there will be another person who when his crew is available in June. can represent the views of the large number of POA members who voted for Bill last October. ROAD SUPERVISOR POSITION OPENING: As of May 30th the Castle Valley The recent serious illness of POA Board member Bill Gasaway has created a vacancy on the POA Board. It is not expected that Bill will be If you are interested in being considered for the vacancy on the POA Board, please contact Jack Campbell at 259-5115 or 259-5542. Road Supervisor position wil be open. This position has paid $4000 per year. Details are not available at this time on specifics of the job, but if you are interested you might call Dave Wagstaff or Mayor Bruce Keeler to let them know you might be interested. The Town Council may reconsider POA DELINQUENTS TO A'ITORNEY At the April POA meeting the how the job is done, and may even POA Board unanimously voted to turn delinquent dues accounts exweding decide to eliminate the position. Interest in the position might influ- $190 (~2 yrs dues outstanding) over to ence the direction the Town takes. chance" letters have been sent to the the POA attorney for collection. “Last dozen property owners involved. BUILDING HEIGHT PUBLIC HEARING Seceding from the Town DE-ANNEXATION MOVEMENT At the last Town Council meeting, Merrill Brady re-submitted his petition to “dc-annex" the properties in his neighborhood from the Town. These properties are those bordering Rimroek Lane plus Oni Butterfly’s property. Other residents in the area supporting the move are Hank Freeman, Bill Riggs, Ken Drogin, Mike Carlyle, Robin Donohue, and Oni Butterfly. The Utah State Code provides a process whereby residents mn withdraw from a municipality. The residents are supposed to file a “Request for Disconnection” with the Town that contains the following: a) the names and signatures of more than 50% of the residents in the area proposed for disconnection, b) the reasons for the disconnection (p.3), 0) a map of the area proposed for disconnection, and d) the names of 1 to 5 persons with the authority to act for the petitioners in the proceedings. Notice of the petition must be published for 3 consecutive weeks in a paper of general circulation in the area. These accounts have not been paid from 2 to 5 years. Many should have been turned over to the attorney in past The Town may respond within 20 days to the petitioners. After the end of the 20 day response period, the petitioners At the April Town Council meeting, the Town Council unanimously voted down the proposal to lower the maximum building height to years. Some had promised to pay. Other delays have happened for misc. may file a petition against the Towu in District Court. reasons, (including the hope on the part If the court finds the petition to be complete, it appoints 3 persons to a 25’ and change the way the height was calculated Only about 15 people cared given to them). enough to speak at the meeting, and only 3 favored the change. All the CV bers who pay their dues should be expected to “carry” those who don’t. residents that have complained so vociferously over the years about large. tall houses. chose to “vote with their feet,” and not attend the meeting. Oh, well. All collection costs, penalties. lien costs, and interest are allocated to the specific delinquent accounts. Hopefully of the Directors that the members would pay their dues in the extra time There is no reason why the mem- these delinquencies can be settled before the extra expense of foreclosure proceedings occms. commission to make findings regarding the disconnection proposal. The Commissioners are to hold a public hearing within 30 days of their appointment to hear comments regarding the disconnection proposal. Within 45 days of the public hearing, the commission shall submit a report to the District Court. The District Court may conduct a court hearing to hear the parties to the dispute. The court then makes its PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY—”We have a desparate need for more volunteers in our department It is really frustrating when we arrive at a fire and find ten or twenty piople there ready to help, but who have no idea what needs to be done. Once a fire starts in a building, either we have enough people there with the basic skills required or the building burns.” —Floyd Stoughton, Fire Chief, 259-6049. decision regarding the disconnection. Any cost incurred by the Town in complying with this section of the State Code can be charged against the disconnecting territory. “Each party to the court action for disconnection shall pay its own witnesses and petitioners shall pay all other costs.” ‘ [The groups reasons for de-annex- ing are printed on page 3.] —Jack Campbell |