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Show 8 - TRYING TIMES - JANUARY 1995 Letters to the Times Attention Clarifies Procedure Dog Owners are a problem or nuisance to anyone on In response to “Questions Proce— dure" in Holiday Times (Dec. '94), I would like to clarify the meeting procedure requirements for the POA. As the POA is a private corporation, these few excursions. I went on a walk this morning with both of my dogs on leashes. I was joined by two more dogs (sometimes by the Bylaws, rather than state law which governs the Town Council. Below is a quote from the CVRR it’s three) during my walk. This POA Bylaws, Article 6, “Directors”, morning one of these “free” dogs stepped out in front of a truck on the slick snow-covered road. The truck tried to slow down quickly so he wouldn’t hit the dog, and began to Section 4. “Regular meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held immediately after the annual meeting of the mem— bers and at such other regular times and places as may be established by a majority of the Board. Special meetings may be called at any time by the I try to keep my two (2) dogs enclosed on my property. They do rarely go A.W.O.L. I apologize if they slide. The dog was not hit. Luckily for the driver, he didn’t slide off the road. Luckily for me, the truck didn’t slide and hit me and my dogs, dutifully at my heels. It was too close! This dog did the same thing to the truck just behind the first truck. The first driver understandably looked at me as if I should do something. I would have if I could, but it wasn’t my dog. As I said, my two dogs were on leashes. I am very glad this event ended without incident. I hear rumors another valley resident was frustrated enough with a free dog that the dog was shot. So, the next time the owners of these “free” dogs say, “Isn’t it wonderful that the dogs can run free in the valley,” please, think about the rest of us who are affected by 19E dogs. ——Karen Nelson the meeting requirements are dictated President, a Vce-President, or any two (2) Directors at such times and places as shall be set forth in the notice thereof. At least forty-eight (48) hours notice of such meeting shall be given to Board member has input. Business carried on at specially called meetings is as valid as if it was conducted at a regularly called meeting, assuming that all Board members are present and/or an absent Board member approves the minutes. (Refer to Article VI, Section 4.) In the two-plus years I have served on the Board there have been three special meetings, all called with 48 hour notice, and with all Board members present. The POA Board’s unwritten policy has been to conduct their business in front of the public. This continues to be our policy. We have lengthened our meetings specifically to allow time for input from POA members. If, however, there are times when another meeting is deemed necessary and/or desirable, such a meeting will be held according to the guidelines referred to in the Bylaws. —Joan Sangree, POA Board Chair/President each Director, which notice may be given by telephone.” The Bylaws do not discuss “public” or member attendance and/or participation at any of the Board meetings. The only meetings which the Bylaws designate for member attendance are at “duly called meetings of the members.” Our annual meeting in October is such a meeting. The Bylaws also do not differen— tiate between the regular Board meetings and specially called meetings, except in the method of calling the meeting and assuring that an absentee TEN HEALTH RULES Eat less, chew more. Ride less, walk more. Clothe less, bathe more. Worry less, work more. Idle less, play more. Go less, sleep more. Waste less. give more Scold less, laugh more. Preach less, practice more. Milly Dezelsky (1995 Farmers Almanac) JANIE TUFT . SALES AGENT/OWNER Paradise Real Estate 47 E. CENTER STREET - MOAB, UT 84532 801259—2650 ' FAX 801259-2699. P.O.Box 1121 - Moab UT 84582 Res. 801—259—8360 - Leave Message M.L.S. REALTOR MEZPAH— May the Lord watch between thee and me while we are apart. one from the other. Doug McQueen (from the Bible) |