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Show 2 ~ TRYING TIMES - JANUARY 1995 Clarification on CV Meetings There seems to be some confusion in Castle Valley as to the role played by attendees of a POA Board meeting, a Planning Commission meeting, and a Town Council meeting. I hope this article will clear up the confusion by explaining the purpose of various meetings. A BOARD MEETING is a group of elected officers of a corporation (the POA), whose duty it is to conduct the business of the corporation. Board meetings can be observed by the stockholders (property owners). The stockholders do not, however, partici— pate in the meetings. They may not initiate any actions, make comments or requests. They are observers only. At the conclusion of a board meeting, upon the agreement of board members, the chairperson may ask for comments or input on a specific topic and may limit the length of the discussion and the time a stockholder may speak. This is an option of the board and is initiated by the board—not by the stockholders. Stockholders may speak at a 9 OUT OF 10 RESIDENTS OF CASTLE VALLEY HAVE A DRINKING PROBLEM! stockholders’ meeting (usually annu— ally——ours in October). Stockholders may lobby board members much like citizens may lobby their congressional representatives, by letter or phone calls. They are encouraged to comment, contribute information, criticize, request an action be taken or not taken—through their board members. The POA does need public input, and letters and phone calls are welcome and appreciated (before 9 pm, please). . Letters are especially welcome as they can be read and reread, discussed, and answered either by the board as a whole or by one individual board member. COMMISSIONS are similar to boards in these procedures. The commission’s duty is to study and research a specific area (Planning and Zoning) and make recommendations based on their findings to the legislative body which appoints them (the CV Town Council). Commissions may also ask for input of their audiences, but attendees do not participate in the process of the meetings. Commissions do not initiate legislation or action. Use Caution with Bighorns On December 15th, 1:30 pm, across Highway 191 from Atlas Minerals, a photographer from Salt Lake City was charged and struck twice by a large ram before he could be rescued. This group of 5 to 15 sheep is often visible, browsing along the highway between the entrance to Arches National Park and Courthouse Wash. There are approximately 60 bighom sheep throughout the park. It is thrilling to catch sight of these magnificent animals in our midst. It is important to resist the temptation to approach them. Although they have grown used to the presence of motor vehicles at a distance, they are not ready to be close to humans. Usually they retreat, but sometimes they are aggressive if provoked. In the case above, the photographer did not recognize that the ram’s cocked head signaled a threat. He wandered into the herd and came between the large ram and the rest of the herd, kneeling and rising to get his shots. Three smaller rams, also exhibiting the A TOWN COUNCIL enacts legislation or action, and public input is part of the democratic process which governs these meetings. Public input is welcome but governed by Roberts Rules of Order. It appears that because POA meetings are held prior to Town Council meetings, people have confused the two procedures. It is hoped this will clarify the difference. —Maria Loe, POA Board same warning pose, were beginning to advance on him at the time of the attack. Although injured, the man refused medical help and drove away with his family. I hope he is fine—and wiser. We can protect ourselves and our wildlife by keeping a safe distance. ~Cris Coffey But drinking is not the only problem. We have to bathe, shower, and wash clothes in it too! Our company manufactures a whole-house water purificaion system, custom—designed for each application. This system softens and removes organic contaminants without the use of sodium or carbon. Our system removes all lead and heavy metals. Local references available, many of which have tried the alternative treatment systems. For a free water test and in-home demonstration, call Dan or JoAnna, 259-7219. SUBSCRIBE NOW TO THE CASTLE VALLEY TIMES (next month starting its 4th big year) $12 /12 monthly issues Mail to CV Times, CVSR I903, Moab 84532 also we welcome your CASH DONATIONS . |