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Show TRYING TIMES - JANUARY 1995 - 3 F ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 1 .1 . _._.J State of the Town Address By Mayor Valli Smouse I suppose things could be worse. There could be 50 new houses under construction on the upper state lands, Round Mountain could be gone, everyone has to boil their water before drinking it (those lucky enough to Our Roads still have water), and a new development could be in the works for Pace With all our major road work completed for the ’94-’95 year, the Road department is enjoying a quiet winter. Our recent snow brought our road grader operator, Damian Hill and Darr Hatch’s place. But it isn’t that bad yet! ! !! But it feels that bad! ! 1! Good people against good people, neighbors against neighbors, bad feelings, hurt feelings, angry Bollerman, out for a few days of go on. The Town of Castle Valley and the community of Castle Valley cannot survive much more of the goings on that have been going on in this community. I find myself wanting to hide from everyone and everything. Why should I have to feel that way, just because someone has a different opinion than mine? I have had differing opinions with people in the past and I have not felt this badly. I have always felt that Castle Valley diversity was one of its best qualities. I don’t ever remember feeling so hurt, angry, and just plain lost as I do now. I have never been a great public speaker I may not be able to say the right things at the right time. I may say some things out of frustration, but I always try to do what I feelIS the best for this community. Sometimes someone will be hurt or inconvenienced by some decision that the Town Council makes. You will never be able to please all the people, as the saying goes, and that is true. I know and understand that there are many people of this community who are also hurt, angry, and frustrated. I hope that with patience and time we will come out of this current low. I’m wrestling with many ideas and suggestions as to how to help ease some of the bad feelings in the community. Please help me with ideas, compromises, suggestions, feelings, anything that you feel needs to be said or considered by me and the council. 1 know it’s hard, but you can voice your opinions without coming to meetings. I speak for myself, but I hope I also speak for the Town Council members, when I say that we are trying to work through these bad times, mend some fences (no pun intended), and be able to work toward our common good. And just maybe, the first of this letter will not come to pass. Call me——801—259—5508!! plowing. Our mild winter is helping to keep our road labor costs down. We have yet to remove the rusty culverts; this should happen within the month. Name changes were made on four roads. With the completion of this process (other than the formalizing action to be taken by the Town Coun— cil), we are ready for new signs. In the December issue of the CVT, Holiday Times, readers expressed an almost unanimous preference for wooden signs. Other recommendations included placing the signs at headlight level and using luminous paint for names and numbers. A recent suggestion included using 4"x 4" wooden posts with either the street names and/or the lot numbers printed vertically. Knowing which lots are on which side of CV Drive would be helpful for delivery and emergency services, as well as friends and relatives. This will be tricky, however, as lot numbers on a lane are not always in strict numerical order. As yet we have received only one inquiry regarding making the new signs. If you are interested in making them and/or have any suggestions feelings, misunderstandings, accusations, twisted information, bad information, no information, unlistened-to information . . . no need to [.;.;............... ........ ........- .. . . . .3..................-. 1-.......-.........,_ . .............. .............. .. .. . .. . . .l about their appearance, please tell anyone on the FDA Board or the Town Council. We’re hoping to see signs sometime this spring. I have one correction to make to last month’s “Our Roads.” The County Council members who were Castle Valley Inn responsible for the decision to gravel Castle Creek Lane were John Hartley and Peter Haney, both members of the County Road Committee. Because of the location of the road, Bill Hedden, also on the County Road Committee, felt it was a conflict of interest for him to participate in that decision. I appreciate Bill’s integrity and responsibility in this matter. ——Joan Sangree For the best rest out west. A Bed and Breakfast Eric Thomson 81 Lynn Forbes Thomson 801 259601 2 CVSR 2602, Moab, Utah 84532 |