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Show TRYING TIMES - JANUARY 1995 - 5 POA/Town Notes CV Town Council December 21, 1994 The Planning Commission recommended that the council proceed with environmental suitability study. A letter was sent to Utah State University requesting more information. The Planning Commission recommended that the Council grant Rob Katzenson a variance to the Moratorium Ordinance. It was noted that the Council cannot grant a vari— ance. The Planning Commission recommended that the Council amend Ordinance 94-6 with Ordinance 94-7. This was tabled to the next meeting. NEW BUSINESS A letter was sent the State Land Trust with our concerns about the sale of Pace Hill. A letter was sent to UP&L requesting notice of new extensions for power. A letter to the CV Irrigation Company was sent concerning the agreement. OLD BUSINESS ' The town acknowledged a letter of complaint from Rob Katzsenson against Cris Coffey and Milly Dezelsky. The Council will look into the matter. Bills were paid and the meeting adjourned. January 4, 1995 The county helped put gravel on Castle Creek and Homestead roads. There were other priority roads receiving gravel throughout the valley. There were a few street name changes requested of the Council. They were: Reservoir Lane to Firecliff Lane, Powell Lane to RimShadow Lane, wide enough to place barriers. Merrill measured the width at the narrowest point (25—29 feet) and felt the road was wide enough. UDOT will hold an onsite meeting with Grand County Commissioners on January 19, 1995. Menill will attend the meeting and update the community. Rob Soldat was appointed to the Board of Adjustments. Karen Clark was appointed alternate. Jayne Smyth was appointed to the Hospital Board. Jeff Whitney and Bruce Keeler were appointed to the Planning Commission. A resolution was passed designating official posting places for agendas and other official documents. The two places where official postings will always be mounted: community lot be10w the community boxes and on the board behind the mail boxes at the front entrance. One of two other places will also be used for posting: the right entrance post when you are leaving the valley and the fire station. An ordinance was passed setting the meeting dates for 1995. These are the first and third Wednesdays of each month at 7:15 pm. PLEASE NOTE Time Change for POA Board meetings: To facilitate public input, monthly business meetings of the POA Board will be held on the 131 Wed. from 6 to 6:45 pm. (1/2 hour earlier). Following these business meetings, there will be 1/2 hour for public input (6:45 to 7:15). OLD BUSINESS An amendment to Ordinance 94-6 (Moratorium Ordinance) was presented. Discussion followed. The amendment did not pass. Discussion on the questionnaire for secondary dwellings. There is an ad hoc committee working on this issue. It was suggested that the POA send questionnaires out to absent property owners and the town send them to residents. Discussion followed. More at the next meeting. Bills were paid and the meeting adjourned. ——Summary by Valli Smouse, Mayor Carlsberg Lane to Chamisa Lane, Rim Rock Lane to Private Drive, and the lower part of Meadow Lane to Amber Lane. Warren Egbert presented four models for the design of the Community Pavilion. Everyone was asked to pick the one they liked best. Once the design is selected, the bids for con— struction can proceed. NEW BUSINESS Merrill Brady gave information regarding safety improvements on Highway 128. He contacted the Governor’s office and UDOT. Doug Anderson of the Governor’s office stated that they felt the road was not along with notes on next month's POA meeting. In the meantime (because it's nearly completed and I don't want to upset anyone unduly), I will post these Notes from the January meeting out at the front gate and at the Town Lot mailboxes for public information as soon as possible. I sincerely apologize for this delay. —Rebecca Martin, Secretary for the POA A Note from the POA Secretary 1 have been unable to complete the notes on the January 4th POA meeting in time to include them in this copy of the Times without holding up the entire publication. One reason for this is that this meeting included a public hearing on the recently adopted POA Fence Encroachment Policy, the content of which does not lend itself to shortcuts. I will publish both the Notes of the Your Contribution to Utah’s 1996 Centennial . . . As reported a couple of months ago, special events this year will lead up to Utah’s statehood centennial observance January 4, 1996. One activity which invites the participation of each of us is called Faces of Utah: A Centennial Portrait. The project is to record impressions and memories of modem-day Utah residents. Every Utahn is encouraged to write a personal essay (from 25 to 2500 words), produce a videotape, take a photograph, or find some other way of expressing the topic, “What does it mean to be a Utahn? How have the land and culture shaped my life?” Each entry must be accompanied by an official form, available at the Grand County Library and Times- hearing and the notes of the Business Independent in Moab. The sooner Meeting in the next issue of the Times, the better. —Cris Coffey |