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Show 12 . GREENING TIMES - APRIL 1994 QUIK ADS Ad rates: Boxed ads 35-610, Oulk ads 82. Ads must be ordered and pald by 10th to appear In current Issue. Income will be applied to newsletter expenses. Ads for community services or events—or giveaways—are free. Call Jll, 7580, to place ads. HELP WANTED to help clean out culverts along our roads. Hourly wage. Contact John Blake at 2341. INTENTlONAL COMMUNITY seeking members. Environmental/social sustainability. Concensus decisions. Private and common wilderness! agricultural 100 acres. Box 1171 , Moab, Utah 84532 BIG OVAL WHITE BATHTUB. $75 CBC. 6343 WANTED: Suzuki piano lessons. 4813 WE'VE GOT MUCH; now we can give a little. Come to the Mayberry Orchard Cleanup. April 23, 9-12. Bring gloves. Trucks are welcome. FOR MY PORCH: Wanted, 6 to 8 foot corrals built and repaired. Basic horseshoing & training. Yard, garden & field work Trees, orchard & vineyards planted and pruned. Michael Pair 2598493. bench. Cris 2245 CONGRATULAflONS to Joanna & Dan on their marriage! AIKIDO GROUP FORMING in Moab. Tuesday eves, 6:30 at HMK. Call 7580 for more info. FOR SALE: 10’x2x85 and foundation foam insulation. Mark 5940 OUTDOOR LABOR FOR HIRE: Animal. plant care. Fenaas, sheds & MANY THANKS to Cris. Sally, & Wilma for all their work in making the Easter Party a success! WE LOVE ANIMALS! Don't leave them at the kennel, call us for pet-sitting. Olivia and Dashiel Kulander, 7580. FREE MATURE wine grapevines. Maria, 3839. ATTEN‘HON BIBLIOPHILES: Anyone interested in forming a CV BOOK GROUP call 8009. $3, €$\€:/fi CV COUPLE looking for a lot to call CASTLE VALLEY TIMES their own. Linda or Damian, 6343 LONG HAIRED CALICO cat. Lost her way at new home on Pope. Please call if you've seen her. Loretta & Chandra 4813 EDITOR, Cris Coffey - 259-2245 Jack Campbell ~ 259-5115 Iil Kulander - 259—7580 Joan Sangree . 259-5542 fiKfi/bk / COMMUNITY CALENDAR P.O.A. Meeting—First Wed, 6:30 pm. Joint Road Report—" " 7-7:15 pm. DO YOU HAVE 5-gallon plastic buckets I can buy or beg? Must be non-toxic for rainwater gathering. Also interested in rebar pieces. any length; ditto 6x65. Cris at 2245. Mara Ginnane Kuron Iorgen Sharyl Kinnear-Fcrris Charlie Kulander Maria Loe Sally Rains Charleen Radley HOMESTEAD HELPER FOR HIRE— carpentry, farm & ranch work, concrete, Donovan Roberts Boyd Stoughton Susan Ulery welding. clean-up, painting. No job too small. CV & Moab refs. Barter ok. John at 259-6589 or 4021 . Sam Welch COMPLETE CLEANING SERVICES by Views expressed by writers in the CWare not necessarily those ofthe Editorial Board. the pros. We'll have your home looking spiffy for family and guests. First-floor windows. House & pet sitting. CV refs. Laura & Sandy, 259-4021 or 6589. FREE RUSSIAN OLIVES TREES! 2 to 6 feet in height. Bring a shovel, plastic bags, and dig your own! 259-7936, Sally Rains Published the 15th of each month. SUBSCRIPTIONS—$12 per year CVSR 1903, Moab 84532 *FREE AT FRONT GATE TO RESIDENTS“ T0 PLACE ADS: Jil Kulander - 259-7580 CVSR 2712, Moab 84532 ORCHARD CO—OPERS WANTED: We want to share the work (together, only once a month through season). Call 7580. Produced by Featherweed Press .. CVSR 2607. Moab UT 84532 g Town Council—First, Third Weds, 7:15 pm. (above meetings at Firehouse) Planning / Zoning—40 be decided Fire Dept—NEW TIME 2nd & 4th Thurs, 7:30 pm. Road Committee—3rd Tues, 7:30 pm. Mediation Team—3rd Sat, 8 run. Aerobics for men, women—now Sx/week. 8 am. Call 7638 for info. atter ai u (Public is welcome.) Sun, 10 a.m.. Sunday school Sun. 10:55 a.m., priesthood and auxiliary Sun, 11:50 a.m., sacrament meeting Tues, 7 p.m., youth activities Third Fri. lunch & crafts, Women's Relief Society ak d t' (Public is welcome.) Sundays. 9:30 a.m.. 259-8493 or 9111 v t a v t t urc (Public is welcome.) Sat, 9:30 am., Sabbath school Sat, 11 am. Sabbath service s7" garages Castle Valley Times P. 0. Box 1903 via MOAB, UT 84532 2} 5;; (a; 4 Ma Q 9‘ {3% %§<\Air |