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Show CASTLE VALLEY TIMES GREENING TIMES Castle Valley, Utah - Volume 3, Number {I - Aprll15, 1994 - V Sprlng has Sprung Good News for CV! §tate Eands Easement Rer nstated It’s true: the State Lands Easement Theater Dress or Informal Fflday oo\ April 22nd, 7 p.m. to the Upper 80 has been reinstated at LDS Branch House: no cost to the community. We have Barbara Zinn to thank for this incredible good fortune, which saves us from paying upwards of $40,000 (the current market value for six acres of land in Mules on Broadvvay! Castle Valley) to buy back the ease- ment. Barbara is the owner of a lot in the o o o 9 o o o 2 o o z: o 990 :3 :3 a o :2 0 Come hear Rogers & Hammerstein, Bernstein and Sondheim, and Wlll Shakespeare like you never heard them before! Please join us—The Castle Valley Players. (\6‘ Mara, Livi, Heather, Dashiel, Corryn, Katrina, Upper 80. When I asked for a volunteer Noelle, Drew, Hillary, Ashley, and Megan to work on the State Lands’ easement, Barbara was the only person to come forward. Luckily for us. Barbara was motivated and had the energy and perseverance needed to do the work. She put in countless hours pouring through the State's file, documenting the sequence of events, making phone calls, and interviewing people. She contacted those who had knowledge of the original easement acquisition and those who attempted to have it assigned to us. She talked with BLM officials about the status of the road at the time of the land exchange between the BLM and the State, acquiring yet another lengthy document to review. She looked for loopholes and inconsistencies all of which she presented in a clear well-written document. Her last query in this search involved a phone call to the State lands head office. She was trying to find out More EASEMENT Page 2 CV Trash * a Pickup Saturday, 3....) 2/85} ”amtkééiém See details, page 3 P.S. Everyone is invited for milk and cookies after the performance. ADMISSION FREE (and cookies welcome!) B o rn to R u n morning, alone, on the River Road, Sarah Hedden has loved to run all her life. She has a slim build and is very lightweight. All the weight she carries comes from the powerful muscles in her legs and arms, which propel her forward so quickly. Sarah has a certain grace while running. She looks like she's floating along, waiting for the wind to come and pick her up and carry her to her destination. Four weeks ago, on March 19th, Sarah won the “Half-Marathon”, held on the River Road She won for girls ages 12 and under. She was the winner for this division last year as well. This year Sarah also won in the 13 to 15year-old girls' division, so winning should be no problem for her next year. Her aunt, Janie Bayles, first got Sarah interested in running. Janie runs 5 to 10 miles every day and Sarah loves to run with her when she can. when the air is crisp and there aren't too many cars. Her favorite distance to run in a race is 5 miles; at home it When Janie saw Sarah’s speed and endurance, she inspired Sarah to race. Sarah says it feels great when you’ve trained really hard for a race and then you run your heart out during the race, regardless of whether y0u win or lose. Sarah runs 2 to 6 miles almost every day. Her ideal setting for either a race or a workout is in the early depends on how she’s feeling. Sarah has never been attacked by an animal while running except for her neighbor’s dog, Maria Maria jumps up on Sarah but she is just saying, “Hi, can I come with you today?” They are “running pals.” During this year’s half-marathon, Sarah did something called “pacing.” Pacing is when you pick someone to run with throughout the race, but near the end you surge ahead. Sarah says that sometimes it is exhausting to run 5 miles, but this time she wasn’t tired after the race. When she crossed the finish line she felt really good. Sarah’s plans for the future are to stay in shape and to keep on running races. Congratulations, Sarah! $00, . J @214, —Nfara Gigmane , ' , , {1539/} Sets“ 'W0 "3 0,0 EQ00 4374 . |