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Show GREENING TTMES . APRIL 1994 - 3 Round Mountain Qua rryI ng ? If the Atlas tailings pile is allowed to remain at its present site, Round Mountain is being considered as a possible source for the capping rock needed to cover the pile. The earlier proposal from Atlas Minerals involved taking the necessary capping rock from Miners' Basin. At present, a new environment impact statement (EIS) is just being started. The initial scoping hearing for this new EIS is scheduled for Thursday, April 14. Two alternatives are being considered for permanent internment of the Atlas tailings: leaving them at their present site or moving them to the Mancos shale areas out by the airport. Castle Valley would be heavily impacted by the heavy truck traffic if the rock were quarried at either Round Mountain or Miners' Basin. All this truck traffic would be on both the Loop Road and the River Road. The River Road would be much more dangerous, with large numbers of huge trucks shuttling to the Atlas site, and Castle person to review plans and report to the commission on building actions. After a prospective builder submits plans to emotionally and are non-judgmental. We honor your privacy and would not Jack and obtains approval on compatibility with the zoning ordinance, the builder then submits the plans to the Grand County Building Inspector‘s Office. The planning commission is working to streamline our permit systems so they dovetail with the county's as much as possible. This agreement does not mean the end of experimental building in the valley. As an example, my own straw bale house is built “to code.” However, you will have to work harder up front to realize your dream structure, and it likely will need to be engineered. You'll be glad you did when the wind blows and the water flows. Be sure to allow plenty of lead time to gain approval of your project. Thanks to all who helped make the interlocal agreement possible: Bill Hedden, John Hartley, Jack Campbell, Valli Smouse, Jeff Whitney, Randy are here to help, and can be available to Jorgen, and the Planning Commission past and present. —-Susan Ulery, Chair, CV Planning Commission Team Seeks Trat n I ng On April 6th, Charleen and Sharyl New lnterlocal Ag reement for Burld Ing Inspection Under an interlocal agreement with Grand County, as of April 6 the Grand County Building Inspector’s Office will enforce both the Uniform Building Code and related codes in Castle Valley, as well as the Castle Valley Fund can contact Charleen Radley at CVSR 2711 (259-7404) or Sharyl Kinnear-Ferris, CVSR 2403 (259- footing (no pun intended) to avoid the example, Reese Fullerton of Santa Fe, conflicts and accusations the valley has presently in the Middle East, has volunteered to hold a seminar for the Mediation Team when he returns to the States. The Mediation Team is here to help the people of Castle Valley. We through legal action. The planning commission will still review all building permits for compat- ibility with our zoning ordinance. Jack Campbell has agreed to continue as the Our motto is: USE US, WE’RE HERE. —Charleen Radley & Sharyl Kinnear-Ferris Saturda Ma 7 Castle Valley Trash PICK-U p Saturday, May 7, is the date for this year's big trash pick-up. Each year the Grand County road crew brings some heavy equipment out to Castle items. Usually we get a big bucket loader and several dump trucks. Look for more information at the The procedure for the last three years has been to haul our trash out to Castle Valley Drive where the road crew picks it up. The county crew is not allowed to enter private property the road easements. tional mediation courses and training opportunities and speakers. For Whitney’s office will deal only with those zoning violations committed since April 6, although the town retains the right to redress past violations (259-2708). for pick-ups. The junk must be out on 5399). Funds will be used for educa— will be. Under the agreement, Jeff tion, call Charleen, Sharyl, or Donovan meeting requesting funding for education and training of Mediation Team members. Our goal is $300, and the FDA will be voting on the proposal at their May meeting. Anyone wanting to contribute to the Mediation Team in approving this agreement is that it will set zoning enforcement on an even only choose who the building inspector to join in. Our meetings are on the third Saturday of each month at Donovan Roberts’s, with an 8 am. potluck breakfast to start. For more informa- presented a short proposal at the FDA zoning ordinance. The council's hope seen in the past. Since state law mandates building inspection, we can problem. We invite anyone who would like front gate as May approaches. either Miners' Basin or Round Moun——Jack Campbell anyone who just wants to talk through a Valley to help us with our larger trash Valley would be a much noisier place if tain were chosen as the quarry. indulge in gossip around the valley. We don’t make rules and regulations. We work by invitation, not by intervention. We don’t give advice, but help you discover your own options. We won’t be involved in domestic, alcohol, or drug—use related situations. You choose the mediator(s) you are most comfortable with. Mediators try to be detached Please do not put out general household/kitchen garbage. This pickup is for large trash items that you might have trouble getting to the dump privately. If trash is set out on side streets, someone must be notified that it is there. The road crew is not supposed to check each road. Normally we have a person from CV volunteer to coordinate the pick-up. If you are willing to do this, please get in t0uch with Valli Smouse or me. If you plan to set out trash, please make sure it’s piled or contained in such a way that it won’t blow all over the valley when the wind comes up (not if). Trash can be put out all day Friday or before the trucks arrive on Saturday morning, but they start early. The road crew can handle items as large as cars, and have done so in the past (yes, they accidentally took the wrong car at least once). We will check to see if they are still willing to pick up vehicles this year. —Jack Campbell |