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Show 1 The Daily Friday, Utah Chronicle - Page Sixteen CUSSFIEDS BEGIN Otf 15 PAGE POOL TABLE, regulation size with BRUNSWICK accessories. Excellent condition. Moving, must sacrifice. 5 after 10 am. 2l or I'SED COFFIN Gun metal grey. Call ask for David 219 IBANEZ FLYING V $250 Brand new '89 Fender lelecaster$350. Call Eric 220 LAPTOP. TANDY 1400 HD. 768 KB Ram, built in 20 MB drive. 720 KB 3 12" drive. DOS, MS word. SlOOOobo 363-76220 NEW STOUT ROAD BIKE Campy comp 54 cm. $700. PHI DELTA THETA fraternity is conducting informal rush until end of February. If interested contact Trent Baker 6 at or Berry Parker at 5 221 "OPEN AUDITION" Models, actors, extras! 1991 catalogues, t.v.. movies. Excellent J$J No experience. 942- - vu f DELI IN RESEARCH PARK needs sandwich maker. 2 Mon-Fr- i. after 2 PM 215 ACCOUNTANT w IBM computer experience for part-tiework. Call Greg at 2 215 FLYER DISTRIBUTORS & sales reps for Cinema In Your Face Magazine. Call Greg at 364-99215 OPEN RECREATION STAFF & aerobics instructor needed at Northwest Multipurpose Center. $4.82hr. Call GUITAR PEDALS, programable distortion, digital delay, stereo chorus, ocloplus Call James at 9 and make offer. 221 LOST AND FOUND WENDY FOUND A PAIR OF EYEGLASSES TODAY. By the bookstore. Call 8588 or pick up at 450 SSB 21 5 GRAY SCHOOL book bag found 2 Or 3 weeks ago. Includes women's literature text. Turned into lost and 21391 found Union. 215 LOST: A Citizen watch, Wed., February 13, somewhere west of the Mines Building & the shuttle stop on 1st South. Has great sentimental value. Please call Julie at 58 3923 5 222 (work) or (home). JOBS, JOBS, JOBS Don't wait until the last year of college to hunt for a job. GET STARTED NOW ON YOUR CAREER. Call (6322) for your FREE 1991 CAREER CATALOGUE. 312 MONICA - Bring the whipped cream. I've got the handcuffs. What do you think about cherries? Meet me in HEB today. Remember - Chemists have extended reactions. Your love slave, D.N. HOW COMPATIBLE ARE YOU and your sweetheart? Take a marriage counselor's test and see! For a FREE copy of the test, write SoftServ, P.O Box 2177, Provo, Ut. 84603 215 ROOMMATES- 220 HI GUYS! Want to look good? Join satisfied people for the best $7. haircut around. Long, short, olden, modem. "If you can explain it, I can cut it." Barney's 2480 S. Main 3m Mon-Fr- i. 10-- 131 DAYS LEFT?? I shall truly burn in the fire of my own passion and desire!! Po-215 PREGNANT? FREE SERVICES: Pregnancy tests, counseling, medical referrals. Call Pregnancy Resource 3 3T5 24 hours Center STUDENTS EARN CASH!! Donate plasma. Earn $100 4 Month. Alpha Plasma Center 2978 S. State St. Tues-Sa- t, PM. Earn $50 in four visits. Must be consecutive. Must 315 present this ad. Call for details. ADOPTION: Hugs, kisses & security await your newborn. Country home with two horses, a dog & cat would be complete with a baby to love and care for. 1 work at home and want to help both of us by giving your infant every chance in life. Expenses paid, confidential, 3 312 legal. Call Bonnie collect YOUNG, PROFESSIONAL COUPLE desire to adopt newborn baby. Would provide loving, caring, secure home. Mon-Fr- i. CONFIDENTIAL, legal. Call Eve at IS YOUR FACE UGLY? give your Valentine a gift for all time. A backwards watch for that goofy guy or gal On 220 Time, 2nd level Trolley Square. GET BEAUTY FACIAL for your Valentine & 220 yourself. Free facial & free product. Details JAPANESE CONVERSATION APT. Includes studying. Share dining, kitchen. $300mo, A 57 568-0- 3 dep$200. 2j5 WANTED to coordinate independent journal project. Submit resume to Symposium, Union Main Desk, U of U, SLC 84 2. Application deadline: Feb. 21. 220 EDITOR-IN-CHIE- F REMARKABLE LIFETIME WEIGHT LOSS education program. No gimmicks or foods to buy. Achieve results. Send $15 to A & T Research P.O.Box 1247, Utah State University, Logan, UT 84322 222 - ROOMMATE WANTED FOR 3 BEDROOM house three blocks from U. $147mo plus 13 utilities. $50deposit. Call early in the morning or evenings. Greg or Dave 7 222 MALE TO SHARE 2 bed, 2 bath apt. $172.50 12 utilities. Mark mornings or after 10:30 PM. Available March 1st. 215 ROOMMATE TO SHARE FEMALE 2 bedroom 12 utilities. 215 apartment. Avenues. $140 per month leave message. ROOMMATE NEEDED 2 bedroom townhouse, 10 mins. from U., rent $160. Call Krissy or 6 Annie 219 FEMALE FEMALE LIBERAL utilities. to share lg. home near U. $120mo M-- F 2 GREAT HOUSE. Near U. 4 bedroom, must see. $137.50 14 utilities. SERVICE- 2 bath, I DRUMMER 313 2l5 AMERICAN ACCENT TRAINING - Comprehensive course on American English pronunciation and style. 9 Audio cassettes included. 215 CA$H FOR COLLEGE Apply now. Results guaranteed. 0 For free information (404) 31 2 EXCITING JOBS IN ALASKA SummerYear Round. Fishing, Canneries, Logging, Mining, Construction, Oil Companies. SkilledUnskilled. Transportation $600 plus weekly. CALL NOW! Ext. B1048 315 Is Your Face TAKE A DAY OFF FOR PEACE during these days of war. Utah Peace Test offers nonviolence training to people in pursuing peaceful solutions to our world's problems, including the Gulf War. Join us at the Quaker Meeting House, 161 2nd Ave, Mondays 10:30 AMto 4:30 PM 36 (bring lunch) or Thursdays 6 PM to 10 PM FROM U. Specializing in legal of all papers. $8. per hour. 1 u10 ? Summer in Utah doesn't have to be dull o o . . 3 You could be in ON TIME Specialists in High Fashion Watches Cambridge England! SLC, UT 2nd Level Trolley Square All branches. DEA etc. Now hiring. Call f p 31 5 US Customs, ext. 36 NEED EXTRA INC0ME llll FOR 1991? Earn $500 - $1000 weekly stuffing envelopes. For details - Rush $1.00 with SASE to: k 1 01 0IH Group Inc. 9 Lk. Sherwood Orlando, a FL 3281 8 We need girls with talent years old. Applications available Student Involvement Center. Marilyn Nielsen (278-1425- ) Carol Zarbock (571-6058- ). 596-863- 0 90s FOR 1 Nightclub of the 2 j I FRIDAY OR SATURDAY NIGHT ONE PAID ADMISSION I ADMIT ONE FREE 909 EAST 2100 SOUTH Expires Feb. 23, 1991 17-2- 6 in the Or call or STATE I (Fax 269-007- THE UTTER SIMPLICITY OF YAABA... BESPEAKS ...nothing obscures the mythic, universal aspects of Mr. Ouedraogo"s story." -J- anet Maslin, THE NEW YORK TIMES "IT GLOWS WITH GENTLENESS AND CHARM." -- David Sttrritt, CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR WA A I KG V fIkJ A (mtamamm.cmimii V WCANMSnUfBpi film by IDRISflA J OUEDROGO I J f fJ$t "AN EVENT FOR FILM LOVERS." -K- evin Thomas, LOS ANGELES TIMES DREAMS 581-765- 8. be YAABA (PG-13- ) 7:30 daily DREAMS (PG) 5:15 & 7:15 daily Also playing this weekend: VINCENT 1:10 & WHITE HUNTER BLACK HEART 3:10 CINEMA IN YOUR FACE 364-364- 7 ID. E7v ffTTr?rnr8ratmwTgfr FRIDAY OR SATURDAY NIGHT ONE PAID ADMISSIO- NADMIT ONE FREE 909 EAST 21 00 SOUTH I I ) I J To Our Members: T Place FOR 1 991 l II I grgaA 'V Place to be FriSat Night Starring Monkey Meet I Nightclub of the 90's 1 U Tfl L ocmtt 033DGt33i 3SDtmTffi)o Deseret News Food Editor Expires Feb. 23, n iiirfiriiiAtf7 i Rated MIX! U Cfflb Otagfimag aft anrs cnrftrtrfh afi qttjeo G6tto& effli) aakarnrjEm, Gyro with free Coke Chicken Chawarma with free Coke We cater parties, birthdays and weddings 2 APPItOVED, OUXST ESTABLISHED SHOP IN UTAH Discount serve homemade Middle Eastern healthy vegetarian food prepared from scratch We use 100 extra virgin olive oil (No cholesterol) Deli sandwiches Falafel sandwich with pocket bread Middle Eastern plate includes taboule, homous, babghannouj & falafel with pocket bread from 3 DISCOVER to expose yourself. Armenian I I 1 Now's your chance 355-814- 1 n r S (801)531-886- awarded to the top bands. i Application deadline - March 1 The Miss Salt Lake Valley Scholarship Pageant is preliminary to the Miss America Pageant. 84107 Cash and prizes will ROBERTS DELI 900 Capabilities 1103 So. State Salt Lake City, UT 84111 If you've got a band and you have (or think you have) musical talent we've got a gig for you. Union Programs at the University of Utah is sponsoring a Battle of the Bands concert to be held in March. Bands interested in participating should leave a demo tape in Union room 245 by 4:00 pm February 22, 1991. For more information 220 7 INTELLIGENCE JOBS. 159 Opportunities TDD We're Looking for a Few Good Bands LIVE IN CHILD CARE Room, board & salary. Ref. required. Call THAT SPEAKS FOR ITSELF GREAT SOPHISTICATION WANTED fTTTTTT I A.S.I. TATTOO WORK mfhv DOCUMENT PROCESSING by former English and word processing instructor. Professional preparation of dissertations, theses, reports, resumes. Letter quality printing, editing, desk top publishing, cassette tape 1 315 transcribing available. Located close to U. lTj iTi tTi Tj Scholarship "Think Inkl" Equal Opportunity Employer grocery available Cambridge Scholarship deadline: February 15 310 222 We u International Center University Union 412 word 315 CASH FOR MEN'S used motorcycle jackets, boots sneakers, western ext. HIGH ENERGY PEOPLE Deliver, mail or fax resume to: Volt Temporary Services 4001 S. 700 E. 130 3 FAST TYPING 90 CENTS DS-PAGEDITING, SPELLING, LASER, (RESUMES1 PG $5.00), TRANSCRIPTION, BUSINESS RATES, WORDSTAR, 5 315 ASCII, BRENDA with U.ofU. o rji rp rji rp rji PLUS Word processing of all 315 Letter quality printing. Rush jobs OK. Call Trish: 1071 o o rp rji fji 22J 2 15 you. tTj lTj lTj TYPING SERVICE Numerical, resumes, manuscripts, term papers, business letters, mailing lists, insurance. Lebanese WHOEVER TOOK A LITTLE BLACK PURSE from the Union first floor ladies room Please return it to Union Main Desk lost and found. need my ID, plus there was something very personal and sentimental to me in it. Thank DEA etc. Now hiring. Call (1) lunch ENTRY LEVEL POSITION. Duties include: schedule, process & test applicants, type proposals & reports using word processing, maintain files and answer phones. If you are seeking a career with responsibility, variety and lots of people, staff of join our MARKET and East South .c u INTELLIGENCE JOBS. All branches. US Customs, HUMAN RESOURCES Resumes. Thesis. Compositions. Legal, Scientific papers. 3 315 Highest Quality at a low cost. Marsha ALPHA OMEGA SERVICES English M.A., teacher. 9 Typing 95 cents a page. Free corrections. Resumes. 315 call 3l iTi lT; iTi tTi iTj lTj kfi iTj lTi iTi iTj lTj iTj HIRING INTERVIEWERS to conduct political polla and opinion surveys. No selling. Start at $5hr. for evewknd1 8 22 or shifts. Apply at 180 E. 2100 S. in MIDTERM MAMBO! Papers, manuscripts, business printing. Call correspondence, editing. Laser-quali- ty 3 215 A,WES,ome Svcs, Rock, 5 HIRING Men - Women. TYPISTS specializing processing LOOKING FOR BAND. Zep, Police, Beatles, Rush. Kerry visit $3. 10 visits $25. 677 S. $l.ea. & W PROFESSIONAL DW, - BARTENDING CLASSES - Have fun earning great money. Tuesday & thursday evening classes. Bartenders Incredible 487-826- 2 315 EARN stuffing envelopes in your home. For free information, send a long stamped envelope to P.O. Box 4645, Dept. P136 Albuquerque NM 87196 67 221 NEED FOREIGN LANGUAGE HELP BEFORE MIDTERMS? Call the NRSL tutoring service for help in Spanish, Chinese, German & Italian from fluent speakers. 0, ask for Matt. 315 ATTENTION TO WADO RYU KARATE STUDENTS. I have put together a packet containing the movements to basic forms If interested call Sharen & Katas 9 A 2 BLKS 222 Recreation and Rental Center on campus. Call Dave at 220 58 1 -- 85 6 for more information. UTAH-BYTHE TO WANTED!! TWO TICKETS GAME I ain't rich, so gimme a deal. Call Mr. Voorhees at 215 581-70- service. Lynn four JoNell Develop your full potential. Marey Bishop 363-0- 1 15. years WORDPERFECT S.l Laser Printer. Same day 8 7 315 FAX 6 215. CASHIER, FOOD PREP. Part time. Apply in person at Pierre Country Bakery, 3239 E. 3300 S. See Connie. 222 experience. Laser printer. Murray location. Call Claudia 315 268099 IBM-28- HOME TYPISTS, PC users needed. $35,000 potential Ext. Details. Call (1) 35 ALL NATIONALITIES for t.v., feature films, models. nr. Act now! 277-963n' print ads. S10-S9- 5 HOME TYPISTS, PC users needed. $35,000 potential. ext. Details. 214 THIRTY VOLUNTEERS NEEDED to spend all or part of the day with elementary school students from the Uintah-ouray reservations. About 100 students will visit the U. on Weds, Feb. 20 from 9:30 am to 3 Pm. Contact 220 1 Troy or Rick at the Bennion Center. EXPERIENCED BAKERPASTRIES flexible hrs. S. Apply in person at Pierre Country Bakery 3239 E. 3300 222 See Connie. PROMPTPRECISE WORD PROCESSING can correct spellinggrammar. 12 years experience. In Murray. Call 315 0 Pamela 13 NANNY WANTED to live in with caring family in Washington D.C. area. Must love children. Salary ranges from $150 to $400 per week, plus free room and board. CAFE MEDITERRANEAN needs counter help shift. Apply in person, 4O0 S. 542 E. WORD PROCESSING - WORD PERFECT, laser 315 printer. Papers, resumes, etc. Call Cindy, 487-- 8 50 AZTEC TYPING AND COMPUTEXT offer typing services of all kinds and word processing of term papers, 21 1 reports, theses, dissertations, and resumes. 315 East 300 South, Suite 204. DESKTOP PUBLISHINGWORD PROCESSING 9 WD, VOICE LESSONS! blues, show tunes! 215 WHY NOT! WORD PROCESSING, TYPING. Can check spelling, grammar, references (APA, Turabian, Campbell), editing. 315 0 Mrs. Nelley, PROFESSIONAL WORD PROCESSING. ALASKA SUMMER JOBS If you are among those seeking Hotel or Food Service employment in Alaska this summer, who are mentally and physically prepared to work hard in exchange for a fair wage and benefits and who wish to enjoy a beautiful wilderness setting, please contact us right away. Phone (206) 281-51or write to Westmark Hotels, Summer Hire Program, 300 Elliott Ave W.. Seattle We are Westmark Hotels, division of WA 98119-419Holland America (EOEAA) WORK STUDY STUDENTS needed at the Outdoor TYPING 15, 1991 EARN $300 TO $500 PER WEEK reading books at home. Call exL B347 228 WANTED TELEMARKETERS for a national golf per shifts available S5-S- 7 magazine. Evening & weekend 218 hour Call PART TIME RECEPTIONIST M-- from 7:45 am to 12:30 pm. Duties will include answering and directing Contact John incoming calls, light paperwork and filing. 220 for interview. Bernard EASY WORK! EXCELLENT PAY! Assemble products ext. 8515313 at home. Call for information Call FORMER ENGLISH TEACHER edits, word processes dissertations, manuscripts, resumes. Foreigngraduate 0 studies. students welcome. Specialize in Mid-Ea- st 315 13 222 SINGLE STAY TAN 9 7th E. FORMER SCHOOL MUSIC TEACHER offers formal piano classes to children from 5 to 12 years, old. Both theory and piano techniques are included. Studio is close to the University! 219 220 VCR REPAIR Free estimates. Cheap rates. Free pickup & 31 5 delivery. Work Guaranteed 90 days. Dan 299-- 1 63 similarly situated to explore mutual interests, especially activities & equitable trade of 2 services. Call screeneragent, Mon. through Sat. LEARN ENGLISH Salt Lake Academy of English Professional instruction. Reasonable prices. 72 12 W. 400 S. Downtown. 220 WORD PROCESSING 3 types. Linda Allen 3 ROOMMATE NEEDED to share contemporary bedroom duplex near U. with three females. Call professional, WOMAN, 56, otherwise mostly fiscal conservative, moderate, no children, living relaxed simple life with best roommate ever (35 lb. spayed, golden retrieversheltie mix) wishes to meet same age woman burned. BUY FROM ANY DEALER. GET THE BEST PRICE. CONSULTING FEES GENERALLY PAID BY THE DEALER. NO RISK GUARANTEE. Computer 5 220 training available. Call Dr. John Bernhardt to share spacious 2 bedroom apt. in Aves. WD, $185 12 utilities. Becci, before noon and after 10 PM. 219 8:30am-5:30p- ADOPTION We want to give your newborn our love and insure your child will have every opportunity in life. 21 S Expenses paid, legal Call collect (818) 792-- 582 215 FREE OSTEOPOROSIS SCREEN Bone scan study -Department of Family Practice. No blood tests, no needles. 8 Females, age 18-2lbs. For more weight information call during the day 5 215 4 drama maskscat face, - 2 tone LOST: six silver rings antique w diamond, I white gold band. Call Chris 595-438- 7 PERSONAL" COMPUTER PURCHASE CONSULTANT Get independent expert advice before you buy. Don't get 219 2 215 6 VOICE LESSONS! Develop your full potential. Rock. 312 blues, show tunes! Marey Bishop 363-011- 5 February T7T Private Club Main St. Park City 645-972- 2 i T PLACE 1 mm mm ram 0Q&0O00 |