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Show Friday, February 15. 1991 Plug-i- n by U The Daily Utah Chronicle - Page Fifteen magic students Diversified is the best way to describe both the works and the students at the Graduate School of Music who presented their works in Gardner Hall on Tuesday. Tracy Petersen is the instructor for the electronic music series at the University of Utah. And with him at the helm, U. students presented their original electronic compositions. Electronic music cannot be compared to any other form of music. It is a separate art form, created from sights, sounds and motions of what surrounds us, then combined with thought and emotion, and creatively transformed electronically. In the case of Les Rackl, a student in the class, the voice rhythm and tempo comes from mathematics. "My piece began as a mathematical piece and was transformed into a six dimensional one. It is a mechanically induced mystical piece," Rackl said. And mystical it was. It brought the vision of a horror movie. Not because the music was horrific mind you, but because it invoked a sort of suspenseful feeling; one of wonder as to what would happen next. Laurel Stucki, a member of the class, used a real voice in her piece. She recited, in French, a poem about little boy who loses his shadow, translated it to the audience, then let them listen. The poem is dispersed throughout the piece, coupled with a melody depicting the boy, a different sound for his shadow and climactic verses every time the boy finds his shadow. Charles Miller used metal objects beating together as his chosen voice in his piece called "THE Mistake." And although one could hear the voice of someone saying, "Exactly what it is meant to be," the voices in his piece were actually the metal first-quart- theatre from page thirteen males aren't extraordinarily positive, but at least they are more balanced and stable than the women. So much for the literature, on to the nitty gritty. The actors, well, perform I suppose. I won't say they are shining or sublime or stupendously fantastic because they aren't. The play doesn't lend itself to grandiose, g performances. It is more subdued. There are some great moments .centering around Del. The set was designed by the U.'s own Eddie Coe. Again, good, but nothing amazing. Again, attributable to the fact that this is such a earth-shatterin- straightforward play, there isn't much room to experiment. I will say this, to the show's derision, whoever chose the incidental music was out of their gourd. In the first scene change, we get something by Bobby McFerrin, or somebody who is trying to sound like him, singing the words "just so" in a variety of gut wrenching ways. Then they played something by Prince, which also had nothing to do with the play. Now I hate to pick on little details such as the incidental music, but to me, the magic of the theatre really occurs in those dark moments, when the audience is left ALL IN FAVOR OF GREAT FOOD, to contemplate and wonder and SAY HUNGRY await expectantly. Prince is not what I need during these critical moments. What can I say? Personally, I loved it. I understood it. I absorbed every LUNCH nuance of dialogue and subtle on it. CHICKEN SANDWICH MesQu'lf Wotted wtntf bes! ot eh ken served Tiinestione soup intonation. suppose it would be possible for anyone to love it if they are in the right frame of mind. Be prepared to hear some things which may offend you and be prepared to hear the word "poke" more in two hours than you ever have in your entire life. Also, go prepared to laugh. In today's political climate, this is all meaningless fluff, and it is a k welcome break from a non-sto- p CNN marathon. "White Man Dancing" is playing I grooved I ixwon from three different compositions he had done. One was a cut from a science fiction movie he created the music for. Petersen noted how exciting it has been for him and his students to be able to experiment by going out into the real world, record sounds and bring them back into the studio to transform them. Kathleen Ferguson excerpts ck rice o 14 25 95-- ptldt $6.95 GREEK VILLAGE SALAD f.Vdl in itsett' includes tiesrtlorr.ito gyomedt and lossed lutun'Dei.. oukwi vne$.ii EL l, cssnc v!.1 PASTA MYKONOS Pdsld setved ith tvejst ot stinker' thump zucchini gdtUc olive cut lemon a DINNER $995 st.tikv- - GRECO PIZZA $7.95 An individual p?za with fet.i & vdganaki cheeses Cieek viuut' .iitichoke and vpet i,it tonuto sjm iv.kK nt.Miuxm CHICKEN KABOB One ttt Out best seHets - tmluoVs (hunks ot boneless. tvM-.ol hti mp ,H on .i tkewet Seived withG'tvk pot.itoes 'uepd.iioi v.infn htf.iit vegetables soupewsutad and Pkh Fienth SouuI-hii- $7.95 hi, 1440 South Foothitl Blvd (on lh second Hoot ot the rust Inletstate Bank building .7tl VUil'l St.lt. 4fi suj Open now toi lunch and dmne. Opening I." be.iktat soon' Open lot bieaki.ft lutti h and iltnnet 500 North, SLC. A New Year... A New LOOK! THIS TUESDAY er objects. Dan Cracraft chose to present short nngs through W. $5.75 v.o MUSHROOM, PASTRAMI. BACON OR REGULAR BURGERS with Creek saUd m.rtronesxjp.ifHlchoeci fntn February 1 7th at the Salt Lake Acting Company. 168 't G'eefc Seved five-wee- Wednesdays-Friday- s i. Dean ,s proud to announce the opening of the second Dean's Hungry location in Foothitl Village Menu items at the new Hungry i are similar to those many have come to love at the original 2700 South State Street location They range from chxken and seafood to pasta, pizzas and of course. Creek speoatttes Let Dean put these words m youi moutn ONCE AROUND HOME ALONE (PG) (DOLBY) 1:00.1:50.3:00, 4:00,5:00, 6:00. 7:30, 8:00, 9:40, 9:55 DANCES WITH WOLVES ) (R) 1:45,4:15,7:10, 1:30, 3:30, 5:00, 7:00, 8:30, 10:15 NOT WITHOUT MY DAUGHTER (PG-1:15.3:45, 7:10, 9:50 ) NOTHING BUT TROUBLE 3:40. 5:40. 7:40, 9:45 FLIGHT OF THE INTRUDER (DOLBY) 2:10. 4:45, 7:05, 9:15 GOOD FELLAS (R) (DOLBY) mm AWAKENINGS R) (DOLBY) 2:00. 4 45. 7:30, 101)0 SLEEPING WITH THE ENEMY (DOLBY) 1 :30, 3:35, 5 40. 7 45, HAMLET (PG) (DOLBY) (DOLBY) 9:50 HOME ALONE (PG) (DOLBY) 2:00, 4:30, 7:00. 9:20 LA. STORY (DOLBY) R) Come KING RALPH (PG) (DOLBY) 1 and meet in 1:10.3:10,5:10,7:20,9:30 :40, NEVER ENDING STORY 2 (PG) (DOLBY) 1:20, 3:20, SLEEPING 5:20,7:30,9:40 1:45,4:45.8:15 KING RALPH (PG) (DOLBY) 1:10.3:20, 5:30,7:45.10:00 NEVER ENDING STORY 2 (PG) (DOLBY) 1:20.3:20,5:20, 7:20.9:20 GOOD FELLAS (R) 5:20. 8:30 NEVER ENDING STORY 2 (PG) (DOLBY) 5:00, 7:00. 9:00 NOT WITHOUT MY DAUGHTER ) 4:15, 7:30. 9:45 KINDERGARTEN mm ) DANCES WITH WOLVES 1:30. 5:00, 8:30 NOTHING BUT TROUBLE (PG) (DOLBY) formerly I. . I JI J,I1. JJ. 7VT SY.'W1 . of &VS600N6 of (normally $40 ) Men's haircuts half price THE RESCUERS DOWN UNDER (G) 2:1 5. 4:45 THIS IS NOT A DOUBLE FEATURE! OUIGLEY DOWN UNDER (R) 5 00. 7:25. 9:43 THIS IS NOT A DOUBLE FEATURE! NOTHING BUT TROUBLE MISERY (R) (STEREO) 2:30, 7:10 PLUS (DOLBY) 5:15, 7:30, 9:45 POSTCARDS FROM THE EDGE HOME ALONE (PG) (DOLBY) 4:30. 7:15, 9:25 9:20 4:50. (R) (STEREO) ) LA. STORY LOOK WHO'S TALKING TOO (DOLBY) 5:00, 7:20, 9:35 1:00,3:00, 9:50 ) KING RALPH (PG) THIS IS NOT A DOUBLE FEATURE! (DOLBY)4:20, 7:00, 9:15 ) 2:00, 4:30, 7:00, 9:30 GHOST J Women's Haircuts (London and Chicago) and 6ALON XAIQ( Beverlv Hills) NEVER ENDING STORY 2 (PG) 5:15, 7:15. 9:15 HOME ALONE (PG)(DOLBY) 4:30. 7:00. 9:30 SLEEPING WITH THE ENEMY (R) 5:30. 7:30. 9:40 1:25.3:25.5:25,7:25.9:20 NEVER ENDING STORY 2 (PG) (DOLBY) 1:15, 3:15. 5:15.7:15.9:15 SILENCE OF THE LAMBS (R) (DOLBY) 2:15. 4:45. 7:10. 9:30 KING RALPH (PG) (DOLBY) 1:00, 3:10. 5:20,7:40, 9:55 ) AWAKENINGS 1:00, 5:30, 10:00 THIS IS NOT A DOUBLE FEATURE! ONCE AROUND (R) 3:15,7:50 THIS IS NOT A DOUBLE FEATURE! 'DABIUS' SILENCE OF THE LAMBS (R) (SR DOLBY) 4 40. 7 20. 9 50 DANCES WITH WOLVES (DOLBY) 5 00, 8:30 ONCE AROUND (R) (DOLBY) 4:30, 7:00. 9:30 WITH THE ENEMY (R) (DOLBY) 1:30. 3:30, 5:30. 7:40. 10:00 If 1991 950 1:40,4:20,7:00.9:40 1:00,3:00, 5:00,7:00.9:10 3) take advantage of Haircut appointment includes: Consultation rwUlS &pcC'Z'e ShampooConditioning . ftlowdryStylc (2oof$, UV a Peft&fc' cation 'A Ask TLC H1 Elegante 11 ifilllS Hsu 4 LARGE AUTOMOTIVE- - Manager 1978 ECONOLINE VAN New battery, new master Cylinder, 4 new plush velvet captain's chairs. Original owner put in windows. It's rusty and needs work. Okay, okay, I'll take $850 for it. Call Arlene at 58 704 . '86 MAZDA RX 7 Racy blue, sunroof, air, cruise. $5500. 219 7 '85 SAAB TURBO, silver, immaculct, leather, tinted 292-- 1 827 218 FOUR TIRES ON VW ALLOY RIMS Paid over $1200. 4 219 best offer. '81 HONDA ACCORD HB Looks and runs great. 5 AMFM cavsctte. $950 firm. 28 1984 SAAB 900 5 spd. sunroof, ac. 7.1.000 miles $3550. 1982 AUDI COUPE 5 spd. sunroof, ac. all power 71.000 miles $2950. 1982 DATSl'N 200SX 5 spd. sunroof, ac. ail power $2250. All very cood condition. Will take best 8 after 5 pm. 164-9- I4 220 offers. Eddie '89 DODGE RAIDER Must sell now! (801 V6 Sport pkg. Red. Great car. 215 ) 2 726 S. 900 E. $295. Free cable. BEDROOM C-- Colors Wear a look and hair texture. that fits you. windows, sunroof. $7295ofTcr, 57,000 miles Hair Structure, Skintones, SLC, Utah 84115 (801)487-953- a makeover... Have him explain your bone 6o. State 1465 about 359-45- 2 No pclssmokcrs. . 201 CANYON RIM HOUSE 3 bdrm. fam room, new kitchen, dishwasher, wd, garage, good fwy access to U. Drive by 5 215 3075 S. Valley St. (,33tX) E.) For appt. TWO BEDROOM APT. 770 S. 700 E. $265. Heat paid 227 5 Call Vcm HOUSE FOR RENT Close to Alta. Brighton. 2 bd . dcp$350. No dining, woodburning stove, $350mo 7 25 smokerspels NEED TO RENT: 3 bdrm house or apt Wc MUST move 222 in by March . 272-85- FOR SALE- - GUARANTEED LOWEST PRICES IN DIAMONDS: UTAH! Large selection, high quality. Bridal sets, wedding bands, diamond earrings, quality pearls, tennis bracelets, certified appraisals available. Everything wholesale! Rocky 67 Mm Diamond Co. 486-352- 1 AQUARIUM SALE! 10 gal. $9.99. complete deluxe starter set $47.99. convict cichlids 4A I .. angels 3$5.. piker barbs, neons, .ebras, while clouds 99ccnts, fish food $2.50lb. Salt Lake Aquarium 4689 Molladay Blvd., 272 2l 4072 HOMES from $1 (U rcpain Delinquent lax property. Repossessions. Your area 429 cxt GH97I7 foramen! rcpo list Latest and models, car stereos. CLEARANCE! Home lop 2"' brands, great values! Panlonc Audio 484-444- GOVERNMENT DANCE MUSIC WAVE TECH SOUND SYSTEMS. Winner of the 1990 Battle of the DJs.226-949- 7 315 l NNiNMiiirnitTTTWiMWiiimrir'iTliiil HI III ' TirwaM&mMiniii v CAVEDOGS guests: Special February 18ili 7:30 p.m. Fair Park Horticulture Building $13 in advance, $15 day of show Salt Palace, Hie Tickets on sale now tit Mio ami all Smith Tlx outlets H1 Huntsman Center Produced by United Concerts EDITING- WE EDIT SCHOLARLY textbooks logic, style & continuity. Winslow's & dissertations for 315 RENT THE DOLORES CHASE ART GAI.I.F.RY 260 200 W. for receptions, weddings, and parlies $225. M LUXURY 2 bedroom, fireplace, dishwasher, microwave, air conditioning, covered parking, quiet. Low utilities. No pets. WOODWINDS. 2295 South 200 East. $295 219 COMPUTERS, ETC. for rcnl Rale schedules to suit you 363-8536 anytime By the day month or year U U free of oihcr students, SHARE HOUSE great washer A drvcr. HBO cable. realK nicc'$l85. 359 2544 221 DUPLEX 7ih E. S Temple, uuict. ofr street parking, coin ops. basement storage, new ice bo, fireplace, levelors. porch, sun room. Graduate students 2 VI5 KLEIN PINNACLE S 10. DIAMONDS: NOBODY BEATS OUR PRICES! wholesale diamonds & jewelry. Loose stones, custom designs, engagement, wedding, gift .sets. Free insurance Call appraisals. Gcmological Institute of America-traineDchra FOR RENT- - Manager TWO SETS BUNK BEDS and three used kid's hikes -- IV 15581-672Negotiable. 328-3- $850oho. 5 ELITE Mtn. bike. 22". must sell. 21 5 Leave message after 6 PM DORM APARTMENT CONTRACT for sale (Girls) call Stcfani 2T NEED A BED? Futons Boutique. 2 IPO S 1 & Frames. Great prices! Blue SPEKD MT. HIKE 16" Like new or $375. value, asking $250. Howard 968-6- 1 SCOTT 18 Vr, 100 E. - white 25 Excellent clarity (VVSI), gxx) color and and 4 poinl$l .000 or cut. grcal value. Work: 486 best offer. Call Mike Card Home: DIAMONDS 240(cxl.2420). 2H BKDRM $320 I vr contract 25 Classifieds end on page 16 |