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Show "1 Wednesday, January The Daily Utah Chronicle - Page Sixteen DISCLAIMER NOTICE - The Chronicle reserves the right to deny or edit classified advertisements on the basis of good taste and words S3.00day . propriety. Rates are as follows: $!2.00week. 16-3- 0 words $4.75Ay. $l9.00week. The classified ad deadline is 12 noon prior to the date the ad is to run. Classified advertisements will not be taken after 4:00 p.m. workdays. For information about classified ads call RESIDENTIAL DORM CONTRACT FOR SALE. Will 111 Trevor pay deposit 575-630MOUNTAIN BIKE - NISHIKI COLORADO 19" Brand new, Shimano components. Sell for $375. Leave message at 0 !2 6 581-70- AUTOMOTIVE- SKIS - DYNASTAR 170, Marker bindings. Dolomite Atlas 2 boots (mens 8 12) All $150. or separate. 112 - '86 MERCl'Z LYNX XRJ (Escort GT), Loaded, spoilers 14 or $3900. '86 Chevy Sprint - air. aula $2600. 364-4- 262-45- 9 110 CONVERTIBLE RABBIT, white, new roof, runs great, custom paint, stereo. $4250. 363-- 0 34. evenings ll I "74 BMW 3.0S Good condition. Must see and drive. Must sell $2.500 obo. 278-423- 5 112 "88 PONTIAC LE MANS Fl, 2 Dr. hatch back, 5 sp, air, 42 MPG. AMFM cassette, PS. PB. 18,500 k.. great in snow. Must sell. $4850 II2 2 1971 AMC HORNET 92,400 miles. Well maintained. 5 $500. lM 1981 TOYOTA TERCEL. Kent M-- Excellent condition. $700. Call 117 BIRTHDAYS- - DORM CONTRACT FOR SALE. Deposit negotiable. 4 Phone 584-45or II2 SUPER BUY: HP41CX. card reader, financial module, extended memory, etc, $220! HP18C Business Consultant, $70! She makes cheese! Omigod, birthdays landing on my face! What would you like? Pound Love, the A 100 puppies for your jacket? Happy crew! $250. PRE 1200 SKIS, Solomon SX81 boots, poles. Yakima ski rack. Alan 583-46- ll FOR SALE: BALLIF SINGLE DORM CONTRACT. 8. You keep my deposit! Must sell immediately. Call Leave message. 116 B1ANCHI LIMITED. 2 yrs. old. 12 speed road bike. Great 0 condition. $250offer l10 RED SCOTT MOUNTAIN BIKE 15 speed, like new. 5 l16 $170 obo. DYNASTAR 160 SKIS. Soloman bindings, Scott poles. 1 Nordica boots (size 8). Whole set $80. Linda 116 MINOLTA SRT 100 CAMERA, 3 lenses, flash, accessory 596-253- 2 117 after 6 pm. Asking $200. bag. Call -- EDITING- 1I2 7 MINOLTA MD LENSES: 135 mm f. 2.8 telephoto $125. or best offer; 50 mm f 2 $75. obo. 467-760- 9 112 ARONAL RELLEL'M - LIMERICK OF THE UTAH SYMPHONY CLASSICAL SERIES. Orchestra center, row 29, Saturdays. $202 ticket concert. Buy I A BACK-SHO- P LOST AND FOUND LOST . MALE CAT (SMITTY). 7 month old. gray & white with blue & white collar. Call 583-312anytime. 110 REWARD! FOUND: GOLDEN RETRIEVER PUPPY. Male. 359-939- 0 117 4 now. March 3, 10, 17, 24. April concert or more. 21, 28. Perick, Lindquisl, Zeitlin, Matson, Johannesen, Watts. 117 PERSONAL- - QUESTIONING YOUR MORMONISM? Read "For FOR RENT- Those Who Wonder" $4.95 al University and Descrel Book - NEWER 1&2 Bedroom condos $200 carport, jacu..i, dishwasher, laundry facilities, security. 731 South 300 East 123 9 LG 2 BDR, $289., Carpel, garage, tiled bathshower, 1172 S. 5th E. 466-54- 7 or 583-- 1 954. eve.wknds. 25 CONDO FOR RENT. $250. Mark I bedroom. 127 So. 800 E. lM FEDERAL HEIGHTS. NEAR CAMPUS. 4 bdrms. 2 bath duplex. Kitchen, washer & dryer. I yr. leasee cams $50mo in reduced rent. $700 mo. 649-4- 6 14 or (K IK) 999-0- 7 II 117 QUIET, CLEAN AND SPACIOUS 1 BEDROOM units with lots of storage. Only 4 blocks from campus. NEW carpets, linoleum, window coverings, ac and paint. Heat 1. If no answer, 3 included. Call 328-10- 1 39 MODERN 1 locations. $2 BDRM UNITS in Sugarhousc or 9 & Avcs. l24 484-353- 9 STUDIOS OR 1 BDRM., utilities pd.. CLEAN, fumunfum.. parking, new carpel & paint, Eastsidc 4 or Aves. locations. $ 85. l30 ; & 2 BDRM. UNITS, laundry, cable tv. parking, close to 6 13 U., storage. For appointment please call Al BIG 2 BDRM APT., new painl, new carpel, quiet, - 110 l, Rob after 5 p.m. parking. $2S0month. 1 MARMALADE HILL, I BDRM., very clean, new appliances, WD. utilities furnished. $325. 61 Stores. I Bdrm $200, 2 Bdrm 1 MONTH FREE w 6 mo. lease. $250 dishwasher, carport pool, Indry facilities, 555 E. 7(X) S. 9 Steve j23 or 6 JESUS CHRIST DIED FOR YOU. Avoid hell. Believe l18 God, the Holy Bible is true. U.B.T.S. PREGNANT? WORRIED? Call Birthright for your free 119 pregnancy lest an help. Evening hours. 484-461HEY GUYS! WANT TO LOOK GOOD? Join satisfied people for the best $6. haircut around. Long, short, olden, modem. "If you can explain it, 1 can cut it." Barney's 2480 2 S. Main, Monday to Friday. 0 a.m. to 6 p.m. 39 - WHY NOT? STA-TA- 7th E. Phone visit $3., 10 visits. $25. 677 S. I 49 9 APPLY TODAY, AUDITION TOMORROW Extras, 942-849No experience. models, actors accepted! Big $$$ 131 SORRY YOU MISSED THE '60s? Rgh for truth, justice & the American way. Volunteer at the ACLU. Call Marlayn I 8 al ll ADOPTION A caring, secure, couple seeks to adopt a white infant. A loving home, happiness and opportunity arc our promise. Let us help. Confidential. Expenses paid. Call Judy 2M and Ed, collect. 5 PREGNANT? FREE SERVICES: Pregnancy tests, counseling, medical referrals. Call Pregnancy Resource 3 24 hours. Center 39 SKI X-- C WITH THE OUTD(K)R PROGRAM weekly 110 free lours on or near campus. Call 581-85- SCHOLARSHIP, HELP WITH CLASSES AND STUDY BUDDIES. All the fun and great grades I00...GO GREEK! Call for more information. 110 II0 STUDIOS & I BDRMS, rcfinishcd, heal. water, hot 6 watersecurity. pest control paid. Student special. 110 ROOMMATES- I 874 E. SOUTH TEMPLE Large, comfortable. 3 FREE HEAT. No pets or smokers. $225. I bdrm. apt. 110 GREAT MOTHER-IN-LAAPT. Cozy & clean, quiet, established area, prime location, I bdrm.. $225 elect. 3 Brian 467-331- 5 or lM 303 S. I3TH E. Studio, one bedroom. $175., partially lM furnished, free hot water. 583-85- 2 - l10 ROOMMATE NEEDED TO SHARE GREAT YALE 6 HOUSE! Own bath, utils. included $260. Greg. 110 MALEFEMALE ROOMMATE NEEDED ASAP. $112 utilities. 250-9- 7 2 Bedroom house. Leave message. Call after 5 after 10 p.m. 11 4 or 355-35- 2 UTILITIES Free laundry. STUDIO, BASEMENT, $180 0 lM parking, close to U. FIND A ROOMMATE AND LIVE IN 2 BDRM. LUXURY. Fireplace, dishwasher, and all extras including indoor atriums. $187.50 per person. 10 mins. from campus. 116 Conquistador Apis.. 300 E. 3349 S. 466-760- 0 FEMALE TO SHARE 2 BDRM APT. WITH SAME. 12 mils. Walk to U. Must be serious student, $120 per mo. leave message. Call Melanic neat, 112 ONE BEDROOM, FIREPLACE, newly painted. $260 4 $245 heat paid. Walk to campus. 732 E. 100 S. 116 WANTED MF ROOMMATE to share clean, very 1 or contemporary, remodeled house. $190. Milan leave a message. 112 MALE GRA1). STUDENTS Share great older home near U. $165. utilities included. No pets. 532-281- 0 122 FURNISHED 3 BEDR(X)M, $420.. 415 University Street. Roommales wanted for 2 and 3 bedroom. 295-40117 COZY, CLEAN, I BEDRM. DUPLEX. Close to U. fenced 117 yard, fireplace. 172 S. 8(X) E. $265. 486-172- 0 4 BDRM FURNISHED APT. Heat & electric paid. 2 6 blocks from University. $4(X)mo. Call 117 4 119. 1 2 BLOCKS FROM U. Word processing. 12 years legal 6 39 experience. $ I a page. Call Diane RELIABLE, QUICK TYPIST will meet or beat your 9 131 deadlines. Two locations. 12:00 Deadline. WORD PROCESSING, TYPING. Can check spelling, grammar, references (APA. Turabian, Campbell), editing. 39 Mrs. Nelley, 467-43- SHARE HOUSE, your own private large bedroom, family 112 room and full bath. Dchra SERIOUS STUDENT, climber, skier, needs liberal 116 roommate. 583-- 9 83. $200month. SERVICE Sel with case, 119 DIAMONDS: GUARANTEED LOWEST PRICES IN UTAH! Large selection, high quality. Bridal sets, wedding bands, diamond earrings, quality pearls, tennis bracelets, certified appraisals available. Everything wholesale!" Rocky Mtn. Diamond Co. 486-35- 2 61 UNIVERSITY GRADUATE WILL RESEARCH and outline your undergraduate term paper projects. Humanities, social sciences and HPER topics acceptable. Very reasonable 2 110 rates. Call Todd lip WORD PROCESSING, EXPERIENCED. Reports, resumes, graphs, etc. Laser. Plotter. Rush jobs okay. Christy pal 39 3 WORD PROCESSING LASER PRINTER. East Liberty Park area. Papers, theses, resumes. Call Cindy, 487-- 8 50. 61 FORMER ENGLISH TEACHER edits, word processes dissertations, manuscripts, resumes. Foreigngraduate studies. 582-202- 0 students welcome. Specialize in Mid-EaV9 AZTEC TYPING SERVICE has always been your best source for all word processingtyping needs. Student rates. Learn to use WordPerfect 5.0 or Lotus 0 39 courses. Comprehensive ALPHA-OMEGTYPING English MA; Former teacher. 39 95 cents a page. Editingcorrections free. 268-- 1 149 WANTED NANNY WANTED: Three young children, working mom. Very active, loving family. Requirements: driving, swimming, cleaning, light cooking and a great attitude. Experience and references required. Gail Leeds, 10 Coves 112 Run, Syosset, N.Y. 1791 BARTENDING CLASSES - Fun jobs; Earn great money. Tuesday & Thursday evening classes. Bartenders Incredible mmmmmm is now hiring for winter UNIVERSITY FOOD SERVICE quarter. Flexible hours, uniforms provided, discount on meals, close to school. Jobs available in custodial, line workers, cashiers, etc. Apply 30 Union Building. Equal 117 opportunity employer. CASTING FOR MOTION PICTURES NOW! Earn to 131 0 $90 hr.! TV. models needed. Act now! AU PAIRHOUSEKEEPER WANTED to help with a newborn and household duties. Small town in the Berkshire mountains. Send resume or descriptive letter with references 16 West Ave., Gt. Barrington, to: Jesse and Colleen Stoff, 116 Mass. 01 230 REAL PEOPLE WANTED - character parts, extras, 484-298- 7 personalities, models! To $400day! No experience. 131 RETAIL MUSIC STORE LOOKING for agressive people to fill helpful. 272-425- 5 fullpart-tim- positions. Salesmusic experience e !10 UPSCALE CHINESE RESTAURANT lookingfor enthusiastic and experienced waitresses and cooks. Apply in person at 775 E 9400 S. or call 56 3 95 110 CHIN-WA- NANNY NEEDED FOR 2 CHILDREN Mon - Thurs, 3:30 1 - 6:30, 2 days 3:30 - 100:00. Call Judith or 110 p.m. BABYSITTER. WANTED: SaturdaysSundays 2 evenings. Tuesdays, 110 EXPERIENCE INTERNSHIPVOLUNTEER AVAILABLE THROUGH Youth Services working with information troubled teens. Training provided. For 3 110 contact Sandra al TRAINING TABLE RESTAURANTS Energetic people needed to fill immediate openings for all positions. Beginning wage $3.75hr. We offer great benefits and rapid advancement. Apply in person at any location today. 21 Previous experience not required. SORRY YOU MISSED THE '60s? Fight for truth, justice and the American way. Volunteer at the ACLU. Call 111 8 DRIVERS. Weekdays, Third Ave, after 2:30. $15.00hr. Ref. required Call Gail 521-383- PART-TIM- E OPENINGS Various Shifts Between 6 am & 2 pm Apply weekday AM, in person. 705 S. 700 East 0 CRUISESfflPS NOW HIRING for spring, Christmas and next summer breaks. Many positions.. Call Ext.S-114- 7. (Call 7 days a week) 110 message. GREAT WAY TO EARN EXTRA CASH! Raise funds for nationally known environmental and human rights organizations. Eve. hours. Average pay - $7.50hr., guaranteed $5.00. Flexible scheduling. Call after 10:30 am to 7 schedule interview. Public Interest Communications 122 ARTIST WANTED TO DRAW 10 page comic book story for Amanita Press. Familiarity with Manga helpful. Contact Steven Miller. 112 WORK STUDY STUDENT WANTED FOR DATA ENTRY and general office work. Please call Ginger Heat at ' 112 FRED MEYER DISPLAY PERSON. We are currently seeking experienced display persons for several full- - and permanent positions available in the Salt Lake City area. Previous experience in merchandising and display work is required. Salary based on experience. Send resume to: BDPMOSGD, PO BOX 42121, PORTLAND, OR 97242. No phone calls, please. Equal Opportunity Employer. 112 TELEMARKETER - Flexible hours, weekdays. No selling involved. Apply at Christy's Kitchen, 476 Third Ave., after 2:30. 112 Chicano Scholarship Applications Available for NANNY, mornings Mon. to Friday, Emigration 112 6 Canyon. Car a must. References. Salary BABYSITTER NEEDED. Watch my I 12 year old girt in my home, 3 days per week, 5 hours per day. $3.00 hour. 112 7 or 322-42Short walk from campus. live-ou- t, PART-TIM- E Must work Mon., Weds., OR FULL-TIM& Fri. Must be able to work at 10:00 a.m. on those days. Reliable. Helpful if experienced with beauty industry. Days 116 7 & mornings only. NOW HIRING FOR COOK & CASHIER. Good pay. 116 Discount on meals. 222 S. 1300 E. B & D Burgers I'M LOOKING FOR DEPENDABLE, cheerful A caregiver for my child in the afternoons. Hours flexible. Pay 1 negotiable. Call Tricia mornings or evenings, 582-- 1 53 116 WANTED: Smart, vivacious women interested in true friendship, good grades and fun. GO GREEK! Women's for more information. Call 581-80Winter Rush Jan to work in sunny Park City this winter. Good pay, flexible hours. Start immediately. Blooming Enterprises. Call collect !I 1081 DEPENDABLE CHILD CARE NEEDED for boy in 12-- 6 Avenues every other week, 6 Monday-ThursdaFriday. Must have transportation and references. Call Ross 112(117) SUMMER JOBS OUTDOORS Over 5,000 openings! National Parks, forests, fire crews. Send stamp forfree 212 details. 113 E. Wyoming. Kalispell. MT 59901 100 Monday-Thursda- y 117 student needed as an WORK STUDY ONLY. assistant in AnatomicAutopsy Pathology. Experience in a related field andor coursework in the biological sciences position. Contact preferred for the Michael at 58 2508 for details. ll A FREE GIFT JUST FOR CALLING, plus raise up to $1700 in only 10 days. Student groups, frats and sororities needed for marketing project on campus. For details plus ext. your FREE GIFT, group officers call 11 SO. EASY WORK! EXCELLENT home. Call for information. STUDENTS WORK-STUD- PAY! Assemble products at 117 ext. 8515. WANTED for data-entr- y and proofreading positions. Flexoble hours, training 117 provided, interesting work. Call Sue, ext. 748 DURING SCHOOL. (Flexible $1500MO. PART-TIM- E hours) Gain experience and build your resume with international marketing Firm. All students acceptedseniors 2 119 preferred. Ask for Laura or Russell Let our company ship your personal and household goods at reasonable rates. We can provide service or ocean freight including insurance, by packing all necessary services. CALL CARGO-LIN- INTERNATIONAL K 537-101- 2 FOR RATE QUOTATION ASK FOR EXPORT DEPARTMENT Guaranteed Undergraduates and Graduates Contact: GLASS ACT 581-520- AFTER SCHOOL childcare worker. and on Friday. Must be 21. responsible and like children, will plan activities, fieldtrips, etc. Apply at Jewish Community Center 24 16 E. 700 S. PART-TIM- Windshield Repair or Replacement Insurance Approved Up to $1 00.00 off your insurance Deductible for students Ethnic Studies WANTED DAY CAMP DIRECTOR, Jewish Community Center. Experienced, responsible, will handle administrative duties, staff of 40 & 300 campers. Full time summer, part-tim- e school year. Apply at Jewish Community Center 2416 E. I700S. 117 116 INCOME OPPORTUNITY: Housekeepers needed 6 112 Carlson Hall Due: Feb. 15 582-503- A dlvison of A-- 4 1 Quality Glass UTAH MUSEUM OF NATURAL a Private Telephone? Cant Afford the Cos- tTake Control With your personal Need (BUSsekjCusk) HISTORY UNIVERSITY OF UTAH WINTER SERIES 1990 VOICE MAILBOX UTAH: 10,000 B.C. JANUARY 22 Utah's Ice Age: A Glacial Landscape Enjoy benefits of a personal phone without the cost Parents can stay in touch (in fact get them to pay for JANUARY 29 Pleistocene Megafauna: A View From The Colorado Plateau it...) Mlddl Eastern healthy vegetarian food prepared from scratch We use 100 extra virgin olive oil (no cholesterol Deft sandwiches FcMafel sandwich with pocket bread $1.99 Middle Eastern plate includes Taboo le ft Folate! with poket Hannus, breod-3.9- 9 Gyro with free Chicken Chawarma with free coke-$3.2- 9 We coder parties, birthdays and weddings Grocery Available We Sarve homemod Coke-$2.5- 10 Instant communication 24 hrs. a day, 7 days a week, from any touchtone telephone anywhere in the 48 states If you're frustrated with sharing one phone with 5 roommales. you need a personal, confidential Voice Mailbox now OF U ID VISA OR MASTERCARD! Even if bankrupt or bad credit! We Guarantee you a Card or double your money back. Call 1805-682- 7565 Ext. M-127- 4. (Call 7 FEBRUARY 5 Early Human Occupations of The Great Basin ' TIME: Monday evenings, 7:30 p.m. LOCATION: Local and 800 service avaiable days a week) Fine Arts Auditorium, U. of U. Campus 5 9.50-I5.00Mo- . Discount with U ' JANUARY IS The Great Ice Age Discover why thousands of colege student around ihe country are using Voice Mail daily Never miss a message 1 Businessman. HELP & DELIVERY Apply Christy's Kitchen 476 586-833- YOU HADN'T TERMINATED THAT PREGNANCY? Free, professional 19 112 Counseling. 977-9- Senior Accounting Major to Reconcile Bank Statements for a local 10-- FOR A GOOD PHOTOGRAPHER NEED PORTFOLIO WORK: headshots, 34's, full length. Must leave have experience and low rates. Call WISH WANTED: BAJRQSS KITCHEN PART-TIM- E 4-- Al home on I5lh E. 13th S. Call 9-- For free help and support call ATOMIC ARC TELEMARK RACING SKIS 205 cm w 5 voile relcasablc binding. New. Fast. $150. Mike J0 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii . 39 2 EATING DISORDERS TREATMENT PROGRAM Call the Salt Lake Child and Family Therapy Clinic. 52 506839 FOR SALE NETTER MEDICAL ILLUSTRATIONS 1 unused, cheap. Anne TYPING1 W computerized word processing. 26 years Annette. experience. Work guaranteed! Marsha. A Marlayn al WANTED MF ROOMMATE TO SHARE LARGE 6 HOUSE. $1 16. per month plus utilities. Alter 5 p.m. p.m. ROUND TRIP TO FRESNO. Leave Jan 12th pm. return 112 4 Jan. I5tll. $100. Call - produce with great zeal a newspaper that's REAL If it's not, then she'll burn it, by golly. ENTERTAINMENT BE ACCUSED OF DISORDERLY CONDUCT AT YOUR NEXT PARTY! Hot rock 'n roll band, "Disorderly Conduct" available for private parties, etc. Sheri or Mike 967-286Paul 363-12II2 DAY- CHIEF NAMED NEW HOLLY, whose disposition's better than jolly. She'll THERE'S WE EDIT SCHOLARLY textbooks & dissertations for 0 39 logic, style & continuity. Winslow's TRAVEL- ; ATTRACTIVE HOUSE Walking distance of campus. Three bedrooms, two baths, custom built kitchen. Phone 10, 1990 - INTERNATIONAL VOICE EXCHANGE Call V ADMISSION: $3 per lecture$ 1 3 series ticket, $11 UMNH members. Series tickets 5754-680- 0 M-- available at the museum. 5 alter nours anytime Ask for Daniel or Kevin REPOSSESSED VA & HUD HOMES! available from government from $1 without credit check.You repair. Also Tax delinquent foreclosures. Call Ext. for repo list of area. your (Call 7 days a week) I For more information call 5814887 or SEIZED CARS, trucks, 4 Wheelers, TVs, Stereos', furniture, computers, by DEA, FBI, IRS and US Customs, Available your area now. Call Ext. (Call 7 days a week) |