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Show Friday, January 13, 1989 Chronicle - Page Eight FOR SALE NOTICE - The Chronicle reserve the right lo deny or edit classified advertisements oa the basis of good taste and propriety. Classified advertisements will sot be takea after 4:00 pjn. workdays. words $2.75day or Rates are as follows: words S4.25day or $17.00 JlO.OOweek; 16-3- 0 week. Classified ad deadline is 10 am. prior Id the dale the ad is lo ran. For aiformauoa about 1. classified ads call DIAMONDS AT lowest prices with a graduate 0. 210 Sonologist appraisal. Call Tim HEWLETT-PACKAR15C Scientific calcula-lo- r 0. 113 $55.00 FOR SALE car. $350. 596-7089 aft. 5 pm. HONDA hatchback. Not perfect, but still 1 good Utile car. 59,400 miles. $350 down, take over payments (137. mo.) Front wheel drive, blue. Ann 975-13days. 117 79 MAZDA GLC Runs OK. $900 O.B.O. 363--72. evenings. 120 ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS 0130 SPRING BREAK get ready. Second Avenue Tanning Salon. 1032 2nd Ave. (next to New low prices, clean Frontiers Mkt,) rooms, long hours. 125 Quality Printing. COMPUTER TYPING: BDRM. $230. includes utilities. avail-abf- e, printing. Experienced, accurate, extra help 1 1page, Sandi, evenings. 0113 "QUALITY, fast word processingediting. Great rates. Near "U". Resumes. Sherry 359-- 5 163." AVAILABLE NOW! One bedroom, large apt with study room. Close to U $250. 120 2297 E. 1700 S. basement studio apt $225 or 264-820electric. Appointment: S3 INTERESTED Ron at IN the sport of fencing? MOP THE FLOOR! Go Chi Phi for Winter 2 BEDROOM BASEMENT APT. All utilities paid. $250ma 1161 E 400 S. 943-591- EARN $25 by referring someone who rents a large 2 bedroom apt. Spacious and exceptionally clean. On bus route to the U. For you or some- one referred. Phone with garage. 120 LIVE DOWNTOWN! Capitol Hill 1&2 bedroom apts.,oak floors, fireplace, larger closets, 1 120 laundry, parking. Larry UNFURN. APARTMENTS for rent 3 bdrm. $350, 1 bdrm. $195. Walk to U. Call Controtcom 2 bedrooms, $260.00, $275.00, heat paid. Roommates wanted, $135.00, furnished. One bedroom, $195.00. UNFURNISHED, 120 FURNISHED 1 BR. COTTAGE 940 E 400 S. evewknd. (rear) $200- - own utilities. 364-719-5 113 n Word Perfect files. Foreigngraduate students welcome. Specialize in studies. 582-202- 0 310. chunked-i- AZTEC TYPING your best word processing and typing choice for value and service. Also take conveadvantage of AZTEC COPY'S one-sto- p nience for quality reproduction. 211 E. 300 S.. House calls by appointment 310 PROFESSIONAL WORD PROCESSING 10 Years Experience. ... Publishing. ' Satisfaction guaranteed. Call Desk-To- p Laser Printer. Claudia Resumes, Cover Letters, Reports, Dissertations. 310 3. EDITING- - ROOMMATES ,. FEMALE to share large 4 bedroom apt 12 block 14 from U. Private bath. Heat paid $125mo. 112 utilities. . 2 BDRM. APT. 4 12 blocks from U, liberal who studies! $137.50 12 utilities. 119 No deposit! Call Marc NEED MALE ROOMMATE, four bedroom house, LDS preferred, cable, 1 bath. $150month 112 MALE STUDENTS SHARE large home 1073 E. 200 S. $165 includes utilities, no pets FURNISHED DUPLEX & bedroom. WD 12 block from bus line to U of U. NS $225 mo. 10:00 am to 3:30 pm. includes utilities. 484-384-8 117 2 BLOCKS from U. Female Roommate wanted. 0. $150 12 utilities. LIBERAL PERSON to share large furnished 12 utilities. Kim home. 5 min. to U. $200mn LIBERAL MF to share renovated home wtwo men. Beautiful, large, private attic bedroom and large closet Plenty of storage space. Near 3. 120 I700S. 900E $200 13 utilities. SERVICES n EATING DISORDERS - Free Information Tuesdays at 1:00 - Call Margaret ThompsonSalt Lake Child & Family Therapy : for information. 31 Clinic: 521-50- ROOMMATE SOURCE - Roommate referral 8 am -- 11pm service. Valerie . 966-585daily.131 DAYCARE PRESCHOOL super quality Early Childhood program. Close to U. Reasonable! Call 117 Ratio 310 9. A & W COMPUTERIZED WORD PROCESSING. 26 years experience. Thesis, ATTENTION all ISA International students: elections for officers are being held Tuesday 17th Jan.. 6:30pm. Everyone welcome. See Union notice board for where. 117 HOUSE NEAR UOFU2 bedroom 1 bath completely remodeled, $285. 648 East Browning eves. Ave.(14th so.) rear. Days CLOSE TO U 1 bedroom $210. heat paid. 1171 ' 119 E 200 S. 3. FORMER ENGLISH TEACHER EDITS WORD PROCESSES dissertations, reports, texts, manuscripts, resumes. Also editsrevises RENT OR BUY the most fashionale wedding gowns. All sizes & headpieces. Call for an appointment "now" before spring break or sumWhite Satin of Salt mer weddings. 254-971- 6 Lake. 120 or T 2 BLOCKS FROM U. Word processing, edit. 12 310 years legal experience ALPHA-OMEGTYPING English M.A. Former Teacher $.85 a page. EdiUngCorrections 9, free. Anytjrne.310 why not? Visit $3.00, 10 visits 310 $25.00. 679 S. 7th E. ph. BEDROOM APT. w. distance from U. 15 yrs. - 272-595- Jan- WORD perfect. Copying, Binding, cater to studentssmall businesses. Same day ser' 310 vice Lyim 466-760- 6 STA-TA- LG. ONE BEDROOM APT. second floor, older brick home. East neighborhood, sky light washerdryer, porch, parking. Quiet individual $250. mo. I correct spelling. 310 IBM-X- JOIN THE SKI CLUB in Jackson $117 includes Call transp.,lodging, & 2 ski passes. 113-11- 6. ' 112 Kathleen large, newer 2 bdrm., free cable, carpets, patio, $285. REAL NICE 2 BEDROOM, new carpets & paint Washing machine & dryer, dishwasher, 1 113 fridge & range. $325.00 553 EAST 700 SOUTH, light & roomy studio apt.. Includes miniblinds, full carpeting, microwave & free heat! Half off 1st months rent No pets, no smoking. $185.575-5408.11- 9 PROFESSIONAL TYPING 90e7pg. UofU experience. Alvin Rush. We're FreezuV. Call Jon 6, or if worse comes to worst. Bill 118 726 S. 900 E. 345 EAST 1330 SOUTH Large 2 bedroom duplex. Lots of storage. Includes miniblinds, full carpeting, microwave, & free heat! Half off 1st months rent No pets, no smoking. $305. WORD PROCESSING typing. Cancheck spelling, grammar, references (APA, Turabian, 310 Campbell), etc. Mrs. NeUey, 467-432- 0 Call 1W APT'S for rent $250 to $375. Gas paid. Close to U of U. Call after 4:00 pm. 118 Manager ONE BEDROOM in a home at a prestigious 9 location near U. Call evenings or 581-85' days. 118 $297. Including heathot water. 2 bedroom, carport, laundry, storage, individual thermostat 675 5th Ave! Manager 595-7011 8 WORDS EXPRESS Quality word processing 20 years experience, evening to morning turnaround tone. . 0119 484-461- 13 2 BEDROOM 0123 Timer Cross Country Ski Day." outing. Meeting : Jan 17, at 6 pm. Call Outdoor Program. " Co-o- p Creek Ski Camp". Meeting: Jan. 17 at 6pm. Call Outdoor Program, 581-8- 5 16. 117 MIGHT BE PREGNANT? Find out with a free privacy. Birthright pregnancy test Complete v 539-84- or 266-34- CALL 359x7853 - Overnight WPTyping, LQ " First ; mini- $10hr-$5.0- 0 mum. Rough draft & final. Jean 0112 - - assured. Well being. Dept. 14, PO Box 9737, New Haven, CT 06536. 113 3 BDRM $350 JX), STUDIO $185.00 walk to U. 0 117 Call Controtcom ' 0124 IT'S YOUR BUSINESS. Condoms, personal hygiene needs by mail. Free price list Privacy BASEMENT STUDIO type apt available immediately. $200mo. includes heat and water. 304 S. 0. 1300 E 117 -- QUALITY TYPLNGWORD PROCESSING. Reasonable rates. .Accurate, fast, ck. spelling.. Call Laurie 2105 532-108- LARGE 2 BEDROOM, very clean. $289.00. Locked garages, 6 min. drive to IT from near 0. 0131 Liberty Park. (1172 S.5thE) Dissertations - Theses Forms -Resumes Equations Manuscripts Tables. 25 years experience. B.S. Biological Sciences. Fast, professional service. Diana Fox 484-787- 1. couldn't afford. Walking distance to U., large private bedrooms, utilities partly paid, share kitchen, bath, living, dining room. Cable TV. Close to 2J03 laundry, stores. 483-341- CLEAN, SUNNY one bedroom apt No utilities paid, $185. Lyla 266-007- EDITTYPING WORDPROCESSING ING IBM Computer. Word Perfect. Letter UNIVERSITY OF UTAH LIVE IN Victorian luxury you thought you 268-40- 2 BLOCKS FROM U. Word processing, edit. 12 years legal experience. SI a page. Call Diane, PERSONAL FOR RENT- - $1807mo. call TYPING' CX Engineering calculator. evenings. 119 HAVE FUN dancing off those holiday goodies! Kismet Belly Dance Club meets every Thursday 6-- 7 pm in HPER West 105 beginning Jan. 5th. $15 dues per quarter gives guest professional . instructors, parties, cultural exploration, and a 117. healthy bod! For more info call 486-778- ICE SKATING tonight. Meet at Newman Center 730 pm. Parry A refreshments after. Come A meel someone new! 113 112 268-398- LOST AT U OR JEREMY. Man's plain gold ring. Unique inscription. $50 reward. 119 Union CHESS CLUB meets every Friday Den, bee lessons lo beginners a & intermediates. 113 1 25 days. $2385 includes everything. Call Becky: BRACELET FOUND on Plaza south of Marriot Library, identify at Chronicle, 240 Union lo claim. FOUND PRESCRIPTON GLASSES, tortoise frames. Found in parking lot east of annex build- -' ing. call ex. 7374. -- ENTERTAINMENT- 1 TOUS EUROPE and cruise the Greek Islands! LOST & FOUND tt 23 HP-4- 1 Used once. Dave 295-47- M SUBARU 3 spd good CLEAN 292-727- 3 360 racing bike. 25" frame like new. 0. Index shifting. $300. firm, DIAMONDS: guaranteed lowest prices, large selection, men's & women's settings, tennis bracelets, everything wholesale. CHEVY SPECTRUM- - like new, silver. 5 spfL, AMFM cassette, air, 3 door-- includes 2 12 nights for yr. service contract. Call 544-579- 8 more info. - SPECIAL RATES: Example Denver 39. Los Angeles 59. SFO 69. Spring Break All 7 nights HAWAII 499.00. Cancun 379.00. Mazatlaa 269.00 Call out of Utah Tree Travel Available" 188 TREK 17 - TRAVEL- 117 4. grandparents need or 2 children to lend. Reasonable rates, located m Capiiol Hills area, references 364-0-1 16. 120 SKI BOOTS Dachston Racing, foam fit NEW. (not injected) $225.00. Retail 525.00. AUTOMOTIVE i LOVING SURROGATE DISCLAIMER" WE EDIT SCHOLARLY ' MANUSCRIPTS, textbooks & dissertations for logic, style & conti-nuit- y. 310. Winslows. . WANTED HILL HAVEN CONV. CENTER needs help with maintenance. Painting, polishing, hammering, gluing. 20 hours per week flexible. Great job for Spring break money. Please apply in person. ' 41S.9thE$4.25-5.00hr.l3- 1 TELEPHONE SURVEY & TELEMARKETING personnel needed. Part time evenings & Saturday morning. Guaranteed wage plus bonuses available. Must have a good phone voice & be 2 for interview, 210 dependable. Call SUMMER JOBS OUTDOORS Over 5,000 openings! National Parks, Forests, Fire Crews. Send stamp for free details. 113 E Wyoming, Kalispell, MT. 59901. 203 UNITED STATES SKI TEAM is looking for bright, articulate individuals to help with fundrais-in-g. As a fundraiser you will telephone prospec- -. tive contributors and solicit donations. Immediate openings. Salt Lake locations. Evenings part time. $S.00hr. bonuses to start Call Julie between 4:00 and 8:00 at 532-752- 5 for more information. 113 WANTED: Air Force ROTC opportunities for math, science and engineering majors. We also have scholarships that cover tuition, books, fees and more. For details contact the Department of or stop by room Aerospace Studies at 581-622009, Annex Bldg. 113 PREGNANT FREE services pregnancy tests,', counseling, medical referrals. Call S.L. Crisis 310 Pregnancy Center MODELS & DANCERS NEEDED will train you. For appointment call Susie Dancers & 6, 113 Modeling Agency, PEOPLE WANTED- - earn to $300.00 a day! BABYSITTER NEEDED for girl aged 3. Near 7 Excellent pay. UofU. M-- 12:30-5:3after 5:30, 113 Actors, Models, Extras. Movies. Shows, Print. No experience. WANTED SACTORS $MODELS $ EXTRAS. No experience! To $50.00 an hour. All ages, 131 types. SWIM INSTRUCTOR.YWCA- - WSI required. Wonderful teaching conditions- - Hours to fit 119 schedule. Ann or Sonnie PART-TIM11-- 5; E $300-70- 0 SALES Wed. a week. Art Fri. 4-- pm. Sat GRAPHIC ARTIST WANTED Please Call Jeffrey at 2. SWIFTY'S double ' 113 drive-thr- u : restaurant at 480 E. 400 S. is looking fro smart, hard working, dependable people to fill kitchen staff positions. Start $3.75hr., flexible shifts. Call 8:00-10:3- 0 am or to interview. 117 119 GYMNASTICS INSTRUCTOR evenings for 277-91beg. to intermediate. Girls and boys. Call . after 3:30 pm. 119 DIGNIFIED SALESPERSON wanted for AUDITIONS WILL BE HELD for Amazing Grace Wed. Jan 11 from 5:00 --9HX) pm in the performing Arts Building room 110. Runs March - . ' 3- - Anyone welcome. PART-TIM- E JOB, $4.00 hr. 15-?- 0 hr. wk. janitorial 7-- 1 lpm clean work. Transportation required. ' 117 ; Bob 250-202in aproduction for involved Get STUDENTS!! auction is looking for KUED 7. KUEDs on-a- ir volunteers to help with this exciting annual event for details, 113 Call Diana at 581-54- - : COUPLES NEEDED as paid participants in research on communication and sexuality. Must be at least 18 and have been together at least 1 year. We are looking for couples in which the female partner has difficulty reaching orgasm or where one partner is experiencing a chronic physical illness. Participants will be offered a brief seminar on sexual enrichment Phone We will not call anyone who has not first contact-edu- s. ' 113 . DELIVERY DRIVER must have car and insurance. Base payAips. Call 532-37after 2:00 i pm. 117 DELIVERY DRIVER NEEDED. Weekday deliveries. Appro. 15 hrs. per week. Flexible schedule. Need dependable car or small truck. Some lifting require $4 per hour plus 15 cents 2 for interview.112 a mile. Call COUNTER PERSON Part time-del- i. Fun atmo-spher-e. - Call 1 after 2:00 pm. 117 LOOKING FOR campus music groups who for perform regularly. Call Jennifer at 581-70- AMT .45 Longslide Hardballer will pay up to please $ 1000 for a good one. Nick 485-268leave message. 124 LIVE ON CAMPUS in the Sill Home Living Center apartments during Winter Quarter for only $275.00 in exchange for weekly research particiSill Center. 118 pation. Applications taken in the e ARBY'S now taking applications for full or positions, both day and evening shifts. Above minimum wage. New location 47O0 South 900 East Also at Cottonwood Mall. Call Lori 118 5 evenings: attendant PART-TIM- E wanted. Laundry help 113 near U. Call EARLY BIRDS 5 Openings at tel. order desk. 6 to 9 am shift $4.50 to $9.50 per hour. Salary. Call Mr, Scott Have fun. Good evening classes. BARTENDING CLASSES. Tues.-Thur- s. money. Small Bartenders Incredible 310 2. STUDENT TO DO HOUSEWORK & babysitting for family. Flexible hours. 24 hoursweek. 8. 120 Excellent pay. Mrs. Arrow MALE AND FEMALE ANCHORS needed for Newsbreak. Good speaking ability and camera presence helpful. Audition: 3:20-4:3- 0 pm Friday, Jan 13. LCB 105, Communication Building. 113 ' & POST 119 1, - WAITRESS POSITIONS open at Pancho Villa 8, Paul Start U. Call to set up interview. v 117 BROWN FLORAL in Bountiful is looking for . designermanager. Apply in person Tues. & fc Thurs.. Holladay store is hiring experienced 4685 designers, office help, & drivers. Apply at ; Holladay Blvd.,119 HAVE YOU CHANGED your major in order to make more money? If so, contact Deanie at the 1. Chronicle for a future story. Now RESTAURANTS TRAINING TABLE shifts hiring for all positions. Day and evening available. Apply in person today at our restaurant at 809 E. 4th S.. 120 A ' DO YOU ENTREPRENEURS! Major Salt Lake shopping center looking for ambitious individuals to run own busiiiess off specialty merchandise carts. For more information, contact Russel at ' 112 ; i. employment in the area of finance. Clean automobile is required. Pay is excellent and is based on your ability. Please call for an interview 565-990-5. Ask for Mark Olsen. SI1NSTONE Magazine needs secretary. Word 111, bookkeeping suns neipiui. Perfect, 6. 120 20 hrswk call LOOKING FOR SURFERS out of water. Call for possible story. Jennifer at ' - ENJOY WORKING SIMM BLOOPERS All 3 Heels in Color! Animated StorM 3 Season Retrospective Previews & Behind Scenes 2nd Pilot Outakes Plus- WITH YOUTH? We need volunteers to help with cr recting papers, classroom activities, reading, English, home econornics, PEete., at Glendale 1400S. 1400W.. Intermediate School (grades ). Give as little as 1 nr. per week! Call Michelle at 974-8- 3 19. 119 weekdays from 8:30-3:0- 0 SOFTWARE TESTERS, 5:30 - 9:30 M-$5:00hr Applicants must be alert, reliable, & have a curious attitude. Must be familiar wusing IBM PCs & basic DOS commands. Job involves. working wprogrammers in testing functionality of a Data Collection System. Contact Gregg ' Sirrine - Official Star Jrek Trivia Quiz FRI-SA- JANUARY T 13-1- 4 UKIVIRSinCFUTAH OSH Auditorium 7:00 & 9:00 p.m. Tickets at ty Students $5.00 General Public ; SPECIAL DISCOUNT SHOW! FRIDAY the 13th at 7:00 p.m. only - All seats $3.00 . Doon sponsored by pi kappa alpha fraternity story. the Greater Yellowstone LECTURE SERIES i Ik i , 10 THE COALITION . if Monday, January 16 Ed Lewis Mfttf "The Greater .Yellowstone Coalition: Seeing the Landscape Whole" ' nwiyi)WiV ti iO lib East High School Auditorium 7:30 p.m. $2.50$12 stries ticket 58M887 Utah Museum of Natural History Northern lights Institute Wendy's Old Fashioned Hamburger Restaurants have several part-tim- e openings ideal for students and home makers-availa- ble to work during lunch, 11 :30 am to 2:30 pm, Monday thru Friday. (Other shifts are also available). As a valuable Wendy's employee you will receive: Free meals Progressive salary & benefits Complete training Flexible work hours ' To apply, visit one of the Wendy's Restaurants V oij raamoCTp listed below, weekdays KatawSSSmSX-- J between "ART, MUSIC, LITERATURE and the FRENCH REVOLUTION" A lecture by Dr. Herbert ; : Josephs - ; Professor of French Michigan State University ? Commemorating the Bicentennial cf the French Revolution -- 7:30 p.m. ; Tuesday, January 17, 1988 Westminster College ; Gore Auditorium 1840 South 1300 East Open to the Public 3-5p- m: this ad by Waking Owl Books 208 South 13th East 582-732- 3 2240 So. 1300 E. 232 So. Main 562 E.400 So. 2185 So. State This lecture made possible by Utah Endowment for the Humanities the |