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Show Friday, January 13, 1939 Chronicle - Page Two Assembly approves elections registrar Scott Stone By Chronicle ASUU reporter The ASUU elections registrar and committee were approved by the Assembly Wednesday night and will now begin working on the upcoming elections. Dawn Atkin was appointed as registrar during a spontaneous Assembly meeting, called by ASUU Vice President Grant Sperry. Atkin was selected by the other members of the election committee to serve as registrar. Her appointment breaks past ASUU traditions because ordinarily, the ' president chooses the registrar. In addition, the ASUU Redbook states the election registrar is responsible for selecting the elections committee, not visa versa. However, Sperry and Kaly are not worried about the Redbook conflict In fact, Sperry told the Chronicle yesterday that "the Redbook rule) will be an easy thing to -- get around." This year's election committee was appointed almost a month later than last year's. Atkin said she is a little worried about the late start, but the committee, which currently consists of only four members, will work with what time they have. The committee is comprised of U. students, Barry Johnson, Troy Staker, Cory Pederson and Johnathan Gibson. ASUU is in the process of selecting the other committee members. This year's late election start is a sharp contrast to last year, when Jhe registrar and committee were chosen and approved before Christmas break. " Kaly said he delayed selecting a registrar because, I vas really busy this past quarter." However,, he said the late start will not hurt the election process. "My main objective for this election is to get the largest turnout of students voters in recent memory and to encourage more candidates to run," he said. Clarinet strikes sour note, empties library ' The Marriott Library was evacuated Wednesday night after a library staff member reported a suspicious package on the third floor. According to University of Utah Police Chief Wayne Shepherd, U. officers evacuated portions of the library as a safety measure until they deemed the package to be safe. The package ended up containing a clarinet Apparently, the package had been sitting in an unsusual place for several hours before the police were notified, Shepherd said. U. student Gary Handley, the owner of the clarinet, said he was working on a paper in the computer center and forgot to take Ms clarinet home with him. "When I remembered where I left it and went back to get it this morning, someone told me they thought it was a bomb," he said. -- bill court effects, he predicted. from page one extends to members of the executive Redbook financial policy and proce- cabinet dures requires the signature of the The three reasons Kaly .gave for disFinance Board Chairperson to accom- missing Heinhold were that she did pany any campus order before the not fulfill her responsibility to the purchase is made. When the chairman president, that she used improper criis not available, the responsibility teria in deciding not to sign and that falls to the vice chairwoman or acting she was not fulfilling her job as vice from page one chairperson. At the time Kaly needed the signature, Wilcox was not available so Kaly asked Heinhold for her signature. She refused. Kaly dismissed her from the ' position the following Monday. An injunction was then filed by Heinhold with the court to prevent Kaly from replacing her position as vice chairperson for seven days. Heinhold has said she was not the . acting chairperson at the time and that the only time she assumes that role is when Wilqox is sick, out of town or when an 'order is needed within an hour. She explained to the court that at the time Kaly needed the signature, she was not the acting chairperson. . The Supreme Court's decision will be centered around the issue of what powers does the ASUU president pos- sess to dismiss members of the ASUU executive cabinet The Redbook only provides instruc- tions for the ASUU. president to appoint or recind Executive Board appointments. It doesn't provide instructions for lower level cabinet members such as the vice chairperson. Executive Assistant Todd Gabler represented Kaly and tried to convince the court that the power of the president to appoint or rescind Executive Board members also sentation. Wright, speaking to the House said Education Committee Wednesday, the presence of representatives from faculty and staff would have a "chilling effect" on discussion in council meet- chairperson. ings. dismissed her, it was improper because it violated both the ASUU Janet Rose, Heinhold argued that when Kaly constitution and Redbook bylaws. She argued that the only positions responsible directly to the ASUU president are the executive board chairpersons and that appointment or removal of positions is the right of the board chairperson and not the non-chairpers- on president "I am not denying that the ASUU president has the authority to dismiss people in his cabinet, but according to Redbook, that only applies to executive board chairs. This makes the individual board members responsible to the person who appointed them," Heinhold said. She added these Redbook bylaws are in place to prevent lower level cabinet members from feeling pressure from the president and helps prevent the erosion of the checks and balances system of government used in! ASUU. Gabler concluded by saying the power entrusted in the president through the ASUU elections gives him the right to appoint or rescind any person appointed to the executive cabinet. The Supreme Court has taken the arguments into consideration and will offer a decision in the near future. On top of those practical limitations, administrators cite additional problems that would result from passage of the bill. William Loos, U. director for government relations, said "an inherent conflict of interest" dilemma could result. discuss an issue or proposal and as a result, there is no need for greater repre- . The council must make decisions regarding faculty and staff salaries as well as tenure matters. To have members of these two groups on the board governing the same groups in which they're members would cause problems, Another proponent of the bill, Rep. D-S- Lake, likened Wright's alt comment to the "chilling effect" the King of England must have felt when he Loos said. read the Declaration of Independence. Unlike Wright, other opponents of the bill say while the theory of more representation is admirable, serious problems will result ifthe - However, Rose disagrees. "The lay people on that board are business people and you can't tell me they didn't face conflict of interest problems when the U. was debating investment in bill is passed. "Practicality is the problem," said U. South Africa," she said. ; ' ' "Conflicts of interest are not based on Peterson said the U. doesn't really based on ethics," have a staff organization-t- he only thing employment,, they're J? PI iil i !J us t.J puts muu that comes close .would be the Utah, ivusb assefitju. iiumjiuuus iu Public Employees Association, a local think "faculty and students are not capaunion. Only some 2 percent of U. staff ble of professional conduct" and couldare members of the UPEA, Peterson ' n't' overcome any conflict of, - interest , r ; obstacles. reported. "I find it extremely amusing they According to Mark Mickelsen, the for there are UPEA, (council members) feel so threatened by spokesman approximately 250 .members of the students and faculty," Rose said. UPEA at the UFred Petersen,:!!' direc- - r. AriotherpotMtiCpir($blem could be tor for personnel administration, reports that of confidentiality. Loos reported the e there are 7,600 employees at council continuously deals with sensitive issuesV such as disciplinary actions In addition, the U.'s Academic Senate and faculty or staff terminations. A lacks a president, Peterson said. At. this "great deal of confidential data" is disuniversity, the presiding officer of the cussed in the council meetings, he said. Senate is Joseph Taylor, a member of the However, Rush said this should not be administration as vice president for aca- a concern. He said it would be legally of demic affairs. possible for the executive-committeAs an alternative to Taylor, members the council to meet without the faculty of the Senate would have to elect a presand staff representatives. Regular meetfaculPeterson ident, explained. Having ings of the council are open to the press. Rush predicts the bill will be passed ty campaigning for the presidency of the Senate would have very negative side by the House of Representatives. President Chase Peterson. . T- - 1 : . -- full-tim- e A New Shakespeare CONE Players' Production January 5-2- 2 A Moon for the Misbegotten FOR YOURSELF by Eugene O'Neill What A Fraternity Will Offer U! N Winter Rush 89 Jan 17 thru Jan 20 Info Greek Council 1 270 Olpin Union 581-806- TO Thurs Fri, Sat, Jan J ; Bel-Ai- rs . 12-1- 4 M f Walker Hall, Westminster College at 8:00pm and Sundays at 7:00pm Thursdays-Saturday- s Call 583-652- 0 for reservations. 1?' , , |