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Show Chronicle - Page Three Thursday, January 12, 1989 EDITORIAL ViioDemit cevolytinoin) dtaes, "wnpstiice to all off sodetiy across the country and they wanted to see an abiding political groups they've deemed subend to the war in Vietnam. But they wanted versive. Moreover, the actions allegedly committed justice so badly, they completely forgot the most effective and humane means of achiev- by Williams and the Levasseurs are not likeStone's eloquent words especially reflect ing it. Social justice is nurtured by the mar- ly to win any hearts and minds in this counthe truth about a democratic society, in ketplace of ideas, not by such horrible tactics try, even among people who sympathize with their political beliefs. In the case of past which the people are allowed to express as bombs and bank robberies. their beliefs without fear of retribution or One can understand and occasionally-empathiz- e political martyrs like Joe Hill, Sacco and with the conditions that lead Vanzetti, and Martin Luther King Jr., one can repression. With all of its faults and shortcomings, the United States is a nation in some desperate people to act in violent easily identify with their political struggles which individuals can still, to borrow an old ways. That, however, does not excuse some- and, more importantly, rally around them cliche, live by the pen instead of the sword. thing as deplorable as planting explosives when they were wrongly accused of commitThe majority of Americans take this right for which can potentially kill or injure innocent ting crimes. This is not the case with Williams and the granted. A few noble souls frequently prac- people. There are several negative implicatice that right. Still, a handful of others vio-- , tions from these types of actions which Levasseurs. They'll go alongside such extremists as Patty Hearst and members of late that principle, often times wandering should be seriously explored. When radicals like the Levasseurs and the Weather Underground, who resorted to astray to tragic extremes. Raymond Levasseur, Patricia Levasseur and Williams resort to such extremes, their deplorable tactics at a time when such Richard Williams fit into the latter category. actions do incalculable damage to the strug- means were not necessary. For those who are not familiar with Williams gle for justice. They ultimately end up proUltimately, Williams and the Lavassuers and the Levasseurs, they are a trio of viding convenient fodder for those ' in power are committing the worst wrong against revolutionaries on trial for conspir- who seek to quash various forms of legiti- themselves. Their cries for social justice and ing to overthrow the government through a mate dissent. Authorities could potentially an end to repression will forever be muffled use the heinous wrongdoings allegedly com- within a dark, dank prison cell in the middle' series of bank robberies and bombings. The three radicals rallied around what mitted by Williams and the Levasseurs as an of nowhere. And the sad thing is, the people were unquestionably noble causes. They excuse to engage in spy campaigns, harass- who need their message the most will end were outraged by civil rights violations ment and infiltration of any peaceful, law- - up being repelled by it. The great author and social critic I.F. Stone once wrote, "The noble ideals always com-- , mand the allegiance of the best in men and among them." , self-proclaim-ed 6 weflTue FTvsoz& teas i MARTIN ' HITHER KING JR. 1989 Events 1 From Dreams to Reality: Recognizing and Resisting Racism FRIDAY, JANUARY 13 Noon Keynote Address women and men is due to such work not being glorified. People who are sane don't like to do housework, because it is hard work, as well as dirty and time consuming. By contrast, a paid job outside the home is also hard work. Hard work is Editor: are. As one of 10 or so feminists living in never glorious, The benefits of work conwork Utah, I agree with much of what Ms. The problem is that domestic and affirmation less status, Hardesty says in her editorial ("Women's fers a does than paid job. movement mils to achieve true progress," from others men don't help most the movereason, women's So, Jan. 4) that discusses the because they is not assessmuch domestically ment. Yet, I don't, agree with her work is not such that block ment that the women's movement has have a mind failed. If the movement has not achieved glorious. Any man who has a working Female living with him realizes that comits goals, it is only because feminism is he misunderstood and many messages being mon sense and ability dictate that housein called feminist are, in reality, not so. The should be an equal participant of these idea that the women's movement devalues hold duties. What stops many men from the execution of their better domestic work is one such myth. is that not One reason for the inception of the judgment is the knowledge it alsoonly takes this added work dirty, but movement is that many women were disAfter time. free all, satisfied with their limiting roles and lack away from their sacred Sofa from 6 to 10 every of power. The 'problem arises because being Lord of the to hard give up. I do think that night is women who seek greater to the problem-glorifyoutside the home are still expected to be Hardesty's solution housework-- is a bit impractical. To the sole domestic caretaker within the direction is to raise in home. After all, it is the woman who seeks me, a step the right so that they are more to expand her role, the man involved is sons thatrole modelshelpful, for their own sons. not consequently engaged in an opposite will be move out of Utah. to is solution Another struggle to be more active domestically. I don't believe the problem with houseMichele Macy a bad reputation among work Myrlie B. Evers Civil Rights Leader SATURDAY, JANUARY 14 and Widow of Mertaar Wilev Evers 8p.m. olpin union ballroom Albert McNeil Jubilee Singers 'Feminism' is misunderstood KINGSBURY HALL self-estee- m , self-fulfillme- Human Rights Exhibit . OLPIN UNION FOYER Masterpieces of African Art UTAH MUSEUM OF FINE ARTS . nt ing v having JANUARY . Admission Is Free To All Events |