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Show Friday, January 13, 1989 Chronicle - Page Three EDITORIAL irifbirce bain omi mgiruaas i deadly weapoiras During World War I, human beings discovered many ingenious devices for killing themselves. However, the agonizing and horrible death which followed a mustard or nerve gas attack so shocked mankind that the world's powers signed thel925 Geneva Accord which banned chemical weapons. On January 11, 1949 nations around the world gathered in Geneva to reaffirm the mutual obligation to Holliday column not funny, makes no point f AN? NOW FOR AA OPPOSING Editor: When the Chronicle, in its infinite wisdom (or for whatever reason) chose to fire John Pecorelli, I thought the newspaper had gotten rid of its last imperfection. I ' was sorely mistaken, however. ; TO PA? WAITING . There is still one thing very wrong with the . Chronicle that makes me question the editorial staffs judgment. This imperfection is in the form of the faux prevent developing, stocking or producing columnist Fred W. Holliday. I not only question the chemical weapons.Unfortunately, this confer- Chronicle's judgment in publishing his opinions, but ence in Geneva seemed to be less of an affirma- also the judgment of Andrew Hunt in particular in creating Mr. Holliday. tive step than a reaction against the Mr. Hunt must be to be funny andor tying to of chemical weapons use in the Middle make a point about trying the right wing or provoke some East. Though Libya's chemical facility domi- controversy. I can't help but feel he failea miserably on nates current headlines, Iraq is the villain of all three counts. Fred W. Holliday is not only not funny, but his outrageous opinions and "cutsie" misthe greatest magnitude. It was Iraq that caprispellings are boring and make Archie Bunker look like ciously gassed Iranian soldiers hi an eight-yea- r Ghandi in comparison. war which has" only recently been mitigated. There is, I must admit, a long history of distorting or is the which used mustard Iraq country gas on magnifying certain beliefs to make a point about how it's own civilian Kurdish population. Even as stupid they are. For example, the movies Dr. the Kurds fled their towns and cities, Iraqi jets Strangelove or Network were not only funny, as Mr. is not, but they had a serious point to make as bombed men, women and children refugees Holliday well. It is entirely unclear what Mr. Holliday's point is with mustard gas. Photographs from the region or the point Mr. Hunt is trying to make with him. illustrate the unspeakable horror. Also, the columns of Mr. Holliday have not sparked We can only hope the Bush administration any major controversies, judging by the numbers of letters he has generated (namely, just this one). will act decisively, against such, violations. In In summary, I would normally just ignore Mr. addition, the Geneva conference empowered Holliday's ramblings as a feeble attempt at comedy if it the United Nations with investigative and y were not for the fact that he is printed on the editorial internaof powers against bsgressors "page. I feel that page1 can be put to far better use. Mississippi not only state harboring racism nce , : Editor: As a native Mississippian, I am very disturbed by Howard Ball's references to racial incidents as "Mississippi images." ("Stark images of racism still haunt U.S.", Jan. 9,). Generalizations such as this are one of the compo- nents of discriminatory attitudes. Subliminal racism and sexism are just as prevalent in Utah and other states as the outward varieties are in Mississippi. I sincerely hope that all forms of discrimination, in all parts of the world, will soon come to an end. In the meantime, it is completely unfair to suggest, that one state provides the prototype for all other racial inci- : dents. - sanc-tionar- tional law concerning chemical weapons. The Chronicle. hopes .the ...U.N. Assembly ,will not hesitate to employ that authority. t t David Ruth- BKBSP "to,. "COCOON, " 7:00.9:15 ; in THE RETURN" (PG.70MM 6 TRACK DOLBY) 7:00,9::20 "TWINS" (PG, DOLBY) . 2:45JJ0.7:15.9:20 "RAM MAN" (R, DOLBY) "DIRTY ROTTEN SCOUNDRELS" 7:00.9:50 (NO S2.50 TUES.) ' (PG.DOLBY3.-O0.5:15.7:30.9:4- "THE LAND BEFORE TIME" "MISSISSIPPI BURNING" (PG.DOLBY) (G.STEREQ17J5 3:00.4:30,7:00,9:30 "THE BOOST' (R) NIGHTLY 9:00 'TALK RADIO" (R) ' 7:20,9:30 'DIRTY ROTTEN SCOUNDRELS" (PG.DOLBY)730.9:45 (NO $2.50 TUES.) "THE NAKED GUN" (PG-17:10.9:15 7:30.9:45 "THE LAND BEFORE TIME" (G) 7:15 ""THINGS CHANGE "(PG) 7:20,9:30) HLW.UI.l.'H1 "JANUARY MAN"(R) 7:20.935 7:00.9:05 7:30.9:35 'TWINS" (PG, DOLBY) "MY STEP MOTHER IS AN ALIEN" "DEEP STAR SIX" fPG) 7:10.9:15 "DIRTY ROTTEN SCOUNDRELS" "MYSTIC PIZZA" (R) y; . j-- j -- . . sd) ;o mo Keynote Address . 730.9:30 "DEEP STAR SIX" (PG) 7:10.9:10 "WORKMG GIRL" (R, DOLBY) .... 7:15. 9:30 (NO $2.50 TUES.) TALK RADIO" (R) Myrlie B. Evers CivU Rights Leader and Widow of SATURDAY, JANUARY 14 Medgar Wiley Evers 8p.m. OLPIN union ballroom Albert McNeil Jubilee Singers "WORKING GIRL" (R, DOLBY) 7:00. 9:20 (NO S2.50 TUES.) THINGS CHANGE "(PG) 7:00,930) "WORKING GIRL" (R, DOLBY) ' 730. 9:45(NO $2.50 TUES.) "THE NAKED GUN" "DIRTY ROTTEN SCOUNDRELS" (PG.DOLBY) 7:30.9:45 "THE ACCIDENTAL TOURIST"(PG,DOLBY) 735.9:45 THE LAND BEFORE TIME" (G) ' 7:00 7:30,9:30 ' KINGSBURY HALL "HELLBOUND" (R)9:30 NIGHTLY THE r. ACCIDENTAL TOURIST.- NOW PLAYING AT si.scrfyfri Noon 7:30.9:40 "DEEP STAR SIX" (PG) 7:10.9:20 1PGUDOLBYV7:00.9:20 ina r FRIDAY, JANUARY 13 "JANUARY MAN"(R) 730.9:30 .;. ) "SCROOGED"(PG-13- . : From Dreams to Reality: Recognizing and Resisting Racism "TWINS" (PG, DOLBY) 7:20.9:30 (NO S2.50 TUES.) , THE BOOST (R. DOLBY) 9:00 "THE LAND BEFORE TIME" (G) 7.05 :o 1989 Events "WORKING GIRL" (R) 7:00. 9:15(NOS2.5 TUES) TALK RADIO" (R) " . MARTIN LUTHER KIMGJR n J "COCOON, THE RETURN" ' :BertA.Hili Graduate student Philosophy , kSSS v, - w ': . , '.J now AT THE MOVALLEY JANUARY Human Rights Exhibit -. CROSSROADS MISSISSIPPI DEEP STAR SIX K f 5 ii5 NOW PLAYING AT HOLLADAV, MOVALLEY. TROLLEY SQUARE 5 OLPIN UNION FOYER f Masterpieces of African Art UTAH MUSEUM OF FINE ARTS WE'RE FIGHTING FOR VOURLIFE . - American Heart (zf) Association jy Admission Is Free To All Events ; 4 |