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Show April 29, 1988 FRidAy, ClwoNicU Pmje TwcIve 1121 E 5th South. $195. S8S7322 No utilities pd. Ho pets. CLEAR. ONE BEDROOM. DISCLAIME? ROOMMATES $450. Nicest in Avenues! 2 bdrm apt in remodeled 2 story brick Victorian. Oak cabinets, modem bath. 160 J ST. The Chronicle reserves the right to deny or edit classified advertisements on the basis of good taste and propriety Classified advertisements will not be taken after 4:00 p.m. workdays. Rates are as follows: words $275day, $10.00 per week: 16-3- 0 words S4.25day. $17.00 per week. Classified ad deadline is two days prior to the date ad is to run. For Classified information call NOTICE To share 5 HEEDED. MALE LOS ROOMMATE bedroom duplex for summer (June- - Sept.). 359-827- AUTOMOTIVE MY CAR. ITS Samurai. S6.500. Call Todd. Matt bedroom duplex for summer, 1982 LtCar. Rebuilt engine. AMFM 88 ISUZU TROOPER II LI Low miles, loaded, like new. Must sell! $9,500. Garth. 53 975-945- COVERS & 13 292-148- FROM HOMES GOVERNMENT 55 RACIN6 BIKE. 24". BIANCHI DINING MUSIC FOR BETTER TIMES. PASSING or Roger, THOUGHTS... Call Mark, 485-735- GOOD U. 3 BLOCK FROM 1 385 E. 6th Avenue. University St. $240 Lovely 2 bedroom, $375 Call or see manager at 848 1. b. lempie. & 429 PERSONAL $240. one mo. free. New 8 and Carpet and paint. 700 S. 718 E, HEAT PAID. BDRM MONO patients needed for special study. 63 Adults paid $50 for 34 hr. Call AVENUES. CLEAN. COMFORTABLE ONE BEDROOM. GOOD CARPET, LEVELORS. HEAT INCLUDED. NO PETS. 56 BEDROOM. 1 $229. Large livingroom. beautiful new carpet, very quiet. 5 min. drive to U. 56 ADOPTIVE consider joining supports. tion. APT FOR SUB LET FOR SUMMER. (1-- 4 mos.) Nice, clean, furnished 1 bdrm. Lotsa 429 2 BDRM HOUSE IN QUIET NEIGHBOR-HOOFenced back yard, off 7th East, 734 429 Wilson. $400. R&R Properties. HAVE 53 and town. Rich. SEND 56 523 Hookups, no pets. 1383 $230 Line. Street. 519 utilities paid. Furnished, off street parking, near LDS AVENUES STUDIO. $225 all From NICE 2 BDRM APARTMENTS. 6 shopping. Starting at Near University 5720 HELPI My housebroken 429 or SPECIAL APARTMENTS $195 Downtown location, 130 S. 300 E. FREE HEAT, WATER, GAS. NEW KITCHENS IN THIS RECENTLY RESTORED GROUP OF APT. 929 HOUSE FOR RENT: 4 bedroom house. 3 baths, one car garage. Walking distance to U. $500 DUPLEX APARTMENT. people: $325. U. 467-225- 6 FREE No". 4 kittens need homes. Call Kim, ' Learn pronunciation of American English and Call improve your communication skills. EXPRESS WORO PROCESSING. 52 359-785- 90C ds Minor editing, spelling. Copies 5t ea. Resumes, $5.00. Book rates. Sue, 53 PROCESSINGTYPING. WORD quality, fast STRUNG TENNIS RACQUETS PROFESSIONALLY WITH EKTELON STRINGER. The best price in 429 town! Call Tom Bell at 484-582- 7 53 Wtet law -- "5tn NEEDED NANNIES EXPRESS Quality word processing, 20 years experience, evening to morning 526 turnaround time. 63 SERVICES. Typing teacher. M.A., former resumes. TYPINGWORD PROCESSING Slpg. Accurate, fast ck. spelling. Call Laurie 355-7-1 48 QUALITY ; 72 - WordPerfect. IBM Compat. Copying, binding, spiral or veto. 520 Same day service. Lynn, WORD PROCESSING NEAR U. PROFESSIONAL WORK. Service. Flexible hours. Joanne. U Great 54 90Cpage. 14years U correct spelling. JAN TYPING PROFESSIONAL I experience. 63 WORD PROCESSING. TYPING. Can spelling, grammar, references check (APA, Turabian, Campbell), etc. Mrs. Neeley, 63 TYPING. PROCESSING. Check spelling, WordPerfect 4.2. Letter quality WORD grammar. WANTED editsword 673 523 printing. Carolyn, WordPerfect WP. Resumes, term papers, letters. Fast, Accurate. Copier. Call Dorene, 673 AZTEC TYPING AND WORO PROCESSING. Papers, reports, theses, dissertations, resumes, repetitive letters. Fatt servica. 211 East 300 South 25 CLASSES BARTENDING evening classes Tue-Thu- r. mail-merg- e. Call Computer, Multiple locations. days, evenings. LEAVE YOUR TYPING WORRIES 63 BEHINDI GREAT WORK, FAST TURNAROUND. CLOSE TO U. WORD PRO359-516- 3 CESSING. SHERRY, 486-315-5 (HOME ANSWERING MACHINE). PICK UP 519 DELIVERY AVAILABLE. RATES, PROFESSIONAL WP.papers. manuscripts, resumes, theses, dissertations and more. $1page. Fast turnaround. Call Sandy Hiskey, TYPING. 581-48- days. 486-826-7 eves. 429 hour course. Small Evenings. 54 Bartenders Incredible. 487-82- INTERNSHIPS, spon-sore- d by the LOWELL BENNION COMMUNITY SERVICE CENTER, to begin Fall qtr. 1988 -Spring 1989. Use your leadership organiz- COMMUNITY SERVICE ational skills to plan and implement a community service project. Internship lasts with a $300 the full academic year 1988-8stipend per quarter. Interns will be expected to commit to 20flexible hours perweek. Pick up applications at 270 Univ. Union. 429 Application deadline: May 2. LDS PUBLISHERS Interviewing hiring students for summer employment. 513 MOTHER'S HELPER NEEDED. Boston area. 4 & 8 teacher. Call girls. Mother is part-tim- e 429 collect eves. (617) TINDER BOX NEEDS PART TIME RETAIL SALES HELP. Pipe and Cigar smokers should THE LARGE & OVER 6' TALL. CALL for a Friday & Saturday Night Restaurant host position. 429 FOR TOP FIVE STOP FOOD Apply in person at 1306 S. 2100 East. for part the Waterford Education NEEOED IMMEDIATELY time position at Center. Must have experience teaching Algebra, Geometry. Send resume only to: 1480 E. 9400 S., Sandy. Utah 84092. 429 schedule of school. In trade for afree private room & bath, food & washing facilities. Must Ask for have own transportation. PERSONS MUST HAVE OWN CAR, PROOF OF INSURANCE AND VALID DRIVER'S LIC. $3.35hr plu .75C per delivery and tips. Apply between ask for Dave. Little Ceasars, 1300 E. 200 & 429 I NEED MONEY DELIVERY MOTIVATED Earn $100 - $300 weekly time. Established company. part 3:30-5:0- 30-4- 0 579 SEEKS S.LC. TO N.Y.C. Must be willing to commit for one year. Excellent WITH ONE COUPLE MOVE WITH THEM NANNY CHILD TO FROM references are required. Opportunities include time to attend college in NYC. Call 52 583- - 9550. APARTMENT 429 experience preferred. PEOPLE WANTED TO SIT FOR ATTRACTIVE PAINTINGS HELP & DRAWINGS. Jerry, 429 SELL SALT LAKE ACTING COMPANY'S SEASON TICKETS. Call Toni. Free rent and salary. MANAGER. 53 SUMMER POSITIONS AT GIRL SCOUT CAMP BY 21 or Must live-iPARK CITY, JUNE-AU- older to apply for: Program Director, Head Cook, Senior Counsellors, Water Front Director, 18 or older to apply for: Assistant Counsellors, Kitchen Aides, Lifeguards. Call 56 429 hours per week to care for infant. References required. Call 485-540NANNY. is taking applications: Waiterswaitresses. 21 plus years and Friday, April 29, 53 Ph. NEWSPAPER READERCLIPPER, wanted at Utah Press Association. 25 hrs per week, DESIRES COUPLE RESPONSIBLE FOR "HOUSE-SITTING- internships. Pets, plants, yard O.K. No 55 Children. APARTMENT MANAGER. Approx $150 per month. 1 bdrm. Includes heat. 1300 East 200 South. 55 Engineering or Geology. Knowledge of Material Science or Microscopes needed to identify asbestos. Will Train. Full or part time. Call Bart Carlson, WORK: TECHNICAL 55 8:00 - 4:30. flexible for students. Permanent position, $4.00 per hour. Complete application at 467 E. 53 300 So. MOTHER'S HELPER. afternoon. F U 429 Shonna. area. 429 HEALTHY MEN! Earn money for medical research. Call 581-5036 EASTvi planning Milwaukee, Eau Clair, Green Bay. La Crosse. & Appleton Wisconsin; and Rochester Minneapolis Minnesota; Chicago, Illinois; Fort Wayne, Indianapolis, Indiana; Kansas City, St. Louis Missouri, to qualify phone: NATIONAL CAR RENTAL LPD2Z2A Go Sleazy ABBIES 925 S. 300 W. SLC "Go-Go'- s" Contrary to popular belief, the stork does Squaba 0 429 I'jiDHiiiimiiiaiiiiiiMiiiamiiiiiiiio an R rated, rather kinky tale of survival W&. Techmcolor R I not deliver pizza to your table . . . we do THE . B"1""" fec'SDLTTXsLl UNION MOVIES PRESENTS Dnte (kgxg 9 (f Music Weekends, Next Door. Thisvyeek, THE PUSH Coming-Oob- a Salt Lake City Airport 539-020- or 76 to drive East, pick you're up a National Car Rental in SLC & deliver it to any of the cities below. Pay only for the gas you use. If 581-70- ME Friday & Saturday 5 7:30& 9:30 Sunday-7:3- 0 I Bring in this ad ffnr a 9K 3 discount 1 " While fulfilling JUNE-AU- 298-453-1 RESUMES. Typeset and edited. Fast service, reasonable rates. Call Mary, lilKIDIIIIIIMUiaiUm 53 ALLS RESTAURANT. 1458 Foothill, BOUNTIFUL FAMILY NEEDS A FEMALE STUDENT TO HELP WITH 4 CHILDREN. Will work around PROFESSIONAL I OFFICES toll-fre- DELIVERY 429 for appointment. apply. Call $2500-5350- 0 582- - 0195 $5000-$700- gtd inc. Janet. 63 GREAT WORO PROCESSING. Academic papers, theses, resumes, legal, medical, technical, scientific, foreign language, mailing labels, Editing available. Nielsen UTAH. Call Kate IF YOU ARE NOW HIRING 527 53 FOR THE ENVIRONMENT Missoula, Chicago, Seattle. '88-8- by English processes dissertations, reports, texts, manuscripts, resumes. Will also editrevise your chun ked-i- n WordPerfect files. Foreigngraduate students welcome. of 63 Winslow's. page. Also 80 TEACHER ENGLISH & NEED YOUI Boston, including Boulder, Berkeley, IN NO Lake NANNIES 429 EDIT SCHOLARLY MANUSCRIPTS,textbooks dissertations for logic, style & continuity. IN INTERESTED ANIMALS-W- PIRGs hiring summer staff in 60 cities 5 STORE. WE BUSINESS 429 EARN CALL TODAY 513 WOROS OF SUMMER JOBS COLLEGE. Salt A STOPPING THE A.P.A.W.S. P.O. Box 7254, Murray, Ut. 84107. STUDENTS GREAT FOR PART TIME. ABUSE NO FEES REQUIRED, ALL PAID BY THE HIRING FAMILY. POSITIONS AVAILABLE WITH TRAVEL BENEFITS, AND OPPORTUNITY TO ATTEND 5724 EDITING 2 BLOCKS FROM U. Word processing, edit. 12 years legal experience. $1 a page. Call Diane, NEEDED EXPENSES turnaround, economical. Call PERSON MAINTENANCE Texas and Florida. GRAVEYARD HELP WANTED si 52 GREAT Immediate openings in Connecticut, Massachusetts, Pennslyvania, Maryland, Professional 512 Beverly. page. 55 6R0CERIES -- when you rent or 54 RESUMESH Quality custom resumes designed and by professional. Unlimited formatting layout possibilities. Unlimited type styles and sizes. $15.00. Lazer output. Proofing. "Disk storage. Easy changes. Kevin, 2 bedroom, all utilities & Nice. Single: $265: 2 after 5. Clean at the RITZ Apartments. Furnished, studio or one - 435 bedroom, heat paid, ideal location South Temple. Prices start at $235, call f 100 TypingWP, fast, EDITING? 59 per monthA Tel: paid Close to SPELLING. GRAMMAR. HELP WITH PUNCTUATION. MODIFICATION. ACCENT cat didn't "Just say "THE MANY FACES OF NEPAL" 45 minute slide show and talk. May 3, 7:30 pm. EMCB 102 53 FREE! Outdoor Program, ext. 8516. STUOENT BUILDINGS. Embassy. Embassy Arms. 359-362Downing. Contact Dan or drop by. 52 ' STUDIO C" Free information session Wednesdays at 12:00. Call Margaret 63 Thompson for information. BIL- PATE PICK UP APPLICATIONS IN ASUU 429 OFFICE. DEADLINE: APRIL 29. 2 BDRM APT FDR RENT. Close to U (1000 E. 221 ). Off street parking, clean & quiet. Call 2 MOTHERS DAY YOUR TALENTS IN ART BOOTHS ANO FEED STUDENTS AT THE "U" DURING THIS TO PARTICIYEAR S MAYFEST MAY 56 S A DISPLAY SMALL ONE BEDROOM APT. All utilities paid. 414 University St. MOTHER PHIL AT $220. Call Tom or Julie, YOUR POLITICAL EXPERIENCE: VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR REPUBLICAN CONGRESSIONAL CAMPAIGN. MAKE A DIFFERENCE! CALL 429 Phone $300-$37- 429 GAIN 2 BDRM APT FOR RENT. Gas paid. Close to U of U. Call 56 429 Hospital. THAT NEEOS TO BE SHOT? LBOARD. FREEWAY SIZED BILLBOARDS MOUNTED ON CUSTOM DIESEL RIGS. DRIVE MESSAGE WHERE YOUR PERSONALIZED YOU WANT. AVAILABLE FRIDAY, SATURDAY. SUNDAY. MOTHERS DAY WEEKEND, MAY 6, 7. 8. BILLBOARDS, FLOWERS, CARD, PHOT FOR $34.95. OPTIONAL SERENADE PACKAGE AVAILABLE ON REQUEST. CALL 9. MOVING IMAGES AT Walk to class. Heat pd., reduced BDRM DUPLEX. TROUBLE SLC, UT 84121. t. rent offered for management duties rendered. 1 A Kent Anderson at the Chronicle or drop off a letter at the Chronicle offices. All truths shall be revealed. 527 AT LASTI Determine your I.Q. in oly 45 minutes. Send $2.00 for complete self-tes- t. Enterprise Books, 3430 E. 7800 S., Suite 244, INCLINE TERRACE. LARGE ONE BEDROOM. POOL, SECURITY. $325 Includes heat. 1030 E. 6 (0), 298-485400 S. 312-C- . Doug. (H). HARBOR PLACE MANAGEMENT. BDRM. 63 crack troubleshooting reporter 53 1 for more informa- with a $300 the full academic year 1988-8stipend per quarter. Interns will be expected to commit to 20 flexible hours per week. Pick up applications at 270 Univ. Union. 429 . Application deadline: May 2 DOWNTOWN. TWO BEDROOM, TWO BATH. $275. Others, $225& $250. Trolley Village, 731 6 5 300 E. Pool, tennis, more. Doug, 8 (H). HARBOR PLACE MANAGE(0) MENT Air, balcony, parking. support group that tional skills to plan and implement a community service project. Internship lasts QUAINT carpet-pain- a Call COMMUNITY SERVICE INTERNSHIPS, spon-sore- d by the LOWELL BENNION COMMUNITY -SERVICE CENTER, to begin Fall qtr. 1988 Use 1989. organizaleadership your Spring light, good view. Off street parking. Gloria, 8 or leave message on machine. U ADOPTEE. BIRTHPARENT OR PARENT LOOKING for a place to openly express your feelings, deal with hidden issues or ask those questions you've always thought about, but never asked, AVENUES $300. Large 2 bedroom. Close to NEED EXTRA accurate. $1.00pg. Sandi, IF YOU ARE AN 3 BDRM. $375mo. 205 So. Elizabeth (1140 0 510 or East). Completely remodeled and new CITY CENTER DISORDERS. FORMER 55 ' discount. 4th So. Contact Chronicle. a 1 loading, your lock and key. Student MATH TEACHER Black umbrella atop stairs at FOUND: 56 BEDROOM. 6 verse poets. YOUR FOREIGN BIKE. movies were booked into theaters by free 63 POSESSIONS WHILE YOU GO AWAY FOR THE SUMMER. $8 and up. Dock for easy STORE EATING bdrm. All 572-226- 1 Students. Call The Mane Tamer at LOST & FOUND 510 Fireplace, nice If TYPING bedroom. $295month plus utilities. 63 54 rack, extras. $350obo. 359-75120" SALE. Schwinn BICYCLE FOR Sprint, 10 speed, excellent condition. $110. Riki: 4 eves. 55 days, BIKE. Great TOURING ROADRACE 24' MARUISHI condition. $200 or best offer. Call 485-76255 evenings. FOR RENT TAN FOR Prescision U Cutting. Newest Styles. Discount to 17", Call A TAME YOUR MANE WITH PAULA. Brand new, HARD ROCK MOUNTAIN 87 SPECIALIZED 518 utilities paid. $310mo. 63 SPRING AND START ONE FOR SUMMER AT 2ND AVENUE TANNING SALON. 1030 2nd Ave. Call GET speed, 23" aluminum frame, Suntour 54 Comp. $250obo. 63 AVENUES WILL HELP PAPERS ANO ESSAYS YOU GIVE THEM NEW LIFE. Need help getting started? Call Dee Wolfe. RESEARCH 12 NPM ROCKS PARTIES AND ROLLS GALAS. Call 527 or Paul, Ned TIRED, POOR. ME YOUR BRING BIKE. TOURING BIKE. 63 29W 800 South. rs. 53 RALEIGH TECHNIUM NOOtf HIGH students, Faculty. Call Downtown Storage, REPO 23", Shamano parts. Good condition. $250. 53 eves. Jeanne, FOR Call O.C. TO $75. AIRLINE TICKET 5M 302 ENTERTAINMENT fyPr0N 7 Compagnolo TOURING MIYATA IB SPEED DORM STUDENTS: 6 MAROONED sizes. Discount for MINI STORAGE. All 9 mos. old. Perfect for Leave message. REFRIGERATOR. student. $150. 369 South 400 East, specializing in Greek food. 10 discount 63 with student ID. RESTAURANT AND ROLLS GALAS. I I HUP ? HEAD a THE Vlv 511 SERVICES Comp. Columbus Cromaloy Tubing. $340. 53 leave message. Scott. MV5 cm. BIKE. 210 BIANCHI 26" Dynastar Skiis- New Vuarnet Nautilux Sunglasses w 53 Offer. Jeff. Best clear frames. or Paul, CHUD PLATOON $1.00. (U Htpalrj Properties for back Taxes! Info, ext. H2143 Listings: BUY 1984 RABBIT CONVERT. White on white. Excellent condition, many extras. Call PARTIES i g. AVENUES MANSION. Girls share with girls. 54 $120. No smoke. 429 sell! $150 nego. Call John. 266-754- NPM POCKS 6 Ned, Nice quiet Sugarhouse 14 util. No smoking-drinkin- condition, purchased last summer. Must 84 FIERI New tires, brakes, cluthch. Good 269-960- WANTEO: 10 SPEED BIKE. Excellent 24 ROSS ENHANCER condition. Loan Bal. $5900. Sell for $5600obo. Must sell fast. 429 DIONYSUS ROOMMATE 486-352- 54 484-168- WANTED: Large selection. Men s and women's 63 settings, earrings, wholesale. PRICE. BROADBAT THE 53 ROOMMATE 484-696- Guaranteed lowest prices in Utah. DIAMONDS: INTERIORS CARPET KITS. REUPHOLSTERED LOOK AT TRANSPORTATION INTERIORS. BUSINESS CENTER. 52 YOUR PHONE NUMBER. PLEASE CALL ME MY ROOMMATE VACANCY. area. $150mo. plus FOR SALE RABBIT1 SAMURAIS. VWS. PICK UP TRUCKS. MODELS. SUBARUS AND 400 OTHER MAKES CUSTOM DESIGNED, HIGH DUALITY SEAT 13 utits. Large 3 bedroom bench house near U. SPECTACULAR VIEW! $160. 485-906-0 anytime. All Amenities Plus. 53 55 8 429 JANET APT. NEAR THE U. $200. No pets. BEDROOM 1 See at 828 E. 200 So. Unfurn. Private microwave, TV, lag- i Only 4 miles from U of U. $185mo. plus cassette, sunroof. Immaculate" $1250 or offer. Todd. 429 467-- 6186 or Cable 272-500- smoking person only. ABOUT U. rmf a neighborhood. Exceptionally clean. NonSuiST APT NEXT TO THE 1 Includes bathroom, garage, view. Excellent SUB-LE- All FURNISHED $150 FOR RENT. ROOM utilities paid except lights. Impressive surroundings. $340. See at 1234L AlamedJL 2BEDRO0M 429 466-- 5860. dishwasher. 2 Bedrooms, nice location, air conditioned, off 55 street parking. Rob. 72 BMW 2002. Runs great, looks good. Sunroof, new clutch & transmission. $1700. 5 .) ROOMMATE NEEOED. 13 utilities. room. 55 AVENUES APT FOR SUMMER (June-Sept- 429 SMOKING NON- - 513 ST. K 80 VW RABBIT CONVERTIBLE! Silver wnew black top. Excel cond. $5200 obo. Pamela. 596-865-2 6 429 or wkdays 10-6- . S5 TO SHARE weekdays. r, , utilities. MELP1 Fun, liberal. MF roommate wanted. $175mo. 14 utilities. Daphne before 8:30 am or after 6 pm $275. Aves 4 room furnished basement apt. 187 Includes util. No kids, no pets. condition. 35.000 on rebuilt, recently tuned. SI .000000. 13 $9500 mo. plus 15 utilities. Call Kevin. Mark or Rob. 429 evenings. 521-25- days. 5 NEEDED ROOMMATE LDS 1 ON VENTION C furnished 3 2 MALE 525 APT. Washerd-rye- BEDROOM utilities paid. $195 12-- Runs well, good SUPERB EETLE. 1874 1 3. 54 bdrm house. $125month plus very nice. 539-840- QUIET. FURNISHED 1986 Suzuki REAL NEAT1 BUY Avenues. $250 Call TO SHARE NEEDED ROOMMATE 1 ROOM IN 4 PUt 1064 E. 500 So. $1 50 per mo. $50 dep Heat, lights and refrigerator 429 included. 484-4-1 13. Newly remodeled, utilities. Kevin. Mark or Rob. 3 BLOCKS FROM Ul 1 bdrm apt. $175 plus 510 utilities. Phone installed. 1064 E. 500 So. $260 per 1 BEDROOM IN mo $150 dep. (nego.) Heat, garage included 29 I BDRM. 15 $95mo plus W11 Rich. ilM . I. f I. I Mi S. |