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Show WEdNcsUy, April -- 27, 19S8 Pae ChaoNiclt EtevcN giant from page ten to fit Mulitalo perfectly considering his size and personality. and 305 pounds. Right guard is Pat and Boyd, another behemoth at 321 pounds. Otner Bison linemen include players who weigh 260 and 270 pounds. With the addition of Mulitalo, Howard's offensive line, excluding the tight end, tips the scales at a hefty total of 2,225 pounds. That's the equivalent of a 1988 Ford hatchback with a full tank Escort, of gas with the radio on and Granny Clampett at the wheel. Some critics of the Bisons' "bigger is better" recruiting practices argue that Howard recruits these gargantuan play- Mulitalo "s new home is where the Buffalo roam and the deer and the ante- lope play. Howard Head Coach Willie Jeffries; just like UEtoile, is excited to see a player of Mulitalo's stature lumber into his program. "We are as happy as Lady Godiva's horse to have Fred coming here," Jeffries "I know Willie In fact, Mulitalo will be joining the largest offensive line in all of football. So if Mulitalo is expected to blend in, it will have to be with some pretty big company. Next year's starting Bison offensive line features more weight than a John Candy, Orson Welles and Nell Carter movie. The list of beef on the Howard menu for the 1988 season reads like this: -- At tackle for Howard is senior Roy He's one Pierson, a of the lightweights on the line. -- Willie Felder, a d tackle, is joined by Calvert Thomas at 6-- very well, in fact finite Info r George. "I've always wanted to play football," Mulitalo said. "And when it came down to Howard and Dixie, I decided I wanted e to go and play for a university." big-tim- Maybe something which helped Mulitalo make his decision to go to Howard was the fact the Bison open their 1988 campaign in Yankee Stadium against Grambling. "I guess that chance wouldn't come around too often," Mulitalo said. "And when I went to D.C. on a recruiting trip, it looked like a great place to live and to go TFT Presented By the Film Front and ASUU 328-36- Beehive Honor Society is now accepting applications for membership from the class of "88. Applicants and nominees must be graduating seniors who have demonstrated scholarship and leadership and have given significant service to the University of Utah or the community. "Applause! Applause!" Promised Valley Playhouse 132 South State Tickets $3.50 at Institute P.M. Assembly Hall on Temple Square Pres. Lloyd Owen Utah SLC North Mission for info 46 April 7:30 pm OSH Auditorium VIDEO COMPETITION SCREENINGS Fri. & Sat., April Fri. & Sat., April 29-3- 29-3- 0 7:30 pm Social Work Auditorium 0 SEMINARS Fri., April 29:"FILM THEORY"(10am,"ANTHROPOLOGY AND FILM"(1pm &HFE AFTER FILM SCH00L"(3pm) Sat., April 30:"French Film and Culture in the 1930's(9am),"Science Fiction Film: For additional information contact Bill 5 Coen at the Alumni House, A Modern Displacement of Ultimate Concerns"(1 0:45am) "Ten Necessary Facts About Screenwriting"(1pm) & "Film 581-699- DE)00A Producing"(2:45pm) ALL IN OSH 215 " Sunday, May 7:30 pm OSH WPRA Best of Fest" Screening Union Desk & Kingsbury Hall Tickets available at Smith-Ti1 American Heart Association March of Dimes 1 28-M- ay Thurs., April 28 8 pm Kingsbury Hall Gala Opening FILM COMPETITION SCREENINGS Applications can be picked up at the Aterrzi House end ASUU o3ces. Ail applications must be returned to the AfcrsrJ House by Play 5, at B p.tau LDSSA FIRESIDE in-sta- te him was Dixie Junior College in St. Is Now Accepting X ueiv duunas ouncen SUNDAY-- 8 I Beehive Honor Society P.M. I Price continued. And unfortunately, South watched the 1987 3A state playoff games from the stands instead of playing in them. So Price might be forgiven. Mulitalo was completely overlooked by all of the big four schools in the state. In fact, the only college to actively recruit one-ton-ty- pe 310-pound- er. A just dropped the ball. "But part of the reason we missed him is it's hard to see all of the kids you want to see. And the new recruiting rule doesn't allow us to see him play until after Nov. 1 ," But Shelton's and Jeffries' feelings toward these players aren't shared by Utah Coach Jim Fassel and BYU's head man, LaVell Edwards. 'There is always a risk involved with any recruit, it's not an exact science" Fassel said. "We keep everyone who is close and we just didn't think he (Mulitalo) could play for us." "We heard a lot of good things about him, but with the type of offense we run, 404-poun- Bl report. "I'm embarrassed. We just overlooked him," Price admitted. "I'll be honest, we coached against him while I was at Drake and he was at Witchita State," Shelton said. "And one thing that Willie's had over the years is big linemen. And he's had a lot of success with those big kids." Howard. &FRIDAY-- 8 players this year, didn't even have Mulitalo on his high school scouting Utah State football coach Chuck Howard campus. And he won't be the biggest player in recent history to play for One recruiting coordinator who knows what it's like to recruit some of the nation's biggest linemen is Universtiy of Southern California's Jack Himbauch. "A kid with Mulitalo's size doesn't come around too often," Himbauch said. "Even on a national level." USC, like other prominent football powers, prides itself on being able to snag some of the country's biggest high school bruisers for its student body right offense. But in a year when Utah's Fassel was searching for big linemen to fill the gaps in a loose offensive line, it seemed logical the largest high school player in years might be recruited by the U. or any of the schools. But not so. other Excuses from area college coaches can only cloud the real story behind why Mulitalo wasn't taken. Was he a gamble? Maybe. But the theme behind this recruiting mixup could resemble an all too familiar-fishin- g story for Utah's colleges-t- he big one that got away. Only time will tell if Mulitalo is able to handle all of the responsibility and pressure of a major college football life, both on and off the field. But if in fact he does turn out to be a college star, a number of Utah's coaches may end up eating crow. And if Mulitalo doesn't cut it, people will probably still remember Mulitalo and how big he really was. And still is. in-sta- te ers to increase publicity. Shelton disagrees. to school." Edwards said. Weber State Head Coach Mike Price, who signed a record number of or said. "When Fred comes to Howard, he won't stick out as much as he did in Utah. He'll just blend in with all of our other big guys. But he certainly passes the eyeball test," Jeffries boasted. But Mulitalo won't be the first Bison football player to cause eye strain on the t-6 he just didn't fit into our program," feet-- 5 x, iRiPTH DEFECTS FOUNUAHUIN i irnrji.ii ewi u : rvfjoi niT i fa r rn i ?i rti run I rrfci ra . . rrrTTrrr7TrrTCrn CLASSIFIEDS '84 Honda CRX 1.5, $4,500. '82 SALEORAMAI YAMAHA Vision 550cc, $1,000. 73 FIAT 128. $250. 73 Le Sabre, FREE! Dano. DISCLAIMER 427 The Chronicle reserves the right to deny or edit classified advertisements on the basis of good taste and propriety. Classified advertisements will not be taken after 4:00 p.m. workdays. Rates are as follows: words $2.75day, $10.00 per week; 16-3- 0 words (4.25day, $17.00 per week. Classified ad deadline is two days prior to the date ad is to run. For Classified information call NOTICE 1980 HONDA 12S red Needs TLC. $175 BRAT. great. $800 or best 428 alloys, suspension kit, cassette, roof. Fast & solid. $2500 427 Offer. Mark, IT'S REAL NEAT1 1986 Suzuki 12-Samurai. $6,500. Call Todd, 1874 SUPERB EETLE. Runs well, good condition, 35,000 on rebuilt, recently tuned. $1,000obo. 1980 SAAB 900 EMS. Black, 3 door, high miles but solid. Dependable. Many new parts. $1800. 80 VW RABBIT 427 wnew Silver black top. Excel cond. $5200 obo. Pamela, 2 6 or 429 wkdays 10-6-. CONVERTIBLE! 72 BMW 2002. Runs great, looks good. Sunroof, new clutch & transmission. $1700. 466- - 5660. sunroof. Immaculate! 467- - 6186 or cassette, $1250 or offer. Todd, 429 88 ISUZU TROOPER II LS. Low miles, loaded, like new. Must sell! $9,500. Garth, 53 $300. Large 2 bedroom. Close to and town. Completely remodeled and new carpet-pain- t. Rich. Air, balcony, parking. 57 1 $240, one mo. free. New 700 S. 718 E 263-294-4 and BDRM HEAT PAID. Carpet and paint. BRAND NEW Dishwasher, I 1 BDRM. Walk to class. Heat pd., reduced rent offered for management duties rendered. 55 BDRM. $275, one month free. disposal, hook-up- 517 air, s, 63 ID. 1 3 East). ENTERTAINMENT BETTER TIMES. PASSING or Roger, THOUGHTS... Call Mark, 6000 MUSIC FOR 63 NPM Ned NPM Ned, ROCKS PARTIES AND ROLLS GALAS. 527 or Paul, 6 ROCKS 6 PARTIES AN0 Call ROLLS GALAS. 0 205 So. Elizabeth DORM STUDENTS: BLOCK FROM $295month plus utilities. U. FOR SUMMER. APT FOR 4 mos.) Nice, clean, furnished 1 bdrm. Lotsa light, good view. Off street parking. Gloria, AVENUES or leave message on machine. 510 429 429 TWO BEDROOM, TWO BATH. $275. Others, $225 $250. Trolley Village, 731 6 S. 300 E. Pool, tennis, more. Doug, 8 (0) (H). HARBOR PLACE MANAGEMENT 53 757 1st Ave. Parking, laundry hookups. $330month'plus Teh, $230. 1 BDRM DUPLEX. . electric-it- 428 Hookups, no pets. 1383 Line. Street. 519 486-435-8. AN0 2 BEDROOM FURN. APARTMENTS NEXT TO THE U. All utilities paid except lights. Impressive surroundings. $295 to $340. See at 1234 E. Alameda Ave. 428 1 all utilities paid. Furnished, oft street parking, near LDS AVENUES STUDIO. $225 4129 Hospital, 2 BDRM APT FOR RENT. Gas paid. Close to U of U. QUAINT 2 BDRM HOUSE IN QUIET NEIGHBORHOOD. Fenced back yard, off 7th East, 734 DOWNTOWN. 3 bedroom. 5n0 2 BEDROOM. Hookups. No smoking. No pets. 20th So. 5th E. Area. $230. 428 Wilson. $400. R&R Properties. FOR RENT (1140 or Call 518 or.Paul, $375mo. 428 LAR6E 2 BE0R00M. 1 BEDROOM. $229. Large livingroom, beautiful new carpet, very quiet. 5 mm. drive to U. BDRM. BDRM APT. $285. 56 56 STUDENT From $300-$37- 429 Phone BDRM APARTMENT! Near University shopping. Starting at $220. Call Tom or Julie. 520 NICE SPECIAL S19S Downtown location, 130 S. 300 E. FREE HEAT, WATER, GAS. NEW KITCHENS IN THIS RESTORED GROUP OF APT. RECENTLY STUDIO APARTMENTS BUILDINGS. Embassy, Embassy Arms. Downing. Contact Dan or drop by. HOUSE FOR RENT: one car garage. 4 bedroom house, 3 baths, Walking distance to U. $500 59 per month. Tel: paid. Close to people: $325. U. 2 bedroom, all utilities & Nice. Single: $265; 2 Clean alter 7 1121 E. CLEAN. ONE BEDROOM. No 52 5. 5th South. $195. utilities pd. No pets. 2 ..when you rent at the RITZ Apartments. Furnished, studio or one bedroom, heat paid, ideal location - 435 South Temple. Prices start at $235. call 6 or 53 $100 FREE GROCERIES BATH. Some kitchen ROOM WITH PRIVATE privileges. Utilities included. Near U and downtown. $130mo. 427 1450. Nicest in Avenues! 2 bdrm apt in remodeled 2 story brick Victorian. Oak cabinets, modern bath. 160 J ST. 511 Rich. bdrm apt. $175 plus utilities. Phone installed. 510 3 BLOCKS FROM U! 1 FOR SALE SMALL ONE BEDROOM APT. All utilities paid. 2 BDRM APT FOR RENT. Close to S.). Off street parking, clean 484-724-2 or 56 484-196- U & (1000 E. 221 quiet. Call 429 GOVERNMENT HOMES FROM 1100. U Repilr) BUY Properties for back Taxes! Info, REPO ext. H2143 24hrs Listings 429 DIAMONDS: BIANCHI RACING BIKE. 24', Compagnolo Comp. Columbus Cromaloy Tubing, $340 leave message. Scott, 53 28 BIANCHI BIKE. 210 cm. Dynastar MV5 Skiis; New Vuarnet Nautilux Sunglasses w clear frames. Best Offer. Jeff, 53 REFRI6ERAT0R. 9 student. $150. mos. old. Perfect for Leave message. 523 & 414 University St. 24' ROSS ENHANCER 10 SPEED BIKE. Excellent condition, purchased last summer. Must sell! $150 nego. Call John, 429 929 DUPLEX APARTMENT. Hardwood floors, new kitchen, levelor blinds. Near U and town. Heat pd. E. 55 with student U 56 AVENUES. CLEAN. COMFORTABLE ONE BEDROOM. GOOD CARPET, LEVEL0RS. HEAT INCLUDED. NO PETS. 429 . 1982 LiCir. Rebuilt engine, AMFM 6 security bldg., covered parking. 600 S. 160 DIONYSUS RESTAURANT 369 South 400 East, specializing in Greek food. 10 discount BUY MY CAR. 53 $240 Lovely 2 bedroom, $375 Call or see manager at 848 E. S. Temple. BEDROOM. 76 VOLVO 242 6T. Package, DINING AUTOMOTIVE 1 street bike whelmet. eves. 428 4 wd, runs offer. Call Darin at SUBARU INCLINE TERRACE. LARGE ONE BEDROOM. POOL. SECURITY. $325 Includes heat. 1030 E. 8 6 400 S. 312-(0). Doug, (H). HARBOR PUCE MANAGEMENT. Large studio or 1 bdrm. All utilities paid. $235mo. or $310mo. 385 E. 566-55- 1 1. 6th Avenue. 56 AVENUES Guaranteed lowest prices in Utah. Large selection. Men's and women's 63 settings, earrings, wholesale. 486-352- MIYATA 18 SPEED 53 TOURING BIKE. 23". Shamano parts. Good condition. $250 Jeanne. eves. 53 GOVERNMENT HOMES FROM $1.00 "U Repair". Also tax delinquent property. Call ext. 129 for info. 426 e c |