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Show WtdNtsdAy, Apail CUttos'tcle 27, 1985 Th cowd mg EVn Paqc Nine uses album is solid Kilkenny Cats, Wall of Voodoo put out garbage By John Pecorelli Chronicle assistant feature editor Hammer Kilkenny Cats Texas Hotel Elements of RE.M. and Loverboy do battle with each other throughout this EP. Unfortunately, it's the listeners ' who lose. Well, the record does have its moments, like the vio- in the middle of side linguitar feedback solo smack-da- b two. Actually, that's the only moment. l2 (for the feedback) House Tornado Throwing Muses Sire This album should solidify Throwing Muses' reputation as one of America's most unique and innovative bands. The Ugly Americans Wall of Voodoo (Live) Mffaffg Liti- -:n guess I shouldn't really kick a band when they're down, to cop an old saying. But what the hell, I never liked that saying either. (out of pity) I I.R.S. You know the old adage: If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all . . . As such, I shouldn't say anything at all about this album. But what the hell, never liked that old saying anyway. And 'tis me civic duty to articulate exactly why The Ugly Timericans sucks so very, very bad. I don't know if it's that Wall of Voodoo has fallen so far behind, or if they're just rusty live performers-- in any case, here's a list of reasons not to buy this disc: A) Drummer Ned Leukhardt actually tries to sound like a drum machine (and, horribly, succeeds). B) Vocalist Andy Prieboy tries to sound like Stan Ridgway (and, pathetically, fails). C) The audience participation is nearly (except for a chorus of boos and very sparse applause when the band is introduced). D) Even versions of "Ring Of Fire" and "Mexican Radio" sound limp and tired. non-existe- nt Wall of Voodoo's latest album is a live effort with little crowd noise other than some appropriate booing and hissing. The Throwing Muses have taken their folk-roc- k music to new heights with pure dark energy. And maybe House Tornado ain't as risky or biting as the band's debut album or Chains Changed, but it is more ambitious than last year's The Fat Skier. And that's saying quite a bit. If you have to try and pin down their sound, I guess it'd be easiest to think of the Muses as but that seems a tad misleading-t- he rhythms are generally too fierce, a lot of the songwriting is torrid and pained. And while there are .some quiet moments, House Tornado abounds with the dark energy its title implies, with temfolk-roc- k, chaos allepos changing at a heartbeat into gro and stirring dissonant guitar work that doesn't have to rely on distortion or feedback. Lead singersongwriter Kristin Hersh has never sounded better, particularly when she's singing oblique lyrics like "I wanna fight the clouds with your head on a stick" or "I worship and forget you." And this album finds the Muses experimenting a lot more with folkish harmonies, highlighted by David Narcizo's cracking, precise drums and Tanya Donelly's shimmering, clanging guitars. House Tornado might not be Throwing Muses' best, but so far it's one of this year's best. full-fledg- ed Geter from page eight "I'm not one to look for symbols," Geter added, "but now I have seemed to have latched on to Rocky and Bullwinkle as icons." It has been four years since he "slipped out of Utah under the cover of night," and his views on things have changed. "I seriously doubt that any college can prepare you for what's out there," Geter said. What it can do is help instill a confidence, but nothing prepares you for the constant rejection you nave to face in the industry." He feels that an actor's life is difficult-b- ut the difference between pursuing a film or TV career in Los Angeles as opposed to a stage career in New York City has to do with preference and endurance. "Either place you are likely to starve. The difference is that in California, at least you can starve and be warm." So he now resides in Los Angeles and tries to keep himself busy. "In this town," Geter continued, "there is a period of time where nothing is going on. Now is that time. "Eisenhower and Lutz is through filming for the season and we hope to start snooting again in July, but if the writer's strike continues, we can't." In the meantime Geter occupies his free time working on getting in shape, writing and generally preparing himself for what the future contains. What are his future plans? "Anything good," Geter responded. "I'd like to continue my role as Dwayne, and learn more about comedy." Although he is involved in television, he is speculative about the projects he involves himself in. "I won't dp just anything," Geter said. "I don't want to wind up doing teen movies, but I'd like to do comedy. The chance to do Dwayne was great, but I'd really like to do more. I feel as though during that experience, I was in the freshman class, now I'd like to major in it." Leo Geter may just get his wish. . Experience The Height Of Perfection Experience what Utah Holiday magazine rightly called "the best hamburgers in Salt Lake City." Your choice of seventeen delicious, flame-broile- d Training Table hamburgers. Imagine the possibilities! Meet authors Linda Siliitoe and Allen Roberts, along with invited guests George Throckmorton, forensics expert, and S.L.C. Police investigator Ken Farnsworth, signing the new book on the Mormon, SI Murders, published by Signature Books. forgery See the first public display of the forgery art of 1 iMark Hof mann, including several incriminating .letters and signatures entered as evidence in ofmann's preliminary hearing., r 1 - r JRIDA, APIfli 29, f r 4-- 7 ;2&ribdSp. ,, & If you cannot attend, send $20 per copy (includes tax shipping) for ? , aa an autographed copy. Charge card orders welcome. y 7 DAYS A WEEK. 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