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Show ChRONicU BOOM MATE Classifieds begin on page 11 room. 13 utilities. Cable dishwasher. $150 NEEDED. LEAVE YOUR TYPING TV, RATES, Private microwave, 429 FOR BENT. Only 4 miles from U of BOOM LL fncludes bathroom, garage, view. Excellent neighborhood. Exceptionally clean. Non$185mo. plus 13 utils. 487-930- 52 smoking person only. LOST YOUR PHONE NUMBER. PHASE CALL ME MY ROOMMATE VACANCY. 532 3902. 53 JANET FOUHf WANTED: Large 3 bedroom bench ROOMMATE house near U. SPECTACULAR VIEW! $160. 485-906-0 anytime. All Amenities Plus. 53 Black umbrella atop stairs at FOUND: University St. & 429 63 34 nr. Call YOU GIVE openly express your feelings, deal with hidden issues or ask those questions you've always thought about, but never asked, consider joining a support group that for more informasupports. Call 466-841tion. 63 COMMUNITY SERVICE INTERNSHIPS, spon-sore- d by the LOWELL BENNION COMMUNITY SERVICE CENTER, to begin Fall qtr. 1988 -Spring 1989. Use your leadership organiza- (1-- GET FOR SPRING 4 Free information session 63 ACCENT MODIFICATION. RACQUETS PROFESSIONALLY EKTELON WITH STRUNG The best price in STRINGER. town! Call Tom Bell at 429 years U. FROM 63 SERVICES. M.A., former resumes. 268-114- supplement your diet with capsules, $15.95. Aminos try the HERCULES Typing by English teacher. 80C page. Also 429 low equipt-mecosts mean lowest rates available for 428 quality typing. FAST TYPIST. Good typewriter, 427 ENGLISH FORMER BIL- TEACHER processes dissertations, LBOARD. FREEWAY SIZED BILLBOARDS MOUNTED ON CUSTOM DIESEL RIGS. DRIVE YOUR PERSONALIZED MESSAGE WHERE YOU WANT. AVAILABLE FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SUNDAY, MOTHERS DAY WEEKEND, MAY 6, 7, 8. BILLBOARDS, FLOWERS, CARD, PHOT FOR $34.95. OPTIONAL SERENADE PACKAGE AVAILABLE ON REQUEST. CALL MOVING IMAGES AT 516 resumes. Will manuscripts, n 673 TYPINGWORD PROCESSING $lpg. 48. Accurate, fist ck. spelling. Call Laurie 355-7QUALITY 71 - WordPerfect. IBM Compat. Copying, binding, spiral or velo. WORD PROCESSING 520 Same day service. Lynn, NEAR U. PROFESSIONAL WORK. Great Service. Flexible hours. Joanne. 52 54 PROFESSIONAL TYPING - 90tpage. 14 years U of U experience. I correct spelling. JAN ROOMMATES 63 TYPING. Can check spelling, grammar, references (APA, WORD PROCESSING. NEEDED. TO SHARE NEEDEO ROOMMATE bdrm house. $125month plus Matt, RESPONSIBLE. N0NSM0KIN6 Turabian, Campbell), etc. Mrs. Neeley, To share 5 (June- - Sept.). bedroom duplex for summer $95mo plus 15 utilities. Call Kevin, Mark or Rob. 54 55 TO SHARE Pipers, reports, theses, dissertations, resumes, repetitive litters. Fist service. 211 Eitt 300 South 5 673 3 Academic papers, theses, resumes, legal, medical, technical, scientific, foreign language, mailing labels, PROCESSING. GREAT WORD liberal, MF roommate wanted. $175mo. 14 utilities. Daphne before 8:30 am or after 6 pm Editing available. Nielsen mail-merg- e. Computer, Multiple locations. days, evenings. 429 Ffl,tIfY Call F? the following discount on your next purchase: $5.00 discount on any regular priced shoe from $20-$4$10.00 discount on any regular priced shoe $45 or more. 5. alter January 2. 1988 ' ! COMMUNITY SERVICE INTERNSHIPS, spon-sore- d by the LOWELL BENNION COMMUNITY SERVICE CENTER, to begin Fall qtr. 1988 -Spring 1989. Use your leadership organiza- yurs 5 MilM'sniiiiiiiiiiHniiHtiiiminmiii, wTK. 4V 8 S x S V -. 35 rr dJ.Z r tiUU C. IUU a UPremiere o- 364-347- 1 Light Years vision of the future To May 3 5:15,7:00,8:30 Late Nights Cafe Flesh Wed. 10:00 pm Emmanuel, The Joys of A Woman thurs. 10 pm Rocky Fri & Sat 11:00 Ask for U of U ID discount imiiMaiMiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiicni I could have sworn you said 'antelope.' Immediate openings in MATH TEACHER NEEDED IMMEDIATELY for part time position at the Waterford Education Center. Must have experience teaching Algebra, Geometry. Send resume only to: 1480 E. 9400 S Sandy, Utah 84092 429 Connecticut, MODEL NEEDED FOR MEDICAL SCHOOL Massachusetts, Pennslyvania, Maryland, FEMALE Texas and Florida. NO FEES REQUIRED, ALL PHYSICAL PAID BY THE HIRING FAMILY. POSITIONS AVAILABLE WITH TRAVEL BENEFITS, AND OPPORTUNITY TO ATTEND COLLEGE. CALL TODAY afternoons. EXPENSES 427 5 53 with ticketing experience. AGENT, Evenings weekends between 2-- 4 I pm, 532-700- 427 pm. BOUNTIFUL APARTMENT PIRGs hiring summer Free rent and salary. Missoula, Chicago, Seattle. NO OFFICES UTAH. Call Kate toll-fre- 53 Ph. include time to attend college in ATTRACTIVE PAINTINGS HELP MOTHER'S HELPER. M-- F afternoon. U PERSON FOR A GRAVEYARD area. '88-8- 429 Apply in person STOP FOOD 1306 S. 2100 East. Jerry, 1 429 53 FIVE LABOR. ALLS RESTAURANT. 1458 Foothill, is taking applications: Waiterswaitresses. 21 plus years and Friday, April 29, - experience preferred. , 429 SWEATSHIRTS $16 NYC. $8 Call 52 Colors: Red, Green, Black Royal Blue For More Info. t INTERESTED To 429 ( Steve learn more about overseas GET A TAN AND GET PAID FREE ROUND TRIP AIRFARE AND LOW COST HOUSING. Work as ride operator 40 hours a' week. No exp. necessary. Call Kris at 100 OLPIN UNION 581-510- 0 8 SPECIALLY DESIGNED FOR THOSE WHO ARE LOOKING FOR A LOWER RATE CREDIT CARD OR NEED TO BUILD OR REBUILD THEIR CREDIT HISTORY . . . . . .This plan is designed for you! .... 5 Earn money for medical research. Call 581-50- or PEACE CORPS INFORMATION CENTER 322-159- HEALTHY MEN! positions contact the $4.00hr. to start with 35(hr. incentives and 2 available raises. Work in New Jersey summer beach resort through Labor Day (Sept. 5th) 584-414- DRAWINGS. Involves shift work, some overtime and some weekends. $5.50 per hour. Jobv offers conditional on drug test results. Apply at Koch Materials Co., 95 West 1100 North, North Salt Lake. 428 SEASONAL PEACE CORPS BUSINESS FOR TOP at S PEOPLE WANTED TO SIT FOR SELL SALT LAKE ACTIN6 COMPANY'S SEASON TICKETS. Call Toni, 53 429 HELP WANTED 581-70- 36 76 iWimVING EASTui If you're planning to drive East pick up a National Car Rental in SLC & deliver it to any of the cities below. Pay only for the gas you use. Milwaukee, Green Bay, La Crosse, Eau Clair, & Appleton Wisconsin; Minneapolis and Rochester Minnesota; Chicago, Illinois; Fort Wayne, Indianapolis, Indiana; Kansas City, St. Louis Missouri, to qualify phone: An estimated 72 of adult Americans have not qualified lor a Major Credit Card at the bank in today's economy. Our program heips you lor a Majoi Credit Card. No collateral. Pre-Qualifie- I No We Offer competitive pay, HiU'lirWI.H I Major Credit Card Program Collateral Required! CARD(2273) good working Housekeeping. conditions, free meal and parking. Uniforms are provided for Food & Beverage, Hotel and Housekeeping. YOU NUST BE 21 Special Note: This is not a program generally requiring collateral or a savings account. By referring your friends to our new association, you can actually get your Credit Card at no cost! All replies strictly confidential. MAJOR BANK d Press NATIONAL CAR RENTAL Salt Lake City Airport 539-020-0 LPD2ZZA 562-210- 4 on Touch Tone Phone for computer Sign-u- p Special One Night April 27th Only-Wednesda- y, EAGER rvn LIVE MUSIC Thurs-Su- n ,.M gaming areas, Food Waiter or Waitress, and Beverage. PROOF OF AGE AND SOCIAL SECURITY CARD REQUIRED. Please Apply in Person or sent Correspondence to: PERSONNEL MANAGER : P.O. Box 797 SPARKS, NEVADA 89431 An Equal Opportunity Employer IN 53 READERCUPPER, wanted at Utah Press Association. 25 hrs per week, flexible for students. Permanent position, $4.00 per hour. Complete application at 467 E. 300n So. 5.3 NEWSPAPER IN STOPPING THE NEED YOUI A.P.A.W.S. ABUSE OF ANIMALS-WP.O. Box 7254, Murray, Ut. 84107. STUDENTS FAMILY NEEDS PART TIME. S2500-S350- 0 staff in 60 cities including Boulder, Berkeley, Boston, 513 WITH MAINTENANCE STORE. EARN $5000-$700- references are required. Opportunities room & bath, food & washing facilities. Must have own transportation. Ask for Shonna. 429 NEEDED MANAGER. JOBS FOR THE ENVIRONMENT SUMMER Interviewing hiring TO SEEKS COUPLE MOVE WITH THEM FROM S LC. TO N.Y.C. Must be willing to commit for one year. Excellent A FEMALE STUDENT 4 CHILDREN. Will work around schedule of school. In trade fora free private TO HELP 8 YEARS OF AGE to work in LDS PUBLISHERS 59 - 0195 for a Friday & Saturday Night Restaurant host position. 429 Come Work for John Ascuaga's Nugget in Sparks, Nevada. We are a large HotelCasino with summer jobs available in many departments, such as Keno, Slots, Food & Beverage, Hotel and i part 429 I students for summer employment. gtd inc. Janet, 582- I i 158 today, April 27th at 3:15 p.m. NANNY ONE CHILD 8' TALL, CALL & OVER JOIN US FOR AN EXCITING SUMMER! j i REPRE- DELIVERY 30-4- 0 WITH 427 i I will be at the art department 3:30-5:0- for students. Domino's Pizza is hiring telephone order takers for evenings and weekends. Typing helpful, good communications necessary. Call ARE LARGE MOTIVATED hours per week to care for infant. References required. Call NANNY. FLEXIBLE HOURS YOU MONEY time. Established company. PT JOB DEVELOPER. Refugee Resettlement. Fluent Polish, Czech. Own Car. $6.00hr. IF NEED SENTATIVES. Earn $100 - $300 weekly 428 486-478- COURSE on Wednesday $25 per session. Call DIAGNOSIS NOW HIRING DELIVERY PERSONS MUST HAVE OWN CAR, PROOF OF INSURANCE AND VALID DRIVER'S LIC. $3.35hr plu .75 per delivery and tips. Apply between ask for Dave. Little Ceasars, 1300 E. 200 S 429 GREAT Salt Lake NANNIES TRAVEL 429 collect eves. (617) NEEDED GREAT NANNIES ' BUDDY HICKERSON ' i MOTHER'S HELPER NEEDED. Boston area. 4 & 8 d teacher. Call girls. Motherjs part-tim- e 428 Expiration date . Third Floor - "Never lower yourself to a woman. Bob. In your case it would be redundant." old, In good hsilth. In itstirch. Call JOHN ASCUAGA'S NUGGET teu "Damn! f "I J&Z--J i FOR INFORMATION CALL Crossroads Plaza i room community service project: Internship lasts with a $300 the full academic year 1988-89- , stipend per quarter. Interns wili be expected to commit to 20 flexible hours per week. Pick up applications at 270 Univ. Union. .: 429 Application deadline: May 2. 63 Present this card at the FLEET FOOT and recieve Valid I 54 TYPIN6 AND WORD PROCESSING. AZTEC .) weekdays. Evenings. 63 NEEDED bedroom duplex for summer, (June-Sept$95.00 mo. plus 15 utilities. Call Kevin, Mark or Rob. 429 Fun, 523 WordPerfect WP. Resumes, term papers, letters. Fast, Accurate. Copier. Call Dorene, 428 HELP! Check spelling, 4.2. Letter quality PROCESSING. printing. Carolyn, utilities. FEMALE NEEDED LDS ROOMMATE WORD grammar. WordPerfect to share 2 bdrm apt in American Towers. Call MALE 63 0. TYPING, furnished 3 13 Tue-Thu- r. Bartenders Incredible. 2 editsword reports, texts, also editrevise WordPerfect files. your chun ked-iForeigngraduate students welcome. 6AIN POLITICAL EXPERIENCE: VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR REPUBLICAN CONGRESSIONAL CAMPAIGN. MAKE A DIFFERENCE! CALL PHIL AT LDS ROOMMATE CLASSES 25 hour course. Small BARTENDING evening classes TINDER BOX NEEDS PART TIME RETAIL SALES HELP. Pipe and Cigar smokers should for appointment. 429 apply. Call Word processing, edit. 12 legal experience. $1 a page. Call Diane, 2 BLOCKS . For Free-forFORMULA. THE BEST THERE IS. Available at MALE 63 THE TYPING ZEUS AMINO ACIDS. 200 DAY continuity. WANTED MEN WANTED: 1.0. in oly 45 A MOTHERS & F fi MANUSCRIPTS,textbooks S dissertations for logic, style Winslow's. Eirn monty for pirtlclpition 581- - 5036 or 429 MOTHER I tional skills to plan and implement a 512 Beverly, TALENTS IN ART BOOTHS AND FEED STUDENTS AT THE "U" 0URIN6 THIS TO PARTICIYEAR'S MAYFEST (MAY PATE, PICK UP APPLICATIONS IN ASUU OFFICE. DEADLINE: APRIL 29. 429 YOUR 63 Learn pronunciation of American English and improve your communication skills. Call YOUR Smith's Food Kings. 53 EDITING WE EDIT SCHOLARLY SALON. CITY CENTER DISORDERS. FOREIGN SHOT? Call SLC, UT 84121. SEND ONE FOR POSESSIONS WHILE YOU GO AWAY SUMMER. $8 and up. Dock for easy minutes. Send $2.00 for complete self-tes- t. Enterprise Books, 3430 E. 7800 S., Suite 244, BODYBUILDERS: TANNING Wednesdays at 12:00. Call Margaret Kent Anderson at the Chronicle or drop off a letter at the Chronicle offices. All truths shall be revealed. 527 DISPLAY AND START Thompson for information, crack troubleshooting reporter Determine your 268-637- 524 TAME YOUR MANE WITH PAULA. Prescision Cutting. Newest Styles. Discount to U Students. Call The Mane Tamer at TENNIS AT LASTI 52 TIRED. SUMMER AT 2ND AVENUE 1030 2nd Ave. Call EATING 429 TROUBLE THAT NEEDS TO BE TypingWP, fast, 363-315- 63 or leave message on machine. A GRAMMAR, Professional quality, fast turnaround, economical. Call 63 discount. clean, furnished 1 bdrm. Lotsa light, good view. Off street parking. Gloria, HAVE PUNCTUATION. EDITING? accurate. Sl.OOpg. Sandi. PAPERS AND ESSAYS 1 WILL HELP THEM NEW LIFE. Need help getting Call Dee Wolfe, TAN A POOR. YOUR loading, your lock and key. Student mos.) Nice, 8 429 NEED EXTRA HELP WITH SPELLING, STORE YOUR 429 FOR SUMMER. SUB-LE- T started? FOR THE a up applications at 270 Univ. Union. APT. FOR By Buddy Hickerson Fast service, reasonable rates. Call Mary, 63 community service project. Internship lasts with a $300 the full academic year 1988-8stipend per quarter. Interns will be expected to commit to 20 flexible hours per week. Pick Application deadline: May 2. ME BRING RESEARCH ADOPTEE. BIRTHPA RENT OR PARENT LOOKING for a place to tional skills to plan and implement HNS 63 patients needed for special study. AVENUES 429 eves. 7 RESUMES. Typeset and edited. PROFESSIONAL Resumes, $5.00. Book rates. Sue, MINI ST0RA6E. All sizes. Discount fo.r students. Faculty. Call Downtown Storage, 29W 800 South. IF YOU ARE AN - days. (Ml Q TYPING. manuscripts, resumes, theses, dissertations and more. $1page. Fast turnaround. Call Sandy Hiskey, WORD PROCESSINGTYPING. PERSONAL ADOPTIVE THE EXPRESS WORO PROCESSING. 90t SERVICES MONO TURNAROUND. CLOSE 359-516- 3 CESSING. SHERRY. 486-315(HOME ANSWERING MACHINE). PICK UP DEUVERY AVAILABLE. 519 ds page. Minor editing, spelling. Copies 5e ea. 4th So. Contact Chronicle. Adults paid $50 for BEHIND) GREAT WORK. FAST TO U. WORD PRO- WORRIES PROFESSIONAL 7 I ABOUT LOST & 27, 1988 WtdNEsdAy, April TweIve Paqe rani 60 800 So. 1329$. 2MS. |