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Show CliRONiclE P.MjE FOCI WtdNEsdAy, Apwl -- Items for the Chronicle events calendar should be submitted two days in advance, by 4 p.m., at the Chronicle offices, Union 240. The items should be typed or printed legibly on a form obtained from the Chronicle. Please note that the calendar, or parts of it, may be cut due to space limitations. Today 7:30 a.m., Surgery Grand Rounds, "Diagnosis and Management of Abdominal Trauma," Robert Zeppa, University of Miami School of Medicine. Noon, Women's Resource Center Lunch With a Lawyer, "Debt Collectors: How Far Can They Push You? How Can You Push Back?," Bruce Plenk, Utah Legal Services. Noon, Panel Discussion on the Palestinian Uprising," Michael Loriaux, Harris Lenowitz, Ibrahim Karawan, Byron Cannon, OSH 253. Noon, Career video, Moving Up and Planning a Successful Job Hunt, SSB 380. 2:15 p.m., Mathematics Department Colloquium, "Semilinear Parabolic and Hyperbolic Equations, JWB 208. 3 p.m., Visiting artistcartoonist, Buddy Hickerson, The Quigmans, AAC. 3:20 p.m., Metallurgy Department, "Electrostatic Separation of Minerals," Browning 207. 6:30 p.m., Christian Science Organization meeting, Union 275. -- 7:30 p.m., Department of Recreation and Leisure Godfather's Pizza, 1615 Foothill Pizza Party, fund-raise- r, Blvd. -- 7:30 p.m., "Oxidation and CID Processes of Small Metal Clusters," Stephen K. Loh. -- 8 p.m., "Singin In The Rain," Pioneer Memorial Tomorrow the 88 Election," John Gunther, Patterning in Kwakiutl Art, Symbol and Ritual," bia University, Stewart 209. --4 p.m., Geology and Geophysics Department Lecture, "High-tec- h applications for exploration of dinosaur bones: Seismosauras excavations in New Mexico," David Gillette, State paleontologist, EMCB 103. --4 p.m., Physics Department Colloquium, 'The Hall Effect at its Centennial, JFB 102. --4 p.m., Biology Department Seminar, "Transposable Genetic Elements in Nemotodes," S. Biology 212. m Rubel-Colum- 6:30 p.m., Chinese movie, Terrorists, Social Behavioral Science Auditorium. -- 7 p.m., Phi Beta Kappa lecture, "Religion and the Constitution," Edwin Gaustad, history professor, University of California Riverside, Marriott Library Auditorium. -- 8 p.m., "Singin' in the Rain," Pioneer Memorial Theatre. - ClIKXXIimilKXXXHIIIXXXXXXXXlXXXXXXIXIXXXIXXIIXXHHXXXXIHllUXIItllHIIXXB mm K-- Sf rill A ii AJ iw in 4 " amuck." Jorgensen said. "They said 'we don't care, we want to have power.' But, since 1979, all we have seen is broken promises. Specific occasions when they have said one thing and done another," Jorgensen said. He said the RHS Peace Plan and the Reagan Peace Plan are examples of such abuses. In addition, the people of Nicaragua are suffering from a lack of food and fundamental rights. "If that's human rights, then I think we need to go somewhere else to find human rights. (Thomas) Jefferson said "I will make war against every form of tyranny', and I think that's our duty and responsibility," he said. Jorgensen said the United States was founded on revlike the olution, war and bloodshed for freedom-mu- ch Contra revolution. Hunt said Jorgensen failed to answer his challenge that the United States singles out governments that sympathize with lower class societies. "Tne Contras are not some welling up of a revolution- ary group. They are a mercenary army created for torture, death and destruction supported by U.S. taxpayers," he said. However, Jorgensen said it's unfortunate that foreign policy discussions center on the image of "poor, lowly countries being hurt by big, bad American boys." "I don't agree. As many examples of the Contras being terrorists, pillaging the countryside you could equalize with the Sandistas," he said. Hinckley Institute of Politics, OSH 255. -- 10:30 a.m.-12:3- 0 p.m., Marriott Library Book Sale, Marriott 216. -- 11 a.m., Department of Mining Engineering, "Safety Programs in Heavy Industry," EMCB 103. --Noon, Middle East Center brown bag lecture, "The Art of Middle East Dance," Tanya Reichow, Ethnic Dance Theatre, Minneapolis, Minn., MEC 15D. -- 2:15 p.m., Anthropology Department, "Structural Abraham Rosman, Paula IS I Nicaragua from page one compare it proportionally to the United States, you would have to take every American killed in every war, from the beginning of our country's history up to the present, and multiply that figure by 10," Hunt said The situation in Nicaragua is "a revolution gone Theatre. -- 9:55 a.m., "Cities and 27, 1988 f There is a road. O o Many cancer patients need timsporMkm, to and from treatments. That's why the American Cancer Society is asking for volunteers who can give a few hoars of their time each month to drive them. A cancer patient s road to recovery can be a long and difficult one, but it's made that much easier when there z a friend who can help along the way. " nnn w o 0 :::::::::::-:::-- b mm iO JiiL I L O O : U V ft w "S O Lets face it, a daily diet of tasteless burgers in styrofoam boxes can turn you into a dull person, Go for the fresh alternative! Get a fresh, delicious Subway sandwich or salad for a change. You'll love it. Call Ahead We'll have it Buy one get one for ready 990 328-520- 0 City Center Subway 175 E. 400 S. (Next to Studebakers) Expires o o o o o o o o o o o f O i n fx Mm ffiiriM IV ml H I 14 51588 This moment of silence brought to you courtesy of the Chronicle backshop |