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Show WedNEsdAy, DccEMbER Q, 1987 ChRONiciE Paqe EIeven SURVIVING J Cr'- ' who choose to live as tramps, are those people who are looking for work and do have some'semblance of a normal life. Through a series of mishaps, Eric and Chavah Peterson found themselves living out of a car that needs extensive repairs before they can move on. The car has become a home as they tried to retain a semblance of ordinary life. i f " For another couple, David and Amanda Morgan, the inability to find jobs has led to a' Catch-2- 2 situation for them. David was disabled in a motorcycle accident that also knocked his front teeth out. He has been unable to find work because of his disability and because he said he does not appeal to employers. He is unable to dress well for interviews, but has no money to buy clothes. "When you're homeless, the first thing that goes is your clothes." The homeless of Salt Lake have created a community among themselves, whether they are the stylized tramp or those who simply can't find a f A ci job. Their main concern focuses on being unable to become They seek a self-sufficie- nt. &mmm& ti, t,r, ' 24-ho- ur shelter, which will become a reality when the new one across from the St. Vincent DePaul center opens. Steve Holbrook, a volunteer for the Shelter the Homeless Project, noted, however, that shelters are just stop gap measures. "We need to try and rebuild our base with a higher tech community." But while that rebuilding is going on, the homeless continue to walk the streets, sleep in gloomy shelters or just on the street. Any contributions to the homeless situation can be Paul Center at 427 W. 200 South or the Salt Lake Rescue Mission at 463 S. made to the St. Vincent De 400 West. The Shelter the Homeless fund, which will help renovate the new shelter across from the St. Vincent De Paul Center, is also accepting donations at 345 S. 600 East. Samuel O'Donelle, a from Boston, said losing his wife and his job as an auto mechanic led to his life on the street (top right). John "Little John" Bradley and Elton Morris sit at Denny's for a cup of coffee after being turned down at the shelter for being intoxicated (top left). Another homeless man simply lies down on the sidewalk to sleep off his drunken stupor (above). Eston Sheffield prepares a fire in a i- ,4k ,.,.... C 37-year-- old garbage can under the Fourth South viaduct. Moments after he got the fire started a paddy wagon pulled up and put out the fire while Sheffield ran to hide. He spent the night in an old taxi cab with only some carpet padding as a blanket (right). 1 - 'KA - |