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Show WtdNtsdAy, DECEMbcn ChnoNicU 9, 1987 class to start Non-fictio- n course Writing will teach creativity dramatize facts and make technical By Sharon Deckert Chronicle staff writer information humane, Lueders said. This type of writing is different from journalism which is written to be published on a one-tibasis and then disappear. The workshop will provide an opportunity for each student's writing to receive thoughtful critical responses by fellow students and individual editorial conferences with the instructor. Lueders has been a member of the U. English Department since 1966. In addition writing for a profession need not be unexciting and dull. It can be clear, personal, vivid and creative. Professor Edward Lueders, as part of his University Professor project, is offering a Non-ficti- on workshop in creative non-ficti- students in me for on majors such as nursing and engineering. a Workshop in a liberal education class that will be offered winter and spring Writing for Readers: Creative to the numerous poems, professional is Non-Ficti- on quarters. The workshop articles, critical biographies and translations of Japanese poetry, he has vritten a piece of creative The Clam Lake geared toward students who have a flair for writing but cannot take writing classes in their field of study. Writing for biology, anthropology and the In an attempt to break down the overuse of jargon and stir up more creativity in technical writing, University Professor Ed Lueders will be teaching a workshop on for technical majors winter and spring quarter. writing non-ficti- is non-ficti- public on on Papers. social sciences can easily become technical and abstract. The sciences tend to have specialized vocabularies which are jargon to the uninitiated. These fields need writers who can write, not for fellow specialists, but for the general Chronicle photo by Erin Calmrs Paqe TNree . writers who can interpret and In addition to his creative writing project, Lueders will moderate a series of dialogues between eminent nature writers. E. O. Wilson, a social biologist; Robert Finch, a naturalist from Cape Cod; and Gary Paul Nabhan, an ethno biologist, are among the authors who will be featured in Lueder's evening series, "Writing Natural History: Dialogues with the Authors." correction In a story which appeared on page one of the Chronicle, titled "U. students face barriers" and in the accompanying photograph, Wallace Calder was incorrectly identified as a law student. The student. Calder is a first-yepre-la- w Chronicle regrets this error and any confusion this error may ar have caused. FOR CHRISTMAS GIVING GREAT BOOKS AT GREAT DISCOUNTS! THREE DAYS ONLY WEDNESDAY DEC. 9:00 a.m. through FRIDAY DEC. through 5:00 p.m. 9 11 In celebration of the season of giving the University of Utah Press is offering its bestsellers, award winners, and perennial favorites to faculty, staff and students at outrageously low prices. Books discounted 25 to 70 AND MORE! Over 50 titles of regional and general interest are available at our offices on campus 101 University Services Building. For more information call 581-677- M--F 'Twas tlte Night Before Finals 1. 10-- 7 Saturday 9-- 7 O OPEN SUNDAY INTERNMIONM NNOUNTMN EQUIPMENT INC. 9-- 7 11 T SALT LAKE'S COMPLETE SOURCE FOR ALL YOUR MOUNTAINEERING NEEDS: Backpacking Rock Climbing Ice Climbing 3064 Highland Drive SLC UT 84106 (next to the Villa Theatre) , . . : .and all through the house, not a creature was stirring, 'cept me and my mouse. With Christmas around the corner, you may want to tell Santa how nice an Apple Computer would look under the tree. Actually, you have two choices. The affordable and powerful Macintosh Plus. And the expandable Macintosh SE. Both let you work faster smarter and more creatively. Then, add the Image Writer II printer, 4 and youH produce crisp, impressive . Main Street, North Conway N.H. 03860 Equipment and Video Rentals Burton and Winterstick snowboards Avalanche Safety presentation IME. Wed. Dec. 9th, 7:30 p.m. 10 discount for students with current I D. , " 1: 8 fell I m. i Mill top of your list this Christmas and find out nn7 Oh OCFfCTS m So, keep those midnight hours to a minimum and put a Macintosh at the 484-807- 3 March of Dimes (fr) BBm V 0 O Moaa7 YP3r ic one other thing annilH youll still have to be good. ll FOUNDATION V)H7 Affile Omimter. Inc. Afile, the Afile Macintosh UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY unit Ima'riter are rrRMered trademarks aj Affile Cimfiutvr. Of Inc. BOOKSTORE UTAH CAMPU5 o. |