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Show WtdNEsdAy, Dec em b eh Paqe Five ChRONiclE 9, 1987 Job openings increase says study Students graduating from college this school year will find job opportunities scarcer than before the stock market plunge of October, but more plentiful than last year, a study released Nov. 30 degrees should average $22,600, it said chemical engineering students can expect offers of about S30,190. Indeed, at Northrup University near Los Angeles, placement Director Joella Marshall reports students with technical majors are "hired before the ink is dry" on their degrees. Computer science majors are also doing well, but hiring is slightly down," Marshall said. At the University of Oklahoma, Placement Director Bill Audas said engineering and accounting majors are cadging 22 percent more recruiting visits than last year. however, employers have reduced that estimate by 1.7 percent. Like other studies, the MSU survey found that students in technical fields like engineering can expect to find the highest starting salaries and the greatest demand. semester It also allows Increases attendance at early home football games, which brings in increased gate revenues. "One reason the Regents didn't go with the change in 1985 was they felt the system was under too much financial pressure," Peterson said. "Now two years have gone by and maybe things have changed. Of course when aren't we under financial pressures?" In the report, Kerr also cited reasons for change that would benefit the academic side of the institutions. He said the semester system improves the quality of instruction and research by longer exposure to each subject. The biology department has new program designed to give lab exerience as undergraduates them get a master's degree in years. While the study showed starting salaries for students with bachelor's said. A Michigan State University's annual survey of employers in business, industry, government and education showed that before the crash, employers had planned to hire 5.5 percent more graduates than last year. In the wake of the Oct. 19 crash, from page one Lab work plan " 1 1 Chronicle phin- hy Stoen (' Wilson - LeVay Lemon a 1 pth llll I ds I .. The program, called the Joint B.S.-M.Program in Molecular Biology, will help students be better prepared to get a job, LeVay Lemon, the program's director, said. Students take a prepared series of classes designed to prepare them for work as molecular biologists. At the same time Lemon will help them find work in one of 50 labs here on campus. "That's really the key to getting a job," she said, "lab experience. Employers really look at that." S. longer time period for an presentation of course materials and more time for students to prepare, think, reflect, read, write and assimilate course subject matter. Another reason that Kerr is favorable to the semester system is the number of schools in the nation that are on the system. of all colleges "Approximately two-thirand universities operate on a semester calendar of some form," he said. This is a decision that can't be made base on personal preferences," he explained. "The Regents will have to weigh the merits of the semester versus quarter systems and decide which is best for the entire system. in-de- begun a students and help just five II II . - . in in - - ii ii iiik iu mi . . ii will tin : . . 11 u B M ii. in m. - 1n. w n . .. II w m I ii n IU mi n In 1.1 - W II v m i .jv mi mi iiii t in II III mm aw m II ii m r id in in HI ii ii ii AW II Will (s N . m mi t) 1)11 i '11 ' ? I , I rW I c ON THE 3rd DAY TIL FINALS GRAYWHALE GAVE TO ME... It's 11 O'clock Do You Know Where Your Copies Are? If you've taken them to AlphaGraphics Printshops Of The Future they're ready and waiting for you to pick them up . With our new hours, getting your copy work done in one day or less is more than just a gimmick, it's our promise. New store hours: Monday - Thursday 8am to 1 . 1pm, Friday 8am to 8pm, Saturday 10am to 6pm. 1 ALL NEW DISCS ON SALE 273 South 1300 East 582-828- Printshops Of The Future . rrrrfl,,,, r.., , , i ffw ii m ii mwiwiffywfmwfnffHwirt Spread Christmas Santa as a Volunteer 2 Sub for Spirit! 248 s. 1300 e. SLC 583-962- 6 ' II |