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Show ( T -5- - MoNdAy, DccEMbER Paqe Two ClmoNidc 7, 1987 DATELINES Man sought in attacks CEDAR CITY, Utah (UPI) A man who attacked two Southern Utah State College coeds Saturday is believed to be the same one who raped one woman and assaulted another last July, authorities said. The young women targeted in Saturday's separate attacks man, managed to fend off the assailant by a before they were raped, police said. The use of a pocketknife and other details of the assaults indicate the attacker in the latest incidents is the same involved in the assaults about five months ago, said Iron County Attorney Scott Burns. In all four attacks, a man entered the homes of victims and attacked them while they were sleeping, investigators said. The latest assaults occurred in the victims' homes near the SUSC campus, one at 3 a.m. and the other about two hours later, according to police. knife-wieldi- ng One of the women was able to supply investigators with a good description of her attacker, and police are following up all leads in the case, Burns said. In the meantime, he added, "I really want to emphasize how important it is that women all over town lock their doors and windows to prevent anything like this from happening again." The suspect was described as a man in his late 20s or early and 170 pounds with light brown hair 30s, about and a mustache. Tests endanger chimps A researcher who has WASHINGTON, D.C. (UPI) studying chimpanzees warned Sunday the disease AIDS is threatening the species with deadly extinction because of increased demand for the animals in laboratory testing. spent 27 years FRAMES, PLASTIC LENSES PA SF ... THAT'S 2 PAIR BIFOCALS AND Previous offer excluded EYE WEAR AND INCLUDES u "1 EXTENDED REMEMBER EXAM! THE EYE EXAM! ng h Many teens and adults have waited a long time to be proud of their smile. Is it time for you? (CONTACTS INCLUDING EYE EXAM! COMPLETE INCLUDES EYE EXAM! REMEMBER free-rangi- mmm mm ? BDF(SAILS researchers, psychologists, veterinarians, zoo keepers and animal welfare experts are making to the Department of Agriculture on the humane care of chimpanzees. "The big danger now to the chimpanzee population is AIDS," Goodall said. She is an English behavioral scientist who has been studying the behavior of chimpanzees in Gome National Park in Tanzania since 1960. Although animals inoculated with the human virus so far show no signs of developing the disease and none of the experimentally infected animals have been released to the wild, the threat comes from demand for animals, she said. "Some AIDS researchers are saying we need hundreds and hundreds" of chimpanzees on which to test possible AIDS human vaccines, Goodall said, adding, "Opinion is divided on whether chimps are useful" experimental models of the human immune system's response to the AIDS virus. wmm eJooo INCLUDING In a telephone interview,1 Jane Goodall discussed a group of biomedical recommendations she and Phone COMPLETE! Intro, offer new patients only 272-445- 1 Richard CTl TORTFE deck the Sl(ol99 BROWN GREEN OR AQUA INCLUDES EYE EXAM!! EYES BLUE &VVs 3 . .. AMAZING!!! ... REMEMBER THAT INCLUDES EYE EXAM! Introductory offer new patients only mi mm m mm mm & m mn w tor: m 4-- v la AMERICA'S BEST CONTACTS AND EYEGLASSES West 7200 South 0REM 1353 South State 0GDEII St. PET TOP 3735 Wall Ave, S6113 532-PET- S U & ovxa .bw w. m .iiu om. m - - ., . - It the economy has made you price conscious, you should be conscious of us. MST y mm i 111 1 'gjif wftiiWM Illl Wll ill rC i LiMU 1 1 I't Ji urn:! n f n X I a . M ' fl 1 IB Salt Lake City of U Students, Faculty, Staff receive 10 off all live animals M-F10- -7 Saturday 9-- 7 OPEN SUNDAY INTERNMIONM NNOUNTWN 9-- 7 EQUIPfNNENT ' I I i SALT LAKE'S COMPLETE SOURCE FOR ALL YOUR MOUNTAINEERING NEEDS: ackpacfdng Rode Climbing Ice Climbing 5erraWest xuji Fine Jewelers i v in i i QII ii ii i CJ OPEN A SIERRA WEST STUDENT ACCOUNT ZCMI CENTER MALL Lower Level Downtown SLC 521-090- 0 L Is; g 3064 Highland Drive SLC UT 84106 (next to the Villa Theatre) f .jSg 5 532-730- 7 40 North 800 W. or 4 .. OUR NAME IS MIDVALE 26 wth bowls 0 Sofcfishi EYE EJfJUia COMPLETE! Introductory offer new patients only i m nil MS DAILY WEAR SOFT CONTACTS CONTACTS CHANGE OR ENHANCE YOUR LIGHT COLORED Randle DDS FREE CONSULTATION OSI SOFT E. Main Street, North Conway N.H. 03860 Equipment and Video Rentals Burton and Winterstick snowboards Avalanche Safety presentation Wed. Dec. 9th, 7:30 p.m. IME. 10 discount for students with current 484-807- 3 I.D. VC N l |