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Show Wednesday, February 18, 7357 Page Twelve EAR Wlim tSTEl U'pe ar bed 4 Peal terms, storage S325ML DISCLAIMER oeoj Classified basis V good tts and jMopf aevrli&ctnents wtd wot be Vfrt attar 4 00 a workoavv Riles e as ioitows US mwds $2 7S,eav 111 O0't. 16 30 riBs S4 25'dav. M COwk Classified ad date ad s to delaine s two tar P to nm f or Ciassite iMormatic can Sfci ?&3 FK E flSfi EiTlll liSSISEIS PIKIA $265. Mat raid and 6 a' age included 500 So 4644111 47-043- 3 223 1X4 tMaj. APT. witt fltst)ashef diss, tmtufH- - iia smokers or pets 531 1142 URGE 2 223 FOI $1 tiEUt Mdiimua 5 to start ft ait ta U of U $200 each utilities 223 laundry tac4tt.es HOME t 6 AUTOMOTIVE 1IN WtlVI $1 600 Reliable car, everything 4514151. 1 13 A68I. Great family run about car. 4 cyto . ew raddis, new trans . CK $800. prtone 466135 eves Of 322 3698 220 flays a&k tor Dave PtiTI 1171 EBSS Hreace fenced yard new paint PeU chad Ok. $390 no. util Deposit See at 3)6 E Hollywood Ave 2723 (app 1375 So I 466719 UCE 2 l0ROCM HOUSE witti paint. (Ml. mi works 142X. IK 223 tl t I AM 2 13 M FROM close to $225. 3594429 ot U. rteated laundry, AC. 223 peel, covered parking 328-372-8 kit 18 0 fresh 2 bedroom condo Heat turmsried garage good security $425 130 S 1300 E 32 296-465- 4 IUCI StrtAM. firorue 4 cylinder, iron! keel drive, lea miles. 4 floor, air, 10 211 521 5734 m MAtdA 83 kOftCA Saddlebags wmd-shtei- cond S2 800 best Otter 4 224 eves 48M00S I87F fORfl fiT8 low mileage, runs good, artf reUaoie 1400 Fied, 262 180 219 ?!H2 0OO&E COLT looks good, very reliable, new tires, tunc SI 900. days 32$ 1214 eves 3. 14 18 219 FlIIMTSua 1401 he tires, runs great and good body fceed more, f red 262180 219 1882 V . gUAKTUM. 3 doois." 3100 miles" looks like new Has everything 14300 CaU 219 276968 Cn. white 14 VW cass new lues. aw 43 000 miles Clean car $5995 Moving to Australia AM Call J C 295-327-6 219 78 MIS. Must sett ttus week1 $1,500 it i chtap otter Great car best 220 74 PLYMOUTH OUSHI. nr. radio, new looks runs great $600 or best otter 0 or 561 6393 Tiudy at tires DlAMOMOS. HISS, discounted wedding announcements Your connection to the hoiesaK market Banque Diamonds 4864545 Chris 35 801 PAY IETAIII Diamonds, engagement rings wedding bands, custom rings 8 invitations at to retail store prices Higher quality lowest price1 Salt lake Jewelry Co 1 4644380 tor appointment 81 BON OS 3 1 3 imported directly wholesale prices, nigh quality, good selection, engagement rings appointment only By 413 4463521 I0AR0S commonly known as skiis. Fischers with Marker 23 bindings Save mounting other service costs Used once and too long $100. 435-360227 STIFF TWO ( J 8WmMTDuplx (or home) each V, includes 2 boms fireplace, wood trim etc Also dishwasher air, ig fenced yd . auto sprinklers, excellently maintained (rent ot other v.- - can help pay payment) by owner. K:SS BUI USA 81AUTI Preliminary ta tliss Saick28SlC 85204 16t2) 219 1700 with motor drive MOI. IELP US MAKE I8IM tor eur hot spring 1 000s at 50 etf merchanOise-- 20 lee W. 466 E So items Snooze you lose' 32 Temple. HLPUM eWITATlOl tor spring quarter . be held 2 19 m unioe bMg room 324 at 11 Be a Helpline crisis a n and S 30 p tnterventioa volunteer, lite is cither a daring adventure . . or it is nothing at aH wallet We cook Meet me it JB s in Foothill Village I'll be the one in red checked overalls' (Get 10 discount now it JB s by showing your 219 student ID) 218 8 SiNGLTbORMONTAACT for sale You get free Please deposit lanct Peterson. reave message. 220 ' MACINTOShIzSK writer 8 external drive Excellent condition, hardly used, chea. 328 4188 leave message 220 K2 SS ELECTRA S Excellent recreational ski w Image Never been used. 195 s Cost $350, sell $250 obo Craig f I R inMCTT ownership Sugarhouse. ENTERTAINMENT 225 G0O8 USEI BLUES Rock posters 8 2021 So 1100 E LPs Used CO S. ( neverRecord Collector. 25 5 KAI let s talk about it together Salt lake Crisis Piegnancy Center 121 3635433 John PREGNANT? MANY. 1(10(8 tor Oept ot Corrections lor 6 weeks 5 research protect k W'll wear electronic tracking hours equipment with some resulting physical limitations. Meed own phone Chris. 582 7366 B.d lor weekly rate 224 SUBJECTS MATT AN0JENNY. Donl lor get lo vole AAA 220 and Cary Mergele lor ASUU CHI TKETA too. Socks CM. whoa girls we What ll it be have hormones net 218 Pi ftho Al SUE. Pregnant Get a tree piegnancy test Salt lake Crisis Pregnancy Center 01 118 Tom 363 5433 about chlamydia' At annual mt climbing competition B) sexually tiansmil-te- d disease CI seafood allergy Marcy 218 Planned Parenthood 322 5571. JUSTIN, how 220 P orrUM I T Y to begin home Nice brick bungalow near Only $49,000' low down, low interest, low monthly Possible basement or ipartment. Call Les Gaymore. Probe Realtors. 220 RAT J. Primitive dance music for now people. John Kerry 313 FOR RENT clean, quiet, private. Super meals 3 1310 E 2nd S. $6day 313 FRIST MONTNS RENT. Large 142 bedroom apartments $220 $260 Clean. jacuHi. night security 6 blocks Irom Temple Square Pioneer Valley Apartments. Ask (or 2 beautifully remodeled 4 br homes. Hardwood floors, fireplace, new earthtone paint & levelors Low down, low $50 $ Won't last' Open house Feb 212 5pm Best Western Paul, owner agent 220 Realty 966 5777 ROSSIGNOL cm, Tyrolia 280 then got longer 3G EQuTpE 190 Bought for $300, bindings skis $90. Diana 4858949 223 FREE. with Floyd Kramer Focus 3000-Rose locking tremolo. $350offer. eves. 223 Debbie. STEREO SYSTEM: Kenwood 20W amplifier. ADS Walnut veneer speakers. Sanyo turntable. $250. 363 5292. 313 IMMACULATE condo fees, paid. All amenities. FOOTHILL GARDENS heat, air conditioning 226 1 small one Heat paid. No pets for appointment. 227 III THE W000S IT Westminster, bedroom apt. or kids. Call $250-$270 2 BDRM TwTblOCK from campus. $305 includes heat University Garden 1153 E. 1 South. 3262103. 32 f1b7fReTT&2 bedrooms. cable. See manager $210-27- FREETiRST 726 S 900 E Free C-- 227 MONThTrENT with last months advance rent. Extra large 2 bedrooms with washer dryer hookups. 6 minutes from U & 3 downtown. $230mo. with lease. 225 alter 5pm furnished home for lease spring quarter. $725 mo inc. utilities. Close to U and downtown. Ten 9 or Holleran 211 AVENUES, nice large studio, utilities paid. 1 $265 1500 S cute Ibdrm $235 Call 35 or 3 bdr, 2 bath, hookups, fireplace, dishwasher, disposal, mini blinds 211 capitol area $495 mo. 359-2311800 NEW FT. SO- UNIVERSITY AREA, one bedroom mo $250 -- $285 apartments. includes heat. 224 mo, OnTbEDROOM AVES. ARTS. $250-5272 util paid. 762 First Ave AVE. 218 2 BD. 4 PLEX. Covered park, laundry lacil., nice. $330 includes heat, cable. 218 359-321- DOWNTOWN LOCATION. paid, hardwood 1 & 2 bedroom. Heat 227 and dryer. $185 mo NOTSMOKER TOSMARE HOUSE V mi fiom U uhls Call Bob w 582 1565. x 1650, M; 583-066218 13 ROOMMATE live better tor less. REFERRAL 31 2689875 2 FEMALES TO SHARE apartment with 2 other females Own bedrooms $120 per month per 220 person Near U in large house drinkers. $170 month Ph ROOM FOR L ADY 220 LOsIiRlTneTo ROOMMATE. Close to 355-822paid $112 50 plus 'A elec Call U . heal 22' GUITAR: 223 DOR III CONTRACT LOST So. AT THE BAY. M 313 6 by Ph. 0. Close to MAfiTTuTORlNG N, I6(I Ph 313 at the Nailing Post Unlimited monthly tanning pass. $7 ft $3 per session, or 10 lans for $35. Wollff bulbs, luxury beds 311 Arrow Press Sq. Phone RESPONSIBLE, adult female interested in house or apt sitting spring quarter. Call 218 ASAP. 8 313 Eip typing punctuation, grammar, spelling 219 LOST. BLUE "WANG" NOTEBOOK. Missing from Chronicle office. Please return, no questions asked. Urgent. 227 359-786- (msg 227 marine) EIPTllENCEl TTPlNS IBM Seiednc II. $1 pg neat, quality work. Capitol Hill location 313 Susan, FOI AIT WOJtBPIOCESSINC NEEDS need, contact Bomu Maiallati al you may 363-722-6 219 4 0 Word Perfect quality printer 20 years epenence as typist secretary For last professional service call Diana Foi 32 8 TYPINS. Can check WORI PI0CESSH6. spelling, grammar, references, etc Thorough Accurate Experienced Mis 313 Weiley. fIiRMETTIelTsN TEACNEI Edits, word processes texts, dissertations, reports. Foreign graduate students welcome 313 FIOM YORK AIRFARE. WANTED 0 Word processing business experience, $1 12 years pp Editing 313 521 8983. AIRLINES CIUISEIINE NIRII6I Summer. Career Cood pay Travel Call for guide, ext cassette, newsservice (916) 4 192 WOAO PROCESSING 10 years txpenence Downtown location Reasonable rates Quality guaranteed Claudia at 3615713 days or 35 evenings Will PROFESSIONAL TYPINS. BA in English edit Emergencies art my specially Only 313 90tpage. TYPINS. IBM Computer wletter quality printer $1 per page Free spelling check 36 tutoring available Call 364 2544 6 wletter quality printer ad siies Flexible hours, high commissions Display sales some experience preferred Writing positions, music editor also 10 m 5 P m. 225 available Carl A COOD SUNMEI J0I7 individuLOOKING FOR als 18 years old and up Income $5 000 Sales work with 20 year eld company en a referral basts $10 minimum per presentation We work in 35 states Good experience, training, and environment. 485-6S3- 1 224 Travel. INTERNATIONAL adventure, student, budget, Eurail, cruises. IGTA, Europe, Orient. Please ask for Lilli. 363-853313 3J S469 600-73- MAJORING IN NURSING? Air Force PRIMED? news lor you You may be eligible tor a 2 or 3 year scholarship that covers tuition & fees, in addition to $100 a month Department of Aerospace Studies RC1C has good 32 6 STUDENT needed 20 STUDY WORK hrs r wk typing, general ottic work Call Jim Redding 219 OVERSEAS JOBS. Summer, yr round Amer S . mo Sightseeing Free info write Corona Del Mar, CA 92625 $900-200- 0 UC. PQ Europe. Australia, Asia All fields. B 48 MOTHERS NELPER to care tor 6 mo m N J area Call Ms (9 I m 5 p m , WANTED infant I housekeeping Russo collect 212 Mon.-Fri- 33 J PAIT TIME 12 TO $.30 P.M. Weekdays, some Saturdays. Marketing, general office. computer Input Must have car Send resume to PPMM. P.O. Box 1082. SLC. UT 225 84101. 313 260 MANUSCRIPT Resume services. English MA .former teacher gives papers creative touch for better grades ALPHA OMESA U I experience. Jan PAGE. 12 years 100 So. E. 364-347- 1 MY BEAUTIFUL LAUNDRETTE Can Friendship Survive Politic and Preiudtca 5 15. 7 00. 8 45 February 18 22 STOP MAKING SENSE Concert For Friends Thursday, Feb 19 10 30 pm U - correct spelling 272 5954 313 Rocky Horror PROCESSING. Papers, theses, near Easl (days), High Call Cindy 350-703-3 31.' (weekends, evenings). Can This Movie Survive Politics and Prejudice' Sat at 11 30 p m Every Fri TYPING WORD PROCESSING 90C OS. pickup 8 5 30. weekends Daytimes ' Elie is excellence, speedy' 220 ASK FOR UNIVERSITY 10 DISCOUNT AND THE NEW CALENDAR WORO s ) riDIVIPvir. FACT? M ATTENTION 87 GRADS you're planning to drive east, pick up a National Car Rental in SLC & deliver it to any of the cities below. Pay only for the gas you use. Milwaukee, Green Bay, La Crosse, Eau Claire, Appleton Wisconsin; Minneapolis & Rochester Minnesota; Chicago Illinois; Fort Wayne If Prepare now for your career with a job winnign resume from . . . Frr? Iwprfionn PROFESSIONALLY PREPARED COMPUTER LASER TTESET WHILE YOU WAIT SERVICE GUARANTEED RESULTS FREE CONSULTATION Salt Like City 531-617- Murray 268-836- Indiana. To qualify phone: National Car Rental 0 Salt Lake City Airport 3 539-02- r riX SC$ Month's t t FREEH jr2 Rent BEDROOM APTS. o. Round Jacuzzi 6 Blks. from Temple Square Air Conditioning 218 E 218 485-588- 2BEDR00M. PRIVATE GARAGE, laundry, sparkling clean, tile bath, 1168 So. 5th East. 0. 220 $289. DUPLEX S260MONTH utilities, large bedroom, 908 S. Denver St. (450 eves., 584-128-6 days, ask Heidi. E) 1 3 227 air, pools, tennis, gym. carpeted, security. 752 S. 400 E. $295mo. TWO BEDROOMS, 220 Saturday, March 7 0 Tee Shirrs Pries & Ribbom participants eligible lor prie drawing. by Man h 5lh or al 9 a.m. on March 7th. 56 $7 (ay of race Race proceeds benefit The Arthritis Foundation. Registration forms available at the P.T. School. Annex Bldg.. Wing B; Arthritis foundation, 1733 So. 1100 Easl: or at area sporting goods stores. 50-5- For More Information Call 486-49- 93 someone to buy my skiis with bindings (180 cm) Used only once Great 219 bargain UVE41 COukSELOR tor female group home close to U Room A board I salary, vacation 4 benefits Meredith frank. 220 kAhtyhOUSLKEEPEIf R1EK0 needed tor child, age 11. Mom travels on business Room and board plus small salary. or 363 8055 PROBOTElrlE UTAH ITRIPKOilT Pan lime evening hours Call 100-- 30 0 220 t season' M P 220 pm PERFECT COLLEGE EMPLOYMENT. Wanted part time secretary afternoon, general office, no enpenenct necessary Wage negotiable 2 Contact Amine. 220 days. CAREER OPPORTUNITY in ftancial services rapidly tupanding company, seeking success oriented men and women for marketing and management, superior ask tor income, fienble hours, call John or WORO 223 Greg AT LAW SCHOOL. Meed PR0CESSIN6 dependable work study student with skills 4 experience, flexible hours Elaine 223 available. We have openings in customers service 4 order taking Flexible schedule Up to $600 mo. 218 starting, will train PART TIME POSITIONS 485-123- Quick UNLIMITED Open 24 hours 200 University St Call 583-348- 0 GUADALAJARA SUMMER 303-969-82- Resort Jobs Unlimited SCHOOL P.O. E5ox 28061, 16 Lakpwood. Colorado 80228 University of Arizona offers more than 40 courses: anthropology, art, art history, bilingual education, folk music and folk dance, 1130 Cast 2100 5outh history, journalism, poThe Bay s aerobic exercise classes are a complete cardiovascular and body workout Co-e- d classes for all levels are held six days a week in a comfortable atmosphere. Individualized instruction lor high and low impact aerobics. Sat. All 4.T-56- 8 WAITED: Great copies. Creat people. At The Bay Fri. Research Park Course AM MAT indivtdual RESORT JOBS AEROBIC3 Mon. Tues. Wed Thurs Physical Therapy FIVE MILE RUN DEPEICASLE. ACCURATE to work lul' or part time in receiving, "6 deiivery lor local hydraulic shipptno firm. Must eniev working with liguies Ptease call lor interview 219 Tropical Beach Summer Jobs Call for your personal showing. 00 Sponsors competitiveness. No experience needed ,H be Simple instructions given, you mil visit their store. 4 lilt Out a research questionnaire afterward to reave 1 ot the free Hems above 218 Etinto's Resort Job's Unhmrled a now seeking applicants lo work , in tropical beach resort's lor ne! summer, m the hotel and restaurant industry There will be 3.000 jobs availablp in place like: Florida, U S. Virgin Islands. Hawaii. South Carolina. Granc Cayman and many more We need your response now to reserve your ob tor the summer months Buddy Plans available Fee involved Pioneer Valley Apts. Schedule: ASUU tor 2 or tree ski el your time market researcn firm needs individuals ts pose as prospective customers ol eur jetelry store client to determine quality ot service LAST CKiaCFJ Free passes tor 90 minutes (kwik)adj. 1. rapid; swift; speedy 2. prompt to understand or learn 3. without delay 4. Kinko's - 313 3 PreSs10NAL TYPIN690C of 218 cMMtrea required W0R0PIOCES$INfi Macintosh 51 7K Call Diane 4662860. EXPERT Swimming Pool 8 days hotel, meals. 5 with the Event Classified SALES POSITIONS PROFESSIONAL 220-260m- shows, tours, tip. ft taxes included. $799 more information, call Cory Thorell Possible through Plan-I- t Earth a13 000-$1- 0 WOW PNOCESSiKC TYPING EBITiNS. IBM PC. 1 & NEW FOX. Avermes. Sandi, correction I i ed lOU WAIT (appointments') ttNILE ork vritti eienientiry school age tMOm at the Salt La Roys Girls Dub Hrs y Won Thurs 124 Fn Contact Juy 46IV1540 tt apply CiperietK rta Cftuftsetor le products, etc. to help improve their 311 Spelling checked From $1 per OS pg Close to town 313 Le?tee 4662508 PRESCHOOL 2. 3. ft 4 ST. PAUL'S CHRISTIAN 5 classes Call 322 5869 or year-ol- d TRAVEL your wallet has been found. 5 Call 218 evenings to identity. LuTFBR0W 3 RING NOTEBOOK 210 Call 218 Gregg after 10 p.m. SAMANTHA 313 IBM caH Sue 466-760- iiWpji0CESSIN8-epeierK- ICIfltl lECIEITIIIPregran AFTEI -- AIW CSMPUTEItZEl W8II PIOCESSHS. Years ot epenence We speciame ta 3 pertection Wort guaranteed IS last accural Ptease service Lynn 219 Mieisen Computer. HOII PieCESSIftt. ClirUTEl Resum es. term papers, manuscripts, etc Same day Yr. APARTMENT. CLEAN. U TAN YOUR HIDE 311 side unfurn. 2 bdrm.. near bus, hookups. $275util. 1870Hillcrest. 278-948-1. Sat & FOUND 415 University Street. $405. Tenant pays heat and lights VERY IIPIIS PI8EESSI0NAL Seiectrc work Joyce. ft W 4 30. M F 5 45. 10 30 $25 mo. or $3 class 1 130 E. 2100 AEROBICS 223 AVENUES LOCATION. Duplex with fenced yard, close to LOS Hospital. Laundry 311 facilities included. Call 299-272- RENT (364-683- ji j : SUPEI FAST SEIVICE etra charge. Student papers, resumes, mad merge, etc. TYPINS 90c PER PAGT24 hr service, quality ".. Van Cott. double. FOR No deposit. Call Kay PRIME BEDROOM 220 flPEIT ITPIW papers, reports, tneses. eissertations Fast service A tec Typioa Servtce Eipet Worl Processing Typesetting. Salt City Type and Design 11 S3) 211 East 300 SoJtti 313 13 I Reasonable Free Corrections, revisions. Resumes composed from $7 50 Answering machine leave message 268 1149 223 SERVICES floors. 2 weeks rent free Student discount. Call THREE 6 2 bathroom 5 BEDROOM. ELEGANT Alt V8II PI9CESSIS vou may need, comad Borwa at KSiMEl THAT SET IESOLTS1 Professionally prepared resuwes. cover tenors CIS, aN ok carepag packages wruie you service, guaranteed results' for appoint-mtcall First Impressions Resumes legal near U with hardwood floors, earthtone colors, washer $l50mo. Catf 220 FM BEAUTIFUL VICTORIAN NOME UVSUGaTho'uSE. D'0RMncofRACt for Austin Halt VoiTkeep 6 223 deposit. Start $150mo Very NEW ROOMS 8RAN0 eane TYPING I HOCKS 272-42- THE GAMMA interested sprite, 582 2020 ROOMMATES 50 mm Dorm contract Austin Call FOR SALE: FAIATE with a student s 3 6 827-640- 8 36 MINOLTA Stephanie C OUR MET 6668 Mesa A2 FOI SALE. Nice bock rambler with bartile root. 4 bedroom. 2 baths 466 3240 227 satisfy both 2nd Avenue Cite, 1026 2nd Ave 118 225 lOOKMIfiloi fHlfVoSI Am slightly overweight, weir distinctive clothes, love hamburgers and goodies and am a great ages 17 24 and Universe 811 PATlilTS HE DEI for Study A9JIS paid $50 tor appro I te Cafl 277 S332 VI lens and 28 85 zoom lens less than one year old $400 or pest offer Contact at 539007 DINING uttirj ASAP PAGEAKT USA WrrtePO Bo HOUSE Call 223 3643SS apt 3t3 531026 364 2448 puce r House EvakiatMM treatment Keekry otterntattoa session ine cfear get Mondays at doom Cat) ft Sax lake Dun $ Family Therapy Dmc IUSSIAI LAlEuAGE and cuituit taught by Moscow native, lormer Russian journalist FOR SALE 218 UTOTinirCam 3&35mpg AMfM cassette, super reliable car. J? 300 1981 WMTI m change 24 hr. answering St&f emh 266-022-1 36 943-741- eesays 5 USPtlSilli. adult teaa IK seice 1 rK- - 223 211 automatic Me tires. AM f M stereo, super gas mileage, great condition In is a race one 12 195 otter steal 278 5115 other. II SIT KSfUfcL spin Weak 2 BR. SO conde $71 perso for eel S6U946 PERSONAL Cim MUSE by U newly moot, & 6 fenced yarfl. negotiable vearty lease fcco&ups. lew i ere 355-89223 2 1.7 It Orttuck reserves the rigw to m km c!sss.'l a8rtisf mels o trie MTCt ceM 5 45 pm 4 30 pm 5 45 pm 5:45 pm 4:30 pm 5 45 pm E 45 pm 10 30 am litical science, Spanish language and literature and intensive Spanish. Six-wee- j a 8 aI a IT1HI HIILUUIdUC studying and increase achievement goals? Office of For more information, 583-019- that livinn "on camDus" ini HIPnCHS Individual Rates: $25 per month, or $3.00 per class. $40 for two months. please call: 1 Residential Living I 581-62- 93 Ask for Doris session. k June29-August7,198- 7. Fully accredited program. Tuition $480. Room and board in Mexican home $520. EEOAA Write W Guadalajara Summer School Education Bldg., Room 434 University of Arizona Tucson. AZ 85721 (602) 621-472- 621-472- 0 9 or |