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Show The Daily Utah Chronicle, Tuesday, October 15, 1985 Page Twelve ACaTtSI RKBIRT. 512. S13S 2 met. (700 t yr. guarantee, rw-etierte DISCLAIMER IMS 64 2035 ftSTKENT BuAUM tANOftl seres the ngflt te acrerusemems ICTCE The CVwwc cass-tie- a eony m tat tass et ( dc I taste ie Cass tee ana propner OrrifSmens p a. wortears Ue mm M i ' as after 4 00 rfls S2 75 ear lotwws Qtw. 1 39 words (4 2Seay. 117 aays pnar tt Oassited M eeaaune rua. tnc eaK us tn C0k. Matt WXfCL M tXltOCCt fMsfM.M. AM top ! frptaccd. new comW-tt- o 1016 4o6-16l- 2 eooa eowd M itar tuts campus cryrsar w a cfemker UHLUJ , motor 581-547- 1016 1 1011 Rf CtlSE fUN. AU MM ew 205 cm SUtl parts s wittitopottriebneGen feindiftcs (185 Sunt Corona partake lOvti typewriter, S35 Cal 582-43- R4MQRI S0 attord Ul UE tor a pnet yM cax art retait quality imonas. TGU wvesied Absolutely loaded t3S00e 53ee As tor Robert. 1011 days. 71 PiNTI UTCklaCL looks flood, runt 1017 pood Only KM 3567670 1 Sfd a gd" 72 flY BUSTER. 6 cyimoer. 3 condition, runs well 4 new tires. 2 re 1017 tnow tires tSOO 5821011 turd IEETIE. Good running 117 V condition Soma rust Cad 9617664 after 4 1015 p m weekdays. 1971 fORB P1MTB. 2000 CC looks OK. runs OK AMFM cassette (450 Call V K 562 3067 or 972 2634 1015 C IN Citras. 71 cond Musi . 71 OaTSUI 118. 77K. 12.000 or best otter CaN after 5 p m Eiceiieni meet) 355-781- 0 1011 cond a. 1974 fC PtCRUP. (900 1022 466-773-4 IAR6JUM 1(74 AMC NORNET, Hatchback 1021 (795 Call 487312 FOI (ALE 71 AUDI FOX Must sell soon, (1 200 or best otter 5954834 1021 1971 V01V0 8PCRT WAGON, Musi see to eves 7 great condition (2.500 or otter 1016 apprtoatt, ID P0ITUC FlRERiRO Great condition 1980 (3.350 or best otter. 1021 263-073- 4 1018 Salomon 747, Marker M40 bindings. 1 pr downhiH skis 215 cm easy 4 1018 tormng. period cond Sti EQUIPMENT. CUttEt at Sala Sum Neil C00KIN8 class Oct. 26 Book rto 1015 359-265- private parties 1 catering thru the holidays Call Oebby for details. 1018 (ALA (IAN OFFEK 581-41- includes fork and headset. (260 lodd Arenson. eves 9 1016 WHY BENT WNEI YOU CAR 017 Foothill Gardens condominium. 2 bedroom. 2 bath, replace, newly redecorated, pool, (acuta, sauna, weights, covered pkg Terms 1025 negotiable 531 5136. NP4IC0UAD.sameasHP4lCV(l25.HPl5C (70 Both excellent condition, manuals 1021 included computer w2 disk drives, dot modem. (450 or best Call 1021 9699647 eves 4 weekends TRS BO ML printer A MUSI (ELL Ml DORM lemale. CONTRACT. Male pay (75 dep plus (150 Lisa 6 1021 IUY INSTEADI Low price brick home great for a couple or a duplex w4 bedrooms or a prestigious condo bedrooms. Call agent Dan Judd, Ramsey Group w2 1025 (21 A WEEK A UP. Clean. Kitchen. Ouiet. Furnished Rooms Free Phone. Cable. HBO, TV. Men. Women & Couples. Near Univer1025 Anytime sity. 583-300SPACIOUS ONE IEDR00M. convenient location, only (200 utils. right person(s) 335 2nd Ave. 328-1091015 2 8EDR00M. new paint, NICE carpet, drapes, parking, extremely clean, quiet. 10th E 221 So. 1015 278-641- CAPITOL AREA. 2 bedroom apartment in renovated 120 yr. home. 2 bath, fireplace, washer, dryer, gourmet kitchen, 1600 sq tt. (425. 390 Quince St Brad near APT. ONE BEDROOM paid. (250. 363-172- of U. All utilities Todd. 1016 housing available close or Board included. Inquire at FEMALE to U. U 1016 359-103- STUOENTS. 1 1016 ideal for student life Quiet, clean, secure studios & one bedrooms (225 and up. includes gas utilities See Mrs. Gillett. 120 South 300 4 1024 East CHARMING DOWNTOWN APARTMENTS 363-439- to assume dorm contract. Will pay deposit 1018 plus (150. Call WANTED. MALE OR FEMALE STUDENT 364-142- 8 12 BLOCK TO U. Newly renovated for students. New bathrooms, carpet, paint, furniture. Private, clean, quiet Rooms with kitchen privileges start at (175 Room and or board (255. 1310 E. 200 S. 583-643- 3 1018 278-135- STUDIO APT, Call 2 furnished, utilities paid. (190. or 1021 TWO BEDROOM APT. Unfurnished, near Liberty Park. (250mo. NEED AFFORDABLE pets OK. util. Call 1021 large yard, basement apt Clean, light, warm 4 rooms, kitchen, after 6. bathroom. Rick, U. 583-518- 3 1018 at affordable prices With activity card style cuts (5. perm (20 Hair Sculpting free with 9 purchase Call lor appointment 595-029- 1025 is Utah s finest, largest more or 6495400 OFF PASS AT PARK WEST. For information, call FINANCIAL 363-749- 1028 REWARO for male volunteers. Needed for drug research trials All protocals. reviewed & approved by U. Must Human Rights Committee Ages 0 be in very good health. Volunteers will remain hospitalized for 9 days during 6 October. November, or December between 9 4 3pm. leave name 4 phone f 1015 HAIRCUTS SB. Perms wcut (28. Close to campus. ValLynn't Hair Cottage. 566 3rd Ave. 111 322-067- 4 for Halloween or just tor wearing 20 oft thru Oct. 31. Clothes, hats, shoes, purses, etc. Afterglow Antiques. 2611 South State Mon.-Sanoon 5. 1031 SELECTION OF VINTAGE CLOTHING LARGE t. NEPAL TREKKING. ON YOUR OWN: (1 admission to "How To" show on this amazing region. Behavioral Sciences Auditorium. Thursday 1017, 7 30 p.m. 19 inch, SPEEO READING a must for students Homework no problem. Telic Reader. 1213 OVERSEAS JOBS. Summer, yr. round.. 1017 6 NEEB SERVICES EATING BIS8R0ERSBUUMIA (ROUP. Um eves 6 00-- 7 PSYCNBTNER-AP- 30 Can M B wmttafcor at the San Lake Child and Family 8 1213 Therapy dime TRAVEL VOUCHERS, west coast Cities trow (69. Phoemi (39. Dallas (89. Denver (49 Ph A 1025 534-020- 0 81 ANBTIERI Travel or larot" Experienced agent Free newsletter on current liavel bargains. Hawaii. Peoples Express. Eurail. etc Tarot Cad readings include mini lesson (10 LilU ONE TRIP 111 1986 Call Debby at Jan TOUR. THAILAND Sala Siam tor details Europe. S Amer . Australia. Asia All fields. (900-200- 0 mo Sightseeing. Free info. Write Corona Del Mar. CA IX. PO Box 1113 92625. CLASSICAL MUSIC LOVERS: Volunteer ushers needed for the Utah Symphony. Committment to full concert schedule per academic quarter. Complete training Call Gloy Barwick, Box Office Manager. 1025 HAIR CARE. Cut 4 style (10 Perm with cut 1024 (25. Good with Tim Call WANT INVOLVED? Did TO GET you miss fall Formal Rush? It's not to late to join a Fraternity or Sorority! Fall Informal Rush, For women's Oct. men's Oct. registration and info stop by Rm. 270 Union 1016 or call TUXEDO JUNCTION annual used tuxedo sale. formal Tux coats October 50. shirts (5; vests, sashs 4 ties. (1 Come early for best selection! 1231 E. 33rd YOU DO TYPING DURING the 1 8th century a zoo'at the Tower of London admitted visitors if they took along a cat or dog to feed to the lions. TYPINC. 90Cpage 12 years U of U experience I correct spelling 4 grammar 12M3 Jan 272 5954 I YPIRB. Expert typing word processing Reports, resumes, papers, theses, dissertations. 211 E. 300 So AZTEC 12M3 WO KB thesis, PROCESS) your Reasonable rates. 9 Call 1213 A4W COMPUTERIZED WORD PROCESSING. Call us first Will meet all your typing needs 1213 583-132- 3 Fast and PROFESSIONAL TYPING 7S40S PS. accural IBM Selectric Call Sue. 943-741- 4 1213 days evenings. and or letter quality printing Leading Edge computer, IBM anytime. 1025 compatible. Call PROFESSIONAL TYPISTS. Theses, reports, resumes, etc Pick delivery available 1026 Susan Kathy PROCESSING WORD 1 569-049- 967-254- at reasonable EXCELLENT TYPING SERVICE price. Close to "IT. Sherry, evenings. FORMER ENGUSN TEACHER 563-678- 8 available at Airport Hilton. Part full time positions. 1021 (4hr. Call Personnel SETUP ANO SERVER POSITIONS 539-151- dressmaking and alteration p.m. Donne ita s experience, part lime 582- - 7209. 1017 SEAMSTRESS, 2-- 6 TEACHER, playschool. Emigration Canyon area. 3 children. Fridays 9 a m 3 pm. 1021 or 1026 583-66- Word FEDERAL STATE ANO CIVIL SERVICE JOBS now available in your area. For info, call 1015 (602) 837-340- 1 Dept. 1146 TYPING. WORO PROCESSING. 12 years legal 4 secretarial experience. 2 blks from U, (1 STUDENT FOR CARPENTER'S HELPER in Centervitle Experienced, afternoons flex 1017 schedule. (4. 0 1213 p p. 1015 583-078- PROFESSIONAL WORO PROCESSING. 10 experience Call Kathy years 115 262-728- PROFESSIONAL TYPING ANO DICTATION. Quality bond paper. Special student discount. 1016 262-628- TYPING, term papers, resumes, business. Sugarhouse location. 9 00 am. to 600 pm 1112 484-940- SALES OPPORTUNITY. Health Club. Wage commission Part time or full. Fun. good 1018 pay. Neil, WANTED 537-733- MALE needed to assist disabled young adult living in CARE ATTENDANT area Cottonwood MODELS NEEDED Call 111 466-341- for hair cutting, perming an coloring: more information call Barbara Lisa and Cathy Linda 1018 263-660- WORK, part time, flexible hours. Civil engr. or earth sciences SECRETARIAL background. FORTRAN and must be a good typist desired. 1021 BASIC 359-504- open for drivers 4 order takers, eves. 4 wkends. Apply in person only. Freewheeler Pizza, Holladay or Murray stores. 1015 POSITIONS PART-TIM- E 2-- 3 9-- 466-872- OR FEMALE VALETS. Club Monday thru Fri. 2-- 364-765- OR Joyce. ii m 4-- 7 1018 S. ACTING i ?10 PAY FOR SCHOOL THROUGH For details call Lon. HOME ERA 533-802- TO 1018 EUROPE in the future 1018 1017 Bad Drivers Wanted Paying too much for auto insurance? Reasonable rates for persons with 3 or more tickets. Call for Comparison Quote. Utah material in U. of U. and HDC archives. Can be done part-timat convenient hours. Background in history, archival sciences useful. Send brief, pertinent resume, references as applicable to: D. Menkes, 2530 Coventry Circle, Fullerton, CA, 92633. So. e, aa : a. PRjlS. I i tax break for your parents. Find out how you can buy a close to 'U" condo with pool, tennis, hot but, and club house. Plus save money too! 967-616- 2. A New DCE Course in TAE KWON DO Salt Lake's Only APCS Member FREE UPDATINGPRINTING 1 164 Self-defen- IS training for men and women. Master Y.W. Kim, 5th Dan International instructor Tues Thurs. p.m., Naval Science Bldg. Keg. open through 1018 (see instructor) For information call se 5j 30 WtXUTf Ms 1 55 Mm i it r Ik Comp, M Specializing in Imported Gifts, Clothing, Baskets and Jewelry hJ Enlargements, reductions, and oversize copying at convenient hours. I can plan on it at Kinko's. kinko's Great copies. Great people. Featuring: Wild Crazy Handmade Sweaters From Europe and bouth America Silver Handcrafted Jewelry From Mexico, Europe, and Carribean Found Treasures From Around The World So. & Trolley Square 583-34- 80 Now open 24 hrs. a day ( live and a large to Call EXPERIENCED WRITER i4 1328 E. 200 i f J i 1 evenings 1017 uuaranieea 583-64- 54 3-- KINXO'S. 583-321- 3 II SLC, Utah 84102 Stanyon. 1018 Research Assistant wanted to look up II 11 Free delivery to all city hospitals and on campus 1310 East 200 South OWNERSHIP. excellent CLOSE (59.900 2 bedroom brick bungalow. New (12.000 roof, large private yard with children's play area. Excellent condition. Call Helen Thornton at Peter Alfeld at ext. 6842, or Envirowest 1016 Realty. TO BIG 1018 364-052- m 562-26- cials. 8 weeks stage, film, audition tapes. Call II OFF with Student I.D. 1022 FAST SOLUTIONS STUDIOS. TV commer- AT SOVEREIGN M References required. ( RESUME $7 485-826- week. Call 1015 i Place (15-S4- 14-3- lillll ii ...... . . i for boys, girls. Beg to 77, 7 p.m. Mon. 4 Th. 277-91 l'l And Up to Executive Level Compare Our Prices Quality 2520 S. State CHARMING CHILDREN seek marvelous Mary Poppins. PT with possible live-in- . Must have own safe car and be reliable. THREE showing (50-(20- 0 times 4 966-489-3 GYMNASTICS COACH intermed. pm. COUPLES make 15 minute video English comp . eves, for 1016 466-847- 5 interview. 566-960- LADIES m Lit. Grammar. (5 nr. PARENT, "A JOB WINNING" NATIONALLY PERSONALIZED. TUTORING. state funded residential treatment facility for autistic adolescents. Live-i- n position. Rm. 4 board plus salary or 1016 TEACHING The Autism Teaching Home is looking for motivated enthusiastic people 1015 may be a student, one child OK. High energy level necessary. Work with children 0-- 0 yrs 72 hour coverage needed 6 every nine days. Call Bertha at 10716 benefiting Special Olympics. Work eves (4hr. salary plus bonjs. nights. Sat. Average salary. (6 50hr. Call Steve Brown 1025 at AUTISM. to work with 4 children during the weekend. Graveyard. 12 hour shift Friday. Saturday 4 Sunday. Weekend training specialists. 2 pairs of individuals or partners for team work 12 hours Saturday 4 Sunday once or three times a month. Housekeeper, split shift cooking 4 cleaning Apply at 255 E. 4th tome make a So. Suite 107 or call 359-887- tarn cxira income. nuuccKHcma, Husband permanent telephone sales program 295-686- difference PERSONAL EXTRA INCOME? Look no further. Wt need enthusiastic, outgoing people tor our NEED 2 will Edit Process dissertations, reports, graduate foreign students preferred. 15-1- 16-1- Did You Know? 1018 359-265- fast-pace- d Jasmine. 3640522. TO U. 942-44- 84 4flE Hemrich Egghart and the Outdoor Program of Campus Recreation. 1016 Practice your French. German. Call FOR SALE 363-367- to Share house (1 60. mo . utilities BOON MATE MANTES I'LL TYPE National. FUJI 12 SPEED BICYCLE. eon-smok- er FEMALE IMPROVE YOUR SELF ESTEEM ARE YOU TRAVELING cond., (250 or offer. e 50-(- 3 HOUSING? for large 1 & 2 bdrm. apts. Swimming pool hot tub. 6 blocks from Temple Sq. S200 off first month rent. 1028 S2O0M0. close to IS (a ARE turn-shtMurray heme, wasti dry disft Prefer grad 10 K 2G&2C72. Student papers, reports, resumes, ttc. WORK RENTING? 10' 17 467 3377. 3646806 PERSONAL 10725 533-090- la m Sugartiouse BBGIMA Tf 825-586- 6 matchmaker Meet that special someone Call 322 5358 Students, staff welcome units near U. your lock, your key. (8 and up. Special 1030 student rates yea FOI ULi Qose to U 4 txiims 1 bath. 2 tireptaces private yard. (83 000 Terms availabit tor quick sale 1021 582 5067. BATE MATE SECURE. INSIDE. SELF STORAGE share 9 bedroom duple 6WNER. 359-265- FOR RENT smcAer temaw 583-854- BY HOUSE ENTERTAINMENT THAI 10 15 Ul mm 1018 CONPUTEK Osborne Executive ponabK complete with software and printer (795 Radia Shack Model III complete with software and printer (795 Call Mr Johnson or 581 5634 (during daytime) 35S-18S-8 5sp AUFM cass great sett 3618060 1018 . CX m iOI MANTES. lovely remedied WAITER, noma BESPMSJILL constdoraic roommate to share witn VF 3 bdrm, great iocatto 1021 (125 13 tud 532 1430 eves ITAUAN RACING FRAME. 57 cm tXIROCCft V Ae TT liAICM I ITAUA (CYCLE. Columbus St50 frame Campagnoio Record Modota 2 sets wheels (399 95 Revta SlI TIAK KEYBOARD SYNTHESIZE I. progranv mabl easy to learn, versatile, polyphonic. 1021 (625. Pave 486-08- BBtlMATC 464-668- 0. charcoal gray, loaded many cond J10.300ot1er 1011 S20L CEC. ROOMMATES MarlTtftSa 1 451-7- 543-95- engagement wedding rings 4 nvitations San lake Jewelry Co Micdael Snew 11 8 Brian FwUmer 5S34497 322-44- 2001 0'tat car ov IM SS.50C . ACSUSTC Ucaient A 10-1- Ptll SPtbAL fe (40 mm 2t toctuoes cut Long na extra Med Fa 4 S ewy Street to Asa tor Ana Haircuts TO 1 111 Ca 1674 1 130C Sa 1031 K 335 It mmvt case confl lio (220 Bot 353-966-1 Can frt2 5230 ftoaacts 1V BBC 322 Dynamic VR 17 eicenent conditio, low 20C2. tlerior Hies, 1171 UNITE Rut refl 355-711- tt. Catnpagnoia 10 IS 117) 'papers. S2&er CiA 1016 CAUSE TB Alt BfTMEl CUU. fcae beat paruna bete! and trarnc itasss Get m sbape. teal great too arens Ewy a 466-255- 0. "S2 mj-&ft 36H512. RITOfECAtE AUTOMOTIVE 1ST lcX oner Man 6ros frefl wanw taMna macs tesctfts 17 Etefacaos pcssu MMEY NAM LASIX . . 575-84- 34 and you always thought Trolley Square was expensive! r |