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Show The Dtfly Uta Chronicle, Mawdajr, December , lt32 Twelve Utes-sw- past Coy gairs In we tood mti m nd The Utah swimming team came away with two easy, albeit unexpected wins, this weekend as it rolled over Brigbam Young 77-Friday night in the Ute nstatorium and again 77-5-6 over the Cougars Saturday in Provo. The two dual meets kicked off the 1982-8- 3 season for the and defending Western Athletic Conference champion Utah team. The Ute coaching staff had voiced. some concern on the outcome of the first two meets. "I didn't have any idea that we would win by that wide of a margin," Ute head coach Don Reddish said after Friday's competition. "The key was mat we got off to a good start and just kept going after that." Utah' opened the meet Friday with five consecutive wins in the first five events and never looked back as it rolled over the Cougars. The Utes captured nine of 12 events. The Utah 400-yamedley relay team started 36 12-ti- me Ute iwimmer Pat Hayes. rd ALMOST NEW WOMEN'S MARK V SKIS, Nordica boots, poles and bindings, call AUTOMOTIVE has Dungeons 8 Dragons. Traveller, and STAR FLEET Battles. Plus 14 anything Atari. Call WATERSEBS CSMPLETt 4 129. $159. Includes headboard. $179. Bookcase styles. or 15 E.T. N9S8IES 1MI SUZUKI SSI SLX Fairing, shift drive, stoned disc brakes. 4 cyl. 9 months old. Beautiful red & black. after 5p.m.. 12--4 6 or 1210 p.m. 581-350- 1972 MOVA for $400. Runs well, great 5 or 126 heater. Bob 466-252- 1994 TIUCK CHEVY 261-28- 5. -- T9. Matchmakers. Affordable fee. Dates or visit office Call 322-53113 anytime. 369 East 900 South. CLOSE TB U European Skin Care. Facials, GUARANTEED! 943-258- pedicures, lash dye. waxings SPECTRUM I2 AUQJOPMLE SPEAKER CABLE will improve any system. 50 centsft. at 9. DISCRIMINATOR. 2132 S. 1100 E., good condition. reliable, good tires. S800. 126 1975 NOMA 750. many new items. $750. 3. TROLYSIS' Call Sinikka FOR & (Automatic). New Brakes, muffler & (Ext. 1050) & battery, runs good. 582-15355-213- 4 after 5 p.m. 1210 6n Lingerie, bedroom toys. Sharon 112 state 1 licensed. The business with a continued 126 great future. BLACK KUHLI LOACHES, Silver Angels, 78 available. 7. TENPENNY in SCISSORS 416 E. 900 So. This for children of all ages. STORYTELLING ' Fon nEHT 2 KDRMS. NEAR U. Ail elec.. all carpet, gym, pools, tennis. $155person. 126 572-086- ONE BEDROOM utilities - KZ APT.-Wa- lking 6 after 7:30. distance to $115, plus 126 3 SR. FURNISHE0 MOUSE Close in $475mo. Terrific view. 328-069- 1 (0) 355-140-1 m (H). PROFESSIONAL OFFICE SPACE available next to University campus. Please call for appointment to see. s 581-30- 128 one bedroom FOR THE WINTER ONLY apartment in Sugarhouse. Call eves Tel. 486-052- 8. 6-- 127 Close to University. One, two bedroom, one with fireplace. Dave APTS. FOR RENT. 128 322-377- 5. : or MUST MOVE. SELLINS queen-siz- 1210 582-112- 1. bed, bar and stools, e more; 7. & " SKI ROOTS. Nordica Lady Comps. Size 6, good shape. $75 or best offer. DORM CONTRACT FOR SALE. Will throw in 75 doUar deposit. Call Ask for Mark: : 1210 127 J8L MONITOR LOUDSPEAKERS. Professional quality and performance. Serious inquiries only. Call after 10 p.m. for appointment. 127 AWESOME STEREO. . " people on the way up often need a starting point. Apply for a scholarship and the Army R0TC two year 1219 program. Call John Wynn. UPWARS MOBILITY semiturntable; 45 watt Quartz-locke- d FOR SALE. Van Cott apartments. Will sacrifice $75 deposit & a of Moosehead. Dave 5844824.127 DORM CONTRACT Home computers are at a price even "U" students can afford. I am a mfg. rep for the VIC 20, America's 81 computer. This baby does it all 35 video games, full type. Keyboard (not punch plate), 5K RAM. fully expandable wthe best peripherals. This is a real computer) No gimmicks. Instant delivery. Call Ronn at THE TIME IS NOW 126 6RATEFUL DEAD SCREENED Excellent quality, wonderful designs. $7.00 7. Heidishirts, 779 East 3rd South. 1210 BUSINESS CARDS PRINTED ON BRASS. mounted on marble. $7 Heidishirts, 779 East 3rd South, . 7. 7 a 113 5271. p.m. 117 Sat. mornings. M-- PROCESSING Let Yale Ph.D. pe your theses, papers, resumes, letters. ext storage and editing, even right mar gins, prkitwheel variety, scientific symbols. much more. 467-285-6. 113 QUALITY WORD PROCESSINB & typing service, theses, reports, resumes. Discount for Call Karen WORK 110 966-750-8. Experienced typist can BUARANTEEO. WANTED. Furnished rm. share rest of house with yard. 15th E. & 30th So. S125& 6. 126 utilities, (app. $20) correct and edit APT. TO SHARE, dose to U, M or F. $100 & utilities! Responsible persons pica, elite. Can check spelling, references, etc. Mrs. Nelley, 14 BOARDER call or 355-62- 127 485-111- RESPONSIBLE FEMALES TO SHARE HOME near campus, $115mo. plus share utils. 127 afternoons. 364-83- 5th AVE HOUSE, excell. bus, cozy. M or Call 532-84btwn F. 126 a.m. or 4--5 p.m. any day. $100 SHARE ROOMMATE WAHTED to share 4 bedroom house. 1430 Harrison Ave. $135 month. Call 9. 1210 Keith SERVICES Excellent work. typewriter. 110 278-358- TYPINB WITH WORD PROCESSOR EXPERIENCED 467-432- RUSH JOB SPECIALIST. Electronic ribbon. Robyn film 485-397- ROCK. COUNTRY. JAZZ I POP instruction RESIDENCE HALLS CONVENIENCE 581-62- 93 Call Janette. 6:00-7.-0- 0 WANTED 5-2- your typing. You'll be glad you did! Pickupdelivery. US FIRST for all CJrb A Cuyi make al Pregnancy Testing quote 943-713- 1. FARMERS INSURANCE CROUP ! mow money easier than you can believe. On camow, in your spare time, an exciting business. Instant hen-to(waist, Mpt, thighs, etc.). Have fun, , teach everybody how a make MOIWy doifej it -- st : Measure-U- p! Phone America Inc. 486-5749- --. You've already made it J ' " Enjoy a leiaure nite before Examalllll location. Experience. Reasonable. Also theses dissertations. Sherry 3630776. 1210 pounds in 30 days guaranteed. 100 natural diet plan helps you lose weight with herbs. Get rid of fat and cellulite without starvation. X J I J festive dinner & dancing till midnight Call $9 277-983- Student Involvement Center 270 Union. . 10.-0- DECEMSER8, 9 Polyoster J J 75. 9:20 Last Tango in Paris 5:15. 11. 0. I ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW Every Fort Douglas Military Club J Fit and Sot 11 pjn, 1 am. Prepare for February 19 - mm iV in 500,7:30. . money back. CallJeff 466-365- 9 between 10 a.m. 4 p.m. for FREE samples. , Free copies available J Baron Of Beef ; the way you like it December 7, 6 p.m. St. Nicholas 100 satisfaction guaranteed or your student rights and responsibilities. Last Tango in Paris J , OVERWEIGHT? 10-2- 9 DECEMSER6.7 . . Singles & Couples All Welcome FAST. ACCURATE TYPINB? Convenient Every "student should have a copy detailing Free-Confidenti- 3.0 CPA 355-592- 1210 in Need a Friend? 0 you have at least a cumulative or a 3.0 for your last quarter, I can save you 25 on your auto insurance. Monthly terms available. Call for a comparison If 12n0 University of Utah 531-609- Good Students Wanted! typesetter for Sunstont magazine. Type 70 wpm accurate. Flexible hours. Call Rebecca 126 at 363-919- 7. Pregnant? Birthright 277-939- 2. 2fi6-444- 6. Selectric 1210 Lose for special study. Adults paid $50 for 128 approx. 1 nr. opportunities. Call today for interview Some clerical positions also 1210 available. . , to train as TYPIST WANTEB. part-tim- e, "MEASURE-UP- 1210 . RECENT MONO ON STREP PATIENTS NEEDED afternoons 1 120 OPENINBS-Telemark- eting p.m. to 5 p.m. Goodcommissions, evenings 5:30 til 9:30. $3.50 per hour. Advancement typewriters. Experienced, reasonable REED 12710 467-413- 8. 584-439- 6. 1210 or Susan, all or part of education. Hard work necessary, but working smart is the key. Do you have what it takes? Call Chris Rogers for an interview p.m. weekdays. pay EXPERIENCED TYPINB done at home. Neat, accurate work. IBM Correcting Selectric III. 561-99- 328-859- 9 12? 127 - 486-960- -- 3. Area Ski Totals EVENINB KOURSI EXCELLENT INCOME! Help machine, 484-858-5. 8 Resort 1981 New 1982 51 " Arte ; O" 95" O" Snowbird 31" 96" 47" 87" 0" Brighton . . . . . Solitude 46" 0" 85" 18" Perk City 0" 59" 0" 40" 72" Brighton Ski Touring Ctr New enow totals are projected values forecasted for area ski resorts. Extended Forecast: Generally overcast skies with the risk of a scattered rain or snow shower will develop by Wednesday. Any activity which northern Utah receives will remain relatively for afternoon light. Temperatures will reach toward 40-4- 6 readings and will sink to near 29-3- 5 during the evening. Bette M-- CALL voice, group singing, piano, bass, sight singing, & lead sheets. We teach what you want to know. Call the Brad Chapman 14 Studios today. 0-- 28-3- University Medical Center, if interested. TYPIST: Fast, accurate; IBM Selectric; convenient SW valley location; after 6:00 p.m., anytime Saturday. rates. Rita, -- - papers, theses, letters. Text storage, right margins. Call 1210 TYPINB. CONVENIENT AVENUE AREA. 0 years of age. Liberal financial remuneration. Report to room 4E82, 18-6- 128 TYPINB AV0R0 PR0CESSIN8 278-481- 5. 272-778- 3. .... 9-2- 0 TYP1RBW0RD EXPERT TYPINB. REASONABLE RATES. Overcast Morning Weather .... Ptly Cdy Evening Weather 5 . Morning Wind mph NW Evening Winds . . 5 mph NW 2 Maximum Temps .". . . 440-4Minimum Temp . . . ... 30 .47 Yesterday's Low Yesterday's High 0.00" Storm Totals 0.00" Daily Precipitation Yesterday's Snow Depth: 06" Skiers' Forecast: Increasing cloudiness early this morning will give way to the chance of a few scattered snow showers by afternoon. Today's high temperature will register between 3 1 34 after an early morning low of 1 Ridgetop winds will be out of the west today averaging between 1 5 mph. A moderate avalanche hazard will remain in effect today for all aspects steeper than 30 above the 9000 level. -- 12:30-7:0- a.m. :, 128 . NEEDEB FOR DRUB TRIAL. 10-da-y confinement in the hospital. Cannot leave the ward during that time Males only. 100 wpm, 854 page, accurate, home all day 4. VOLUNTEERS 1210 966-031- 3 MM CORR. SELECTMC 6-- Kathy letters, theses, anything you need typed. IBM Selectric. Gayle 5 127 2 to 3 hrs day. General office & computer work. Also 1 night a week (plenty of study time on night shift). Call Rob or 1210 272-405- 8. TYPING 966-123- - ; PART-TIM- E . dissertations, appraisals. Chris .Trust. Sciences. Satisfaction guaranteed. Reasonable rates. Call: Diana Fox ACCURATE FAST TYPIST, "RESUMES. ETC" - Low rates Papers, theses, manuscripts, legal briefs, resumes, cassette transcribing, plays, FNMA be true? Maybe, if that's your response. To the rest of you, call my office to schedule yourself into an Introductory Meeting Wed. at 9 a.m., 12 noon, 3 p.m. or 7 p.m. Mr. Forbush 3224411. The Recreational Resort manu- THESES, 126 y SALES: S3.0S0 BY CHBJSTMASToogood to al 322-12- 126 interview, equations. IBM Selectric II. 12 years experience as secretarytypist. way $458, roundtrip $658 also other individual budget super saver fares to Taipei, Hongkong, Bangkok. Singapore, for Minila. ask for Roy (801) information. 1210 1210 t. fuR-tim- e. EXP. INFANT CARE IN OUR HOME. Beg. for January 3. Ref. required. Call 355-245- 6 scripts, reports, resumes, letters, tables, e Tokyo-on- Mon-Sa- DISSERTATIONS. NEEDED Training available. $2,000 cash bonus. $4,000 education assistance. For more information, call SFC Verl Lamb CORRECTIONS. 363-657- TYPING 1210 Los Angeles to 968-604-1. Today's Forecast: Skies will be partly cloudy this morning and will gradually deteriorate into mostly cloudy conditions by afternoon. A weak ridge of high pressure wilt slowly pass through the area allowing for some substantial cloudiness to develop across the region late Monday and early Tuesday. Winds will be light and out of the northwest between 0-- 5 mph. Chance of any measurable precipitation will range between 20 percent this morning, increasing to 40 percent by afternoon and leveling off to near 50 percent during the evening. Weather Summary Ave.. Rand Perrier 110 ROOMMATE REFERRAL SERVICE 7 days week. M-- F. 9--8. S&S 2-- 7 p.m., 322- - WEATHER by Erie Gurney and Robert Long Chronicle Staff Meteorologists 0-- SKIERS SERVICES at reasonable rates. Ask about "get acquainted" special. Call Karen noonr.iATES 127 277-141- 3. Laguardia. Before $135. Call after 8 p.m. David TYPING automatic, direct-driv- e amp, two ultralinear power bass speakers, cassette. Steal at $750. Call Grant 532-570- 2. 584-45- much the memories, you're great morning, noon & night Love S., Me. T, C. & 1210 MEDICAL LAB SPECIALIST 487-723- 8. NEW YORK. ONE WAY. LEMMA: T. THANKS for sofas, lamps, 1. FOR SALE the incompetency of an engineer is directly proportional to the retail prices of his calculator. Waking Owl 128 Books, 1260 East 4th So. 244 MIDS, 170cm. Unmounted. $65 484-251- 3 484-101- University and shopping 1210 KIM FOR ROMANCE. Am 5'6". 22, cute, 8. 127 honest male. Call John TOM'S 1210 Reasonable rates, fast service, (best to call early am, 1210 eves) Judy WORD PROCESSINB-Chea- per than typing! Premium error-fre- e Quality at the low December price of $1.B0page less than you'd pay for a typist (draft and final). Overnight, if you need it. Call Myma, The Honcho. at Lasting Impressions. 633 3rd 110 466-798- 1210 s The Utah National Guard or lor 30 SERVICE ItlYtfc 295-272- finest unit has immediate openings for both non-priand prior service personnel. Learn while you earn an outstanding pkg. of pay benefits incL free college tuit. or cash bonus. Come visit us at the 144th Evacuation Hospital 750 Guardsmen Way, SLC or can SFCVerl Lamb, Call Kathy d. BVERNIBNT PR00FREA0INB MEET THE 0EMAN0 for travel agents! 8 week course. Internship gives you valuable FARES FCSI 355-618- 3. TRAVEL LOW double-space- 467-390- 6. LOO 1210 SKIS d 533-544- 6, Fast turnaround. IBM C0R9ECTHM. repay your addition to a good, In Mike Krelo. 533-548- 9; pages or less. Quality professional typing 1210 at low rates. CaB Laura 0ELI6HTH Jackson Hole Condo December 17-2Sleeps 8!! Cheap! Cheap! 364-60- 484-688- or offer. 5834427. 1615 Foothill Dr. In LampHghter . 128 Square. 571-577- 0. by 5. TYPINB 113 job theGuard will pay up to 90of your student loan. For more information, call: Kim (JilNs. ext 34; Vert lamb. e part-tim- enced typist, guaranteed, fast work. 1210 reasonable rates. Yvonne Close to U. 951 after 2 p.m. 486-535- 3 student loan. CBPIES by experi- PROFESSIONAL IBBKINfi 127 20 off your wedding floral package thru December. Fresh or fine silk designs. Come by or call. The Black Dahlia Alan Rogers pm. downtown evenings after 6 LET THE UTAH NATKMAL BUARS phone. Volume typing for less. Home days. Call JoAnn 1210 BRIBES TO BE. training. A 1210 533-959- 9. PROFESSIONAL TYPHIS NEAR U. Dictation or group. ask for Pat. hair salon for your facial structure for appt. 117 and lifestyle. Call U NEEO 1983 of U Calendar HOMES 12 U BUYS on sale now. BookstoreUniv. Union. best-suite- L80Nt individual RACQUETBALL page $1.00 1210 ? 127 as one of Utah's best. Scissors works individually weach client to determine a style 127 The finest selection. Waking Owl Books. Weeknights til 8. 1260 East 4th South. 3. R31TB to work in new UJ store. Must be free to work IBM 268-957- t calendars. CMUSTMAS CARD1 PBSTCARBS jobs. TYPINI-r- ush PROFESSIONAL yle Correcting Selectric. all types of paper. 1210 manuscripts, legal, thesis. IBM TYPINB SEL Term papers, theses, reports, etc. English & spelling corrected. 277-933- 2. 1210 owned by Steve Coppola is recognized 440 liquid Very fast. service. Call Sooty Sean at Student discounts available. different on the ity Employer. 581-70- Wednesday, December 15th, 8:00 p.m., 850 E. So. Temple. Tickets $4.50. 1210 rd 110 benefits. For more & 800-freest- rd BUARANTEEO information, call Doug Dellinger, ext 41, between the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday thru Friday. Equal Opportun- cooled. Excellent condition. $1795offer. 2784065, days. 127 OVER 50 OFF RETAIL on Christmas gifts. Diamonds, engagement rings, wedding bands, gold chains, jewelry. We beat any price! Salt Lake Jewelry Michael B.Snow $20 paid for diamond referrals. 118 Yuletide Folk Concert, Noted Pediatrician & storyteller Lou Romer will tell stories to warm theears & the heart. Sunday, Dec. 19th, 6:30 p.m. Waking Owl Books, 1260 East 4th South. Free to the 1210 public. YAMAHA SRX SNOWMOBILE. ce this winter, not your ic On Saturday the Utes won nine of 13 swimming events and took second place in both diving events to capture a 77-5- 6 win. Hayes led die Utes with individual victories in ate 200 freestyle and the 500 freestyle. He also anchored Utah in its relay win"; Utah will be off until Dec 15 when the team leaves for a Christmas training trip in Beijing, China. The Utes will leave China Dec. 24 and meet against fly to Honolulu for a four-wa- y Hawaii, Northwestern and Wisconsin. The next home meet for the Utes will be Jan. 28 against the University of Washington. individual medley. finish in the 1 --meter With a second-pladiving by Doug Labrecque, the Utah squad claimed four victories in a row before Labrecque took another second in butterfly; diving. Antimarino won the 200-ya- rd Pat Hayes took his second first place of the freestyle; evening with a victory in the 100-ya-rd Mefford swam to a win in the 200-yabackstroke; and Man Hayes claimed the 500-ya- rd freestyle. The Utes also captured the final event of the night, the 400-yafreestyle relay, which was 200-ya- rd 532-376- 0. 533-54- 126 pack. Like new $195. Call for parties. Dogs do tricks, Lyle Peck does miracles. References MAGIC Lilli 969-729- 9. Excellent pay with math FOR ladies only. artillery unit, Utah Army National Guard. 272-407- EMTERTAIHMfuT 15 weekends. Part-tim- e positions now available with a higher headquarters Ptatys. Chinese Algae Eaters. Gold Mystery Snails 99C, new O'Oell wood-ton- e aquarium and full reflector $22.99. Neon Tetras 5S1.00. Salt Lake Aquarium. 4689 So. 2300 East. 1210 1210 Sundays. FUN PARTES, TAKE CHAB8E Do something CHILDREN'S DAY CARE "IN MATTERS OF PRINCIPLE, stand like a rock; In matters of taste, swim with the current." Brought to you by the Greenhouse Restaurant, "Late night dining specialists." 2nd South West Temple. Open all night and 583-950- anti-climat- 50-ya- rd S includes cut style. Haircuts $8. Call "JILL." NOVELTY 467-964- 9. DiniriG 1 1674 E. 1300 So. STEREO EQUIPMENT? Discrim- inator maintains a used equipment file at no cost to buyer or seller. List sale items free or call for what's new in used equipment Also sell used albums on consignment. 74 PINTO & "ELEC- 583-200-4. TO U. PERM SPECIAL $30 CLOSE 112 SH0PPIN8 128 451-71- LH L8VE RAPPEM Join over 300 attractive women, nice guys at the Professional 9. 484-251- 3 rd house! Avoid chimney fires by calling Salt Lake Sooty Sweeps. No mess and speedy PEOCOriAL address system. "We were concerned about losing going into Friday's meet," Ute assistant coach Jim Wilson said. "I think we did have some good swims after Friday. Saturday but it was But the score was closer because BYU also swam better Saturday afternoon." Hayes, Jeff Antimarino and Bruce Kelley grabbed the win with a time of 3:32.17. ' The Utes went on to win the next four events as well. Sean O'Brien won the 100-yafreestyle, freestyle, Pat Hayes won the 200-ya- rd Bruce Kelley swam to victory in the freestyle and Man Hayes captured a win in the BSAST CHESTNUTS 117 $140. 538-055-5. accompanied by a rousing rendition of the ''William Tell Overture" played over the public win the meet with a convincing three-secoover BYU. The team of Scott Mefford, Matt by Tony Tsafcakis Chronicle staff Clcsa begins: Dccombor J dlCKlMM wiwiw biniir - 363-444- n 4fA tou a. TEST PREPARATION SPECIALISTS SINCE 1938 1T 4 we s- - gin casi |