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Show The Daily Utah Chronicle, Monday, December 6, 1982 Page Nine ig 15' poirdnuos to be told aboytf world's Jews R C U I T d), But the saddest thing about this conflict are the dupes of the big lie: the media and the public they influence. Writers would have the public believe that Palestinian Arabs have from the beginning been innocent victims of the Jews. In fact, large numbers of Arabs immigrated to Palestine after the turn of the century, because of the economic opportunities created there by Jewish entrepreneurs. The various Jewish defense organizations were established only after Arab riots in 1922 and strengthened later in 1929 when large numbers of Jews were massacred by Arab mobs and marauders in their rural settlements and in cities such as Jerusalem and Heyron. Deir Yassin, a tragic massacre of anti-Israe- li, letters anti-Semi- tic civilians as human shields much as they did 35 years later in Beirut. Arab-controlle- Israel. If one were to believe the stream of and yes, "democratic secular" state, (read though no such entity exists in the entire Middle East outside of anywhere by Dr. Laurence D. Loeb anti-Zion- ist Arab civilians has become a watchword of Arab terrorists and apologists, but the facts are far from clear and mere is considerable evidence today. It is they who refuse to recognize Israel, proclaim the intention to replace it with a (pHAUTAUQUA I JLJX C 1 947. They rejected it, requiring instead "all" of the land and control of its people, ,ujf as they do and articles appearing in the local and international press then it would be safe to conclude that Hitler is alive and his evil continues unabated in human behavior, thought and emotion. It was Hitler who served up the "big lie" that die Jews were responsible for Germany's difficulties, because he knew that repeated assertions of a total falsehood are often easier to swallow than a half-trut-h. The Arabs and, unfortunately, most of the Islamic world and supporters of Palestinian Arabs have openly reinsthuted mis procedure against Israel and world Jewry, perpetrating the obscenity that the Israeli incursion into Beirut was "genocide" and a "holocaust" and blaming their problems, social and political ineptitude, and military incompetence on "Zionism." A VMM V. 4W social order which for centuries excluded Jews citizens (legally and Christians as second-cla- that Arab terrorists were using innocent ss and religiously), who ban Jewish visitors and stipulate a designation of "religion" on their visa applications to this day, nevertheless have The pain it costs Israelis as a moral people was well expressed by Golda Meir: "I can forgive the Arabs for killing innocent men, women and children, but I cannot forgive them for forcing us to kill Oum" There was of course considerable terrorism in the pre-sta-te period, but Jews directed most of it against the British military, not the Arabs; while Arabs directed theirs almost exclusively against Jewish civilians, a policy they follow to the present day. However, when terrorists strike against Americans have always supported the perceived underdog, sometimes in defiance of the reprehensible values they represent. Would our media, however, have the temerity to present terrorists infiltrating our borders from Canada and Mexico, attacking our civilians and the resulting swift, harsh retaliation against them and their bases by American forces as anything less than a national obligation? But xpe do not face that crisis; Israel does, so we are n ir M' biasedly led to a position where we pass judgment on the inappropriateness and the "brutality" of their actions. fflpr-- m now beg Israeli defense from the Phalangist's deadly embrace and the return of PLO control. Enigmatically, Israelis humanely try to prepare housing for Palestinian refugees while the Lebanese government objects to such efforts. Somewhere in the midst of this confusion must lie moral lessons for the world to learn. It will not do so! Instead, many propose the facile, simplistic answers most people love: "Only do this or that and the problems will be solved." Maybe there is no equitable solution and maybe the attempt to impose one is the most immoral act of all! minority who rejected Islam, and without , Loeb is an associate professor of anthropology at the University. The Chronicle welcomes letters to the editor from readers. Letters must be typed on a line. Letters of 200 words or less will be given priority. All letters must include signature, valid mailing address and telephone number. The Chrome! reserves the right to edit for libel, propriety and space. Typewriters are available for use in the Chronicle offices, Union 240. Dog owners bark Two points Editor: a couple of points that seem unrelated. I have the right to do what I want to in my home, butxh&t right does not extend to the point of being free to kill someone who is in my home. Also, babies that are three First, responsibility of ownership of the chow chow (Mao) involved in the biting incident of Dec. 2. Clyde Hollands was not the officer who handled our dog as the Chronicle printed. Dean Shepard is the University public safety officer who handled Mao. months premature have been known to survive. What am I driving at? Abortion. Clearly, the baby is "alive" by the third trimester, for it can then survive after being born. Hence, Matt and I are very concerned about the mishandling of our dog by Shepard. We feel that Shepard handled our dog in an abortion in the third trimester is quite inhumane, not to mention illegal manner. Shepard did not verify the dog bite before he detained Mao. equivalent to murder. Now, I can hear the protests already. "A woman has a right to do what she wants to with her body." But I have a right to do what I want in my home too, remember? By the It is Animal Control policy that a bite must be verified before a dog is detained. Even though Mao was tied up, Shepard used a that resulted in an injury detaining choke-ro- d to Mao's mouth. Animal Control officers at the shelter said Mao shouldn't have been detained or brought in until the bite was; verified. The bite wasn't verified until five hours after the incident. third trimester, that baby is the woman's guest within her body. It's still murder, just as if I killed someone in my house and then used the excuse, "I have a right to do what I want in my home." No judge would buy that. Now, I have tried to avoid emotionalism here (not easy on such an emotional issue). The important thing is for people to think, and not be confused by all the emotionalism surrounding the issue. I also realize mat it is easy for me to talk, being male. However, We are naturally concerned about the woman who was bitten, but we are also concerned about the cruel treatment imposed on our dog. After Mao completes his .quarantine, we plan to take action against his 10-d- ay mtybe that frees me from some of the jconfusjngmoti . Roxanne Susens ' : Editorial Board: Brian Aggeler, Joe Baird, Karen Juell, Joan O'Brien, Brian Wilkinson. ' '"" justify Hoskins' recommendation of execution for certain members of the Mike Stimpson I orchestra. Mark Ogden, for example, is one of this area's most talented and successful am appalled composermusicians, "and is the author of several important works for the theatre. According to Hoskins, he should be "taken out and shot." In my opinion, this kind of pulp commentary has no place in a Editor: Editor: Matthew Joesten and I share the " members of the cast, thereby abolishing his own credibility as a theatrical critic. While I'll be the first to admit that "West Side Story" has its weak points, nothing can clearly. But I can't think for you; all I can do is try to get you thinking. So, herewith, an invitation to think it through. ce : ce, Meanwhile the Palestinians and Druse ar ':; economic and cultural exchange" to at best, a state of under which Israel is attack under constantly by the Egyptian controlled press and media. "enemy" who actively opposed the invasion But these Arabs and their friends are blinded hatred of a religious-ethn- ic by their 1,300-ye- .;.; "good intentions" from "full diplomatic, having anything to do with the camp massacres. 2,500-year-o- mistreatment. ng bald-faced- ld Zionism stems from a religious nationalism, which has upset the pundits by successfully reconstituting a national entity and country. letters soul-searchi- Still the enigmas ofthe Middle East continue. The Christian Phalangists cynically seeking Arab support, freed of their subjugation by Israeli action, pretend that Israel is at the heart of their internal discord, and ly deny the audacity to declare Zionism racist. Perhaps this is mere "sour grapes" since outside political or military allies, defied history to survive and succeed. Nationalism of all kinds is unfortunately not especially kind to those who lose; especially when the losers refuse to accept the results as decisive. Palestinian Arabs could have had their own state; it was offered to them in the 1930s and again by the United Nations in Jewish children, the Arab press praises their heroism and there is dancing in the streets; not which the kind of remorse and follows Can action. Israeli and every precedes real peace be close at hand when such divergent cultures and world values clash? Even the meaning of the term "peace" is brought into question when one sees the decay of Egyptian The Daily Utah Chronicle is an independent student newspaper published daily during fall, winter and spring quarters, excluding test weeks and quarter breaks, by the University Publications Council. Editorials reflect the opinion of the editorial board, and not necessarily the opinions of the student body or the administration. Subscriptions are $25 a year, $10 an academic quarter. All subscriptions must be prepaid. Forward all subscription correspondence, including change of address, to the Business Manager, Daily Utah Chronicle, 240 Union, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah 84112. Editor-in-chi- ef . . . . . . . . . . ... . . , . Joan O'Brien ... Joe Baird Brian Wilkinson ". News Editor Karen Juell Copy Editor ; . Brian Aggeler Editorial Editor Tsakakis Editor Tony Sports Kunz Blair Editor Photography Kevin Sandstone Editor Night Entertainment Editor Lesly Herbert Assistant Entertainment Editor Kinde Nebeker Associate Editor . . . . . I am appalled at the amount of time it has taken Parking Services and the grounds crews to clean off our parking lots. On Thursday afternoon the snow was so slushy that anyone with a shovel and boots could have cleaned the lots adequately, but with the equipment I know exists on this campus it is totally absurd that our lots and walkways look the way they do. Angie respectable publication such as the Chronicle. Hoskins then went on to relate an incident which occurred following one of the most recent performances. He described the matter as some sort of reprimanded by Shire West officials after being "unable to contain his laughter during some of the play's rough spots." Crump In truth, the individual. in question was "unable to contain his laughter" during some It's extremely of the production's most dramatic, suspenseful moments, ruining the aesthetic quality of the play. Any responsible person would realize that this is inexcusable conduct for the theatre. If Hoskins possessed any deeper understanding of the arts than the heckler himself, perhaps he would have understood this instead of trying to turn the incident into a moralistic battle cry. Editor: In reference to R.A. Hoskins' recent review of Shire West Theatre's "West Side Story," State of the Arts, Dec. 2) I'd like to say that, in my opinion, Hoskins' article itself is a real "study in extremes." While Hoskins is obviously a very opinionated individual, it seems that in this case, he has gone far All in all, the article was a sloppy, farce which amateurish, sacrificed journalistic quality in a feeble attempt at humorous reporting. While I respect Hoskins' right to bis opinions, I hope that, in the future, he will try to express them in a more acceptable manner. back-stabbi- beyond the boundaries of responsible critique and ventured precariously into the realm of space-fill- er journalism. Quite simply, it's the worst article I've ever read. Hoskins repeatedly took cheap shots at Assistant Copy Editor ..... Michael Morris ng Michael Bush ; Ad Representatives ..... Accountant ...... ......... Tina E. Neinstedt Assistant Sports Editor Senior Reporters Photographers . . . . . . Peter Behle Matt Adelman Steve Green Ann Jardine Jill Johnson KimOsborn Mark Saal Mike Johnson Robert Pennington Sandi Wolf . Business Manager Robert McOmber Gestapo-lik- e trampling of individual rights, where a certain member of the audience was . . . Secretary . .'. Backshop Foreman Backshop Assistants Typesetters . Steve Hausknecht ,'. Julia Jenkins Scott Pitt . Troy Wilson Bonnie Thomas Lori Goodin RicHaUock Nadine Diaz Leslie Keith Brian Moss Philip Cone Sandra Garcia Heidi Hilton ... |