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Show The Daily Utah Chronicle, Monday, December , 1932 Page Four ;tu demits get HELP forjeamoinig dosabolotoes by Ann Jardine Chronicle auff mostly talking with learning disabled people about their disabilities and how they affect their Tucker said. academic endeavors," Tucker, a sophomore majoring in special education, said she has children with learning disabilities and so wanted to organize HELP. She got hold of names of five learning disabled students attending the University in May 1981 and founded the organization. She received advice and support from the Tutoring Center, 45-year--old HELP, which stands for Help in Education for Learning Problems, assists University students with learning disabilities. Gladys M. Tucker, president and founder of the. organization, said the group has grown from five to 17 members in two years. "We are trying to be a support group. We're CHEN'S I I HELP is an affiliate of the Utah Association for Children and Adults with Learning Disabilities. Tucker said the group receives no funding from die University and asks members to pay $5 a year for dues, which pays membership fees in the Utah Association for Children and Adults with Learning Disabilities and its national counterpart. HELP meets bimonthly for a sack lunch discussion, as well as one evening a month. "We give each other hints on what is the best way to get through school with learning disabilities and talk about disabilities and being accepted on campus," Tucker said. Chincoc Food Anne Mock, treasurer of HELP, said learning disabilities involve problems with Mandarin - Szcchaan Cuioine thinking, talking, reading, writing and listening. Tucker said individuals with learning disabilities have average or above average intelligence, "but there are inconsistencies in t LUNCH SPECIAL DINNER SPECIAL $1.89..dP ?4.75..d.p the ways they learn," she said. According to Tucker, some people don't Salt Lake City believe learning disabilities exist. "Some learning disabled students have about being labeled because they have all their lives. You almost have to labeled been come to the fact that you do have a learning disability. You have to learn that you have to hang-u- ps compensate and focus on your strengths," Tucker said. According to Mock, if other students in her classes know she has a learning disability they treat her differently. Most students with learning disabilities were told in high school not to try to get a college education. "Those students who are here are the survivors," Tucker said. Tucker said HELP encourages its members to talk with their professors before or on the first day of class. Some are advised to carry an official letter stating they have learning disabilities. "A learning disability is a hidden handicap. It's not obvious. I hope to see more acceptance, help and awareness on campus in the future," Tucker said. For more information on HELP contact 9, Chris Walther at Gladys Tucker at 0. or Anne Mock at 272-550- 582-613- 581-39- 13 Gerontology contor Nursing College gets grant Open 11:00 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. Daily Closed Sunday 3325 South 900 East die Counseling center, Handicapped Student Services and Academic Advising. Last year die organization was not recognized by the University, but this year it has been. 467-564- In an effort to increase services to the aged in six western states, the University Nursing r, 100,000 grant. College has received a Dr. Cecil O. Samuelson, associate professor of internal medicine, will direct the project 1 one-yea- which will involve planning a Long-Ter- m full-ran- ge 12" oirirMW Your Choice of dealing with the aged are becoming increasingly pressing for us all," Samuelson said. Care Gerontology Center in the Department of Health and Human Services' Region VIII. The goal of the center will be to develop an center organizational structure for a involved in education, training and research that will serve the aged in North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, Colorado, Wyoming and Salt Lake 5310222 675 S. State because of the grant. "The social, medical and economic problems Montana. Samuelson said the center is needed for several reasons and the University has the potential of becoming a gerontology leader The grant was awarded by the Health and Human Services Administration on Aging and Samuelson is hoping to negotiate a four-yeoperational grant. ar Dr. Josephine Kasteler, associate professor of family and community medicine, is the deputy director of the program and will be assisted by Dr. Margaret F. Dimond, Dr. Richard Connelly, Dr. James S. Wood and Carolyn Rice, a staff associate at the Utah State Division of Aging. (Q)(D mo I M H Uw fartwc Fin Ft 9tM4mtl.D.wUh it vaMatloa 19" Color TV startle at 0 Track or Cassette n Stereo fqwifd rk. 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