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Show The Daily Utah Chronicle, Thursday, December 2, 182 Page Eight ME SEBB00N APT. Walking distance to University and shopping $115. plus after 730. 126 utilities - AUTOMOTIVE FUBMSNEI Terrific view. INI SUZUKI tSM MX Fairing, shaft drive, slotted disc brakes. 4 cyl. 9 months old. Beautiful red ft Mack. after 5 pm.. 12--4 or 1210 p.m 1872 HAT 124 8FYKI convertible. Must sell this week. First $1,000 takes. Thad 484-25- 581-35- 123 943534. Rebuilt 74 IATS0I 711 engine, good 122 condition. 81400. 1171 BMW 2882. auto trans., sunroof. 363-813-7. 1371 Chandler 123 363248. Dr. or 466-252- 5 TM. good condition. 128 reliable, good tires. $800. 451-711684 CHEVY TIOCX 355-140- 1 126 KtJIU L6ACIES. Silver Angels. Platys. Chinese Algae Eaters. Gold Mystery Snails 99t. new Otell wood-ton- e lOoallon aquarium aod fuU reflector $22.99. Neon Tetras SS1.00. SaN Lake Aquarium. 4681 2. So. 2300 East . 123 Fll TIE WINTEI OILY one bedroom apartment in Sugarhouse. Call eves 6-- 1. 486528, AMI FN KIT. Close to two bedroom, one with fireplace. Oave 128 451-71- 6 STBEET BIKE. UST SELL '71 VM Great condition, need cash! Scott 292-839-2. 122 12:30-7:0-0 M--F. p.m. Sat on-pri- or a.m. 6-- Learn while you earn an outstanding pfcg. of pay benefits met tree college twt or cash bonus. Come visit us at the 144th Evacuation Hospital. 750 Guardsmen Way. SLC or cal SFC Vert Lamb. 533488268- 6681 1210 117 mornings. TYPIKS7VSSI PtSSESSSSS. Let Yale Ph.0. a your theses, papers, resumes, letters, s, storage and editing, even right pi iimneei varwiy. scwrnrnc symoom. 113 much more. mar-pai- til week. M-- r. Theses, reports, 110 dents. QelKarwISS-TSC- l : Kiusamt. Exmvianced typist can correct and edit. SerKorrecttig tvpewrmr. 1W EJuaSorrtwortt. 3ZZ-527-1. 2-- 9-- 113 bedrooms, 3 fireplaces, wood floors, dishwasher, to other housemates. Close to share with bus routes. Civilized pets negotiable. CSTCa YAMAHA days. 1277 WEI SS IFF BETAJL on Christmas gifts. Diamonds, engagement rings, wedding bands, gold chains, jewelry. We beat any price! Salt Lake Jewelry Michael B. Snow $20 paid tor diamond referrals. AlflSST IEW WIMEN'S MAIN V SKIS. Nordica boots, poles and bindings, call 11? 278-4C3-5. 561-70- 41 1210 TIE VCSSM tZX pipe, cigar and gift shape BASS WAITFJ. Furnished rm. share rest of house with y ard. 15th E. ft 30th So. S125 ft or offer. 9. or 484-25- 1210 562-11- pica, elite. Can check spelling, refer0. 14 ences, etc. Mrs. NeUey. CO JCS SPECtAUST. Electronic i 2704815. film ribbon. Robyn BPfSTS Telemarketing afternoons 1 pjn. to 5 p.m. Good commissions, evenings 330 ni wjo. per now. Aovancament opportunities. Call today for interview Some clerical positions also available. 1210 ta wo 1210 TYPIST: Fast, accurate: IBM 266-444- 6. Selectric; : convenient SW valley location; after 6.D0 p m.. M-- anytime Saturday. APT.T6SIAJLrKMVsmoker.closetoU.Mor F. $100 ft Vi utilities! Responsible persons 127 call 355221 or 244 WSS. 170cm. Unmounted. $65 SOS-- K2 123 465-397- 6. 126 utiities.(app.$20) 1210 ISSUES has Dungeons ft Dragons. Traveller, and STAR FLEET Battles. Plus 14 anything Atari Call for 355-73- 467-432- 123 364-294- 6. srs cigar need Christmas kelp. Plat smokers should apply. Call ViSJ PtSSSSSI EXPEBSXCfJ I YPCI WITI 1- -2 484-68- E.T. MEXSSS KSSf- -3 CS3 UMt IPESaUST C33AL Training available. $2,000 cash bonus. $4,000 education assistance. Far more information, call SFC Vert Lamb 533-- fCftfjntPsCSrlfttypirgsvtce. resumes. Discount formV IfFEMAL SEIttCE 7 days a SftS 7 p.m, BATE SU tXtXtZSU.UQ liquid cooled. Excellent condition. Very fast. 71 FOtl SALE $140. - ncorxiATEG 1272 384-219-1. 11795offer. 539555. All Hill 966-12-35 278-33- 7. -- 1S7S IONIA 758. many new items. $750. Tl charming, winy, intelligent, classy, adventurous, few ft achieving are words 122 that describe you. Love. Annie. CALCULATES. Good price. BSM CtaTBACT FM SAIL Negotiable. Call 584-45- 75 am or after 5 p.m. 123 tm MTKBAV APPY appraisals. Chris FCS KXTCt The Utah National Guard's finest unit has immediate openings for both and prior service personnel. e 467-2SS- BSA9l.BSrl8ISO.IokskibMinos. 126 322-377-5. "lESIMES. ETC" - Low rates - Papers, theses, manuscripts, legal briefs, resumes.-cassetttranscribing, plays. FNMA . 122 Arnvz. with math pack. Like new $195. Call 5824428. 1276 FSB SAU One. University. APPY MAT PATTY SOMSSML You are now of age! Remember San Diego and Earl? 272-407- 127 ToL . BLACK 581-30- 126 5. (0) 123 WMLPC3L BEflBSEBATII for sale. 22 eu. fl - ice maker - new compressor. Ca 4a(Bg4 after 5:00 pm. 123 - PMFESSIOIAl OFFICE SPACE available next to University campus. Please call 126 for appointment to see. 1872 NtVA SSI for $400. Runs well, great heater. Bob 328691 hood, 532-241-1. 71 AUEStt iBUSL Close in $475mo. (H). AQOAfBUfl with hflht and stand. $50. Cau 582-39- 3 88. Biaupunkt cass.. air. $5500. FN SALE: 1SALLM 561-99- F. 1210 485-111- 0. SSS A CSSTI to work in new downtown store. Must ta free to work evenings after 6 after 2 p.m. 113 p.m. 486-53- 53 o ANDWEAIN' WATERBEDS COMPLETE $129. $159. DINING II or 261-28- stand like a rock; In matters of taste, swim with the current." Brought to you by the Greenhouse Restaurant, "Late night dining specialists." 2nd South West Temple. Open all night and 1210 Sundays. MATTEBS OF PRINCIPLE, ENTERTAINninf SPECTRUM DISCRIMINATOR. 532-335- author of Truants ft Betrayed by F. Scott Fitzgerald will read from his recent work. Sunday Dec. 5th, 6:30 p.m. Free to the public. Waking Owl Books: 1260 East 4th South. 123 ROI READING: CARLSON, 3. TEIPEIIY in Yuletide Folk Concert. Wednesday, December 15th, 8:00 p.m., 850 E. So. Temple. Tickets $4.50. 1210 - licensed. The business with a continued 126 great future. 6REETIN6 CARDS: Unusual ft delightful selection. Thousands of postcards 40C each. Waking Owl Books, 1260 East 4th South. SNOW TIRES Bias ply. 2 (6.00x15) wwheels or wo, best offer, call 268-276-6 after 2 BEDRMS. NEAR U. All elec.. all carpet, gym, pools, tennis. $155person. 126 2 BLOCKS TO "U." 2 bedroom apt. with balcony and covered parking. Rental Data 123 with fireplace and 486-744- 1. 2 BEOR00M hookups just $190. Rental Data GREAT SMALL HOUSE 123 close to University with fenced yard only $250. Rental Data 123 486-744- 1. 122 5. Stadium. Please call FOUND . Join over 300 attractive women, nice guys at the Professional Matchmakers. Affordable fee. Oates LET LOVE NAPPEM Call 322-535- 8 or visit office 113 anytime. 369 East 900 South. European Skin Care. Facials, pedicures, lash dye. waxings ft Call Sinikka 15 bed, bar and stools, ft much 127 583-200- Professional quality and performance. Serious inquiries only. Call after 10 p.m. for appointment. AWESOME LOUDSPEAKERS. STEREO. 127 cut ft style. Haircuts $8. Call "JILL," 1674 E. 1300 So. 15 SIFTS. FUN PARTIES, ladies Lingerie, bedroom toys. Lilli Sharon automatic, direct-driv- e turntable; 45 watt amp, two ultralinear power bass speakers, cassette. Steal at $750. Call Grant only. 532-376- 110 9. REGULAR $0 HAIRCUTS Also FOR $4.50. regular $30 permanents for 582617. 127 277-141- 1 CLOSE TO U. PERM SPECIAL $30 includes NOVELTY semi- Quartz-locke- d $20. Call 122 different BOUQUETS, helium-s- end kind of gift. Christmas, New Year balloons too. Delivery. 359004. 123 BALLOON WEATHER . by Eric Gurney and Robert Long Chronicle Staff Meteorologists TAKE CHARGE Do 6"-1- , 0-- 0-- 288-3- 2 . . 32-3- ....... ..... ..... 18"-24- 1 4-- 1 8, climbing up to 20-2- i, Resort Afta Snowbird 35-4- 7445. ' weekends. available with a higher headquarters artillery unit Utah Army National Guard. Excellent pay ft benefits. For more 272-778-3. BASKETBALL Russ 1210 FAI8I Need coaches for basketball league. For info, before 1 123 581-97- SOSSOtt 416 E. 900 So. This hair salon owned by Steve Coppola is recognized as one of Utah's best. Scissors works., individually weach client to determine a Get all of the mistakes out of PROOFREADING. 1210 FOR ROMANCE. Am 5'6'. 22. cute. honest male. Call John 3594238. 127 BANCEl AXIOM: Things arenl as bad as they look; they couldn't be. Waking Owl Books, 1260 East 4th So. 582-732- 3. 123 FAST. ACCURATE TYPING? - - - 1210 jobs. IBM Correcting Selectric. all types of paper, 1210 manuscripts, legal, thesis. TYPINO-r- ush 268-957- IBM SEL. Term papers, theses, reports, etc. English ft spelling corrected.: 1210 $1.00 page. TYPING 533-969- by phone. Volume typing for less. Home days. Call JoAnn 1210 LOOKINI COPIES by experi- PROFESSIONAL ; ' , 0. your assignments, term papers, or ' enced typist, guaranteed, fast work, 12 'O reasonable rates. Yvonne dissertation. I can read or edit your first 5. draft. Fast service. Reasonable rates. Call TYPING 122 582-111-6. NEW YORK TIMES every 50C. day Close to Sunday LESSONS, individual 127 Ave.. off your wedding floral package thru December. Fresh or fine silk designs. Come by or call. The Black Dahlia 583427. 1615 Foothill Dr. in Lamplighter SHOES TO BE. 20 363574. 1210 t. manu- THESES, Sciences. Satisfaction guaranteed. Reasonable rates. Call: Diana Fox TRAVEL j - 272-405- 8. MEET THE DEMAND Mon-Sa- scripts, reports, resumes, letters, tables, equations. IBM Selectric II. 12 years experience as secretary typist. 128 Square. SERVICE 487-723- 8. or group. ; 1210 OVERNIGHT PROOFREADING ft CORRECTIONS. Reasonable rates, fast service, (best to call early am. 1210 eves) Judy WORD PROCESSING-Che- aper than typing! Premium error-fre- e quality at the low December price of $1.80page less than you'd pay for a typist (draft and final): Overnight, if you need it. Call Myrna, The Honcho, at Lasting Impressions, 633 3rd 582-732- 521082, ask for Pat. Call Kathy 355-818- 3 Learn technical rock'n'roll. Three teaching locations including ' 123 house calls. Ashley 278628. CHRISTMAS CARDS. POSTCARDS ft calendars. The finest selection. Waking Owl Books. Weeknights til 8. 1260 East 4th South. 1 1210 ORUM STUDENTS RACQUETBALL Fast turnaround. for 30 pages or loss. Quality professional typing at low rates. Call Laura 1210 GUARANTEED 123 ; IBM CORRECTING. U. 95C double-space- 467-390- 6. New York Times on Sunday $2.75. Waking Owl Book Co.. 1260 East 4th South. 582-732- 3. 1210 FAST TYPIST, letters, theses, dissertations, anything you need typed. IBM Selectric. Gey le 986813. 1210 ACCURATE for travel agents! 8 week CNR. SELECTRIC 100 worn, 85t page, 128 accurate, home all day IBM course. Internship gives you valuable 110 training. 7. 466-798- 4. TYPtR8W8S8 Laguardia. Before $135. Call after 8 p.m. Oavid NEW YORK. ONE WAY. PROCESSING - papers, theses, letters. Text storage, right margins. Call Botte 46905, 127 127 467-067-5. LET THE UTAH NATURAL GUARD repay your student loan. In addition to a good, e job the Guard will pay up to 90 of TYPIN8, 854 pg., papers, diss., thesis, years U of U experience. 272-505-4. TYPING at reasonable rates. Ask about "get acquainted" special. Call Karen TYPING SERVICES your student loan. For more information, ext. 34; Vert Lamb. call: Kim Gillis, 533-544- Mike Krelo, 533-548- 1210 295-272- 1. II EXP. INFANT CARE OUR HONE. January 3. Ref. required. Call 355-245- 6 126 interview. TYPIST WANTED, to train as part-tim- e, typesetter for Sunstone magazine. Type 70 wpm accurate. Flexible hours. Call Rebecca at 126 355-592- good to be true? Maybe, if that's your response. To the rest of you, call my office to schedule yourself into an Introductory Meeting Wed. at 9 am.. 12 noon, 3 p.m. or 7 p.m. Mr. The Recreational Resort Forbush SALES: S3.000 BY CHRISTMAS! Too etc 10 127 Trust. 2 to 3 hrs day. General office ft computer work. Also 1 night a week (plenty of study time on night shift). Call Rob or PART-TIM- E 128 364-774- 4. Kathy WANTED AGGRESSIVE MANAGEMENT person-ne466-548- evenings. Seminar will be Friday, 7:00 at 200 E. South Temple. Plan to 756-345- attend. rates. Rita, 328-85- or Susan, MULTI LEVEL MARKETING. V recording 277595. 0 years of age. Liberal financial remuneration. Report to room 4E82, 18-6- University Medical Center, if interested. - 1982 100" New 24" 24" 20" 19" EVENIN6 NOURSI EXCELLENT INCOME! Help pay all or part of education. Hard work necessary, but working smart is the key. Do m nave wnai it taxes? can unrts Hogers 0 or an interview p.m. weekdays. 6:00-7:0- 1210 6. RECENT MONO OB STREP PATIENTS NEEDED for special study. Adults paid $50 for 128 approx. 1 hr. 277-939-2. "MEASURE-UP!- " On ti Guyi make mere money easier than you can believe. Ow campta, in your spare Sine, aM . exciting burintu, Instant inch loss (waist, Mpt, Sufhs, etc). Have fun, teach everybody how A make jnuftanBt ghjMAgf IMiwIWy VBTtalffi lb Measure-U- pt America inc. ' SB .Phone 123 - 486-574-9. Information 122 363-919- 7. 1210 1 7112 nC3VTCI ctd&noc:i Alien BtC9 Arret? Press Cq. DCS. 9e B A 4 (Tfcuro, Cat) ma l OtSO-- rjoo , .; ptLake Gb.'V Roasting Coffee Without Compromise Is Coming To SLC... and much more Lose 10-2- 9 pounds C in 30 days guaranteed. 100 natural diet plan helps you lose weight 9 with herbs. Get rid of fat and cellulite without starvation. 100 satisfaction guaranteed or your money back. Call Jeff 466-365- 9 after 2 p.tn. Dealer inquiries welcomed. ! 9 m 12? . y. 1981 64" 50" 47" 123 r VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOB DRUG TRIAL. y confinement in the hospital. Cannot leave the ward during that time. Males only. WANTED TYPING. CONVENIENT AVENUE AREA. Selectric typewriters. Experienced, reasonable l home entertainment for part-tim- e 0 or Ron business. Call Bart 110 487-140- 6. Beg. for 322-441- 1. PBOFESSIONAL TYPING NEAB U. Dictation best-suite- 12 U 6UYS NEED HOMES! 1983 U of U Calendar on sale now. BookstoreUniv. Union. NEED PBOFESSIONAL 484-858- 5. d for your facial structure style and lifestyle. Call 364084 for appt. 117 LOOKING 1210 Convenient location. Experience. Reasonable. Also thesesdissertations. Sherry 363776. 533-54- strat-o-mat- ic 1210 for all your typing. You'll be glad you did! Pickupdelivery. instruction in voice, group singing, piano, bass, sight singing, ft lead sheets. We teach what you want to know. Call the Brad Chapman Studios today. 14 ROAST CHESTNUTS this winter, not your house! Avoid chimney fires by calling Salt Lake Sooty Sweeps. No mess and speedy service. Call Sooty Sean at 127 Student discounts available. information, call Doug Dellinger, exl 41, between the hours of 7:30 a. m. and 5 p.m., Monday thru Friday. Equal Opportunity Employer. ' CALL US FIRST ROCK. COUNTRY. JAZZ ft POP by mid-daArea Ski Totals 4 98" 97" Brighton,. Solitude 81" 34". 17" Park City 71" 23" 19" 84" 45" Brighton Ski Touring Ctr New enow totals are projected values forecasted for area ski resorts. Extended Forecast: Mostly cloudy skies Saturday will yield to some scattered snowshowers which will intensify into areas of moderate snowfall by late in the evening. Periods of snow will persist into at least Sunday morning. Accumulations cannot be estimated at this time. Highs 1 minimum temperatures will register will reach between between 228-28. something different on the e positions now Part-tim- Today's Forecast: Snowfall, some heavy at times, will continue for most of this morning and taper off by early this afternoon into scattered on top of snowshowers. Accumulations should range between the foot of new snow received yesterday. Winds will be light and out of the northwest during the morning, shifting toward the west northwest by afternoon. Traveling will be hazardous and plans should be altered if possible. The chance of any additional snowfall occurring along the campus area will be near 80 percent this morning, decreasing to 60 percent by afternoon and will level off near 40 percent by nightfall. Weather Summary Snow Evening Weather . . MstlyCdy Morning Weather 5 mph NW Morning Winds . 5 mph NW Evening Winds . 6 Minimum TempsL . . . Maximum Temps . . . 33 28 Yesterday's High Yesterday's Low 1.02" Storm Totals . 1.40" Daily Precipitation 'Yesterday's Snow Depth: 1 2" Skiers' Forecast: The National Weather Service has issued a Winter Storm Warning along the Wasatch front for heavy snow with locally blowing and drifting snow. A cold moist upper tow will move slowly eastward and circulate moisture throughout the region today with an " additional accumulation of by nightfall. There will be an avalanche warning for the entire Wasatch Front with an extreme danger above the 7,500' level. Early morning temperatures will dip down to near 277-933- CLOSE TO U - 123 PERSONAL sofas, lamps, 484-101- - " MUST MOVE. SELLING JBL MONITOR 122 : SOLD AIN FOBCE SQUADRON PIN. GUARANTEED e 6 Near Marriott Library. Kevin K2 more. 268-276- -- contoured downhill poles, excellent condition, price negotiable. Mansel 583004. 122 queen-siz- RESPONSIBLE FEMALES TO SHARE HOME SEtlVICES 123 582-73- CLOSE TO U - at Rice evenings. Reward. 1210 part-tim- 122 ANO CALCULATOR 112 state REASONABLE RATES. typing and word processing. reasonable rates. Call Karren 583- - 355-773- campus. $115mo. plus share utils. 127 364356 afternoons. 122 272-135-9. TYPHI. 968041. LOST & FOUND inator maintains a used equipment file at no cost to buyer or seller. List sale items free or call for what's new in used equipment. Also sell used albums on consignment. CHILDREN'S DAY CARE ft d Randy 112 RACEBS FOR RENT 2132 S. 1100 E.. Down-fille- EXPERT 1 "P0W0ERN0BN" SKI PARKA. - like new. Men's med. $60. Call SEAUTIFUL at 467-964- 9. SHOPPING FOB STEREO EQUIPMENT? Discrim- 9. for parties. Dogs do tricks, Lyle Peck does miracles. References available. 118 . centsft LIBERAL NF TO SPLIT $410mo ft util. 3 ways. No pets. Nice4-b- r aves home. Firepl., own room. Avail. 121. CatTSal or Mike Cott FOR SALE. Van apartments. Will sacrifice $75 deposit ft a of Moosehead. Dave 5844824.127 12 AUOtOPHILE SPEAKER CABLE any system. 50 CONTRACT DORM 15 943-258- will improve MAGIC SLEI6HT-0F-HAH- Includes headboard. $179. Bookcase styles. 4 DANCEWEAR ' ' & ACCESSORIES COMPLtTbllNEO INCLUOt; FOOTWtAR. LSOWSAR. aODYWEAR ro- DANCt. THEATRE ' .. AND RECREATION ne e. - em lie-04- 40 east e.i.e. - |