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Show E&4 Pacers outdistance Utah rs Jazz by Frank Sdiudi Chronicle staff The road continues to be rough sailing (or the Utah Jan. After a sparkling 1 9 victory over the San Diego Clipper Friday 1 night in the Salt Palace, the Jazz took a 12-10- 10-8- 9 drubbing in Indianapolis against the much improved Pacers. On the first leg of a three-gam- e trip with stops in Washington and Boston, the Jazz came away with its lowest point production 'of the season, managing only 89 points. Parrel 1 Griffith, obviously road weary from the banquet circuit, was contained by Don Buse and Dudley Bradley of the Pacers and scored his NBA low of six points. Griffith was in Miami on Monday and spent Saturday in Louisville accepting awards. The other half of the NBA's leading scoring duo, Adrian Dantley, scored a game high 30 points as he prepared for his return home. Dantley will appear in his hometown of Washington. D C the same night as the inauguration of Ronald Reagan. The Jazz remains in a tie for second place with Houston, both with identical records of 21-2- skiers slide into second U good, considering that they had hardly any training," he said. In the Nordic events, Bernt Lund won y race for the the Utes on Thursday in 40. 15.0 minutes. The y team was depth of the men's evident as Oyvind Solvang finished sixth, Monte Straley was ninth, Henning Ruud by Bill Roland Chronicle staff The University finished a strong second cross-countr- to Colorado at the Wyoming Invitational Ski Tournament last week at Winter Park. Colo. Ute standouts in the Alpine event were cross-countr- crossed in 10th place, and Trygve Bjorn Gefle, who finished fourth and second in the two-da-y Mikkelsen was competition, and freshman Scott Hoffman, who won ALL NEW 2 RDRM. Well furnished, all utilities paid. Valley Rentals, 121 3 HEAT PAID. LARGE kids. Valley Rentals, S ROOMS, great for I 3 21 NEWLY FURNISHED. $85, all utilities paid. Fenced covered patio. Valley Rentals. 1, 21 RDRM HOME, ISth So. 16th East. Hardwood floors, fireplace, laundry. $350. I 7 heat inrl. S FURNISHED I RDRM ft STUDIO APTS. 1st South I; 3rd East. Heal and water irul. mo.359 642l. 121 $75drpmil.$l50-$20- AUTOMOTIVE HAVE TWO CARS and onl rwrd one tut Mir mhrt 1978 lewd ( inn 11200 or 1979 Kurd tmtii $4900. Both (ondilicin FOR SALE mllnl and mpg. f jimplrtc mainicnjmr rciordv mounuincvrs lot skim. tmt If73 PEUGEOT 504. ait, sun tool, automatic. $2900. 975-525- day. I eve- 967-600- 122 nings. Mr.Fanta. SUCS BUNNIES' VW SPECIALIZING in Bugs. Bunnies. Ghias Ic all VW vrhirln. Reasonable rates. Complete RALEIGH SUPER GRAND PRIX excellent condition. Suntour VGT Drraillruiv Wrinmann fir brakes. $250. 359-- 578. tunr-up- t $29 95. (Rabbits and Snrrorros $31.95) No Mickey Mouse work. 26I-II3I2I AUTO HOMEOWNER'S INSURANCE Equitable General Insurance Company has service, simplified policy, competitive rain Kurt or Jim SIS DINING GEPETTOS' PIZZA. SALADS. SAND-wichto nay or go daily specials. Live entertainment nightly. Call 24 53-10- 19 WHITE MAMMOTH SALE al the Museum of Natural History (lower campus). Wall hangings, jewelry, c ards, museum replicas, calendars, plus more! Through Jan. 31st. I 22 Open 9 JO to 5 30 daily TIM PROGRAMMABLE CALCULATOR with 2 library chips. Almost new. $189. Call I PHOTO IDENTIFICATION CARDS. proof positive, laminated in hard plastic. For details and application send stamped envelope to: D Ic J Productions, Dept. 21. Box 252, Tempe, Aritona 85281. 26 FINANCING AVAILABLE, new condo units. 702 North Wall Street (55 East). 2 bdrm Townhouse style $42,000. Call Marjorie ERA Vista Realtors 95 SONY CASSETTE DECK with auto reverse recorder player with walnut $100. case. $75. Call Don at I 20 TOP UTAH ROCK RAND. tapper Ice. wants lead guitarist. Call Jill 123 Lynn 534-- 105 lor audition. 359-831- 1 "Torment I 322-467- CANT WAIT TO SEE tan'lfilhrt. I 19 sou JOSH-- hn I 19 OVERWEIGHT? NEED 100 PEOPLE for new iHogram Guaranteed! (iall Sue I 23 MEN'S FRATERNITY RUSH begins Jan 21 ai 3 p m. I'nion 324 lot more info. BANJO LESSONS. Can you leach banjotoabrginnerCall485-0653- . the I DIAMONDS. We buy direct from cutlers in Africa, which eliminates all middle men. We sell 200 to 300 below retail. No fancy slore. nooverhead. Why not save those extra hundreds of dollars and still get a quality diamond. C.W.D. Enterprises nutled lo shaie duplex m.n WcMmmsKi 21 I SHARE NICE HOUSE. Sugathousc-washrt- , drvcr. utilities included, straight, 53 1 9432. Siese. 20 I ASiTmE HOW I LOST WEIGHT! Keep your New Year's resolution! A diet program guaranteed to work! Convenient; Dr. I 20 approved. Call Connie FEMALE ROOMMATE WANTED to share apt. $125 all utilities paid. Call Jim I '20 3 I25. FREE UTILITIES. Newly prime area. Valley Rentals. OLYMPUS XA WITH FLASH, Bill at 119 PRIVATE ROOM FOR RENT, large roomy home prefer older graduate student $90 mo. plus utilities. Females. I 20 123 PERSONAL WALK TO U It University Hospital, male, course). Call BIG SAVINGS $120 OFF I dorm contract. Male or female. Call now. Jim 363-231- 5 keep trying. 123 2 sleeping room, private bath. $125 no smoking or drinking, no kitchen, utilities paid. 1566 Penrose Dr. (across from golf $1 10. 2. EVERYBODY WELCOME TO KARATE Club. Place: Naval Science Bldg. Monday. Wednesday 7 p.m. Phone 24 571 0124. 278-358- 26 PROFESSIONAL TYPING SERVICE. Theses, dissertations, reports, resumes, repetitive originals. Formats: APA. Tura-biat'SGS. Xerox 850 and Vyder Word Processors. Special rales for students. 213 East 300 Carolyn or Donna 3 IS South. DEMONSTRATORS and knimiIi.iiiis kit Alia' Vera Oimimih ami llealih Suplt'-nmii- s . guatan-teed- I JOBS SMvmw thru Friclas. light I 20 Joan PART-TIM- E shifts Monclas 26 Reasonable pines. tvpcwtilti does beautilul work, flail GREAT CHILD CARE love learning tllen COMPLETE c lose to "1"' lots of I 22 571-- 1 IUI 22 I STUDENT. Wotk mgliis lot I 22 IVan iMKkniKiHttum DAYTIME 972-271- AMERICAN COMMUNITY YOUTH Pioclot Achmate Ptogiam .iilulis to allow iirvcnilc olft'tMlct tolisr in llicit home. $100 ki itHMiih. I 20 siipimtl iMinidcd. MANOR WOMAN IS DESIRED lot lean-manil crtands. 1 to 5 lionise h Saiimlas 4 lo 3 ri In Mil Ann nnrssais. I 20 p in at nci-cl- s Pioles-mihi.- 486-410- PROPERTY ill BABYSITTER NEEDED DURING MWF 1 12 class. Mon lab. Few bos. Call 272 3162. 21 MANAGE- mcnl services spmaluing in University area rentals. Elk Pmiieriy Management. I 23 581 0572. FEMALE MUD WRESTLERS. Nocxpm-etue- . Must be aliiactive. cats lo gel along I 19 sviih.f lall TRAVEL FIVE ALLS RESTAURANT 1 450 Foothill Drive will be interviewing for experienced waitresses Tues. Jan 20 Ic Wed. part-lim- e I 21 Jan. 21. 4 5 50p.m. SUMMER STUDY Germany June son esr. IN KONSTANTZ. 28. Call Ms. Robin- 2 4 13 TYPING EXPERIENCED pick-u- p Part-lim- e 359-504- 2 S DO YOU HAVE 200 FRIENDS who will ay $2 to hear you play? The Hole in ihc Wall is looking lot new bunds I 20 LOSE WEIGHT AND MAKE MONEY. Full- - or Weight-los- s and niilii-tio- iModiHts. f round (loot upiioiiiiiiils with Ante! ii a's fastest growing Dun I 20 tlorp.t ial If amnN 942-450- United Way 23 FREI TYPING. and delivery. Fast turnaround. flexiSECRETARIAL WORK. ble hours. Engineering ot rarth science bail ground Musi bcgooclivpisi THE SALT LAKE COUNTY YOUTH Services f lenter needs temporary homo few teenagers while family difficulties are being resolved. Average stay of a youth would be several days with a maximum permilled of two weeks. A small compensation for living expenses will be provided. If interested, please contact Pat Bctc kman ai 272-778- 211 WILL DO TYPING IN MY HOME. 961V 6041. 121 Campus Capers NEED FAST PROFESSIONAL TYPING" services? Good rales, on campus location. after 5. 120 Editing. Call Sherry 363-077- 6 ALL TYPING NEEDS. 75 db. sp. pg. Iff yrs. experience. 272-59523 Graduate Students up-dat- e Registration continues this week for the downhill ski maintenance class Tuesday Jan. 27th, 7:15-9:1- 5 p.m. Cost it $2.00. This clinic on downhill skiing is being taught by Mark Gardner of Village Sports Den. He will discuss different types of equipment on the market today. He will talk about ski construction as well as boot and binding compatibility. One section of the clinic will be devoted to ski tune-up- . Films on powder skiing will be shown. in the Campus Recreation office HPER E214. For more information call Campus Recreation, Pre-regist- sr 561-379- writing theses and dissertations Classes Start January 24th 355-850- JOIN LS.A.A. college student' and graduate members SLC's most sophisticated dating service! I SO SINGLE?? 487-469- avoid format problems & pitfalls (fDSMF - Get a headstart on preparing your manuscripts for Scott Harris REGULAR WANTED 942-450- ROOMMATES competition. Looking ahead, Coach Miller said that consistency will come with more training. at 467 3906 SERVICES 119 infocall328-4088orstopi- 7.5-kilomet- er individual race. Following close behind were Tone Planke in fourth and freshman Runa Skyttersaeter in fifth. In the 4 x relay, the women finished in third place to capture the most points in the Women's Division A Nordic g 12-- STAINED GLASS. CLASSES IN GLASS art now beginning design, cutting, construction. Mon. 19th and Wed. 21st at Creative Glass. 70S So. West Temple. For y finished third in the FEMALE, LIBERAL. ROOMMATE 19 GRAND OPENING of "Some Wear in Time," 2513 Highland Drive. Antique 10-Clothing and memorabilia. Turs.-Sai- . I 29 rri. cross-countr- EXPERIENCED TYPIST. Wotk 20 GOD LOVES YOU and doesn't want you to perish. Live by believing in Jesus. 466-2852 3 team was The women's led by new recruit Marit Lind, who ROOMMATE NEEDED. 3 Blmksltom I. prrfiiicil Call I 23 noon and 3 p.m. WOMEN'S SORORITY RUSH begins Jan I9at 4 30 In urn 324 581 8061 lor more inlo 20 HAPPINESS IS HAVING SOMEONE to share your life with! Call International 2 6 Marriage Bureau of 88. TYPING PROFESSIONAL. FAST. IBM Correcting SrlcxliM Close lo t'.Call kaths College flail Janet 1th. leg-ma- ROOMMATES WANTED TO SHARE laigc Ases. mansion tviih sauna and rxlias -- SHI plus I 7 mil I 23 130 FREE RENT FOR WOR- K- Huge I Mrm. garage, fenced yard. Valley Rentals. 2 remodeled, Siese 20 122 ENTERTAINMENT INTENSIVE SPANISH 12 2 hour classes Mondass It Thursdays Jan. 22nd lo Mar. 2nd pm. No reading or writing mix ho spraking 10 students per class all basic grammar is cosrrrd; questions- - Call 1 The men's 3 x relay race kilometers seven skiers at each) was (three skier a as finish Colorado a nearly photo crossed the line four seconds ahead of the n Lund. Nonetheless, the Utes Utes' scored 92 points in the combined Nordic Colorado's total events to edge runner-u- p Thursday's slalom but caught a tip on Friday. Mark Halvorson crossed under the wire in 10th place on Thursday and lowered that to fifth place in the second run of the combined event. The University won the Women's Division A slalom as Anne Done Carlson scored a pair of victories in the combined slalom. She came from behind in both races and nipped Jill Wahlquist of New Mexico by .77 seconds in the combined slalom event. The women's team won the Division A championship with 207.5 points. Coach Pat Miller was pleased with the results but pointed out that the lack of snow has definitely hurt the Alpine skiers' training routine. "Overall, both the men's and women's teams skied pretty doggone The Clippers Swen Nater couldn't stop Carl Nick's reverse layup in Friday's game with San Diego. Having been with the Jazz for more than a month, Nicks is seeing more and more playing time every game. 7. TtnorSoprano Six Mikt Clinco Guitar Ralph Forbts DrumsPtrcusjion Paul Eckman Bass John Vantongtrtn KtyboardsVocals Thursday thru Sunday Showtime 8:30 p.m. $3 HOLE IN THE WALL "f acceptance by the graduate school. Come to an orientation meeting where the thesis and dissertation editor will discuss illustrations, copyright, style, format, microfilming, and other regulations. Business Lecture 204 Wednesday, January 21 at Tost March 21 mm iu 12:06 m em mm i mmm amm m N Educational Center 363-444- 4 450 S. 9th East TEST PREPARATION SPECIALISTS SINCE 1938 For Information About Other Centers in Major U.S. Cities ft Abroad Outside N Y State CALL TOLL FREE: 2 |