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Show Tw Dcy Utsh Chronic. Uonday. January 19, PagtFfv fl Panel treats film art by John Pilt much as $300 for one ordinary workshirt. Nava and Thomas faced a similar lack of funds as they filmed The Haunting of M entirely on location in Scotland. This movie was especially difficult because it required an accurate recreation of Europe. Thomas felt, however, that their small filming crew was an advantage in capturing that period as well as the film does. "It you took a hundred people and all the machinery to keep (hem busy, into a castle like the one we filmed in. you'd bury the place." According to Ebert, independent films are often a one-ma- n dream and. therefore, very their to producers. Unfortunately, personal he said, even the best indeix'ndent films are Chronicle staff A good film, according to Gregory Nava, ol The the cinematographer and is of a "function thought, not HauntingofM. money." Nava was one of three filmmakers 10 take part in a discussion of independent films at the United States Film and Video Festival, Wednesday at Park City. Roger Ebert, film critic for the Chicago led the informal discussion, in which Nava, his wife and director of The co-direc- Sun-Time- s, Haunting of M, Anna Thomas, and actordirector David Carradine talked candidly about some of the unique problems facing independent films, in this country of n dollar budget studio releases. Carradine has starred in several pictures, but his own film, Americana, look only 18 days to shoot at a fraction of the cost of his biggest acting success, Bound for Glory. Carradine contends that the lack of money facing most indeendent filmmakers forces them to be more creative and resourceful in ruder to make a good film. "The big studios come along with a dumptruck of money and dump it all over the set. That's handy, but when the money is gone, there's still no assurance of a good movie," Carradine said. The making of Bound for Glory required the largest movie crew in the industry's history, took six months to shoot and more than 800.000 feet of film. While it was an excellent film, it took millions, according to Carradine, to create the same feeling and style he creates in Americana, which tells the story of a Vietnam vet's struggles after he tetui ns to his Kansas home. "We couldn't afford paid extras so we just filmed the local people as they came to see what was going on. We couldn't have hired a more authentic look." Ebert pointed out that the filmmakers also rarely commercially successful (John Carpenter's Halloween is one notable multi-millio- big-budg- et exception), yet they are being turned out in record numbers. Several reasons for this trend were discussed Wednesday. The most prevalent reason was said to be a breakdown of quality pictures from the established Hollywood scene. Ridiculously excnsivc union rules are causing film budgets to inn case dramati- cally. The cost of simple production t measures in the studio system, such as a Ikvehicles moved all must by union drivets at union wages, een if the vehicle is rule-tha- - only moved once ent films have day, are amusing to difficult time being a distributed. With movie disasters like Heaven's Gate still fresh on people's minds, very few distributors are taking chances. The difference between the independent couldn't have paid for mote authentic costume designing, since the major r ptoducer and the commercial studios, Hollywood costume companies charge as One of Utah's a film makers. While independents may be lestricted in many ways, they are, for the most part, free from the binds of union and studio inles. Most imjxiitant, they are free to stray fiom the beaten path of the commcuial film pallet n. which is also the main reason why independi ndetx'tulen t Br1 ...m best rock bands Call or Lynn 5341105 3598319 Jill y films Living and struggling in isolation's yastness John Osburn Chronicle staff by Torn in his best and most fully exploied Heartland begins with a woman plac ing an ad for work as a housekeeper in the Wyoming wilderness. It ends with her midwiving a calf in the dead of night. The marvel of the movie is in the progression from the first event to the last. It forms a struc ture whic h is both free and sy mbolically intertwined. The film has the freshness of indeix-nden- i filmmaking which it is and the surety of a united work of art. To watch Heartland, which is based upon the actual writings of the lead character, is to enter into a profound indeed. So must have Elinore Stewart (CiOiuhata Fen ell). Civile Slewait (Rip according to Elicit, is thai the independent will say. "It'll ncvci make a dime, hut it's not shit." The studios say, "It's shit, hut it'll make money." DATE: TIME: PLACE: Tuesday, January 20, 1981 12 Noon BUC, Room 204 Refreshments will be served. An Equal Opportunity Employer. RENT A COLOR TV per month 1 U Also rent stereo systems, home systems, entertainment centers, washers, dryers, microwaves, BW and color TVs. mi - 2J a- njuQt 1 'i3w mlc m I&kK audiences, films like Ameruana and The Haunting of M aie likely to ine lease, foi most independent lilmmakets like Catradine doe s about his film: "It's .1 painting I've eie.iteel. So what if it isn't hung in a museum." employment opportunities. All Business students graduating in May or August are invited to attend. Per quarter home Also rent stereo $ w own- a several yeais peddling theii film to exhibitor. Despite the elilfieultv in finding The Surface Transportation Department of RENT A FRIDGE a- - Festival, which saves mainlv to piomote these films. Often the makets themselves must spend The panelists said until major studios are willing to freshen the anient movie trend with independently pioduced ieatuies, the public will have to keep their eyes open for events like the United Stales Film and Video J -- Feiris' sctipt with uncanny ease. The events ol one life attain tragic dimensions. The whole thing is interrelated. A not ma! event will attain the stature of a theme and other notmal events will teinloice it. This is Shane without the outlaw diama doesn't need a human catalyst. To ch ime this moie concisely wouldn't do it justice. One vague example suffices: When thecalf is horn, the whole lilin comes together Just like that. And a special lealialion. whic h will bediffcicni for everyone, navels a piofound course thiough oui senses. for more information and 1L ii seven-year-ol- d found?), a horse must be shot (where's there Uhk to feed him?). Director Richard Pearce unfolds Beth awareness of what it was like to live and struggle under that great loieboding sky. Cinematogiapher Fred Mutphy fills the scTeen with vastness. When he switches to the inteiior ol a cabin, we feel very small to arrange details for an audition. auu and Jerrine. Flinoie's daughter (Megan Folsom). I'nder that sky. in that imjxissible isolation, these three must make every dec ision on the basis of no choice at all. Or nearly. Elinoie remanies (who but Clyde is around?), a child is hoin without a midwife (where's one to be rede) Conoco Inc. will be on campus to discuss is looking for a talented, innovative, and progressive lead guitarist. Heartland United Slates Film and Video Festival Park Citv GE (. 3ff" Mi 2SE -- K 'O C3& no !5S2P 'fJSKDD gssiaaaiM.-- CD ' entertainment centers, washers, dryers, microwaves, fridges and BW TVs. 1 a - us star- - ! oiu ai O u (S3'.tSD uUXHJ. eCKr QS!13lI'33''SO (JICHjS 'tvJm- "' as ro 'IB onscnta CRs 30iCD |