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Show The DcBy Utah Chronicle, Opening U 1SS0 Page Siityfie gymnasts favored for US title Continued from page SUly-on- e years for the women One opportunity toeompt-t- internationally which college gymnasts hae is the Woild I'myersm Gamev fur pwimasis will make up the I'nited Stales University team, and Marsden said he thinU the Iniiersity gymnasts will be pan of the e team. The training schedule ioi the I'mieism' gymnast is rigcHous. and alsocoiitribuu-- . to the high nutiiul lanking. Starting September 15. the women will woikout foui houisa dav. five day a utt k. Oiht i s hold pi a u es but Mjisdrn said he thinks thr uoiixn mttl a bieak emotionally and physically fiom gymnasia Gom()etiiion foi the "Winning UttV" stan Januaiv 50 101 with a home nut-- against IVvj-FI'aso in 1IPFR-Masidtii vi n! public supMil for his squad lu Ixvii vi good, and he's looking loi even more this vt ai . 1 In- - national meet held at Pel in State last veai boasted 3.IHHI i .'.MKI laiis. When the meet is held at the I'niveisitv. Maisden said lu lo bieak the moid The gap between the numhets one and two has I teen steadilv naiiowing the I'niveisitv scjuad. In h'fl, it should shiink Kt a device Maisden and his team can easih navel v. hl i Going to school and competing on the gymnastics team at the same time is hard for the women, according to Marsden. But they have learned to deal with the pressures, and the overall squad giade-jjoin- t average is above 3.0. "When thex'ie busy, the gills learn to lit- - nunc efficient with their lime." Marsden said. "They actually tend to d better academicallv during fall and uintei quaiteis, when we'rewoiking out. then they do during spiing quaitet when thev have a lot of time to waste." Along with having top gymnasts among its ranks, the I'niersity has several other advantages when have made it a top contender to win the national meet. whi h will be hald in the Special Events Onter in April. Those advantages include having the finest naming facility in the nation, an excellent dance program and tremendous suppoit fiom the administration. Maisden said. The team also Ixiu fits fiom hav ing national eiMsuie and being affiliated with a school of the rniversiiy's caliber, he said. Hav ing a facility like the I'niveisity's isa tesult of linanc ial and personal suport of I'niveisity administrator, according to Marsden. "Thev follow our piogiess and come to the meets. The girls can feel that kind ol supxrt " And. gymnastics is a cioss between dance and performance, having a dance dexntment like the doesn't hurt either. "I think of gymnastics as University's somewhere between actual sport and actual art." Marsden said. "It's a creative thing, but it requires a commitment to e athletics." The national exxsure the University has had is a tesult of Marsden 's work to get elite gymnastic s competition to come jo the Special Events Onter. litis shows off the I'niveisity's commitment to gymnastics, and gives the elite gymnasts the chance to see what a nice place Utah is. he said. 1 F evits Sports prosper Continued from page Si Ms four The economic imiac t of Title IX has Iteen felt mainlv in the men's nonievenue spoils, wheie the budget allocations haven't kept up with inflation. But this has been made up with student fee increases and tonuibutions. which totaled about $600,000 last yeai. In addition, the contributions also tuitions. pav foi "Because of the women's leadeiship. Title IX has leallv worked here." Reddish said. "Asfarasthenonrevt'iuiestoits oo 3 ST n- o 3 3O o 3 o CD CD CD O Q. CD 3 CD (0 Q. W -- out-of-sta- 03 T3 CD O 0) "D Ol CD 00 o te I go. a woman volleyball player now has the same opixirtunities as a baseball playei. and even in basketball, things aieev ening up." he said. "I can't think of one pioblem we've had with it. unlike some univeisities wheie thev'ie literally fighting over money." As far as the future goes, a study is now underway to look into the feasibility of expanding Rice Stadium. "To keep up in Division I football, what we need the most is loenlaige the football stadium." Reddish said. "The critic s say we can't fill up what we already have, but the pioblem is we don't have enough good seats. I'd like to achieve I0.(KX) new good seats seats we could sell on a seasonal basis." CD Save on Our Style of Famous Names! 4 Days Only! ffi . iNf jj t Ml-I- f I lntallMI l ikfinlli I any regular priced purchase of $10 or more with this coupon. find fantastic September is "Brand Name" month at J.M. McDonald's! 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