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Show Ptz Tht 0s9y Thirty-fo-ur WsSi Chronica, Openins 1K3 patrick klingaman Abortion a complex issue with no simple solution celebrated a victory in 1Q7S when the Court declared abortions legal. They also Supreme Pro-abortioni- experienced "victories" in their continual efforts to supply government aid to the poor for abortions. On the other side, or "pro-lifersclaimed victory in June when the Supreme Court upheld the Hyde Amendment, which prohibits federal aid for abortions except to save the life of the mother, or in cases of rape or incest. Frankly. I can't understand how anybody can savor a lictory dealing with the issue of abortion. Do believe their day of glory will come when every woman has a guaranteed right to kill any inconvenient or unplanned baby in her womb with taxpayers picking up the tab? Do pro-lifesee their Utopia as a world where abortion is a crime and where women who sneak into comer "butcher shops" for abortions who often leave mangled or bleeding to death- are seen as sinners "receiving their just desserts?" n Sometimes, when I view these pro-- and organizations in action where uncompromising, bitter , almost violent confrontations take place between the two sides, and where competent political candidates are witch-hunte- d and their careers destroyed because they were on the wrong side of this issue I answer yes to the above questions. anti-abortionis- ts, ." pro-abortioni- sts rs - anti-abortio- Let's eo one step further. Assuming abortions were legal. should the government pay for those who cannot afford them? It depends on whether one perceives the art as a medical necessity or merely as a convenience. Most agree that the government should step in to help finance abortions in extraordinary cases where the mother's life is in danger, cases of rape, incest, etc. But should taxpayers dig deep into their pockets to pay for terminating irw unwanted fetus of a woman too ignorant or careless to use birth control? As a taxpayer I would be willing to pay for plastic surgery for a poor woman whose face had been gnarled and mangled in an accident, but I would not pay her bill if all she wanted was a nose job. My position on abortion (legalized but not federally-fundeis not a simple sure-a- ll that will put an end to the suffering. It has its problems, but it is the least uncomfortable position I can find. This position may be labeled a cop-oubut I see it as a rocky little piece of middle ground where the abortion questions may find suitable climate to spawn a final solution to the problem. This compromise is certain to anger and displease both and extreme Perhaps the perfect both are extremes which is with one compromise abortion organizations, which seem to These single-issu- e lack of total a understanding and compassion for possess those who differ from them, frighten me. To me. the issue of abortion cannot be viewed in terms of black and white, right or wrong and requiring simple solutions. Abortion is a complex, heart-- renching problem with no solution in sight that will end the suffering and unfairness. Personally. I am against abortion and believe it to bean art of murder. When it comes to forcing this belief on others, however. I uneasily hesitate. After all. I only believe that abortion is murder. The scientific community has yet to conclusively proe me right or wrong. (They may never do so.) How can I impose a mere belief on others who believe abortion is not wrong, but is simply a means to prevent bringing an unwanted child into this world? How could I. in black-markgood conscience, force these women into unsafe, abortion "clinics?" Unfortunately, simply letting all women have abortions is no panacea either. It is difficult for the many who view abortion as murder to see its legality enforced by the federal government. Some of us also have nightmares where people view abortions so casually that it becomes a frequent substitute for conscientious practice of birth control. w d) t. et pro-lifer- s. Christopher smart Election leads candidates to create an atmosphere of war Limited nuclear war? Some Carter administration defense advisors now believe we can wage one, and the MX mobile missile system is the central feature in this unthinkable policy. Until now, the United States and the Soviet Union have been operating under a theory which is named Mutual Assured Destruction (MAD). This philosophy held that nuclear war would be deterred because both the United States and the Soviets would wage an all-onuclear war and everything and everybody would be destroyed. ut But now a new targeting doctrine calling for limited but highly accurate nuclear strikes on Soviet military and command posts, known as Presidential Directive 59, was signed by President Carter July 25. It means that instead of keeping nuclear war at bay with the threat of destroying population centers, we will now aim at strategic points. The new position must look very much like a e stance to the Soviets. The new directive was drafted and pushed by Zbigniew Brzezinski, Carter's national security advisor. As with the invasion of Iran, first-strik- The Muskic decision. Clandestine and scheming have become Brzeiinski's high-hande- d signature, but what kind of hold does he have on the president to keep these important policies from everyone but a handful of people who say "yes" to the national security advisor? Two significant political questions come out of the new doctrine. Did the president and the national security advisor take this step down the road to the inevitability of nuclear war to ward off the goading Ronald Reagan and his charges that Carter is soft on defense? And is the new directive aimed at making MX seem necessary, in an immediate sense, toour strategic arsenal. MX is T h TTnP KSf) GALLERY Wicker mirrors this time it's Edmund was left completely out of the the secretary of state touted as the most accurate intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM). With the new policy, the U.S. would need the most sophisticated weapon possible to pinpoint targets in the Soviet Union. Of course, the weapon wouldn't be quite so necessary if some U.S. stategists didn't believe the Soviets, with new accuracy in their own ICBMs, weren't planning a limited nuclear strike on America. The thinking among those advisors, which by no means represents a consensus among defense strategists, is that if the Soviets threatened a limited strike, the president would either have to acquiesce or e nuclear war. Hence, our launch a very existence hangs on building the MX as soon as possible. If the Soviets did launch a limited nuclear strike at our military and command posts. MX surely would be of primary important? to them. But the burning question is: Do our election process and presidential politics lend themselves to an atmosphere of war by two candidates trying to act tough and goad each other into crossing the next line? The policy of Directive 59 was created by a small number of people who believe we tan actually win a nuclear war. Even though that document was brought about by only a few individuals, most notably the egocentric Brzezinski, it is now the official policy of the land. Informed analysts are calling the move dangerous and politically motivated. 'ITie political motives for Carter looking tough on defense are clear in light of Reagan's charges. But the motives which have driven this insanity into U.S. official policy reside in the man who will be known as the Rasputin of full-scal- the Carter White House. Go Where Your Mind Takes You... With Correspondence Study. 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