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Show Tht DeSy Utefi Chronic. Openings 1SC0 n ! nh Ptt Forty-fe- w Honeysuckle Roses i i i Film a tired story of wife-swappi- ng ( by Lois Collins Chronicle staff iV Almost every book, short story or song that ever dealt with the life of an entertainer has pointed out the ease with which the star finds a warm body to comfort him on the road. Rod Stewart always has a friend to fight his loneliness for him. Country singers swap wives and husbands. Infidelity is the name of the game. But. Willey Nelson? Say it isn't so! The same old story serves as the basis for Honeysuckle Nelson's first Rose, starring role. He is Buck Bon ham. married and happily thoroughly devoted to Viv (Dyan who home with their son Jamie (Joey at Cannon), stays Floyd). Buck spends the first half of the nearly plotless movie making love with Viv. crooning at family reunions with Viv and having ice cream fights with Viv. And. despite this busy schedule, Viv still finds time to introduce him to Lily (Amy daughter of his best friend. Irving), the Buck Bonham Band is ready to go on as the Then, alas, just another tour surely the way to superstardom Garland (the t ft St I O 0 ld Buck Bonham (Willie Nelson) and his backup, Lily (Amy Irving), croon the same tired tune of infidelity in "Honeysuckle Rose." The movie marks Nelson's first starring role and possibly his last. aforementioned best friend, played by Slim Pickens) announces he is retiring. A replacement must be found, and they settle for Lily for three weeks, at which lime a "tested" pro will join the group. Lily says she has been "going to bed with Buck's music" since she was nine, but the music apparently isn't enough for her now that she's a big girl, so they have an affair. Sounds like it could become interesting, but it doesn't. Lily has no personality, Viv just gets to smile a lot, and what should be the high point of the movie Nelson's singing is too choppy and disjointed to be properly enjoyed. Every scene (each about 10 minutes long) serves as the vehicle for some trite "truth." "Oh, from the mouths of babes," Viv jests after a particularly meaningful homily from Jamie. And on and on and on. Cannon is the most brilliant of the crew, but she doesn't get much chance to shine. Most of the time is spent focusing on for him. They scuffle poorly Garland shoots him (the bullet tears his shirt, don't panic), they drink a lot of tequila and come out kissing. What does he do about Viv? He still loves her. Finally he goes back and sings her a love song, and they are doing duets once more. Nelson makes it look easy, like it's all in a days Buck, who sing so close to each other they look like can't quite get it together. one good scene, Viv, who has come to surprise her at one of his shows they always do that, don't h finds the illicit lovers practicing they? resuscitation on stage. Viv tells the audience Lily is their best friend's daughter; why, she even teaches their son how to play the guitar, and they have really loved her. Smiling pleasantly, she announces she is divorcing Buck. Obviously, Buck is in trouble. It was just a fling. His band abandons him; he isn't in love with Lily; he wants his wife and son back; and Garland's kind of mad, too just not a good day for our hero. What, you might ask, does one do in this situation? Buck drives to Mexico, where he waits for Garland to come looking Lilv and fish that In her husband mouth-to-mout- you don't care much about plots or characterization, Honeysuckly Rose may be just what you need. But to really enjoy it, you need to be a hardcore Willie Nelson fan. Really hardcore. If, award-winner- on the other hand, you are checking out potential don't bother with this one. It got up and s, crawled away from the cutting-roo- m floor. sound sensory In SugarhouM work. If you are only looking for a way to escape the blahs, and 2132 So. 1109 E. 437-54- 71 CsDopraBDri $ KENWOOD KR-501- from 0 DC Receiver 45 Watts per Channel Minimum RMS into 8 ohms, Hz, with no more than 0.03 total harmonic distortion audio technica The Graphic Liner Summit Includes audio-technic- a Dual Magnet " Cartridge KD-210- 0 $ KENWOOD Belt-Driv- e, 3-W- ay Automatic Turntable Illuminated Stroboscope, .06 Wow and Flutter. EDUCATE YOUR EARS with Klipsch & Kenwood Sound System Reg. $136900 JS(OW or with ARS Speakers WWW ZWm dDdD |