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Show 013 014 I 618 How do I kxatee dance bender a fnuslcal group? 619 Where on campus can a student nave aw IndM dual art show? 622 What to the stomprock potry? at the iltstde 010 ilfeta StamHtimrm T13 mpttmlZcem3 710 Drug 717 710 a drinker are you? 710 729 Drug theU.S. 110 131 of Utah? WhkM of leaser are tomeo 202 203 What the UieWiahy Counseling Center to and 575 and Treatment 201 ted Pernl Concern CounseSng 713 200 offers. 576 How to de with broken ratatiortsrup 577 How and where to meet people S76 How can I team to retox? 579 What to self assertion? 580 What to do about depression 581 How to hetp a Mend 582 How shall select a major? 583 How can I improve my abdrty to make decisions? 584 How an I Improve my reading skits? 585 How can I improve my study skJto? 730 Getting control of my time. 731 Deaengwtth my fear of failure 732 Overcoming feeing of inferiority 733 Personal probiems are causing me to fas. 734 Feeling comfortable with the opposite sex. 735 My mend ts Ulking about suicide What should do? 752 Famly and Marriage Counseling 204 1 206 207 H rt (a At (A - 3 I rt Employment 327 331 332 333 334 335 COS 012 How do I obtain Parking Permit? Whit typos of Parking Permit my I buy? Mow do I obtain a perm for my out of state vohJde? What to a Car Pool and how do I regtetar for one I am hjndkappod. What can I do to gat special parking? Where can I get information concerning avaltabi parking places on campus? Where may viators park on campus? Do I need no fault Insurance? Do I need to. and how do I register my motorcycle? My battery is dead. My car la stuck, Helpl Where can I get It? How do I appeal a Parking Ticket on campus? Where can I buy a bus ticket? And what is the latest Information about bus routes and stops? Who can use the parking lot In front of the Union? Non-roattt- nt Protection Agslnst Crirno know of a crime. What should I do? 722 know of liegal drug activity. What should I do? 723 Self protection for women. 724 Marking or engraving on furniture and appliance as protection against theft. 721 Recreational Activities Campus Recreation Athletic Events Ticket Information SEC (581-831Movie recordlng-S- 81 Recreation recording )SS47) 4581-362- Rents! Inferrnction How can I find a part-timJob in the community? How do I write an effective resume? Where can I And out about the employment pros pects and salaries for college graduates? How can I Interview for career employment with employers on campus? How can a Liberal Arts major find a job upon 353 354 355 graduation? 356 How can I use the services of the Placement Center to And career employment? 744 How can I find a Job on campus? part-tim- e Ethnic Students What is Ethnic Tutoring? 1S4 Activrtiss Co-Cunicu-lar 208 209 Hoar do Aid? do J apply for Financial 210 How 211 212 213 214 (ft What What What What if J know am Aid is is is is tuition? kind of Financial Aid is available? Hone Away From Hesie 500 Why Residence Haas? 501 What to Commuter Housing Services? 502 What do Residence Hate provide? 503 What to Family Housing? 504 Who to ekglbie for Famly Housing and how do I apply? 505 How dol ' shop for Commuter Housing"? 506 Medical How do I get help In planning a program? Are there resources available which help provide J eligible for Financial after 216 What Plaza Housing am having rental agreement problems. Where can I get help? 729 Dealing with door to door salesmen 728 525 620 i a Guaranteed Student Loan? How do I get one? 215 Do you iave a loan to pay e I leadership training and personal development? ASIAJ I I 723 351 352 Do l have to be aewattad to the Untmrmt of Utah to be const is chore a foe charged tar What about applying for j wnicft si rerjmed or not ueeaT? Can my schoersrep be poaxponaef Mow oo l get the cash from my other aid? Mow do I kow a? my famfy s income we ojuedfy me for financial eef? successful In do I need to Can I apply for financial as) or j time during the year? International Studsnti Studtrrt Government 736 What Is student government at the University of Utah? How can I get Involved In student government? How can I run for student body office? What is free "U" and how can I get Involved In It? What Is HelpUnc and how can rt help me? What kind of academic tutoring Is available through ASUU and how much will It cost me? How are student fees budgeted and where do 737 How does a student organization go 1 25 126 1 27 128 129 1 30 they go? about get ting student funds? 738 What the ASUU Ombudsman can do for you. 739 Course Evaluation Students feelings about specific courses and professors. 740 What ts the student discount program? 74 What Is Student Advisory Council (SAC), and how do I get involved? 742 What Is the Assembly? How do I find out the name of my college representative? 743 Who lobbies for student legislation affecting students at the U. of U? Who can I contact for Information about English for foreign students and wives? 226 What do I need u travel outside of the U3 7 227 Where to the Foreign Student Office located? 228 How do I extend my passport? 229 How do I apply for a work permit? 230 How do I extend my stay? 231 What Is practical training and how do apply? 232 Can renew my visa In the Uhited6tates? 233 What is the Home Hospitality Program and how 225 I I 234 do I qualify? What is the address of the local office of the Immigration and Naturalization Services? What are the Human Relations Area Files? 287 W hat are International documents? 292 What is the Middle East Collection? 267 1 250 25 1 501 503 504 505 726 727 728 Where can I rent films and equipment on campus? Where can I rent calculators? What is Commuter Housing Services? What Is Family Housing? Who is eflglble for Famty Housing and how do lappfy? How do I "shop for Commuter Housing"? Renting an electronic engraver. Renting sporting and camping equipment. I am having rental agreement problems. Where can I get help? Fraternities and Sororities What are fraternities and sororities? 536 What is Rush? 537 What does It cost to belong to a fraternity or sorority? 535 Veterans 161 617 am a Veteran. What are rny VA. educational benefits? Where and how do I apply for my veteran s benefits? Organizations on the University Register 532 533 STUDENT ACTIVITIES AND SERVICES How can I find out about different organizations to Join? What are the privileges and responslblltles of organizations on the University Register? How can I start a student organization? How can an organization get office space in the Union? Activities 329 520 529 530 601 615 538 539 540 541 747 Students Rights and Responslblltles Individual Student Conduct What Is the Student Code? I feel a professor has graded me unfairly What can I do? I have been charged with violating the Student Code What are my rights? I know someone who has violated the Student Code How do I file a charge? Appeals and Complaints Women's Eupsychia University I.D. and Activity Cards. Lostl. and Activity Cards. Whan and where are the University Union movies held? What is the Kalekloacope Series and who sponsors It? What laths Union Cork Room and who entertains then? What li the Chaeenge Series? How do I gat Information concerning the concerts Center? being held in the Special Events I In leagues student Involved bowing How do get or learn to bowl? Wlurt programs are ha ppenkgrntrUrUon? What movies ere being shown? 650 651 652 653 654 655 is the Women. s Resource Center and who can use its services? What are Women s Studies classes? Is It possible to get a degree in Women s Studies? What special counselng is available for women? What is a non traditional student? What special counselng is available for the non What traditional student? What s the non traditional student tuition waiver program? Am eligible? If so. where and how do I apply? 65? What groups are available if l am interested in the Women s Movement or consciousness rasing? 658 What specific classes does the Women s Resource Center offer? 659 How can get information on Women s issues for a class paper or Just for my own learning? 660 What specific programs does the Women s Resource Center offer? 661 if I think have been treated unfairly. where can I go for help? 662 How can I find a speaker on Women s issues for my group or class? 663 Where can I find general referral Information on health and legal services for women? 656 Handicapped Student Services 527 745 746 I 534 607 610 712 520 Students' Rights and Responsibilities 276 550 55 1 552 553 554 555 556 am handicapped. What can I do to get special parking? Does the Ibrary have fadlties for the handicapped? What vocational rehabilitation services are available to handicapped students? What van transportation for handicapped students is available? What services are available for students in wheelchairs on campus? What are Student Services for the Handicapped' How do get a handicapped parking permit? What services are available for bind students at the Center for Handicapped Students? What help can a handicapped student get with registration and class changes? I I I I I |